
Additional sales of products or services: how to do it?

** Additional sales of products or services: how to do it? **

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Hello and welcome to the YouTube channel I display Complete. I hope you have well. Today we are talking about additional sales which are also called “upsells”, the sales that we can make in addition when we do short-term rentals. How to do it? What are the mistakes not to make? I'm sharing all that with you today in this video, so if you're interested, if you want to continue to increase your turnover beyond the amount of the room in the apartment, the villa, and Well, I encourage you to continue, to watch this video, because it will really help you. If you are not yet, I encourage you to subscribe to the YouTube channel I display Complete which will allow you to be alerted, especially if you click on the bell right next to “subscribe” from then on that I arrive live on the internet. This will allow you to ask me your questions live. It's always a pleasure to receive questions or "hello". So, same, feel free to greet me when you arrive. It's always a pleasure to chat together during these lives, so don't hesitate. And then subscribe to the YouTube channel so you don't miss anything.

Today's topic is: how to make additional sales? I talked a little about this subject when we were talking about rooms with a spa: for short-term rentals, how can you get the right price for a room with a spa? And we had, therefore, touched a little on the subject of additional sales and upsells. And I said I was going to make a video about it, so I was relaunched this morning on the Facebook group, I think. So, thank you. I don't remember your first name, but thank you. Thank you for getting back to me on this subject. So, I'm making this video the subject of today's topic. If you do not participate in our private Facebook group, do not hesitate to register. It's called seasonal rental pricing and turnover maximization. We're talking about ultra-interesting and fairly advanced subjects that will give you the fuel to continue to increase your turnover. The link is just below if you're on YouTube, or above if you're on Facebook. So, don't hesitate to register.

On this subject of additional sales, there are three keys that I will share with you today. The first thing that seems essential to me when you have the ambition to make additional sales on your short-term rental, moreover I am talking about short-term rental, but it is short-term rental, gîte, guest house, everything it meets exactly the same conditions; The first thing to do things well, and to be sure to spend your time on something that will save you money, and that is still important, is to know your customer well. That’s crucial. If you don't know your customer well, the problem is that you will put in place opportunities to purchase services or products that correspond to your own expectations, your own ideas, your own desires, but this does not is perhaps not exactly what the traveler wants. So for that, it is really essential to know your customers well, to think carefully according to the type of customers you have. A business clientele will not be interested in the same additional sales as a leisure clientele, obviously.

On this, there are three ideas that I can give you. The first is that if you have automated emails that are sent to travelers before their trip and after their trip, particularly after their trip to encourage them to post a note on the networks, I can only encourage you to integrate a questionnaire. It doesn't cost you more time, at least not every traveler. It’s simply once upstream, and it will allow you to really have a good understanding of your travelers’ expectations. The idea is really to understand, if you send it upstream, the reasons for their trip: why are they coming? What do they expect to do? What would they like to find? What will be the challenges of their trip? The second point, if you ask questions afterwards, is: what did they do? What haven’t they done that they wish they could have done? And what did they miss? With all this information, you will really be able to have a precise and almost exhaustive vision, if you have enough answers, of the experience of the travelers currently in your apartment, of what could be missing, and of which could make life easier for the traveler. Because that, quite simply, is what we want with our additional services. It’s offering something that will really simplify the traveler’s life. When you arrive, and you have the option of having a small breakfast kit, it simplifies the traveler's life; when we arrive and have the option of having a refrigerator with some food inside, it simplifies the traveler's life; when someone offers to reserve a restaurant for us, it simplifies the traveler's life. It’s the same for booking leisure activities, services, etc. If it doesn't make the traveler's life easier, it's pointless, really. In any case, you really take the risk that it's not often booked, and that you spent time setting all this up for nothing. So, the first idea to know the needs of your customers is really to question them in your automatic emails before, or after their trip.

Second idea: do it yourself, for a certain number of customers, if you don't do it today, the arrivals or departures. Arrivals are the same, it’s to understand why they are there, what they want to do; without harassing people, obviously, but in the discussion, in a fluid way, that kind of thing can come out. And what's more, if you don't feel comfortable questioning them, you can tell them: "If you want, tell me a little bit about what you want to do during the week, because as I know the region well , I could perhaps give you some ideas, I could perhaps talk about my best addresses. » Presented like this, obviously, we don't feel harassed about our travel intentions. The check-out is to understand, as I told you during the questionnaire, what really happened during the trip, what they could have done, what have they not been able to do, if they have frustrations, things that they would have wanted to do, but that they could not do.

And then the third method, and this method is really if you don't yet have an automatic email system to send to your travelers in advance, it simply consists, and if you can't either do the check-outs, put a paper questionnaire, in fact, in the apartment, and collect responses from people who have agreed to fill out the questionnaire. In these cases, you can offer something on a future trip if the person responds to the questionnaire. And it can help you convert, because it's true that it takes a little time, so there you go. It must also be a questionnaire that is extremely quick to answer. These must really be boxes to check, and it must take absolutely no time for your traveler to hope to have as many completed questionnaires as possible. I almost said “filling”, though. So that’s the key number: knowing your customer inside out. That’s crucial.

Key number two, once we have determined which are the right additional products or services that need to be offered, is to make them available, and to offer them as much as possible. Saying it like that, it might sound completely stupid. But frankly, commercially and even in entrepreneurship, in many situations, sometimes, there are things on which there is no sale, but we do not give the opportunity to see. We don't give people opportunities to buy, so obviously, if we don't present it to people enough, people won't be able to know about the existence of these possibilities, and therefore buy them. So, proposing is essential. We must take care in the way we offer these additional products and services for short-term rental. The first thing is that you can obviously do it by email. If you don't want to start a gas plant, if you don't want to subscribe to paid solutions, you can first offer the solutions, I'm going back to my idea of ​​automatic emails, but If you do not have automatic emails, you can, in an email that you send, offer the different possibilities of additional services or products by email so that the traveler is aware of this. That's the first thing. It's obviously a little more complex from a payment point of view, because on payment, you are forced to enter into manual solutions, so it's not ideal. But this manual solution can allow you to start testing your travelers' appetite for this type of solution, and therefore, to say to yourself: "As soon as I have still made a few sales, and I I'm going to realize that this thing works, and that thing, on the other hand, no one wants it, it doesn't work. After that, you can get into solutions that are a little more industrialized, and paid for, moreover. In particular, there is a paid solution that exists, called “Wishbox”. This is a solution that some rental companies are testing, there is positive feedback, there is less positive feedback, afterwards, to be tested depending on each of your personal situations. But it is true that it is one of the rare solutions that exist to make additional products or services available for marketing. And then there is a third solution that exists, which is to offer it on site. A few years ago, I already heard an experienced rental company explaining that he actually put welcome baskets in his seasonal rentals. It's not free, so it's not really welcome baskets, it's baskets with products, foodstuffs. And in fact, he was putting a little note indicating that we trust each other, and so on the basis of trust, if you eat something from this basket, I'll let you leave money on the table. He said that in fact, he had very few cases in which he did not receive payment. It happened, obviously, but there were very few cases where he didn't get paid. So. Offer things on the spot. If you do the check-in yourself, you can also take the opportunity to offer different solutions that you have in terms of additional services and additional products. So, there you have it. We must keep in mind that there must be as many opportunities to see as possible. There must be as many opportunities as possible for travelers to be aware of what you do, and therefore to subscribe to these options. The first key: know your customer; second key: offer it as much as possible, give as many opportunities as possible to see and know.

And then the last thing is what price should we put, so what is the right price for these services. You have three options, actually, when you have additional products or services like that. The first thing is to do it at cost price, telling yourself that it will only improve the comfort of the traveler, and the guest experience in your apartment, and that as such, you do not want to not particularly increase your turnover with that. You just really want to earn grade points. It's completely understandable, it's part of the solutions, and it's part of the possibilities. That's the first thing: do it at cost. The second thing, you can definitely mark up the price. Raising the price means you take a small margin on the product or service. That is also a possible solution. Obviously, the margin must not be indecent, for the simple reason that customers compare. And above all, if you offer the services of a partner, if for example, you enter into a partnership with someone who makes a parachute jump, the difficulty is that if you put too large a margin, the person will compare. In fact, she will learn about the service with what you offer, and she will say to herself: “Hey, I'll see how much it costs”, and realize that in fact, the same service can be found less expensive elsewhere . So, be vigilant about this notion of putting a margin on products. Where this can work well is on food products where we expect that as it is directly there straight away, it will be a little more expensive than what you find in the supermarket. This concerns the price increase. And the last option that you have, and this is especially the case for the example of parachute jumping, is when you partner with colleagues who do precisely this type of service or benefit, on which, in fact, we can have a retro commission, that is to say that you agree, in fact with the service provider, that the price displayed will be strictly the same for your traveler, so there is no impact for them, so they do not have no reason not to book with you. But for you, as soon as you bring in clients, there is a small retro commission paid to you to remunerate you for bringing in business. So. This is the scenario that is most appropriate, in my opinion, for the provision of services.

So, the three keys to this are knowing your customer inside out to offer the right products, the right services. The second thing is to offer it as much as possible, and give as many opportunities to see it, especially to test it at the beginning. And determine the right price according to the situation on a case-by-case basis. On this, there are two pitfalls, there are two points of vigilance that I would share with you. This means that if you resell food, and worse, resell alcohol, be extremely vigilant about the legislation. I am not qualified to talk about this legislation part, so I really encourage you to contact competent people, including potentially lawyers, because it is really essential to protect your responsibility. If, for example, you give food, and the person gets sick from that food, you are responsible. And for alcohol, as you know, licenses are required. So, these subjects are not subjects to be taken lightly. I often see food that is made available, without really covering these aspects of both insurance and legal authorization, so be extremely vigilant on this. Keep it in mind, and in any case, if you ever want to avoid this food pitfall, you can definitely work on the whole range and the enormous range of services that can be offered such as attractions, everything related to taxis, particularly for business customers, dry cleaning for business customers. You can also consider restaurant reservations for business or leisure customers, or even family customers who want to know exactly in which restaurant they could be welcomed as a family without disturbing those around them, etc. There is a huge range of solutions on these subjects, so don't hesitate to explore the subject. This can be one of the avenues that will allow you to continue to increase your turnover and the comfort of travelers beyond simply the room and the price of the room. So.

− Hello Mathieu. I'm sorry, I only watch the messages at the end of the video. “Top, the subject. » Great, thank you.

− Hello to you. I don't see your first name, unfortunately, but thank you very much, and happy new year.

− Hello again Axelle, I hope you have been well since recently.

− Dimitri: “Also pay attention to taxation. »

Yes, obviously, Dimitri, you are absolutely right to remind me of this, because it is true that it is your expertise, and therefore I do not fail to become a spokesperson for your message. Also pay attention to taxation, it’s really important. So, you are absolutely right to point this out. And again, I'm not an expert on this subject. Dimitri is much more so. So don't hesitate to come back to him. He is also an administrator in our seasonal rental price maximization turnover group. So, I thank him for his friendship, and for coming to our group. Don't hesitate to find it. He also has a Facebook group himself, called — Dimitri, tell me if I mess up the name — Jurisimmo. I hope you'll forgive me for misrepresenting the name, but in any case, don't hesitate to take a look at his Facebook group, because it's really very interesting. It is a wealth of information on all legal aspects related to real estate. So go ahead, you won't waste your time.

− Delphine: “Very interesting subject! »

Hello Delphine. Good year. Please, it's always a pleasure to share topics that can help.

− Delphine: “Preferred method of payment for these services? »

− Dimitri: “Jurisimmo Invest”

Yes, sorry. I hope you'll forgive me for this.

Delphine, the preferred method of payment for these services, this must be seen on a case by case basis. That is to say that in all the possibilities that I have shared with you, the payment methods are quite varied. Either you are supported by a system which will be paid online, which will allow you to collect payments, or it is payment on site. In all cases, it must obviously be declared.

− Mathieu: “Do channel managers offer solutions for paying for these upsells? In practical case, I don't know how to make payments in advance. »

That's why I was talking earlier about a solution called Wishbox. I don't know all the channel managers exhaustively, I don't have them in mind, and maybe I'm wrong, so if you have this information, don't hesitate to share it in the comments, even if you see this video on replay. I don't have a channel manager in mind who offers it. Currently, I have in mind a channel manager who is developing, who I was recently told about, and who is considering doing so. So, it will be a good thing, but as of today, I don't have a channel manager in mind who offers it. This is why I was talking about the Wishbox solution which allows you to do this. So.

− “Hello, congratulations. »

I thank you.

− Dimitri: “Thank you Élise. »

Please Dimitri. With great pleasure.

I hope this might interest you and help you. If you're only arriving now, don't hesitate to watch the video replay on YouTube. If you are not subscribed to the J'show Complet channel, don't hesitate to subscribe by clicking on the bell so you don't miss any of the next videos. In any case, I'll see you tomorrow for the next video. As you know, I make videos from Sunday to Thursday every day, and we deal with topics on revenue management: how to increase your turnover, how to set your prices to ensure that your short-term rental , your gîte, your guest house, or your seasonal rental concierge service can increase its turnover on a daily basis. So. I wish you a very good day, and I'll see you tomorrow. 

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