
Beginners Seasonal rental: the keys to creating an apartment that sells!

**Beginners Seasonal rental: the keys to creating an apartment that sells! **

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Hello everyone, and welcome to the YouTube channel I display Complete. I hope you're doing well. The J'Comment Complet channel, if you don't know it, is a channel that allows you to increase the turnover of your seasonal rental, your sublet, or your seasonal rental concierge service. We share a certain number of ideas and methods that come from revenue management, also known as yield management. So, stay with us if you are a seasonal renter or aspiring to seasonal rental. We talk about all these subjects. Moreover, I would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to subscribe to the J'poster Complet channel if you are not yet, which will allow you not to miss the new videos that I post from Sunday to Thursday. So, today, the subject we are talking about is a subject that was shared with me, transmitted to me, requested by Hugues. He wrote to me: what are the luxury elements most sought after by customers, and what are the crippling defects? I found the idea interesting, because it's true that when we start, upstream, it can be interesting to connect the really operational field part, that is to say what do I propose in the apartment with revenue management, that is to say pricing. In other words, what will allow me to sell the most? What should I put, and what should I think about in my apartment so that I have every chance of increasing my turnover later, and that there is no Is there anything missing or a point that would be an opportunity to increase turnover?

If you join me live, feel free to say hello. I am always delighted to see that you are here, with me. There are already a small number of you who are live. Don't hesitate to ask your questions while I'm speaking, because that allows, afterwards, at the end, an exchange in which I can directly answer the questions you ask yourself at time T to help you with the short rental duration. I'm going to start.

− Hello Laetitia. Welcome to live.

So, I'll start on the subject. What you have to keep in mind is that I am going to talk to you about things that we have observed through experience: what makes things more difficult for us, or what can we make our lives easier on optimization and price increase. Obviously what I share is not at all gospel words; Obviously there are certainly things I haven't thought of. But here, my objective with this video is really to give you a first batch of ideas and ideas to help you in the right direction. And if you who are live, you are not beginners, you already have a little experience, and you are thinking of ideas that I do not think of, I beg you, speak, express yourself, do not hesitate Don't also share your ideas, because it could help the less experienced in our community. So, it's always a good idea to share. Don’t hesitate to write.

− Hello to you. Thank you, and happy new year to you too.

− Hello, hello. Welcome to live.

Regarding the different ideas that I wanted to share with you, we will take Hugues' question in two parts. Obviously, we will start by talking about the points which can help, or even the points which are really sources of increasing turnover inside your apartment. That's for the first point. And on the second point, we are going to talk about points which are quite prohibitive, or at least points which, on a daily basis, I have a few examples in mind, make things more difficult for us. I have no other words than “it makes things more difficult for us”. We have more difficulty selling, increasing turnover, increasing prices over time. You have to start from lower, you have to row a little.

So, if you are on the verge of investing, these are the points that are, in my opinion, essential. There are two today, and maybe it will seem obvious to you. But know that this is not the case in all properties. So, keep in mind that you have to have them. The first point that is essential for your apartment is to have a washing machine; if possible a washing machine dryer. And on that note, keep in mind that this will also help from an operational point of view. It will help with the cleaning part as well, because unless you have the cleaning handled by a company, if the laundry is included for example in the work of the person who is responsible for the cleaning, it can facilitate a certain number of things. 'have the washing machine and dryer directly in the apartment. Another point that is completely essential is wifi. It's the same: on large properties, we don't always have wifi. Today it may seem surprising, but it is reality. There are still a certain number of seasonal rental companies which, today, do not necessarily offer wifi. If you are about to start, keep in mind right away that wifi is a must. You absolutely must have it.

Afterwards, there are things that can help you make a little difference, not always in a dazzling way, but still, which can be things that you can put in place? The first is parking. Suggest a parking solution. And by parking solution, it is not necessarily a parking space strictly speaking, but in any case, offering a parking solution included in the price of the night can be an important competitive advantage in a certain number of cities. And this competitive advantage, keep in mind that it can also help you with business customers. And the business clientele is a clientele that we want to capture. For what ? Because business customers are less sensitive to price, and in addition, their demand is stable throughout the year, while leisure customers, those customers who will travel for personal reasons, will necessarily much more come over weekend and holiday periods. And so, it is not the vast majority of the year that is concerned with leisure customers, whereas business customers really allow us to support a fairly significant amount of turnover all year round. So, this is a clientele that needs to be taken care of. And typically, the fact of having a parking solution, for business customers, is a really important and positive point, because the salesperson who has spent his day making customer meetings, when he arrives at his airbnb, in the evening, he doesn't at all want to struggle to park his car, spend 45 minutes turning around before being able to park, park half an hour away on foot, and finally arrive an hour and a half later to finally being able to relax after your day at work. So, parking can be an important point. Parking, in fact, I said at the beginning “could”, because parking can also be essential. So, do a little study of the competition, but depending on your city, it is a must-have alongside the washing machine and wifi. But sometimes, in certain cities, it's not necessarily a must. And there, for once, it allows you to have a plus, a bonus compared to the competitors.

There is another point which is interesting, and which I am starting to see more and more. A lot of people on the networks recommend having Netflix in the apartments. When it is valued, it can, in fact, provide a bonus. And anyone is very happy to say that they will be able to continue their favorite series while on a business trip, or even while spending a nice weekend. This is a very positive point. I've also observed other things that are a bit related to Netflix, for me. It is the fact of offering games on site. It's been twice that I've heard seasonal rental companies tell me that they offer games on site. The two seasonal rental companies I'm thinking of offered an escape game system. It wasn't done the same way for both, but it's interesting, because they told me that people really came for that, in fact. And I think there is demand, particularly for leisure customers, who may be interested in having this kind of slightly atypical little spot in the apartment to occupy evenings or Sunday afternoons. Besides, I make a digression on this: none of the points I have just mentioned have any value if they are passed over in silence. There is "having important points for your apartment", and there is "enhancing them", that is to say you can have all the most differentiating and positive points for your apartment, if they are not well promoted in the text of the ad, in the ad parameters and in the photos, it is ultimately of no interest. Both aspects are as important as each other: having the important points, and in addition, promoting them in a sufficiently visible way. Also keep in mind that the reader, that is to say the person who looks at your ad, is a reader, he is not yet a traveler. The reader is lazy, actually. He's lazy, he doesn't have time. So, if you don't make his life easier, he won't take the time to go through the ad, read the 1,000 lines that are present in the ad. It must be accessible immediately, and it must flash so that you really have every chance of sending the message that you have differentiating points in your apartment. There you go, the parenthesis is closed on that.

So, I summarize the points that are essential: the washing machine and the wifi. It may seem obvious when you say it, but to this day, this is not always the case in apartments. That's why I keep talking about it. Another point that may be unavoidable is parking. But if you ever see that in your city, there are not particularly all the advertisements which have parking solutions, then it can even be a differentiating element for you, which will allow you to attract business customers more favorably. That's important. A point that can also be different is the point of Netflix or games on site. Basically, something to keep you busy when you're there.

And then another point which is quite well known, and moreover, I made a video on that, so I encourage you to go to the channel I'm posting Complete if you want to find this video, it's to have an indoor spa. Often it's done in a way to have hot tub systems, a jacuzzi system. That is also obviously extremely different. This is something that will immediately fill your apartment with almost exclusively leisure demand. No one is going to come there for a business trip, unless there's nothing left in the city, and that's all that's left. But it has a lot of value, and it allows you to significantly increase prices.

Now, there are strong points, but they are seasonal points. And I also talk about that because I often see a misunderstanding on these points. I'm giving you a little teaser, but I think you've guessed what I want to talk about, these are points on which people, in general, say to themselves: "I have that, so really, it's Certainly, my property must be more expensive”, but forgetting that we cannot enjoy it all year round. What am I thinking? I'm thinking of the swimming pool, the outdoor jacuzzi, but also the terrace. Often, the terrace is forgotten. So, for me, these three points are together in this category of points which, in fact, will allow you to attract customers, to sell your apartment better, but be careful, sell better only when you can profit, in fact , of these benefits. In the middle of January, if you are in the town of Cholet, and you have an outdoor swimming pool, an outdoor jacuzzi, or a terrace, it is not going to be a strong point for travelers. And in fact, unfortunately, I see too often, especially for terraces, prices which have remained high for the terrace, while the traveler cannot benefit from the terrace at all. So it becomes almost nonsense, in fact, to sell someone a terrace that they are not going to enjoy at all, because it is obviously much too cold outside. If you are in latitudes where you can enjoy a swimming pool and an outdoor jacuzzi all year round, magnificent! You have the opportunity, precisely, to capitalize on this additional attraction throughout the year, and in fact, what I have just said does not apply to you at all. That's it for the strong points.

There is a final point on these elements which can help you boost the performance of the property, and ensure that you have an apartment that will sell. This is the subject of the sofa bed in the living room. So, it's true that on this, there are very different beliefs depending on the seasonal rental companies. There are seasonal rental companies who will say: “No, I do something high-end, so I consider that we are not going to put people to sleep in the living room”. And then there are other seasonal rental companies who say to themselves: "I'll put it in, and we'll see, it allows people to make their choice, and it will at best give me the possibility of increasing the prices a little when there are has more people. » I am more part of the second team, the team of those who say that we can do qualitative things, and leave the choice to people, if they wish, to have people sleep in the living room. In fact, imposing our vision of quality on travelers is always a bit the same thing as imposing our vision of prices on travelers, for example, when I see seasonal rental companies who don't charge too much just because they consider that it's not worth more. It's a shame, actually. So, for me, the ideal, if it is before starting, is really to say to yourself: “I am putting in a sofa that can be converted if necessary. I will advise with experience, and I can also leave the choice to travelers, if they wish, to put people on the sofa. » Usually, where it's smart is that it's often families who can capitalize on this. Know that you can limit if you're really, really worried about having four rugby players coming in, and you're like, “My God! They're either going to break the couch for me, or not be happy at all, and give me a complete rubbish when they leave. » In these cases, be aware that for these two additional people sleeping in the living room, you can also limit the age on a certain number of sites. So, it can also reassure you, and allow you to attract families where otherwise, you would not be able to attract families. Anyway, this subject of the sofa bed, in my opinion, it only concerns me, and it can be debated, obviously, it is smarter to put a sofa bed in the living room, and advise subsequently to be able to capitalize on the presence of this sofa if necessary during the operation, because it can actually allow you to save 5 euros or 10 euros more per additional traveler.

So these are the points that will really help you to have an apartment that will sell, on which you will be able to capitalize either for the whole year, or certain times of the year, to increase the turnover that you get from your apartment. Now, there are points that can be prohibitive, too. So I wanted to talk to you about it, because we see them, we experience them a little on a daily basis, these points which are really obstacles to selling apartments well. So, I wanted to talk about that too. Besides, that’s part of Hugues’ question, who tells me: what are the crippling flaws? So, on that, there are five points that I will share with you.

The first point is not so much a fatal flaw in the apartment, but rather the way of presenting the apartment. It may happen that some renters have the tendency to overestimate their apartments to increase the value, saying: “I will be able to sell for more”. I will give you a very concrete example, it is the example of the T1 and T2 studio; the studio on which we put a sort of break between the living space and the bedroom. So we are on a sort of T1, and the person puts T2 in the systems. That's a really damaging way of looking at things. And in fact, in the long run, it's not going to help your financial performance at all. In the short term, we can say to ourselves: “Ah, so, I put T2, so I will be able to sell at a price of T2”. The reality is that the person looking on sales sites for a T2 is really going to expect a T2 experience. If you simply closed it, or put some kind of... I lost the word, but if it's not really a wall with a door, and therefore a really closed room, you run the risk, in fact, of disappointing the traveler, that he has the impression of having booked bad value for money. And that's not forgiving, because you have, as a result, ratings that are going to be rather bad, even average, and you won't be able to have the turnover and the average price of a T2, because in the end, your grades are worse than those of competing T2s. And it's a vicious circle, in fact. So, it is better to qualify as a studio, but to be an excellent studio, and therefore to have very good ratings, and to be able, indeed, to have good prices, knowing that a studio can sometimes reach the prices of T2 , rather than wanting to start straight away on a T2, disappoint your guests, and enter a vicious circle which will not help you at all, in reality. That's for the first point.

The second point is to neglect the quality of the furniture. Frankly, I will tell you about concrete examples. The worst I've seen are the plastic chairs. And it's common, in fact. It's common to have chairs that seem to be somewhat plastic chairs, or outdoor chairs. Chairs are expensive. That's true. But all these elements ensure that the photos convey an impression of quality. The traveler should not look at this and say “meh”. My reference is always to say to myself: could a rugby player sit calmly? Obviously, I'm not making big clichés about rugby players; I hope that I won't have the rugby committee who will rebel over the metaphors, but can someone who is two meters tall and weighs 100 kg sit serenely on my chairs? It may seem trivial, but if you answer yes to this question, you necessarily have furniture that will appear qualitative, and which will allow everyone to feel calm about coming, and having a comfortable experience. If it looks “cheap”, it doesn't give confidence, and in the photos it won't give a good image of the experience you will have in the apartment. So, it's very, very, very important. This is really not to be neglected. In fact, in reality, the differential on furniture will be reimbursed later, because this differential on furniture will allow you to achieve higher average prices, and therefore to have a greater income. Plus, it will last longer. This furniture will be more resistant, more solid, so in fact, over time, you are a big winner. So, it's a shame to deny at the very beginning, because this early saving will cost you dearly later.

There is a third point which is really not easy in seasonal rental: it is having a style which is dated or atypical. Be careful, you can have a period style that doesn't look dated at all. And we have, in the heritage I display Complete, which we optimize, apartments which are in period style, but which are not dated. We can clearly see that it's a certain style, but one that looks chic, that looks high-end, and that requires care. A dated style is a style that does not correspond to any style other than something that looks old, perhaps not very well maintained, something that lacks taste. If you have any doubts about this, it is essential to get support. Really, it’s not an investment that’s wasted. This is something you will capitalize on later. And in fact, what follows will reimburse you for this initial investment that you have made, because you will be able to claim average prices, income which will be higher. So, don't neglect this aspect. Anything that may seem a little old, a little dated, or too special, too atypical in the apartment, remove it, change it to ensure that as many people as possible like it with something that is in the zeitgeist, and if possible, differentiating.

The fourth point that I often see, and which, in my opinion, is a real problem in a certain number of advertisements, is the apartment which goes "click-clack". If you are at the time of choosing the beds in your seasonal rental, I implore you, take beds with a headboard. It looks much neater, it looks qualitative. There's nothing worse than these apartments where you have the impression that it's a sort of unfolded sofa bed, with a very thin mattress. This is really not a good solution. Take care of the bedding. People come to sleep, so the first question they will ask themselves is: do I want to sleep in this bed? The bed must be of good quality. It's important. Once again, I take the example of a person who is 1m90 and 100 kg. It is imperative that we feel comfortable. I'm talking about weight, but it's not even about weight or height, I don't want to be discriminatory at all. I'm starting to regret a little this notion of weight and size that I have, because it could seem discriminatory to some people, when my intention is not that at all. We must be inclusive, and say that 100% of our travelers must feel good in our accommodation. So for that, choose a bed that seems qualitative, with a headboard, with quality sheets, with cushions that are also aesthetically pleasing. Take inspiration from hotel images. These are really good references. In the pictures of the rooms in the hotels, you never have a sort of unfolded mattress with short legs, that doesn't happen. So, imitate the hotel industry and hotel rooms in this regard.

And then the last point is the fact of being on the ground floor. It's true that in certain apartments, in certain cities, being on the ground floor can probably scare some travelers who might feel a little unsafe in these apartments. So, this is also a point to keep in mind.

I hope all these ideas helped you. I hope that they will allow you to make an offer with an apartment that will allow you to have the best possible turnover. I see that I have no questions, nor particularly any ideas from people who have other points that help them to increase the turnover in their apartment. If you have any questions after finishing this video; If you think of something or if you have an idea of ​​something that I may have forgotten, don't hesitate to write it in the comments. It will be a real pleasure to continue to exchange with you. And then, if you are not part of our private group I display Complete which is called seasonal rental prices and maximization of turnover, I can only encourage you to join us. The link is just below if you're on YouTube, or above if you're on Facebook. It will allow you to click and join the group. After answering the few questions, you will also receive our free bonus of the six mistakes not to make when determining your rental prices. So. I hope this quick video helped you. I'll see you tomorrow for the next video. Take care of yourself. 

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