
All your questions about subletting with Sébastien More

interview sebastien more

⭐ Tonight Thursday 14 at 8 p.m.: live together regarding subletting. The opportunity to ask Sébastien More all your questions.

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Sébastien More: And there, it broadcasts on YouTube?

Élise: Yes, that’s it. That's exactly it.

Hello and welcome to the channel I display Complete.

SM: Excuse me.

E: No problem. You see, it's live, and it's spontaneous.

Hello and welcome to the J'poster Complet channel, the channel which helps seasonal rental companies, professional sub-renters, and seasonal rental concierge services to become serene and ultra-profitable entrepreneurs. Today we are doing a Live. You saw, it’s live, it’s direct. We're going to talk about subletting. I am delighted to welcome Sébastien More to my microphone today, this evening, who is an expert in subletting, and who will answer all your questions in live coaching. Good evening Sébastien.

SM: Good evening Élise. How are you ? 

E.: It’s going great.

SM: Good evening to all of you who are watching us right now. 

E.: I am really delighted to welcome you.

For those watching us, know that we have transferred the communication support. We had to do this on a learning box speaker link. If you were ever registered for our conference on learning box, well, we are now live on our Facebook group, or the YouTube channel. So, you can watch us, like all the Lives that I do on Tuesday or Thursday at noon. Well, it's exactly the same thing to find us here. And thank you for being with us. We'll give everyone time to arrive quietly, before we start asking questions. Good evening Romain, Romain who is a devotee of Lives. 

SM: Good evening Romain.

E.: You were also there this afternoon Romain. Welcome to you anyway. So, what I suggest to you is that you greet us when you arrive. It's always a pleasure, as I tell you every week. That's why we do Lives, to be able to talk together, to avoid the side we make a video and behind our computer alone, and in fact, we don't talk to each other, we can't ask each other the real questions. questions. And so there you have it, that’s the point of being together. So, don't hesitate to say hello when you arrive and ask us your questions about subletting. We're not going to – Sébastian, you confirm that – have any tongue-in-cheek this evening. I think.

SM: Not at all. And then, he's not my type.

E: Yes. That's it. That's why I like you. So, that's why I'm really glad you're with us. Good evening Jimmy. Welcome. 

SM: Good evening Jimmy.

E.: Good evening Sammy. Welcome to you. 

SM: Good evening Sammy.

Together: Good evening Gladys.

SM: I recognize Gladys.

E: Yes.

SM: I know.

E: Yes. We may have people who are…

SM: Yes, municipalities. I think.

E.: In common in our communities. 

SM: Of course. 

E.: I think so. So to give everyone time to arrive quietly, well, I suggest, to start, Sébastien, that you present your journey to us for people who, perhaps, do not know you, so that we can really be imprinted on your background and your experience.

SM: So, well, I am, therefore, Sébastien. So, I'm married. I have three children. I am 45 years old. I launched into entrepreneurship, I was officially 23 years old. I finished a computer engineering course. And I was very quickly attracted to entrepreneurship, always, from a very young age. And I created my first LLC, well, at 23, which had nothing to do with real estate? It was in e-commerce, so, at the very beginning, of e-commerce. And then, since then, well now, it's been 20 years, a little more than twenty years, that I've been doing it, so I haven't done a lot of things in different areas. Successes, failures, for me, it's part of an entrepreneurial journey. Ages of success and also failures, and besides, we learn a lot more with our failures, our successes. And I have been in real estate ever since I was very young, but more in real estate investment. When I was young, I made a lot of mistakes too, everything related to the law, everything related to the tax exemption program. And then, I really didn't have a lot of miscellaneous things: everything that concerns commercial leases, everything that concerns warehouses, everything that concerns housing. Well, I really, I think I've done just about, just about everything. And I, today and for six/seven years now, I have been doing short-term rentals. And I started short-term rentals, not as an investor, because that came later, but through an apartment concierge service abroad. So, I launched this in Bangkok, Thailand, a company that I sold two years later. And today, therefore, in France, well, I do rental investment, therefore on a private basis, in short-term rental, in exploitation. I do professional apartment subletting, similar to short-term rental operations. And I once again have an apartment concierge service in my city, where we manage around sixty apartments today, that's it. 

E.: Great. So a nice journey. And you touched on all types of exploitation.

SM: Yes. So, at the time, in fact, when I started, there was no such thing as short-term rental. Shared accommodation was not so much a part of the customs, in fact. We didn't really talk about furniture. We did classic rental. I rented in, really, classic mode, so in nude. I also did division. I remember, at the time, it was my biggest project. I had recovered a warehouse, well, a former commercial gîtem premises, I think, it speaks to you, at the time there were gîtems. I had collected all of that. I had made divisions including co-sales, a dairy housing section, really quite classic things. And I got into long-term car rental, really, when I went abroad. This is where I felt that we could really do a lot of things with LCD. But, at that time, I was in a situation where I could no longer borrow, I could no longer take out bank credit, because I had filed for bankruptcy of a company, and also, because I had gone abroad. When I came back, I had no tax return to present, I had nothing to present, and so, obviously, the banks refused access to credit to make rental purchases with the short-term operation. But, I've since caught up, that's it. 

E: Okay. So that's it, actually. You also mentioned the advantages of subletting. Is that really the unique advantage or are there others, among others, well, therefore, avoiding, avoiding banks?

SM: Well, very clearly, that’s it, it’s avoiding banks. We're not going to lie, we can do a lot of projects in a year. Of course, we have one year, we can change our life. And I say it in a way, I really say it, I know what I'm talking about. Already for me, personally, it was when I returned to France, I was in a configuration which was not necessarily very pleasant, and also, because many people, today, have joined my various — oh, it's true that I didn't specify it — but today, I provide training which is, how would I say, where I am referenced and certified Kaliopi. So, it may not speak to many people, but it is a guarantee of quality in terms of training. And what happens is that the people who have joined my programs, for the most part, are people who have, after all, changed their lives. And subletting allows you to move very quickly, that is to say that when you make the real estate investment, generally, you will, perhaps, do one or two projects per year, well in subletting, I want to tell you, it’s unlimited. And I like to say, you do seven or eight during the year without any problem. And it can radically change your life. So either it creates additional income for you if apparently you are an employee, or, on the contrary, you are looking for a job and you are at the employment center, and well, you can create your business and get started in the real estate somewhere that has a sure value. Real estate, as we know, remains primary needs, real estate, like food. And we even saw this clearly during Covid, we always had reservations and we always needed to accommodate people passing through. So it was a real lever for me, it is for many others. We are going much faster, and of course, without being banks, so there you have it. 

E: Okay. So, in the questions that arise, in general... Me, I am not at all an expert in subletting, we at J'poster Complet, we are more at J'poster Complet, we are more experts in financial management subletting or seasonal rental, etc., setting up subletting, it is obviously more you who has this expertise. But in the category of questions, a bit of a skin scratch, which can be, there is this, the thing of saying: "Yeah, but it's going to be hard to convince the owners, you saw, I'm going to have to talk something complicated all that.” What are the ideas or tips that you can give people to have the same journey as you, in fact?

SM: So what happens is that, in fact, you already have to do one to realize that it's actually possible. When we have done one, generally, afterwards you understand and it goes very quickly. You really go from one apartment to the next. So the real one, but the real problem, is only on the first apartment, because we already have our own false limiting beliefs, in the sense that we are convinced that we do not see the interest for an owner of If you want to rent your apartment, you would also have to sublet it on AIRBNB. So, we say to ourselves: “but…” So, there is already an approach, it’s not done like that, it’s what you don’t call on your phone and say: “Yes. Good morning. I want to rent your apartment, because tomorrow I’m going to rent it in AIRBNB.” Obviously, there is a particular approach that is taken. That's, in fact, what it is, is that AIRBNB is a booking platform. But it's not, because in fact Airbnb has a slightly negative sound, unfortunately in France for a whole bunch of reasons. So the idea is that we're not going to talk about it too much at the start. We will talk about it a little later in the speech and in the approach we have in relation to an owner. But what we are going to tell him above all is that we are real estate professionals and that we work with a network of companies, so people who are passing through the city, and we are looking for housing to, well, simply accommodate people passing through. So, we are the rent guarantor, we are the ones who will pay the rent and that’s it. It's as if you were a travel agency, how should I say, for example, which is looking for hotels to accommodate this or that person, it's exactly the same thing as us, what we're going to do. Finally, to schematize and to properly explain an owner, this is what we will let shine through somewhere on the phone or by e-mail. In reality, of course, it's going to be really different, but that's the approach we have. so what we tell him and the strong points - we emphasize the strong points - and the strong points are: we are going to pay the rent, we are going to commit to paying it. For what ? Because we will have a specific lease in the event of activity; and secondly, we are a society, we are not individual. We are really in society mode, so we don't have at all the same constraints and obligations as a particular case. And the law too, which has nothing to do with it, we are not on the registers, on the same legal texts. It has nothing to do with it, that's the first thing. And the second thing, given that, precisely, we are going to have people passing through the accommodation, well, we will be obliged to maintain it, obliged to guarantee, precisely, quality in the accommodation. And we will, perhaps, even embellish it, etc. And what owners like to hear is when we tell them that we are going to beautify the apartment, we are going to add special decoration, that we are going to invest in furniture, etc. In the eyes of the owner, this means that you are investing money in the business. So, if you invest money, it is that somewhere, you, in fact what he wants to feel, it is your investment, in fact, in your project, that you believe in it. And suddenly, the owner will say: “Oh yeah. If indeed, I have my rent which is guaranteed every month, and if in addition the accommodation is generally well maintained, well, it has responded to my problems that we all have on a daily basis.” We know well what a landlord's fear is not being paid their rent and finding their accommodation unsanitary. Those are the problems. So, if we are able to arrive in “solution provider” mode, the current is already flowing much more. Afterwards of course, there are owners who have a rather heritage profile, so, for example, owners who, perhaps, have an apartment that they inherited or that it was their old house, I don't know what. Indeed, it will be complicated for them, because they are not in this pattern, in fact. They don't necessarily fully understand what's going to happen. On the other hand, I can assure you that in the market today, we have a lot of real estate investors who buy apartments and who do not want to do LCD, who do not want to do short-term rentals. What they want is a tenant and that's it. And so, well, we carry a little, as a provider of solutions, because, precisely, we are going to guarantee him his rent, that's just what he wants and he wants his apartment back in his condition. And that’s what real estate investors want. They don't want anything else. So, we provide these solutions.

E: And is there also an argument which can consist of saying that his apartment, you correct me eh, but his apartment will be more easily available, also in relation to a three-year lease that we don't can't dislodge people?

SM: Yes. So, that is to say that we, what we are going to put forward, is that we are going to put that forward. Now, in fact, we are going to prevent that from happening, because our objective is to rent the apartment for as long as possible, but on the contrary, because, for us, if you want, there is still an investment at the start, in the sense that, you know well, we will have to launch the announcement, launch the reservation mechanism, and it is a system which was launched well, after that it was passed alone. It's so well launched that generally, afterwards we're still in a pretty good place. We take reservations. What's hard is getting started with an ad. So, our interest is in as long as possible, because once it's launched, well, in our heads, we can already think about the next advancement. So the goal is that once it's done, it's done. On the other hand, in fact, in the commercial discourse, when we approach him, we will make him understand that if at a given moment, there is a failure to settle the payment, or that indeed, perhaps, it These principles are contrary to him, or contrary to the co-promotion regulations, I don't know what, well, indeed, we can discuss, since we are in partnership mode. We are not in customer-supplier mode or tenant-owner mode. We have a partner mode, it's win-win, we win, he wins, well, so, we're going to make him understand that "yes, we will be in this logic", of course, if they wish to recover housing. 

E: Okay. And you were talking about investment earlier, does it take a lot of money to start your very first sublet? How much do you need to put on the table to properly start a first sublet?

SM: So I like to say 2000 euros, quite simply to cover at least the security deposit, because you are going to pay a security deposit and the first rent, although, although it is negotiable, in the sense where, I recognize that, on the first sublets, you will perhaps not have control over that, but subsequently, you will see that you will be in mode: you will have the possibility of make owners understand that since you are a provider of solutions, in return you also want, perhaps, facilities, arrangements, in particular, a delay in the payment of the first deposit, or, for example, a first rent offered , so that you have time to create yourself, set up the activity, take photos, beautify the apartment. And it's, generally, it goes to 70/80%, it passes. But it's true that we tend not to see ourselves doing it for our first apartment, because we're afraid. And so we say to ourselves that it’s just impossible. So, it’s, but, that’s why I would like to say: “plan a small budget of 2000 euros to launch the apartment”. And there, once again, it is in the framework where it would be furnished. If it is not furnished, of course, that means that you are going to furnish it. After solutions so that it doesn't cost you too much. But it's true when you want to get started, it's better to try to find a fairly furnished apartment to avoid these various costs.

E.: Do you recommend starting with a small area to warm up a bit, or are large areas more interesting?

SM: So the studios, I say that I do not recommend, because there is too clearly competition in my opinion. There are far too many offers on the market and it is not the apartments that are the most profitable. So, the risk, because, in fact, what I also try to take into consideration is, it's your energy in relation, well, for me, the first apartment must be a real success , because if it's a half-success, well, it turns out, you're going to risk giving up or the king ultimately, it's a lot of one, it's a lot of work, and it's not much. So, for me, we would have to find the right compromise. So the good compromise is rather T2s, therefore apartments, one bedroom, or even T3s with two bedrooms. These seem to me to be good compromises, because we have better profitability. We will work the same way, we will put in the same effort, but ultimately, we will earn more. And it’s especially for a first project. Well, it's true that we have to feel it financially, that yeah what's in it, that we've really earned money so that afterwards we say: "Come on, I'll continue, I'm going on a next apartment, what”? 

E: Okay. Yeah, I understand that it can also generate cash which allows you to invest in the future and all that. Okay. Super clear. That's interesting. So, you said earlier, I continue with the somewhat transparent questions, so we say to ourselves that that was our spirit this evening. I think this is also what people, perhaps sometimes, do not dare to ask. You will, you said earlier: “it changes my life”, but there are people who will say: “Well, why does it change my life? Because I don't own anything, you see, how can that change my life? » What can we answer to that?

SM: Well, it's going to change your life, because you're going to make money. So it's like any entrepreneurial project, because it's based on an entrepreneurial project. You are going to undertake. And so, we know today the levers and pillars of enrichment are entrepreneurship, the stock market, very clearly, and real estate, therefore real estate in the sense of real estate investments. We invested in stone, these are really the three levers. Today, we have nothing, then we have the two which are a little underlying, but mainly that's it. So, subletting is entrepreneurship via real estate, but it is entrepreneurship in the literal sense, therefore undertaking. Me, who has been an entrepreneur for, well, a very long time. It was the only way for me to earn money, because I was a computer engineer, so I made a good living. We're not going to lie, I had very acceptable working conditions, and what's more, what I was doing was interesting. But I knew that financially I would never take off and that I would have to wait for a promotion, etc. It was horror for me. I am a very ambitious person, I am always, I am full of energy. And for me, entrepreneurship matched my personality, because I wanted to earn more money. I was ambitious, but also because I had the energy, I could do what I wanted. I could, you see what I want, there is no limit. When you're an entrepreneur, you do what you want. 

E.: What you say speaks to me.

SM: It’s no limit. 

E.: It really speaks to me. Yeah, that's it.

SM: So, when you are an employee, well, unfortunately, even if you are a project manager, if you are, yes, there are positions that are a little nicer, but we have to be accountable all the time and you will be in a meeting, and finally, you have to explain why you did that and demonstrate, by example, demonstrate, no precisely, that yes, or by example that your choices are the right ones, etc. Well, it was always under constant stress, etc. There you don't have this stress, well, if you have any, but it's a positive stress, I think. And it's... You see, you get up in the morning, you, in your body, feel warm, you want to go. Whereas generally, when you are an employee, you are in your body, you are not very well, because you have a knot in your stomach, because you are afraid of what is going to happen, you know?

E.: Yeah, that’s true. I agree. And then, it's also a stress when you're an entrepreneur, that is to say you can also gauge based on your period of life or the time of year when: do you have Do you really want to push yourself a little more, and go all out? Where are there periods when we say to ourselves: “Okay, I’m going to try to take care of myself more and give back to what’s already working”? 

SM: Yes. Yes.

E: Yeah. I see what you mean. So, what would you say are the personalities for whom subletting is suitable? Are there people for whom subletting is not suitable? Does that make sense? 

SM: Who is it not suitable for? For me, actually...

E.: I’ll help you. 

SM: Huh?

E: No, I was going to say, maybe, I don’t know…

SM: We'll start for who it's not suitable for. Very clearly, for the employees. Today, one in two people who join the different programs is an employee. It’s very clear, he’s looking to grow his income. It's very clear. And the second category, after, breaks down on this rough side, so, you have the real estate investors and you have those who are looking for a job, those who are in professional retraining, who don't really know where to go , who have no money. This is normal, since they are unemployed, and well, unfortunately, they have no money. Real estate investors, why? Because they are generally blocked by the banks, or they want to go faster. So, I saw that it was getting tighter and tighter, real estate investors were turning more and more to subletting. So there you have it, a little, the three profiles of people. So, it's true that when you take all these people, then you have, perhaps, people who like to stay in salaried mode, and if you want at 5 p.m., it's over, it's folded. Yeah. I can understand it. And as a result, these characters, perhaps, to be less people who, you see, have their, have their, have their functions. And once 5 p.m. is over, they want to hear about not having anything to do with work at all. There, that might not correspond to what, for now, I see friends, you see, arriving at 5 p.m., it's over, it's the weekend. It's Friday, it's packed, it's finished. We don't hear about anything anymore. Obviously, for us, it remains an entrepreneurial project. So, there is necessarily a minimum of involvement, even if we are going to automate or, you know, we are going to do a lot of things so that it takes us as little time as possible. But the fact is that we are, nevertheless, that, we are still the owner of a company, so we still have to, even though we are developing the company, that is.

E.: Yeah, that’s clear. And besides, you are right to point that out. It's true that it is and it is in fact the first sentence that I say in all my YouTube videos, is that we are seasonal entrepreneurs.

SM: Yes.

E: But besides entrepreneurs, that doesn't mean, that's a bit what you said, but I also want to drive the point home on that, because it's a, it's is a point on which there is a misunderstanding. It is not because you are an entrepreneur or business manager of a sublet company that you are obliged to do everything yourself and be completely a slave to the thing. Not at all, precisely, as a business manager, you can choose to, there you go, create a team around you which supports you and which means that at a given moment, when your system is somewhat installed, well , you don't need to spend all your nights there.

SM: No. It's like everything, actually. My very first business creation, actually, I remember it was e-commerce, I did, well, the packages, that is to say I prepared the orders and at night I developed the sites web. You see basically to make it simple, but it was simple, because at the start of course, you have to start the machine, as soon as the machine is started, you feel that it purrs and that it falls, it starts to spin. This is where you say: “well, OK, now, for this part, I'm taking such people who are going to do such and such a thing”, and so that you, suddenly, free up your time, to have time on tasks, or precisely you will be much more, you will bring value to your company. The objective is that afterwards. 

E.: It’s clear. That's exactly it: providing value, developing it. Yeah, that's exactly it. Okay, this is super interesting. I'm taking this opportunity to share with you, more and more of you are joining us live, don't hesitate to ask Sébastien your questions, since I started like that, I ask millions of questions , but the idea is here, so that you can ask all your questions, even when we said at the beginning, but your worst questions. There is no tongue-in-cheek this evening. Don't hesitate, don't hesitate to ask them. I have also asked the real questions since the start of this live. So, don't hesitate to ask them in comments, either on YouTube or on Facebook, that way we see your questions. I also have another question that I wanted to ask you, but while making this little apartment, I forgot it. And yes. So, suddenly, someone who starts like that, can you tell us a little about the pitfalls of those who start? And that precisely, because you said earlier that you have training, it It's true that training made it possible for beginners to avoid making mistakes like that, and to save time by going, straight away, to what will work, especially when you're an employee, when we are salaried, we cannot spend our time, as the Quebecers say, focusing on methods that we are going to test. We need to go straight to what it's going to work in this time. Have you seen mistakes like that, from people who are starting out in subletting and who fall into pitfalls?

SM: Yes, very clearly, I even have people who started subletting, even before taking one of my programs, and who after a while were a little bit, well, felt alone . So what we also need to understand, in the case of my training, is that we are really also in a system, a community, if you like. So, we are really a community of sub-renters. We say, we exchange a lot with each other, so we don't have much value beyond training. So that’s important. Here, I am not at all stingy with information, as soon as I have some, I intend to share a lot. I am also easily reachable. We have groups, etc. And it's very active. So already, if you want, for me, to join a community, it is also already important for the state of mind, to be sure that what we do, we are on track and that we are not doing no dumpling. And I'll give you examples, but there is a person who had joined my program, so, there is now, it was just before colliding, yeah, it was during Covid, she already had a sublet apartment. She earned money, but not more than that. And actually, she didn't think she could do it really professionally. If you like, she did it like that, but really like that, without too many declarations, etc. She realized that it is an activity that is regulated. There are laws. There are also, how should I say, regulations to be followed by everyone who regulates copro, etc. And then, it was also that at one point, she didn't have the technique to fill in these calendars. She didn't take sick reservations. And during Covid, she found herself a little abandoned, saying to herself: “There, I’m taking more reserve, how’s that going.” » So, she joined the program. Today, it's someone who has six sublets. And with his six sub-rentals, I'm afraid to say the number, because people will say it's impossible, but nevertheless, it's the truth. In August, she made, from memory if I'm not mistaken, practically ten thousand euros in cash flow, with only six apartments. 

E.: Great.

SM: So those are good scores, she is one of the best. We're not going to lie to each other, that's it. She's even better than me, even better than me. Frankly, because she really has the nose, she has the flair and she does very, very well. And so, what the training brought him was precisely, it made it possible to properly supervise his activity, to see that we could really do it professionally and how to do it professionally? How to frame all this legally? It also took him, well, if you like, to manage his calendar well. What you explain, that is to say doing revenue management, etc. For you, it's really even more advanced than me. But I explain to them, all the same, the basics, etc., about what they need to put in place to complete the calendar, it's a whole... It's also because she only had one apartment at the start. She had it, in fact, it was her apartment where she lived before. So, if you like, subletting was a bit imposed on her, like that. But, in fact, afterwards, she didn't think that we could clearly turn it into a business, and therefore, establish relationships and owners who would agree to set this up. And so, the training explained to him precisely: how to convince owners? So, it's all that behind, if you like, that you find when in fact, you join in particular, well, a program, what.

E.: Great. So, we have a question from Marie who says: "What is the biggest problem you have — wait, I deleted the question — what is the biggest problem you have had with subletting?" and what mistakes should you avoid making? This is also the question I asked just before.

SM: Yeah that you were posing. The mistakes not to make will be to do it illegally, that is to say, well, not the right contracts, not framing it legally with an activity, simply not declaring your income. Those would be real mistakes for me, as a beginner. Now, I hear, all the same, people who do it, in particular, these people, clearly, did it in amateur mode. They thought it was, it was playable. So, that, for me, is the real first mistake of subletting. Afterwards, it would also be a matter of not knowing how to do market research, that is to say that, there it is, it is more effectively linked to a training program, so in terms of errors, well, errors, if it was not to do market research or, etc., here, that is to say, to start saying to yourself “it will work”. For example, I also have people who think that subletting will be done in the same way, that is to say that we will rent again for the year, well, no, actually. We will, we will replay in another, another way, another mode of operation. But, we have to check that it is indeed possible and that we will really earn money, because it is very nice to say "I do soul questions", but can we actually earn money, yes? If yes, how? Well, it’s by doing market research and so that’s the same. We explain how to do it. So, for me, the biggest problems…

E: Yes. It's more about legislation.

SM: Yeah. It's more the legislation, in fact, more linked to the legislation, to... the fact that we shouldn't do this just anyhow. In particular, I think, in Paris, Paris intramural is based very clearly, so literally: yes, you can sublet. But in the broad sense: No, in fact, because you will not be able to do short-term rentals, quite simply, because in Paris, the activity is very regulated. There are hunters who come to check that you are okay. And today, we cannot do short-term rentals in intramural Paris. So implicitly, subletting falls through. So, we can also sublet in shared accommodation. And it's true that I talk a lot about short-term rentals, because it's my field and because in my opinion it's where we can make the most money. But we can sublet with shared accommodation and also with offices. We can very well rent large and large platforms and why not make small offices and sublet, in fact, each, each small part, it is entirely possible. 

E.: It’s true that we don’t often talk about subletting offices.

SM: No. No. For, for example, Power Kings, or liberal professions, it is entirely possible. In short, you rent large areas and then you sublet them later in division. The reason, it's possible, I do it.

E: Yeah. You're right.

SM: It’s possible. I do.

E: Okay. We have another question posed to us. So, we don’t see your first name, but you say to us: “Good evening to both of you. What are the most profitable cities for subletting? »

SM: I, I don't have the, how should I say, the two cities very clearly, because what's more, it will vary from year to year. We're not going to lie to each other. From year to year, it can change depending, because depending on the passage that has in the, in the city, also depending on supply and demand. So it's going to vary enormously. In these traits, I really can't answer that. On the other hand, what I can say with certainty is that medium-sized cities today have a strong attractiveness, and in particular medium-sized cities which are, therefore, still an important economic area. Very clearly, you have a professional clientele who travel every day, all the time, and therefore there are permanent reservations in these cities, unlike cities, for example, which would be by the sea, etc. , where it will be more seasonal. And so, he doesn't look at the year where it's going to be very, very low. So. 

E.: Yes, that’s a good point. It's true that it's a question, but for me, beyond the subletting that we are often asked: where do I recommend investing? Because we have all the data on the turnover of each city, etc. 

SM: Yes.

E: I find that this is a question that is only partial, because what I usually answer is, but it also depends on the amount I buy. In fact, for me, it's more a matter of opportunity, and I think it must be a bit the same with subletting. It's also a matter of opportunity, because in a city that is perhaps not very profitable overall, if you have a crazy opportunity, well that's it. 

SM: Very clearly, I am present in four different cities. So, there are cities that actually generate more profitability — yes, it's true — than others. It's clear. Now we have a higher rent too. But, it’s true that there are cities that are a little more profitable than others. Yes. It's true. There are cities that are more profitable than others. So then, which ones are the best? Honestly, I don't have the... You'd have to study. This should also be looked into. But, that means that there is still a lot of work to do, because that means that we have to take all the, all the RDNA statistics, compile them all in a file and put the rents against each other. . It's work, it's work. 

E: Yeah. It’s true that it can…

SM: But it's not impossible.

E: And precisely, when choosing a city or a project, an apartment when we have an opportunity or when we have created an opportunity, what makes, in your opinion, that ultimately what are the open signals that you can give to say: “Hey, this is a good sublet, I have to go there”, you see? 

SM: Does the apartment already have charm to begin with? That is to say, I like to take apartments which are small, which have charm, for example, old parquet floors or, for example, walls, well already, the walls must be white in my opinion; decorate by everyone, so it has to be really contemporary with the current colors, which we all know, the rather pastel colors? So already, basics that are rather contemporary, in keeping with the times, but also above all that the location is well placed. We say it all the time: location, location, location, that's really it, it's, it's the apartment has to be very well placed. Already, this is the first criterion which is rather nice, so, good design, etc. Afterwards, having constraints also linked to the, to the legal, do the co-ownership regulations authorize you to do short-term rentals or not? Because if you can't, unfortunately, it's dead, that's it. These are more or less the main criteria, at least, which will make you decide on an apartment, that's it. Of course, I accompany it with my market research each time, but this is what will initially allow us to make an initial selection.

E: Okay. Super interesting. On, because I also broadcast the live on my Facebook page, and I see Sissoko on my Facebook page, we don't see the, the comments. So, Sissoko who says: “what are the types of apartments that work best for subletting? Well, on that, you told us earlier, because we asked the question just before, earlier, you rather recommended T2 or T3 for a start. We will say more powerful and generate cash flow for the future, for a first apartment.

SM: Yeah. But I'm that I'm quite a fan of T3 or so or going to houses, neighborhood houses. 

E: Okay.

SM: That's a real type of what I'm giving you here, because neighborhood houses, if, for example, you have two/three bedrooms, well, I can assure you that there is a very strong profitability at stake. 

E: Okay. Okay great. We take the nugget. Jimmy tells us: “Is it possible to develop subletting without asking for a deposit from the owner after two sublets which run or not? 

SM: No. It's not related after two or three, etc. It will depend on the feeling you have with the owner. I know that some of my training did not make it, but some of my training did not have to pay a deposit. It's already happened. I know that the best I managed to negotiate was to postpone the deposit over time. That's what I achieved. But generally, the deposit is the key element for the owner to say: “OK. They're reserving an apartment! That’s OK!” On the other hand, the first rent, that's what I told you, there is a very good chance that you will be able to negotiate it.

E: What do you mean by negotiating it? Negotiate it in amount or?

SM: In fact, bribing, the first month's rent, you don't pay it, or you only pay it half, or you know what I mean, it's negotiating your first month.

E.: Oh yeah! But then, wait…  

SM: So you take the apartment and you don't pay rent.

E.: And how is that possible?

SM: Well, just asking. 

E.: It’s a crazy thing. But wait, but, because I'm saying that about my apartment, I mean well...

SM: Yes, because you are in fashion... Yes, I know that very well. Me too, in particular, it would be really weird for me to say to myself: “I’m moving into an apartment and I’m not paying rent.” But in professional mode, the cards are not the same. The approach is not the same. You're in professional mode, it has nothing to do with it, actually. 

E: Okay.

SM: It's not you who personally... You see. This is because in fact the owner will understand that you have a preparation time, you have a time to develop the activity, you have a time... What they want to make clear is that you are not going to receive travelers straight away, and that therefore you are not going to pay rent at a loss. They are trying to understand it. He understands it because he is in a financial business logic, like you.

E: Okay. That’s great, that’s a good nugget. We also have a question from Axelle who tells us: “How can we arrange concierge accommodation, far from home, while being sure of our teams? »So here, it's more of a concierge question, or is it just Axelle, you mean concierge who is from the sub-let, perhaps? 

SM: In short, we can answer both, since in fact, it's quite linked, eh. 

E: Yeah.

SM: Well, I find that there is the answer in the question, because if you say that you are sure of your teams and that you already have someone, well, there wasn't even questions to ask yourself. You can take from, well, that's it, that's it, the key, in fact, is if you are far away and behind you, you know that you have a team that is holding up, that will manage the entrances, exits, who will manage the households, etc., for me there is no problem. Afterwards, the real position that is likely to be missing is a manager, that is to say someone who will manage the teams. So is that you? Are you a manager? If you are a manager, I want to tell you, it's not like me typically, I have a manager in my company, I can go to the other side of the world. I did it at the beginning of the year. The business has always been going strong. There are, perhaps, things that I didn't necessarily like or that weren't what I would have liked to do. But, that’s it, that’s it, that’s how it is. But, so I also did it in the opposite direction, since I, at one time, lived in France, it was before Covid, and I had my concierge in Bangkok, so I had my, my teams, etc., who were there. So it was happening. On the other hand, there is a bit of time difference, it was very complicated. We're not going to lie, but it was still possible.

E: Okay. So that means “recruiting the right people”. Basically what you're saying is having the right person.

SM: Having a trusted pillar in the city, then unless it's two/three apartments, if it's 2/3 apartments or even four or five, as soon as you stay on figures like that, it doesn't there is no need to have a pillar on site. There must, all the same, be relays, that's just it, relays. So, it could be partners, it could be companies that you work with regularly. I see, for example, I am in a city where I never, ever go, and yet I have five apartments, quite simply, because I have relays. I have a person who does the cleaning, who, I explained to him, I tell him that I will never be there. So, if there is a problem, what is it up to her to handle? And if she can't handle it, well, she tells me enough in advance that I can try to arrange appointments with neighboring businesses, etc. 

E.: But how do you pay them? People like that, who have to be available at any time?

SM: Well, it will depend, whether they are employees, or whether they are companies, or whether they are self-employed. It will really depend on them, on the person, on – I don’t have any criteria.

E: Okay. Okay. So someone who has to be on watch for bugs, you pay them, for example, if it's someone who is self-employed, you pay them per service, whereas if they had to have an emergency, you do you have an agreed price for emergencies?

SM: And yes. Well, typically, I gave a case, so, in a city where I never set foot, we had a problem on the entrance door at the level of the system which opens the door, ah well, this person there, I know that he is self-employed, that he does multiple repairs, I called him, he knows me, because he was the one who assembled my furniture at the time. I call him, I tell him there's a problem, he goes there, sends me his invoice. I'll get the bill and I'll comply with it.

E: Okay. How do you do it? Do you take the yellow pages and call everyone you see who might have a remotely or remotely compatible activity?

SM: No. Generally, when we arrive in a town, we go to assemble furniture, and that's how we establish our network, that is to say it goes through furniture fitters, in fact. It's them who ultimately, we try to find who are, who don't necessarily do just that, you see. And as a result, these characters generally do something else, other tasks. And if, really, they can't do it, well, yes, after a while. I'll give another example, we had, it was a year ago in an apartment, we had termites, what do we say? No, bugs, bedbugs.

E.: Ah, that’s hell.

SM: That’s the horror. It's total hell.

E.: This thing is indestructible.

SM: I confirm the hell. The story lasted three months. Three months three, no reservation. But it was horror. Fortunately, it is the person who takes care of the household, who looked for a company, who found a specialized company, who brought the workers, who came back at least 5/6 times, who herself was bought products that I had ordered on Amazon, etc., for, because in fact, the company, it wasn't enough, in fact. We had to go there almost every two or three days to launch bombs, things, things. And after three months, we threw away 50% of the dresser or furniture. And after three months, we said to ourselves: “Okay, come on, let’s relaunch, let’s relaunch”. And there, it was over. But that’s the horror. This is the worst that can happen to you, the worst of the worst. But, I preferred that there was a party in my home and that really turns the party around. 

E.: It's true that the party, if it lasts for one evening, well afterwards, we can have the cup a little on our backs for a few weeks. 

SM: Yes, but hey, this story will be resolved quickly.

E: Yeah. That's it, that is to say one evening, we act like men, but there, with the most delicate, it lasts. You would have to repurchase everything.

SM: Lost money, lost three months of reservations. This is the worst that could have happened to me.

E: Yeah. Okay. 

SM: For me, it's the worst.

E.: Would you say that you need to know how to manage your money when subletting? 

SM: Don't let yourself be blinded, indeed, because in fact, we're decorating and this person can get a little involved in the thing by saying to themselves: “I'm going to buy”. Still try to get to the point. Don't start with something crazy. Always value for money of course. And anything you can do that will save you time, do it, because it will definitely benefit you at some point. So, do not hesitate, on the other hand, to invest in tools, in devices which can, I give an example, heating, if it is electric heating or even if it is gas, it costs very Dear. For what ? Because our travelers, since they are not at home, they will put the heating at 30 degrees and they will open the windows in the middle of winter, it's very simple, it works like that. So, you have to find systems that will allow you, in particular, classic systems where the windows are opened automatically, the heating stops, at least that already. But, otherwise, invest in heaters that you control remotely. And, with the phone, well, you select the temperature yourself. If your travelers say: “Well yes, but hey, we can possibly tolerate a little extra degree”. But you understand, you manage your electricity bill well. 

E.: It’s true that it’s a good tip too, you’re right to talk about it. It’s that, it’s that… We have a question regarding the key success factors of subletting. 

SM: Don't waste time, well, for example, the studios, don't waste time with that, because you're not going to gain a lot. You're not going to make a lot of cash flow, you're going to waste time. You will have provided the same energy every day, it takes you the same time, and you will earn less. So sometimes, it's better to have less, but to be super profitable. Another thing, and I think Élise has already spoken to you about it, is creating experiences in your apartments. Today, this is what travelers are looking for, that is to say that when they go to an apartment, it must really be like home, like home, but even more than that What. Imagine a five star hotel and, to the enemy, you don't know, do you rent a five star hotel really one day and look what happens, everything they do, well, you do the same. You really do something super high quality, good bedding, really something almost nice, or otherwise, you give them experiences, I'm thinking of the jacuzzi, I'm thinking of everything that is spa, that's it. Make their life experiences, or maybe it could also be a, how should I say, a cinema. Really, try to imagine things that can give them truly unforgettable experiences. And that's what will make the difference. And so, it's better to have less, but hyper quality or super well placed, that's it.

E.: Great. Interesting. We also have a question from Sarah who tells us: “The gentleman”, so I think the gentleman is you, I’m sure. I think the hair works in my favor for identification.

SM: Yeah. For now.

E.: Is there training to get started with subletting? 

SM: Yes.

E.: Does the gentleman have any training? Sorry, I'm evaluating the question. Sarah asks us if you have any training to start subletting for people who really wouldn't have sublet, which is starting.

SM: Yes. So, I have training or indeed, I support you in setting up your project. So it’s training over twelve modules. It lasts 14 hours. So you have all the different modules that explain how to do this? How to find owners? How to convince them? How to do your market research? How to rent your apartments? How to frame it legally through a structure with a lease made available to you? We also explain to you how the bottom works and we also explain to you how to work on your, on your identity, if you want to create a website to communicate with those around you. All this is explained in training, and on top of that, you join a community of people who are already doing it. So there are more than 650/700 of us already doing it in this context. And as a result, you are put in contact with them, so through a telegram group, a Facebook group. I host Lives every Saturday, which I provide only for people who have never had training. So, I notably involve Élise who came on a Saturday to present what, what she has achieved. And so, I have plenty of other speakers. I try to find fascinating subjects. The goal, if you bring maximum value, well, share with you what I know, so a Live and coaching sessions once a month. For those who have joined the training, who are, who are open, so you can come for group coaching. And beyond all that, I try to organize – so there we are, three times over? Yeah – I try to organize between three and four events a year. You are invited to introduce yourself and this is reserved exclusively for people who have joined the training. The goal is to network, to find each other. It's like there, for example, in mid-December, we are going to organize a, what we call, a gala. We're going to organize a special evening. The idea is that you join this community. 

E.: Great. I've only heard good things about your training, Sébastien. That's also why I agreed that you came to talk about it on our microphone.

SM: Oh okay.

E.: And besides, an anecdote that I didn't tell you is Frédéric, I don't want to give his last name, anyway, because he didn't tell me that he agreed that I tell all his anecdotes. But we were talking about his activity and I told myself that he had done a lot of training. And then he told me, he also did a Complete training course and he said to me: “Yes yes. There, I am getting better and better at training. The last training courses I did were yours and Sébastien's. So really, it’s getting better and better.” So, so I think…

SM: I'm really trying to get involved in your project. So I can't get personally involved in your project every time, but I try to listen as much as possible. Well, actually, that’s what I’m saying there. This is what people tell me every time. This is the side where I am very attentive. I am very down to earth. I have nothing to hide. I tell you, what I say is my experience. It's just what I did. So, if I got there, I don't see why you can't. And then, it's also having the mindset, in fact, it's, I think it's important, to join groups of people who do the same thing as you, because it inspires you, it doesn't can only pull you up. That's what I wanted to tell you too. There is this whole side, because there is also the big psychological barrier, at a given moment of: “do I do it or do I not do it?” » And when we are ready to do it, we say to ourselves: “Oh, but finally, wouldn't I take this next year, because this year is the complicated year”. But every year is a complicated year, so at some point you either do something or you don't do anything. And the fact of being in a community means that it’s the group effect, in fact, we say to ourselves “well, the others are doing it, so I have to do it, anyway”.

E.: Yes, it’s clear, it’s clear. And it’s true that it also keeps you going, because we all have very busy lives, and it can be easy to motivate yourself occasionally to say: “Come on! ”, and that’s it, it’s my moment. And then, in fact, xyz, things are happening, but the fact of having, as you say, this pack effect, in fact, almost, allows us to stay in suspense on this project which is only about to me, what. 

SM: Then, we see that it works for others, so we say to ourselves: “Well, if it worked for him, it must work for me”. 

E: Yeah. That's it.

SM: Well, anyway, humans are made like that. That is, we are a lot of “copies” of others. So, as soon as we see that someone succeeds in such things, well: “Wait, I'm going to do the same. Well, I want to earn money too.” Well, you see, it’s…

E: Completely. Do you want to tell us more specifically about the offers? You want me to share it...

SM: Yes, well, certainly. We're going to share the, how should I say, the little slide. Are you doing it or am I doing it? You do it, right?

E.: Here we go. Yes. I am in the process, I am in the process, of trying. Hop. So. 

SM: It’s nice. It's very good. I like it.

E: I thought it would take me two seconds to do that, but apparently, not at all. 

SM: Oh. Do you want me to try?

E.: So, I can't do what I wanted. Yes, it will help me because…

SM: Do you want me to try? So, wait, can I do that too? Did you get there or? 

E.: So, there you go. With the document. It's good. So. 

SM: Oh well, there you go. So, we actually have several packs, in fact. We start with a starter pack at 997 euros where you will find all the training, everything I was able to explain to you. So, this is what we call starter training. The only thing you don't have in this, in this pack, is that we don't give you access to the Facebook group and the Telegram group. Basically, you don't gain access to the community. We wanted to make an entry-level offer, really not very expensive, for those who don't have a lot of money, but who still want to do the training, who still want to get the contract back. , the famous lease, which allows you to carry out, in this context, the activity, which allows you to recover the statutes, all the legal documents. We still wanted to make an attractive offer. So, that's why we have this one. And until October 31, we are offering a forecast, that is to say that it is a tool which will allow you to make a budget forecast in relation to your activity, but also a cash flow forecast, a power, a follow-up on your company, and to know where you are each time. And it's also practical when you want to open a bank account in a bank, a local bank. It's super essential. This is the first offer. 

Maybe we'll move on to the second one, then. So I recommend this one to you, it’s the premium pack. This is what I told you beforehand, that is to say that it is the complete training, like the previous pack. The big advantage is that you access the community, therefore the group, how should I say, telegram, the private Facebook group. One live, per week, which is organized and therefore by me. And it's every Saturday afternoon. So. For me, this is really the pack that I recommend, because there, you are really taken care of in relation to the activity. You can ask your questions anywhere, you will inevitably have answers. And beyond that - we'll see it later - and so, on top of that, you have the forecast which is also offered, also until the end of the month. 

And we have a final pack for those who want us to create their business and, in addition to all that, create their website and their logo. We have a pack that includes everything. You have the creation of the company with Dimitri Bougeard, who is a specialized lawyer, an hour of study with him. And so all of that is included in a pack. We make you a website, logo, creation of your business, an hour of study with Dimitri, a lawyer, in addition to the training, that's it. And on top of that, we have planned you with Élise. So, this evening and until October 31, I am offering you in addition to that, one group coaching per month, for three months. You are invited to connect and we do coaching in small groups of approximately 15 people.

E.: Ah, that’s great. So it's more restricted. That's the benefit, is that it's more personalized then?

SM: Yes. Even sometimes, we met, there were barely 10 of us, because you obviously have to be available. If you're not available, that's it, that's too bad, it'll be next month. But sometimes it happens that there aren't very many of us. So, it's coaching, limit, it lasts three hours. So you can, we can talk for a while. 

E.: Great. Ah, that’s great. Awesome.

SM: This is the first gift until October 31st. And with Élise, we have planned a special offer for you until Wednesday October 20 at midnight. In fact, if you take the starter pack, we offer you 50 euros discount; if you take the first pack, we offer you 150 euros discount; and if you take gold pack, we offer you 200 euros. How ? Simply by typing the codes that we have given you here: Elise starter, Elise premium, Elise gold. 

E: It’s very Élise, really.

SM: There you go. Very Elise. And we're going to stay at his place, the link, the link of all that.

E: Great. Great. It's really great. So, that's the recap?

SM: Yeah. Previous slate, next. Yes, that's the recap. So. So, we allowed you…

E.: Do you want me to stop on another slide?

SM: How? 

E.: Excuse me. I don't know where you wanted it to end. Okay

SM: No, that’s very good. So, we are at the recapitulation of the offers. So you have discount codes that allow you to get discounts. If you would like to make a telephone appointment, you have the little link below. On the other hand, you will make it clear that you came to the Élise webinar to benefit, well, from the offers that we have prepared for you, from the discounts, that is, after all, the most important thing. And then you also have the WhatsApp number right at the bottom. This is my WhatsApp contact. Don't hesitate to send a little message, the same, you come from Élise, etc. And you will of course have discounts etc. Also don't hesitate to ask your questions, if there are any questions, there's really no problem. 

E: Ah, I admit, Sébastien, that I was quite touched that you offered discounts for my community and I thank you again. It’s because at the time, already, I had thanked you. And I say it again, because it's true that if, in fact, we, what we can clarify, is that if we take the training live, you, usually, you don't do it at all reduction.

SM: No. There is no reduction. Me, if you go to my house, you won't see the discounts. 

E.: It’s really really nice. And suddenly, I was so touched that I said to myself: “There you go, I also wanted to offer a gift to people in the community who would trust you and want to start subletting. So, I did something I've never done. I must admit, I was mini stressed.

SM: Oh yeah?

E: I'm going to, but I don't know, I really want, I really wanted to please this evening, well, I don't know, the members of the community. It's been a very long time, so we have two training courses at J'poster Complet: profitable piloting training which is training from a to z and then max income training which helps people to use AIRDNA ​​properly. This max income training is very successful, because it is easy to digest, it allows you to get off to a good start, etc. And I don't offer this training, so except when you buy profitable piloting, but otherwise, I don't offer training like that at all. It's a lot of work to create training. I think you know as well as I do. And there, this evening, I said to myself: “I want to offer this training”, but those who have followed me for a very long time will know that what I am saying here is not at all trivial. It's really, really sincere. It's really the first time I've done something like that, and that's it. So there you have it, this evening, I tell myself then it will be until tomorrow evening only, because, there you go, I have, it is also important to me not to do it for too long a period of time. It's something I never do, so I don't necessarily feel comfortable making myself available for a long time. But, if you react quickly this evening or tomorrow, you have the max income training at J'poster Complet which is offered to you, in addition to Sébastien's training. So, well there you go. I'm also offering you a gift at the same time, it's this max revenue training, which will also help you get off to a good start as a professional sub-let, because you will have the possibility, therefore, of know your market well. You will be able to read these statistics in the AIRDNA ​​and be super comfortable with this sublet choice decision, in addition to everything that Sébastien shares in the training.

SM: Yeah, that’s cool. Then what's more, it's super complementary, because it's true that, for once, they're going to get really complete training, you see. With you bringing them all this expertise, they really have a great package, I think. Yeah.

E: Yeah. 

SM: No, it’s cool. It's very intelligent in any case to have put this in place, because beyond the offer, if you want, it's very relevant, I think, it's very relevant. 

E.: Yes, well, that’s also why it was… Listen, you see, I really told myself that it’s also a way of supporting all the people who say to themselves: “Come on. I want to get started.” But we were doing earlier, we can be afraid, we can, but here we are, with opportunities like that, saying to ourselves: “Come on. We’re giving ourselves a nice kick in the butt” and we say to ourselves: “that’s it, we’re finally going to see all the projects that are close to our hearts come to life”, in fact, because you see, like you said it earlier, we are employed, we want to change our lives, we want to, there you go, build greater financial serenity, have more means for your leisure, your children, for your family . And all of these are things that need to be put in place. You just have to have that first shot of saying to yourself: “Come on. I'm going this time, it's my chance to go." Great. You wait, I think we saw other questions that we didn't answer. We did, we digressed. So, we have a question from Victoria who tells us: “Do you have a brand of remote heating thermostat to recommend to us please?

SM: So for me, I bought radiators from Laurent Merlin, so the brand was the Laurent Merlin brand called, I don't know anymore. Wait, I have his contact details. The problem on my site, I think I prefer to stay on Google. So I know that JA.NET has a word for word, motatmo, which allows you to add a connected thermostat to your radiators. But I don't use this one. Afterwards, you also have heatzy, heatrzy, which is also a thermostat programmer. But for me, the one I used is that of Laurent Merlin, and it's their brand, it's their internal brand which is called, which is called, for a moment, the time to connect, so, Laurent Merlin, they also sell netatmo. And I also took Talonest which exists. All of this is pretty well known. And I took it with the radiator connected. I took one, is that their brand? Is it kova? I don't think so. If I do box on radiator, then connected, I can't find it. Radiator connected. So, it was just a store on their website or it was skipped, that seems weird to me. I can't find it. But go to Laurent Merlin, there is a choice that is just enormous and normally you should honestly find what you are looking for.

E.: So, Sarah asks us another question: do we need a G card to manage subletting? To start subletting?

SM: No, not at all, not at all, at all, at all. Quite simply, because the G card is necessary when looking for tenants for an owner. So for us, that’s not the case at all, that’s all we’re going to do. And when we collect rent on behalf of an owner, we are not doing that at all. We are just a tenant, we rent the apartments from an owner and we do our business there. So absolutely, not. Where the question can sometimes arise is in apartment concierge services where, in fact, many people ask me this question, because in concierge services, we work for an owner. We offer services. The question is legitimate, can be asked, but it's also the same in concierge services, you are not concerned about that, because we provide services, we do not carry out real estate transactions. We're not in there. We are really in the service.

E: Okay. Great. 

SM: I answer both, because I also do concierge services. 

E.: Yes, it's true, it's true, it's true that you have the double expertise which means that it also gives a more exhaustive vision of the set up, moreover. “Good evening, I know that you invest a lot in Le Mans, are the rents still as attractive? » If it should be confidential, I don't know, but it's a little threadbare. 

SM: So what do you mean by rents still being attractive? Which side? On the owner's side or on the side of tenants who sublet. In what, in what position are you asking me this question? Can you clarify? 

E: Yeah. Can you tell us more? Axelle also asks, you are right to say that “if it works for others, it must work for us”. And it's still very scary to force yourself. 

SM: Yes, that’s normal.

E.: Do you have any ideas of things we can say to each other, to say: “Come on, I’ll give it a go, because here…? » What could reassure them for someone who is really, really scared?

SM: So, the entrepreneur's fear, whether it's subletting or any business, I can assure you that you have it. To give you an example, I launched 23 sublets at once. It wasn't even a month ago, well, it was a month ago. I had fear too, okay? So even though I know well what its activity is, I was also afraid, because when you make the transfer, you say to yourself: “Fuck! I hope it’s not bullshit.” So fear is legitimate and normal, it is part of you. So afterwards, there are ways to alleviate fears, it is already to reassure ourselves from market studies, to reassure ourselves about the turnover that we are capable of achieving, it is also to reassure ourselves closely other people who do it. I'm the one telling you this today, but if you join my program, you're connected with other people who are doing it. You will see, they will be able to reassure you, tell you: “I did it and it works”. So that’s a certainty. But if you're on your own, you want to do it by yourself, that's no problem. If you want to reassure yourself, well, you have to do the market research, to be sure of the turnover that you can achieve. You know the rent. Well, afterward, it's very easy to see if it's a market or not. You tell yourself that you earn more money than you actually spent on rent and charges. Well, if you have, then it’s definitely possible.

E: Okay. Great. We have a message from KF saying: “Good evening, how can I take advantage of the offer? »

SM: If you give me the link.

E.: That’s it, I put the link…

SM: I haven't seen it.

E.: The message went out on both Facebook and YouTube with the link to click on to take advantage of the offer, and I recalled the codes so, I promise you, it wasn't me who asked to write Élise everywhere.

SM: Yes. Élise told me: “You know, on the other hand, I would like there to be Élise everywhere, because when I see my first name there...

E.: I feel really important. I really need to be at the center of the world. He's really my type, it's true, totally my type. But suddenly, I recalled the codes including Élise starter, Élise premium and Élise gold. Depending on the offer you choose so that you can have, well, both the monetary reduction, in fact, on the value of the offer so 50, 150 or 200 euros and so that I can also, well, you offer the max revenue training which is the training, which will also help you to know how to use AirDna and which will contribute to making you even more of a top sub-renter, at the top level. That's it exactly. We have a question from Christophe who tells us “Good evening everyone, I confirm, I am currently taking training in concierge and subletting from Sébastien, I recommend. With Élise, it will be even more complete and professional.” Wow, well, Christophe. THANKS.

SM: Yeah, that’s nice.

E: Super nice. Thank you very much for your…

SM: And I didn't ask anyone anything. I will see.

E.: Did you pay Christophe? Christophe, he seems very sincere to me. So, KF tells us: “Subletting works in all cities in the Paris region” does it then work in cities in the Paris region?

SM: So already, before even talking about that, we're going to talk about the legislation, because there is, in fact, when we talk about subletting, we're talking about short-term rental, it's implicit, in fact, it's sublet, short term rental. If afterwards you want to share accommodation, that's another debate, that's another subject, we're very clear. But, in the case of a short-term rental, that's the question you need to ask yourself: can I do a short-term rental in the city in the Paris region? So what you need to know is that in the Paris region, there are towns where this will not be tolerated, notably Petite-Couronne, generally, this is not very verified, but it is not is not very good. But there are counterexamples too. I take, for example, the town of Bagneux in 92, I know that we can do LCD, I know it, because I do it, I do it, and because I made contact with the town hall who confirmed to me that there was no problem. So I can talk about it freely. But then, I also know that there are towns in the Paris region where the LCD is subject to what is called “the double compensation rule”. I'm not going to go into too much technical detail, because it will be too long otherwise. But there you go, on the other hand in Paris, you forget, we're not going to lie, you forget because there you're going to get pissed off. There is no other word. On the other hand, afterwards I am present in 91, Créteil. There's not much there; you can do business. There are plenty of others. I'm telling you this city, because for me it's a city where there's a lot of, how should I say, professionals passing through, and so I'm certain, well, it's not that I'm sure, but I know people who do it and it works very well. But it's not just that one, there are others. So, it works, there is no problem. 

E.: Great.

SM: Afterwards, there will perhaps be cities which will be less profitable than others, that’s clear. But once again, we can determine, if you push the analysis, that I have never done again, moreover, that I should do one day, it is pushing the analysis on can - be take 100 cities, and then put them all into an Excel file, and see what it comes out. 

E.: Great. Super interesting. We have the additional question from earlier, so I'm sorry unfortunately, we can't see that your first name, your name is Facebook User on the system the initial question was: "is this is still as attractive for us? ", we asked what it was on the tenant or owner side and so there you tell me "on the tenant side in order to sublet".

SM: Yes yes, I confirm, since I have still recovered 23 sublets. 

E: Oh yes. All right. Well, the numbers speak for themselves. Sarah asks us: “Are your training courses eligible for the CPF? » 

SM: Yes.

E.: Great. Yes, so, if I ever ask the question at that moment, if ever someone is interested in the training and says they would like to do it with their CPF, how does it work? Should he do something different? Does he go to the link and sign up anyway? And what is the method? 

SM: No. So what should be done in these cases, what will be the simplest? Well, if the person tells us either by WhatsApp, or by very good telephone meeting, it would perhaps be better by WhatsApp, since, suddenly, you will have me and it will be simpler. If you're not on Whatsapp, well, maybe they can send a little message and then you relay or if...

E: Yes completely.

SM: Or otherwise, on my WhatsApp, you write at the bottom right, you say to me: “there you go, it’s Sarah, I saw you during the webinar with Élise, I spotted the offer so and so, I would like to have it financed with the CPF pack, minus of course the reductions that I have with Élise and I would also like to take advantage of Élise's offer of training which is offered. I take care of the CPF registration, I send you the different links, etc. You register and as soon as it's done, we both communicate the information to Élise, so Élise is aware and that's it. 

E.: Like that. I can unlock the gift training on my side.

SM: Right.

E: Okay. Great. So I'm going to write this for those who indicated that therefore write about...

SM: Just one very important point with the CPF, we are obliged to respect a legal deadline of 11 working days. So, I can't do your training for you in advance. It's the law, that's how it is. I can't.

E: Okay fine. But that means there are 11 days where we don't do anything, right?

SM: Yeah. Always wait.

E: Okay, okay. 

SM: I could do it in Facebook groups, etc. But I can't start the training for you. If I have control over you specifically and you started before, I can lose my certification for that.

E: Okay. It's important to do things well, therefore. 

SM: Yeah.

E.: Gladys tells us: “I recommend it too” 

SM: Thank you Gladys. 

E.: There you go. It's an old one. Is it real then?

SM: It's not an absolute old one.

E: Okay. We have a question from Fabrice who says: “how do you find your cleaning ladies, and under what contract do you use them? » Yes, then, we will say that all the hires from you, perhaps, self-employed TESE, CDD, CDI. 

SM: So, I have everything, quite simply, because depending on how I am organized in this or that city, I have an organization that is different, so I have hires, therefore permanent contracts, fixed-term contracts. I use the Urssaf thesis and I have self-employed people, and going further than that, I even have companies, SAS who work with me. I have everything, we'll say. 

E.: Is there a format? Would you say that there is one format that is better than the other?

SM: Yes, when they are hired.

E.: Ah, as an employee, is it better?

SM: It’s definitely the company’s choice. Yeah.

E: Okay.

SM: It's going to sound crazy, because a lot of people will say: "well, yeah, but, it's better" Yes yes, well, when they work for you, they work for you. So, it's the implication is not the same.

E.: Yes, I quite agree. And then, finally, after working independently, that also suits, the proof is that we are entrepreneurs and I think we like that. So, it's good to have this entrepreneurial spirit, but at the same time, it can also create security, to create jobs. 

SM: Yes.

E.: Through our activities, so there is everything…

SM: Yes. And beyond that, I'm not going to lie to you either, I also have a, how could I say that, it might seem weird that I'm saying that, but I still don't have not had companies and employees, and for me it is a great company, etc. It's the employees who are an integral part of the company's success. As for independence, that's good, but it's not your employees. We're not in the same place, I don't know, there's, you know what I mean? When it's your employees, we're all together, we're a team.

E: Yeah. 

SM: We are a team. Then we also participate indirectly in the, in the success of, I don't know maybe there is a little bit of a side, I don't know, how I could say that, well we still have to hire people too finally, at a given moment, we must have employees, because if we don't have; we won't be able to function. See? 

E: Yeah yeah. I see what you mean.

SM: A bit philosophical, this thing, but…. 

E: Do you have this thing of telling yourself that you are proud to have created jobs?

SM: When I was young, yes. Now uh, not really, because when your company is doing badly, you also go through phases of layoffs, which I experienced. We had to lay off people and that is a stage that is really very difficult, very difficult humanly, mentally, financially. You go through all the stages. So yes, you're proud, but not, you're, well no, today, I don't care. I don't really worry about that. I want the people who work with me, on the other hand, to be happy. That's for sure. If I know someone isn't happy, I'd rather they listen. I want to leave, you go. And it's over.

E: Yeah. Okay. Interesting. We also, Sarah said: “great thank you”. So I think Sarah is saying that in relation to the CPF, the fact that their training is eligible for the CPF. So that’s it, that’s great. Marie tells us: “I recommend you both”

E.: It’s super nice. Gladys tells us “yes on the Guadeloupe side, I’m sending you sunshine”, that’s nice.

SM: I take it. I'll take Gladys. I take it.

E.: “Élise and Sébastien, amazing duo”. Yeah, I think we're a great duo, all the same. I believe.

SM: I think so too. 

E: We have… Fabrice tells us “thank you both for your response”. Great. Well, listen, thank you for all these questions. Thank you all for all these questions. So so far, all the questions have been answered. Do you see, perhaps, other things to share about subletting or maybe even about training, I don't know, things that we wouldn't have mentioned? 

SM: Subletting, well, we do it all over the world. Say it to yourself, because, yeah, it's worldwide. Afterwards the only thing you need to check is the legislation around short term rental, but, after that possibly there, in subletting, but generally there are no constraints linked to subletting pure. The real constraints are linked to the short duration. It is more that, in fact, which is regulated today. So you have to check this carefully every time. So you can do it anywhere in the world, it's entirely possible. I did it in Bangkok, but I know that in Bangkok, for example, I was in a market called a gray market. Of course, it was not a prohibited market, it was not a legal market either, it was a gray market. And what is good, all the same, in France, to keep a positive note on everything we had, we criticize France a lot, etc. So yes, we are heavily taxed, but also know that everything that involves taxation will still be less and less important, since we are in the process of adopting the European model. And know that even in terms of companies, French companies are taxed less and less and will be less and less in the years to come, so it will take a little time, but will be less and less . We apply the European model and what I mean by that is that doing business in France also means, there is really business to be done in France, and what I like doing in France , is that things are clear, they are established. It's regulated, there are laws, perhaps too many, but at least you can't normally take a wrong step. And if you do, there are authorities, all that is DGCCRF, etc., who are there to remind us that we have taken a step aside - ok - because it has already happened to me, and who going to tell you now you are back on track and there is no problem. Whereas abroad, sometimes, you can do activities without realizing that they are a bit of a legal limit, and that can have very serious consequences, very serious indeed, for you, on a personal level. I tell you, from experience, with knowledge of the facts, and it also means thinking about the resale of your business, because when you want to resell, if your business, that it is well legally regulated, that it is well organized and who responds, because you know an investor someone who cashes companies, he is someone who will already check the legislation, check that it is not a risky activity where he will risk everything, period . And in France precisely, given that it is well established, well organized, it is ultimately much easier to resell your business than abroad where it can sometimes be complicated, because well we don't have the certainty that what we buy or what we sell is indeed legal. Yes. So. It's my little touch.

E: Super interesting. Super complementary to what we said. We have another question from KF: “for subletting, we can stop whenever we want if it doesn't work or is there a minimum commitment period? »

SM: Yes, you can stop whenever you want. You're the one who's going to set the date. So I generally take two months. So there, I stop, for example, subletting, because it is not profitable in my opinion, not enough, at least, I prefer to devote myself to others. She caused me too many management problems and too many problems in the apartment. So yes, I'm stopping. I had two months' notice. I'll have my notice and I'm done. I'm leaving. 

E.: That's reassuring, to say to ourselves that in fact, we're not tied hand and foot to something.

SM: Oh well, yes.

E: If it doesn't work out, whatever. 

SM: Oh well, yes. And also remember for those who are real estate investors that subletting can be a good way to test the market on a real scale. 

E.: For now, yes, you are right. Sarah asks us: “How can you find out about subletting around the world? » 

SM: By default, that's what I'm telling you Sarah, worldwide, you can sublet. It’s very clear what you’ll need to check out is short-term rentals. So what you need is if you're not from the country, you don't know, if you hire a business lawyer and you commission him to do the legal research, and he's the one who will tell you yes or no, you can do it or not do it. A lawyer. Afterwards, otherwise, if you know the country, you speak the language or you have a correspondent there who speaks the language, you possibly send them on a mission based on information from the government. 

E.: Yes, you are right. Or the municipality of the city you are targeting, whatever. Yes, interesting. Great. Well wait, I cut you off. Did you want to complete something?

SM: No, no. I spoke to say nothing.

E: Okay. It was super interesting. Honestly, thank you, Sébastien, for this time spent with you.

SM: Thank you Élise.

E.: For all your answers to the questions, it was really fascinating. I think we learned a million things tonight. It was really great. What I'm going to do is I'm going to put the link to follow for all the people who want to register for your training. I will put the link in the comments, both on YouTube, but also on Facebook. So, don't hesitate to follow the link, to put the promotion codes which are indicated there, so that you have the price reduction and that you also have the max revenue training on AIRDNA, training courses I display Complete which will also give you help. Thank you again, Sébastien, for accepting… 

SM: Thank you for welcoming me.

E.: Axelle said to us: “Thank you, it was great, as usual, have a good evening”. 

SM: Thank you Axelle, then thank you all for participating this evening, and then thank you Élise for welcoming me, for allowing me to interact with you and your community. 

E: And yeah, shared pleasure. Sarah tells us: “it was great, thank you”. KF tells us: “thank you both”. Fabrice tells us “thank you both, it was great as usual”. Well, listen, I wish you a very good evening. Thank you Sébastien and then see you next time for another video. 

SM: Ciao ciao.

E.: Ciao. 

SM: See you soon. 

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