
4 worst practices in revenue management!

Here is the transcription of the video: Hello and welcome to the J'Affiche Complet , the channel dedicated to seasonal rental companies and seasonal accommodation managers wishing to become serene and ultra-profitable entrepreneurs . Today, I would like to share with you the four worst practices we observe in revenue management .
The first practice will seem obvious to you, but it is something that we still see regularly: some people use the same strategy throughout the year without taking into account calendar and event variations. Whether for prices or length of stays, it is fundamental to adapt your strategy according to supply and demand . For example, when demand is high, it makes sense to increase prices to maximize revenue. Conversely, when there is less demand, it is crucial to find solutions to stand out from the competition and maximize the visibility of your property. The goal is always to close a sale.
The second thing we see frequently is the use of misleading promotions. Some owners inflate their initial prices and then offer promotions. You should know that this practice is completely illegal and that it has no impact on the algorithms of platforms such as Booking and Airbnb in terms of visibility. We recommend that you charge a base price consistent with the market . During low season, if your property is struggling to sell, you can use promotions to attract a different clientele. However, these promotions must be honest and reflect a real discount.
The third point concerns the frequency of price adjustments. Some owners change their prices several times a day, thinking of improving their visibility. In reality, this practice has no impact on the visibility of your property on the platforms and can cause a lot of stress and waste of time. It is best to position yourself from the start at a fair and competitive price on the market. If you need to adjust your prices, do so significantly. Minor adjustments of 1 or 2 euros will not have the desired effect. Instead, opt for adjustments that truly reflect demand and market conditions.
The last point, but not least, is not to overestimate the value of your property . This may concern the quality of the accommodation or its capacity. Some owners think that their property is the highest quality on the market when this is not necessarily the case. Likewise, the number of bedrooms may be overestimated. A room is a room; if you have beds in a mezzanine or similar space, this does not count as an additional bedroom. Overestimating the capacity of your property can have a negative impact on the customer experience , which can result in negative reviews. These reviews directly influence the positioning of your property on the platforms and, therefore, reduce your visibility and your sales.
revenue management strategy and improve the profitability of your property. If this video was useful to you, don't hesitate to like it and subscribe so you don't miss our next tips. Thank you very much and have a great day.
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