
2 methods to find out if you will have business customers

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Hello and welcome to the “Y Poster Complet” , the channel which helps seasonal owners and managers of seasonal accommodation to become serene and ultra-profitable . Today, I am going to answer a question that sometimes arises: “Will I be able to welcome business customers to my seasonal rental which is about to open its doors, or to the project that I am currently developing? currently building? »

So why might we ask this question? Am I going to welcome business customers? Because the business clientele is a clientele that is very attractive , we will say, for seasonal rental guests . This is a clientele who is less sensitive to prices , who will have little presence in the property (so they will not dirty it much). It is a clientele who will also respect the places more in general, we can say, since it is a clientele who comes for work , who often reserves in the name of their company or, in any case, not in their name staff. So, she doesn't particularly want to make waves in property. So, business customers, we are happy to receive them and we hope to capture them.

I will explain to you how to know if you are going, in any case, to look for ideas to understand whether or not you will have the chance to welcome business customers to your seasonal rental . If you like daily videos , the best way to support my work is to give a thumbs up below the video you are currently watching. This will allow the algorithm to know that you find that this is a quality video with content that interests , and it will allow me to continue to spend time making videos for the YouTube “Y Poster Complete ".

So, one of the first things when we want to know if we can have a business clientele in a city, is to look on AirDNA . At “Y Poster Complet”, when we audit a city for seasonal rental, when we start to collaborate, particularly on the service provision , we will start with an audit of the city for seasonal rental and an audit of the history of the property. For the city audit, we look to AirDNA and a number of two graphs present on the site. I'm going to show you one, which is, for us, one signal among others about the presence of business customers .

So, I'm going to take... See, I did the research for Amiens . For what ? Because I was in an Amiens this morning. Shout out to all the people who are in Amiens ! If you are in Amiens, write to me in comments! So, it loads… So, we will be able to filter on “Amiens, France”. You may have municipalities that are in other countries with the same name, so don't hesitate to choose carefully. We're going to go to the occupancy .

So, on this occupancy , what we have for the city of Amiens is the 75 percentile occupancy rate and the 50 percentile occupancy rate . And there, I haven't filtered anything, so that means that I have all the properties in the city of Amiens, regardless of their number of rooms, the number of travelers they can accommodate, and whatever either… So no, not whatever the type of ad, since it filters on the basis of entire properties , which suits us, because this is the scope with which we want to compare ourselves. So there, I don't filter, I look at all the properties. I'm really going to be interested in the filling trends in the city of Amiens in the past. There, we have data going from May 2019 to April 2022 . You see, we have a lot of data in the past, and with these fill rates…

Ah yes, last preliminary explanatory point: the difference between the 50 percentile and the 75 percentile . I made a video about this, so be sure to check out the AirDNA playlist on the YouTube . You will find a video that explains the definition of percentile . Quick summary if you don't have time: the 50 percentile , we can exaggerate the line by saying that it is the average , and the 75 percentile , it is the value from which we have the 25% of the best announcements on the occupancy rate. So, for example, if we take July 2021 , where my cursor is currently, the 75 percentile tells me that those who had the best occupancy rates reached 84% or more , and the average occupancy rate was at 62% .

So, that's it for the introduction. There, when we see this, we have a filling profile . If I look at 2021 , we know that we had some impacts from the pandemic , etc., but we still see that in 2021 , for the best actors from January 2021 to December 2021, we have a relatively stable occupancy rate which oscillates between 77% and 94% . So here, this clearly shows us that this linearity of fillings in Amiens , even outside of school holidays , allows us to know that we will very probably have a business clientele in Amiens , which will allow us to benefit from this type of customer base.

I'm going to take another city to show you a caricatured example of the opposite. Which city could I take? Courseulles-sur-Mer , for example. There, we have a occupancy rate that almost doubles between the depths of winter and the rest of the year. We have huge falls. So here, we are really on the robot portrait of the ultra seasonal and ultra dependent on school holidays , where it is very likely that there are fewer business customers . Please note, I am not saying that in Courseulles-sur-Mer , there will never be any business customers , because that is completely false. It can happen, but overall, support from business customers is not very present outside of school holidays. We cannot count on this clientele to have smoothed income throughout the year.

This is a contrasting example. I hope this helps you better understand how to analyze the potential business customers in your location .

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