
6 infallible keys to being an ultra profitable rental company

6 infallible keys to being an ultra profitable rental company

⭐ 6 infallible keys to being an ultra profitable rental company

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Hello and welcome to the I'm posting full channel, the channel that helps seasonal rental companies, professional sub-renters and seasonal rental concierge services to become serene and ultra-profitable entrepreneurs. Today we are going to talk about the elements that are the key for me, to becoming an ultra profitable entrepreneur in a completely foolproof way. I talked about 6 keys in the title, and I think I have a lot more than that even friends. So, there are 7. So you see, there is even a bonus one that I thought of afterwards. Today, we are going to talk about these elements because it will help you know if you have already started or if you have not yet started. What are the elements on which you need to work a little more or conversely the elements on which you need to prepare when starting up to truly be a peaceful entrepreneur, that's for sure, but above all ultra profitable. These are the keys that I have observed to be the factual elements of successful vacation rentals. I rely on my experiences because we see a lot of apartments go through J'annonce Complet and it's true that I often notice that if there is one of its elements in which there is a flaw, we have necessarily have an impact on the financial performance of the apartment. So, I wanted to bring together in a single video, give you the whole list, all the keys so that you really know which aspects you need to act on, see which ones you perhaps need to invest a little bit in order to that it can be a truly long-term return on investment for your activity and that above all it is sustainable, that you can potentially develop or see the projects that are important to you come to fruition such as having additional income, changing your professional orientation completely , passing on a heritage to your children and other really cool projects. So when you arrive live, don't hesitate to greet me, it's always a pleasure to chat with you, that's why I make live videos so that we can chat together so there you go, don't hesitate not to greet when you arrive.

  • Hello Axel, welcome! Axel is loyal to Lives. Thank you Axel. Welcome!

If you're not a subscriber anyway, because it's true that when I go live, particularly on YouTube, it alerts you that there's a live broadcast starting. So don't hesitate to click on subscribe with the little bell, and like that, you will be alerted of the moments when I start the Lives. They take place twice a week, Tuesday at noon and Thursday at noon.

  • Hello Lisen, who is watching us from YouTube. Welcome!
  • Hello to you, welcome! I don't see your name, but welcome to you!

So, we're going to talk about the 6 keys that are essential if you want to become truly ultra profitable. These are keys, honestly I hesitated to make this video because I said to myself there is a risk of saying oh yes that I know, it's true that there are things in what I'm going to say I'm not going to reinvent powder. There are quite a few things you will probably say to yourself, oh yes, that I know, but there is always a difference between: oh yes, that I know and have we really set it up in the right way? as optimal as possible in our activity where they will really be considered in the activity that we are creating and that makes all the difference. I admit, I also have situations like that as an entrepreneur where I see marketing content, HR content? different elements like that and I say to myself oh yes that I know. It's a human reflex, it's the first thing: oh yes, that's true, I know. But I always force myself to say to myself: ok you know, but have you really implemented it well in your activity or not? And that's yet another aspect and in general, when we agree not to bullshite ourselves too much like that, when we agree to sincerely ask ourselves the question: Ok, have I really put this in place well? or not in my activity? Well there, we manage to obtain interesting actions which will really change the situation for your activity.

  • Hello Maxime! Hello, Élise, always a pleasure to participate in your Live. Awesome ! Thank you, pleasure shared!
  • Hello, Romain, you are also very loyal to Lives, welcome!

So we will start with the first element which is really essential and on which I still see people hesitating about making a safe investment. It's not necessarily phenomenal amounts and yet it's so important, it's the decoration of your short-term rental. I think the biggest problem with this is overestimating our ability to have ideas in decoration, overestimating our ability to see good taste. I think that's it, we all have good taste, we can say that, but it's the good taste of certain people and we don't necessarily have a taste that is universal. This is why you really need to be supported by people whose job it is. I recently interviewed Violaine Richard of an astute renovator on the channel, who does this work and I remain convinced that being supported on this subject is essential to have a product that is in tune with the times, which is not not a decoration which is perishable and which will please everyone because we all have tastes which are ours in the end and it's like home staging, here we have to make sure to have something which will appeal to the greatest number of people or conversely position itself on something atypical, but without excess too, that is to say that sometimes we go into the thematic and the atypical, if we put an excess, I I'm going to say something stupid because obviously it would be a completely stupid theme, but such football for example obviously shouldn't be put everywhere. It doesn't make any sense, even if we make apartments with themes that make more sense, but it has to be done skillfully so that it's pretty, so that it's not shocking and it can still please the audience. more people, even to those who are not really fanatical about the theme you have chosen. So for me, that's the number one key: to take this subject of decoration very seriously, not to say to yourself "oh go ahead, I'll do that quickly, I'll buy three pieces of furniture, three four wall frames and the case is closed. The only thing we buy in short-term rental is something to sleep in, something to shower in a setting that we like. And in fact, this triptych and this beautiful side are in fact a very important part of the crush and the purchase that our traveler will make on the Airbnb and Booking websites. This is very important!

Maxime said to me: can you give an idea of ​​the price of the interior decorator? Unfortunately I don't know the prices of Violaine. The question has already been asked to me. Frankly, I think I need to ask him so I can answer this question if I ever get asked it. I think we should ask her about that and I imagine that she also has quotes that are specific depending on the surface area, the number of rooms, etc. So here's to asking for it, and you can request it from Élise from J'poster Complet. So that's it. Point number one, decoration.

Point number 2 which is also a subject on which we tend to want to deny. We say to ourselves: “I’ll get there, it won’t be so bad, etc.” And no! It's a trap! Point number two is the photos! Taking very good quality photos is really important. You can have a magnificent decoration, but if the photos are poorly taken, if you have a kind of viewing angle that gives the impression that the room is very small or if the opposite is true, you do it while the light is not is not very good, it can be really very detrimental since the only thing the traveler sees is the photos. So, you will tell me yes, but Élise, there is a Claire video recently on the channel which explains to us how to take the photos ourselves. It's true that we say to ourselves, sometimes we're just starting out, we don't always have the means to hire a photographer from the start, we've already invested a lot in the decoration. So, we still wanted to give you some marbles. If you want, don't hesitate to find this video on the channel if you want to watch it again. Claire, she is a professional photographer, she works in our team as a project manager and she is a professional photographer. She really gave professional advice on how to take photos that would be good for marketing. Now, our advice and sharing in the video, our advice always remains as far as possible to go, but subsequently, the time to make the cash, to go and seek a professional photographer to really have a good quality of photo. Make sure you ask for a photographer who is used to taking Airbnb apartments, ask him for his portfolio, ask him for examples of listings he has photographed, photos of apartments and therefore the listings. This will really help you make decisions. Sometimes people tell me: oh yes, I hired a photographer and the result is not there and because in fact, I don't know the guy is used to taking photos of something else what and therefore it is not necessarily its primary expertise and this is felt because we are on a perspective which reduces the parts, etc. So there you have it, make sure that you are well supported on this subject too, it’s really very important. A superb decoration with rotten photos, in fact you have thrown your money out the window because the decoration will not be valued at its fair value. You will get good grades later on, however, because the traveler who took the trouble to come anyway will be happy, but you don't have the same appeal in the ads.

The third point that is really important is the quality of the cleaning. If you do the cleaning yourself or if you are accompanied to do the cleaning, be extremely vigilant on this point, that is to say, for example, if you recruit someone to do the cleaning, ask him examples of announcement on which the person does the cleaning and make sure that the marks are good in cleaning. Cleaning for Airbnb is not at all the same as cleaning at home. You have to be twice as demanding since you will have to respond positively to all the manias of each traveler. That is to say that everyone has their hobby, everyone has something about it that people say to themselves: ah, that’s super important. Even when I was a seasonal renter, I was fooled twice, I say it openly. So, I wasn't the queen of cleaning either, but I got fooled twice. Once by a gentleman who was very, very tall and who suddenly decided, I had a very high cupboard, I had just that in fact between the... ah in fact I'm exaggerating, perhaps I had that in made between the top of the cupboard and the ceiling is actually coming out of the bathroom, the gentleman as he was very tall, it was quite accessible for him, he decided to put his towel here. And in fact, it's true that it wasn't at all the thing I had every four mornings. And he reproached me by saying, he wanted to put his towel down in a place that was very inaccessible for everyone, but for him it was, putting his towel down. He was disappointed because it hadn't been clean enough for him. Another example that I also had was in the bedroom, I had someone who went so far as to actually check the inside of the light fixture, to see if there was dust or not in the inside the light fixture, he found dust, he was disappointed and he told me that it was really one of the essentials of a guest house or seasonal rental, etc. And that quite honestly, I wasn't doing enough. So you see, everyone has to respond to their hobby. Everyone will have their point of importance, we must respond in a completely perfect way to cleaning all of these aspects and this is the reason why we are obliged to do hotel cleaning, professional cleaning and not just a cleaning that we would do on Sunday afternoon to clean the house. So on that, be extremely vigilant with your household habits if you are the one doing the cleaning and otherwise another point is to ask for announcements from the person who will be in charge of cleaning your home so that so you can make sure it’s someone who knows how to take care of a professional household. There are also applications, so we like and don't like, but also applications which actually allow you to check step by step by taking a photo the work that has been carried out by the person who works with you. So there you have it, know that it exists some people like it, some people don't like it. In any case, it exists.

So, another very important point is the automation of the flow of information. We hear a lot about automation and it's an extremely relevant quack. What does automation mean? this means that all of the communication flows that will have with the cleaning team, which will have with the traveler, will simply be automated by IT tools; which will make it possible either to automatically transmit information to the person in charge of cleaning, or to have automated email sending for travelers and to answer travelers' questions or anticipate travelers' questions. So this is obviously something crucial for your performance because it allows us to save time and this time you can use to do something else, to carry out tasks which will contribute to the profitability of your activity. I am thinking of an example of tasks if your time is freed, which is in particular to maintain a more precise commercial relationship with your travelers. We will talk later about the direct site in particular, ensuring that if you have a client to deal with for example, you maintain a link with them, you offer them to come back, you offer them to potentially negotiate a contract. All of these are things that take time. Keeping track of who is coming to your home takes time and is something you can only do if you are freed from all the other time-consuming tasks. So, free yourself from these tasks, which are time-consuming and always a little similar, for example sending the plan, sending the welcome booklet, etc., automate all of that so that you can be on the lookout for things that have more daily monetary value to develop the profitability of your assets.

There is another point that can also be automated and we often talk about it, and that is the automation of arrivals and departures. That's the same, it can be debated. We can say yes, but be careful, don't I take the risk that people will be disappointed by not having seen anyone and in which case have lower grades and therefore in the long term damage the profitability of my apartment because I had a decline in attendance. So that's a very partial vision of reality and it's a fairly partial vision of the needs of our travelers because we have a lot of travelers who in fact have the need to have this autonomous arrival. I am thinking in particular of business travelers who are travelers who will be extremely happy to be able to arrive at the time of their choice without having to stress about securing an appointment with the host because the working day has had late so they write: ah I'm sorry, I'm going to be late, etc., that's hell for the professional. What he really wants is just to have the possibility of arriving whenever he wants without constraint. He already has enough constraints all day long at the office, he doesn't want to put pressure on himself for an Airbnb story to sleep in at night.

So I see I missed some messages, hello, Mohamed, welcome. Axel who says “I think the wording of the ad is also very important”. Yes, it’s true that ad writing is also important. On Booking, we have less latitude in relation to that, but it's true that on Airbnb, we have possibilities, in a much freer way of writing the ad. You're right to point that out, it's a really good point.

Another point, and here forgive me, but I also preach for my parish, doing revenue management. It helps me to fuel the profitability of our activity; it is essential to do revenue management today. It's part of the standards. What is revenue management? If you ever discover this notion in this video, well, it is the fact of making pricing which will be adapted to the levels of demand at time T, which means that you have prices which are declined according to the type weak, medium, strong periods etc. So that's really an essential today and if we don't do that, if we have a single price all year round or if we're not well aware of the minimum length of stay, the amount of cleaning, etc., we miss out on a lot of money on a daily basis with our seasonal rental. So it is also a standard for having an ultra profitable rental.

And then the last point that I am going to share with you today is the distribution strategy. The distribution strategy involves two keys in particular: the first is to have a direct site, a direct site is really essential and also, the possibility of collecting emails from your travelers, this allows you to have a direct link with them, to be able to solicit requests in particular with promotional devices or just to bring back good memories in their minds to make them want to come back. That's really important since with that, you actually have a customer base and a prospect base and that's the goodwill of a commercial activity, which is really very important. First point and second point, don't forget the somewhat parallel distribution modes. I interviewed, last week I published on the Laura Wignolle channel, which is a group gîte and which uses sites like directories, the group gîte site and the grand gîte site and which works very well for her In fact. She manages to fill her entire calendar almost 80% with this. So look at this type of site, it's not always simple because it's not necessarily connectable with your channel manager, but it can make sense to collect sales from very specific customers who will be ready to put the price, in particular sites also like the charming gîte so for all the, I pers my Latin, all the apartments or houses which have charm, character which carry the history that's what I can't get not to express, but I think you understand what I mean, everything that bears the old look, on this charming cottage site, that's it. I don't know if it was clear, I didn't know how to express it, that's what I wanted to say.

So there you have it, I'll summarize for those who have joined us along the way, what are the 7 elements that are really important to being a seasonal rental company and therefore ultra profitable seasonal entrepreneurs. The first is to have a professional decoration, have a professional accompany you for the decorations. It's not at all futile, it will really change things in the long term. Second point is to have professional photos also in the same way, it's not at all futile. Third point is having professional cleaning, so either if it is yourself, you absolutely must be as exhaustive as possible in the work that you carry out or make sure that the person who does the cleaning for your apartments has very good marks on the ads she already manages. Automate information flows to be able to have time to spend on things that save your business money, automate arrivals and departures, that I haven't talked about in fact automating arrivals and departures. Did I talk about it? Oh, but I'm sorry, I have a memory lapse, but in any case to automate arrivals and departures. I'm not going to do this thing to you a second time if ever, I've already talked about it. This video is truly a fiasco today. Just a quick point about automating arrivals and departures, oh yes I talked about it. Oh dear, I'm so tired, I talked about it! Doing revenue management and the last point is the distribution strategy, super important.

There you go, sorry for this little mess today, it's very authentic as you saw. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me, I'd be happy to answer them. If you are not part of our Facebook group, while waiting for you to ask your questions, I am just sharing with you the bonus download of “six mistakes not to make when determining your prices”. Don't hesitate to take it, just join our Facebook group, the link is just below. In addition, you join a community of people who, like you, are looking to be serene and ultra-profitable with their seasonal rental. So you will see, we discuss really interesting subjects and I think you will like it. I have no questions, I thank you for being with me today. I hope that all of this has helped you and given you an exhaustive vision of the points that are important for you to have good financial performance in your activity. I tell you, so I publish a video at the end of the week on Sunday, and otherwise, I tell you live on Tuesday at noon on a completely different subject. There you go, I wish you a very good day.

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