
3 equipment that will not make you sell your short-term rental more expensive

3 equipment that will not make you sell your short-term rental more expensive

⭐ 3 pieces of equipment that will not make you sell your short-term rental more expensive

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Hello, and welcome to the “J’poster Complet” channel, the channel that helps seasonal hosts and seasonal accommodation managers become serene and ultra-profitable entrepreneurs.

Today, I am going to share with you different elements that when we want to invest in short-term work, we will sometimes really value it by saying to ourselves: “That’s a good idea. If I invest in a house, in an apartment where there is this, it will really help me make more turnover. »And in reality, they are false friends. In reality, these are common beliefs that we can have, but which from experience, I see at J'poster Complet, are not found at all in the figures, and which can, therefore, be expenses that 'we are not able, in the end, to add value in the short-term exploitation of the real estate that we have purchased, of the house that we have purchased, of the villa, of the apartment. And so, I wanted to prevent you from making these mistakes. I wanted to warn you by saying: “Be careful, these three elements may seem like they're going to be the jackpot, but be careful, because it's not necessarily. » I am giving them to you today to prevent you from falling into this trap. 

As you know, we are live every Tuesday and Thursday at noon, whether on our YouTube channel, on our Facebook group, or on the J'poster Complet Instagram account. So listen, and don't hesitate to say hello when you arrive. It will really be a pleasure to see you live again today to answer your questions. You can ask me questions about current topics, or the topic of today's video. There is no problem. I answer all questions. I think my neighbors decided to do some work, just to have a very good atmosphere today. So, I hope it doesn't create too much disruption in the video. This is the magic of live. And to be honest, I heard the buzz start when I started the video. I was like, “Nice, guys, really, thank you.” It's nice. Infinite gratitude. It helps me. » So there you have it. I see there are already many of you. Thank you. 

− Hello, Maxime, welcome.

− Hello, Romain, welcome to you. 

Good vibes. It must be an emoji, but I can't see it. But it says “good vibes”. That suits me, good vibes. It's cool. 

− Hello Alice. Welcome. 

I see everyone is watching us from YouTube. If you have not yet subscribed to the YouTube channel, please do so. And if you put the little bell on, you too will be alerted as soon as I come live, and that allows you to join us, ask questions, discuss together. It's always really cool. 

− Hello Fabrice. Welcome. 

− Hello Théophile. I hope you're well. 

− Hello Jimmy. I hope you are doing well too. 

− Hello Pierre. Welcome. 

− Hello to you who are watching us from Facebook. Welcome to you from the Facebook group. 

I see there are also a lot of you from Instagram. 

− Hello Justin. 

− Hi Sandra. 

We are therefore going to discuss this subject. This subject will interest you if you are currently looking to invest to operate in a short term, or if you are looking to start or develop in subletting. In both cases, obviously, it's important. In both cases, you will make a financial commitment for an apartment from which you obviously hope for the best returns, and therefore the best possible profitability. As you know, at J'poster Complet, we now work for more than 400 apartments. We're going to end the year with — I have to do the math again — I always say that I have 450 apartments, but now it must be more. We will end the year with nearly thirty clients, and as a result, we cover many areas of France, and even the French Overseas Territories; and many different apartment types, house types, villa types, city types. And that still allows us to have a somewhat global, somewhat macro vision of all of this, and to realize this. Why did I realize this? Because it appealed to me, basically, and I said to myself: “Damn, those are interesting lessons. » Because at first glance, we think one way, and in fact, it turns out to be a false friend. 

In the category of false friends, the first false friend, I find, which is important to mention, because we tend to conflate it with something else, is the sauna. Today, we all know, there is an extremely important trend, which works enormously in what we call loverooms. Attention, love room, it's a name that is registered, but otherwise, these are the rooms for intimacy, we will say: lovers, lovers, or whatever. In any case, these are rooms in which we will find ourselves with a jacuzzi in privacy. And as a result, it works extremely well. Obviously, the average prices on these apartments - and this is not at all a legend - are higher. You can really expect better... I was going to say profitability, but you still have to do your calculations carefully, because you have water costs that are still relatively enormous. But in any case, the average rental price is much higher. That's for sure. And the fillings are quite interesting. We attract a local clientele, which also allows us to be quite resilient to the pandemic. So, it's really very positive. 

Now, I often see a confusion between the jacuzzi product and the sauna product. It's true that you might laugh, because I often say it, at the beginning, I didn't think the sauna was going to work. I said to myself: “Élise, don’t be your old crazy reaction, and see how it goes. » And in fact, it's true that in reality, I'm not saying that the sauna doesn't work, because that would be totally false, I'm not saying that we can't have a slight increase in price linked to the presence of a sauna, but what I find is that on the one hand it is less resistant to seasonality, because there are people who are not going to want to get into something hot like that in the middle of summer. So, that doesn't allow us to capitalize on it all year long. And what's more, I find that we don't surf well on the romantic evening side; finally it is not the same level of power, of performance, as the romantic jacuzzi evening. For what ? Because the sauna, concretely, if you want to flirt with someone, a sauna, you're dripping with sweat, you come out, you're as red as a potato. Obviously, in terms of level of flirting, it is perhaps less effective. That is to say that the guy who wants to pick up his girl, he is perhaps not going to tell himself that he will be in his best light, and even the girl, or whatever. So, for me, it is not necessarily the same expectation of gains as a jacuzzi. And I see that some people are launching saunas with this same expectation of profit. So. Just a quick heads up on that. It can be a false friend, if we expect the same level of filling and average price as a jacuzzi. It's still not the same thing. This obviously brings a bonus compared to a classic apartment, but these are not the same expectations of gains. I think the sauna can also appeal to someone who takes care of themselves. A man or a woman, it doesn't matter, who says to themselves: “I have a little trip to take, and I'm super stressed. In the evening, it will do me good to have a sauna. » But it's more that, in fact, for me, rather than really the concept which corresponds to the love room clientele. This is where we are not necessarily able to achieve the same enormous growth in turnover on loverooms, in my opinion, and what we observe on the apartments on which we work. 

The second false friend is trying to put a bathroom in all the rooms. Sometimes I see that. This is to increase the level of range in the apartment, especially for large apartments. The idea is obviously interesting. The idea is also interesting if you want, at some point, to consider short-term shared accommodation. What is short-term shared accommodation? It is the act of renting, in particular on Airbnb, in a room in a private home. That is to say that you will rent a room in a set on Airbnb. The person knows that they are only going to have one room in a set, and as a result, this allows you to duplicate the income, because the sum of each of the rooms in the unit rents for much more than the value that you will have rented for the entire apartment. So that is something that has been achieved. You often have somewhat technical constraints on the field part of that, because you have to make a lot of passages. That is to say, every time you have a new guest, even if there are already two rooms that are filled, obviously, you have to clean again, and make sure that everything is perfectly clean inside. arrival of the traveler. So, it's still a big stewardship to make sure that it's clean all the time, and perfect all the time. Now, it is true that profitability is more important and interesting. But if you don't have that in mind, trying to put a bathroom in each of the bedrooms is something that will be superficial. In any case, this is the thing that we will have difficulty valuing later, financially. It will increase the level of range, yes. But doing the scenario with or without a bathroom in each room is almost impossible. So, there you have it. That is also, for me, a false friend. 

And the last false friend that I wanted to share with you today is the terrace or exterior part. Often, I am told: “An apartment with exterior or without exterior, with terrace or without terrace? » I'm not denying that obviously, when we have an exterior or a terrace during periods of high demand, I'm not saying that obviously, we're going to put a bonus on the prices, because it's sure that it's super positive to be able to offer this to our travelers, and that there are many travelers who can select us for this. Now, unfortunately, unless it concerns an apartment that is in latitudes where the weather is good all year round, if, for example, you have an apartment, a villa, or a house in Spain or Andalusia, where overall, we can still enjoy the outdoors for a large part of the year, yes, that means that it will be a real bonus over the year. But, in any case, if you are in mainland France, you cannot enjoy the terrace all year round. The exteriors are really confined to a few beautiful summer months in France. And so, in that, it can really be a false friend. What I find obviously depends on the project you have, but sometimes, you really pay for this exterior when purchasing, or even subletting. You can really have rents that are higher, because there is a big garden. In reality, in the short term, this is a point that you will only be able to exploit in pricing for a few months of the year. So, you really have to do your calculations, and not go headlong and say to yourself: “This is great! I'm going to have a terrace, so it's going to be a hit, it's going to be great. » Because in fact, in reality, even when we are in the south, there are properties which, by having a terrace, only allow us to capitalize on that for a few months of the year. So, there you have it. 

For me, it’s really these three points that are false friends. That doesn't mean that if you do that, or if you want to do that, it's unacceptable, and that you should stop everything; no way. On the other hand, what I wanted to share with you is that you have to keep your expectations in mind in this type of scenario. You just have to expect what this element can bring you, and no more to avoid being disappointed, or to simply avoid not being profitable to the extent of what you wanted for the apartment. 

I hope this can help you. Don't hesitate to ask me any questions, if you have any questions today about that, about revenue management. I don't know if you saw, we are currently having a huge explosion in COVID cases, we were talking about it this morning with Jules, who has returned to manage the team. We also talked about it with a customer. It was super interesting, our exchange. And in fact, we were saying that we have a huge explosion in COVID cases, but in reality, if you look, there is not really an explosion in hospitalization cases. So, which could mean that we are perhaps not going to be confined. Please feel free to share what you think. It's true that despite everything, I don't know if you have observed it too, we still see a certain reluctance among travelers to already confirm their stay over Christmas and New Year, due to the media coverage of this explosion of COVID cases, due to the new measures that have been taken, which make everyone suspect that perhaps things will happen. So, this creates a lot of insecurity among travelers, and it can, in fact, delay bookings for Christmas and New Years. Do you also have that on your side? What do you think? Do you have any questions? Do not hesitate to tell me if all this inspires you with any comments, questions, doubts, suggestions. 

I see there is a question on Instagram. Amina tells me: “Great YouTube page. ". 

− Great, thank you very much. It's super nice. You tell me: “My apartment has a south-facing terrace. It helps. » Ah! It's true ! The orientation of the terrace can help, it can allow you to enjoy it longer. You're right, it's important to clarify that. Quite. Very good point. 

− “I’m Carole from Facebook. » 

I take back the messages you sent me on Facebook and Instagram. 

− Hello Carole. Welcome.

− Hello Olivier. Welcome. I hope you're doing well. 

On Facebook, people say “hello” to me with a red heart. 

− Thank you. 

I tell myself that maybe it’s Marie who sent me this. I don't know. I hope I'm not wrong, because otherwise the person is going to think, "Okay, she's not thinking about me." Great ".

− Hi Mélanie. Good morning. How are you ? 

− Maxime: “In your opinion, do the equipment allow you to increase prices? » 

No. The sauna could be considered a piece of equipment. I'm thinking if there really is a piece of equipment that I see that could obviously raise prices. The general truth is that above all, we always need as much equipment as possible. I have in mind, for example, an apartment that is very well equipped, and I see in the comments that people praise the equipment. That is to say, they welcome the fact that there is everything you need, it is super exhaustive. I think that being as equipped as possible allows us to give ourselves every chance of getting excellent grades. That’s why it’s crucial. Afterwards, equipment that would really change the situation by telling us: “Thanks to this, I can increase my prices by 5%, 10%, apart from the jacuzzi, obviously, and there, it's even more than 10%. price increase, I'm thinking... I don't know at all. Afterwards, it's true that sometimes there are perhaps things that we can find, like games. I did an interview a while ago on the YouTube channel of someone who had set up a life-size escape room of apartments. But in fact, it was like a board game, but to be played in his apartment, and which really allowed him to increase his prices during strong periods, and to fill more during weak periods. And people told him: “We’re coming for the escape game, because we’re going to have fun. We chose the apartment for that.” So, ultimately, perhaps this type of very differentiating equipment, which is not the comfort of living in the apartment, but just additional bonuses, perhaps that, yes, that indeed allows to increase prices. But besides, we can see that it's a bit the same thing as the jacuzzi. That is to say that it is not basic comfort which is really a standard to provide to travelers whatever it may be, but really a sort of bonus which will differentiate us, which will be which will be very: “You are going to take us out of the competition.”. 

− Mélanie: “In Martinique, the terrace is a real plus.” 

Yes. I don't know if you noticed, but that's why I said that if you are in mainland France... because in my head, I said to myself: “Yes, but if we are in Guadeloupe or Martinique, it It’s still really a plus.” And we can enjoy it much, much, much longer. It's true that there are certain periods when it rains, but in reality, we can really enjoy it much more. So, you are right to point this out. DOM-TOM, clearly, this is a big advantage over the whole year. Very good point. 

− Mélanie: “Concerning the equipment, we can, upon request, offer a jacuzzi for rental.” 

Yes. It’s true that it’s possible too. Jacuzzi rental, I know there are companies that even do it indoors. It's true. Afterwards, it is still a certain stewardship. You have to make sure that the jacuzzi company takes care of the cleaning too. This must be done in large units: a large apartment, or a large house. But it's true that for a studio, you have to make sure that it can fit. You have to think about it in advance. So, reconstituting a love room in a studio or a one-bedroom apartment, like that, on demand, you really have to think about it in advance. But otherwise, it's true that when you have a large apartment, or even a house with a garden, or a terrace, as you said, it's clear that it's a good idea for additional income. You are right to point that out. Very good idea for additional income. 

Look, I don't see any more questions or comments today. If you're not already in our Facebook group, I don't know if I said so, but please join. In fact, when you join, you will also have a free bonus that will be sent to you by email, which allows you to have the six mistakes not to make. I offer, and share as much additional information as possible in the Facebook group. To give you an example, I shared the information about the closure of nightclubs, indicating that it will be a risk for us because the nightclubs are closed. We risk having one by one we risk having an increase in the number of clandestine parties, and in these cases, the little tip that I quickly shared was to say: do not hesitate to say, even if it is false — I will deny having said it, I am not responsible for having said that — that you have a decibel detector in the apartment, and that you also have cameras filming the common areas, to deter people who have come to have a party, and to potentially, as a result, damage your accommodation units, your apartments, houses, and villas. This is the kind of information that I share as much as possible in the Facebook group to help us all centralize all of this. There are also many other people who share their questions, who present their activities. So, there you have it, don’t hesitate to join us. It's a really nice group, and I'll see you Thursday for the next live. Take care of yourself, and I wish you a very good week. 

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