
Booking programs: scams or boosters?

booking programs

Following a question from Mehdi, I offer here an overview of the programs offered by booking: what are the benefits? what costs? How to avoid “being fooled” and how to make the most of the benefits of these programs?

Hello and welcome to this live today we are going to talk about booking programs, so if you are hesitant to participate in the genius program, if you are hesitant to participate in the preferred programs if you have seen the visibility accelerator in booking but you are told that is this thing, you are on the right video stay with me, welcome to this live if you are live with me, I will answer all these questions I will share with you the pitfalls not to do so as not to fall into the errors that we can usually fall into.

I will explain to you what it is for and why sometimes it can be interesting to take advantage of these booking programs. So this video idea follows a message from Mehdi who told me specifically it would be interesting to make a video on all the promotional programs that booking offers and in which cases you recommend this or that program, so listen Mehdi thank you to you, thank you for this idea. So I'm making this video with great pleasure. If you don't want to miss any of my daily videos from Sunday to Thursday, I strongly encourage you to subscribe to the "j'poster complet" channel or to register on the Facebook page "j'poster complet" that you won't miss any of these videos.

So, before starting I also tell you that if you want you can ask me your questions live obviously and you can also ask me afterwards when you watch the video with great pleasure either comments on the videos, I really appreciate reading you and having your opinions, so don't hesitate don't hesitate to share how what experience you have on different subjects and then also like Mehdi you have a question you have a thorn at the moment in the foot, you have a subject that torments you or that prevents you from sleeping at night that I do not want, but sometimes it happens to us we have to say it so in these cases write to me and I will try to make a video like this to help you so don't hesitate.

So this famous subject of booking programs, it's a vast subject perhaps this video will be a little longer than the others I will try to be really detailed and really help you in fact, well that's what I did in all the videos but this may require a slightly longer point. So the first point to keep in mind is that booking programs are commercial programs. I had the opportunity to say in another video but it is really important to say that in fact booking is marketing us with an additional service compared to what they usually market. So for a majority of them it is paid so that is also the reason why when you have the opportunity to have a contact from booking who insists on such and such a program, keep in mind that it It's a commercial behavior of someone who is trying to sell you something so it doesn't mean that you have to completely demonize this thing but it still means that you have to keep a kind of, look at the chip in the 'ear I have to say here is what my real interest is in this, do I really have an interest in going there or not. And then there are also moments in the life of a property and moments in a year in which it is interesting for which it is interesting to go there and for which it is not interesting to go there. It is possible that a program will be interesting for a property which is having difficulties, while it will not be at all for a property which is already a success and which is at 100% occupancy or which already has very attractive prices. And conversely it is possible that a program is interesting at a certain time of the year during which we have difficulty filling it and will be less interesting at another time of the year so we will withdraw it. To avoid going stupidly in quotes degraded its price, degraded its turnover when we know in any case that even without that, even without this help we would have managed to fill and achieve a good performance. So the booking programs are a commercial tool yes but one that used wisely can help you, so how to make sure you don't fall into errors how to make sure you don't misuse them, I'm going to talk to you about each of the programs so you can know what they are for and how you can use them. The first program to have in mind, so perhaps before talking about that, I will still tell you where you can find these different programs, in our booking extranet you have, when you click on a well, if you have several properties you first arrive on the list with several properties you click on a property and there you arrive on a page with a certain number of indicators. On the element called opportunities it is here that you will have two types of information the first information which is essential it is also it could be interesting, I have an idea there if you wish if someone is motivated, we could enter the bouking extranet of one of you and see together what is interesting, in particular all the information linked precisely to this opportunities section and see if there are any lessons that are interesting and see together what actions we can put in place to make things better. If anyone is interested, don't hesitate to tell me and it can be the subject of another video so in this opportunities section you first have a page called opportunities center, on this page it is essential for me to go see it then not every day because in any case the statistics are not modified every all, I believe if I remember correctly that they are modified once a month but confirmed with booking I'm not 200% sure, in fact these statistics give you an idea of ​​your performance compared to other competitors on different items. The first item is: what is your performance compared to competitors on the ranking in the search results you also have on the click the click rate from the moment your ad is presented is what people click and you have a whole bunch of indicators like that, you have colors to know if it's problematic or if everything is fine it's orange, red and green and these indicators will already allow you to realize, is is there a problem with your ranking in the results, is there a problem with your click rate and once you have this scoop in mind it will be interesting information for the future? and that's precisely the fact of looking, it's precisely one of the levers to avoid falling into the trap of going to click on all the programs and when that would be of no use. There is, I will give you a concrete example so that it is much less theoretical and much clearer. There is a program that I am going to tell you about that specifically involves improving your ranking in search results. If your ranking in the search results is already very good there is absolutely no point in putting money into that because in fact your ranking despite everything in a search is already good so in fact what's the point of boosting it? You're already better on average than the others. So this is really a number one step that I highly recommend because it prevents you from making the mistake of going to excess with booking programs on programs which in fact would be of no use. So first thing look at the opportunity center part and after that you have the list of programs which are accessible for your property an important point if you exchange with a colleague a colleague lodging a colleague seasonal renter, real estate investors you will go take into account that potentially you do not have the same programs together, it is entirely possible. In fact booking offers the programs which are the most relevant to your property in relation to its performance and in relation to what it identifies about the city. So we at “I display full” we have an extremely varied range of properties and we can see that we don't always have the same things that are offered between the properties so that's normal, don't worry, it's part of of the functioning of bouking.

So now I'm going to talk in detail about each of the programs. The first program I will tell you about the most generic, the first program is Genius, the Genius program I encourage you to watch the video that I made last week on the genius program it is a program which allows you in fact offering reduced prices for loyal customers on booking. This is a price of minus 10% for customers who have made at least two or more stays on booking and you have the possibility of adding 5% for customers who have made more than five days on booking. So ultimately it really concerns a lot of clients, but the advantage of this genius program is that you will really go up in the results algorithms it helps you go up in the results algorithms because obviously booking appreciates the fact that you join this loyalty program. So this program can be interesting if you have a property that is really in difficulty, we really use it as a massive weapon which is really from the moment we see that there are really difficulties at that moment we are going to boost with a genius program but it is not for a property which is normally doing well, it is really for a property which is in difficulty we use this tool massively and then we stop it when it is no longer necessary to know two important things there is a trap that I talked about in detail in the video so I'm just telling you what it is and don't hesitate to go back and watch the video to better understand don't click on the dynamic pricing part in my meaning it's not a good decision plus we allow you to go really very far allows you to go up to -35%, for me it's extremely risky it's better to keep control of the percentage of reduction which will be granted to genius customers. So when I tell you, you can give minus 10 or you can give minus 10 plus or 1.5 depending on the level of customer loyalty usually we have given minus 10 and already that is more than enough there is no need to go further and then there is a point that I had not mentioned in the video on genius and so be careful nugget warning nugget, it is very important in fact you should know that on the genius program, that you can suspend part of the year is a maximum of one month, so that's important if you plan to have genius over the long term, first of all to join this genius program over the long term know that you can still exclude for example your best month of the year you can exclude it from the genius program we at I display complete, in any case unless it is really difficult to take off at a given moment we remove it in fact and when the periods are more favorable we will go and withdraw but if in your strategy you really want to put it in the long run, know that a month ago you can exclude from this genius program without leaving it and that allows you to continue to optimize . So that, genius program one of the best known programs on booking.

Now there are others, there is the “preferred partners” program. The preferred partners program, you have certainly seen it on the ads, it's the yellow thumb that we have next to the title of the ad. This element is an element of social proof, it's true that it's okay allow travelers to see that you are a serious, quality ad that satisfies travelers and this can encourage them to book your ad more favorably versus others announcing that they would not push it. So the preferred partners program for me is one of my favorites, it's fair to say because it's one of the least expensive so this program is really cool, it will actually either maintain your commission if you were already at 17% commission and if this is the case for certain cities which are smaller cities if you were at -15% you will go to -17% so it's really very inexpensive it's either 0.2 extra commission, or two points of extra commission, so it's not really huge and it allows you to add social proof compared really, as I said earlier, to ads that wouldn't have this thumb. And what you need to know is that in the algorithmic preferences of the booking algorithm, there is an order and in fact this preferred program is really well positioned, what booking told me is that in the order of preference, so when I speak perhaps I need to be a little clearer when I speak of algorithmic order of preference, that is to say that when a traveler searches the order in which the announcements will arrive it is an algorithm which actually calculates this behind and this algorithm has orders of priority to put in order the results.

It's a huge added value to know what the algorithm will favor and so what an interlocutor at booking told me is that what algorithm number 1 prefers will be the ads that are at the top. times favorite and genius, that's number one and after number 2 are the ads which are exclusively preferred so see even if you only use this favorite program which is really not very expensive you really have all your chances, d Being well seen by the booking algorithm that I spoke to you about here is the visibility accelerator.

The visibility accelerator is a tool that allows you to say to booking listen I give you, I agree to give you a little more commission and in exchange please improve me in the search results put me better positioned higher in the search results, that's something that makes sense as I told you earlier if your ranking is not good today if your ranking is rather good where it is or even better than the ranking of similar ads, this type of leverage does not make a lot of sense in fact but if you see your ranking is not very good compared to the competition then you can absolutely use this type of program it's called the visibility accelerator you will see we arrive when we click, we arrive on an extremely simple window on which we choose the dates and we choose the percentage of acceleration, the percentage of commissions in addition that we wishes to grant a booking and we validate and the case is closed. So two positive points about this system, the first thing is that it is 100% flexible unlike the others which are almost advitam eternam it is without time limit the visibility accelerator you can really choose it over a given period so if for example you see that your month of December is a little in difficulty and that overall your ranking is not very good on booking this is the ideal scenario to say go to booking I will perhaps go from now until during the Christmas holidays for example I will boost and I will grant Booking a few extra commission points. The question you should probably also ask yourself is how many extra commission points should you give to Booking.

So what we do is that we can grant a few commission points, we can grant two or three points more, but it's not bad to go up to 5 points to really see the difference, you'll see booking allows you to go really far and they agree it doesn't bother them, it doesn't bother them at all but at some point there's no point in going too far either, we've already noticed that is effective from five points so that's what I'm sharing with you in transparency and other ways of dealing with this lever, this program. So that's it for the visibility accelerator on booking.

Now there are other programs which are less widespread but which exist which can be as interesting, another program is called “ideal for working”, this program follows the Covid which follows the need that the people to potentially either already travel for work because for example during confinement, it is really exclusively professional travel and other trips are not authorized or they need TV to work somewhere other than at home, we are fed up lucky to stay at home. For these two situations, booking has set up a list of criteria in fact which are necessary to be eligible for the ideal program for working, this ideal program for working therefore it costs nothing it is really exclusively based on qualitative programs to which you have to answer then some are a bit are not necessarily those that we think of immediately, there is for example the fact of having a fire extinguisher so know that you can buy on the internet small fire extinguishers which actually meet the needs and which will allow you to actually check this item in ideal for working. That's it, but once you check all the criteria that are expected, there is also the fact of being able to give an invoice on request to travelers, once you meet all the criteria, you will in fact automatically validate this ideal item for work and just know that on the search results when you do a search on booking, just below the title of the ad and its location you have a pictogram with the mention ideal for working. So the mention is not super obvious on the color ad either, it flashes no it's true that no it's not the case but today there are a lot of offers the demand is more difficult than before so this kind of element is a shame to deprive oneself of it, it's a shame to do that, especially since it costs nothing so for me it's something that it's a shame to miss with the current situation.

There is another program which is also a little confidential and is called “risk-free reservation program”. So this risk-free reservation program I won't hide from you that we have never had the opportunity to use it for the moment, I asked the question I remember on the seasonal rental Facebook group, the Facebook group of I display complete seasonal rental prices and maximization of turnover, moreover if you wish to join us it is a group in which we really talk about these subjects, upon registration you will receive the bonus of seven mistakes not to make when we make our prices so don't hesitate to register the link is just below and join us we really talk about these subjects to share it and grow together on maximizing turnover.

I asked the question has anyone already had the opportunity to use it to date no one really had any concrete feedback on it there was a desire to try but it's true that This program is a bit nebulous. What does this risk-free reservation program consist of? What booking is telling us is that they are going to extend the program, the risk-free booking program, what booking is doing is that it is going to tell travelers you have the possibility of canceling without charge much later than what offers the other usually if you usually have cancellation conditions which are five days to 5 days it is more cancelable, more refundable and well booking will reduce this period by five days and in the event of cancellation take responsibility for it looking for a traveler. But for me the little line that appeals to me about this program and that's why I admit to you that we still haven't gotten past the point of trying the little line that appeals to me about this program is that If booking fails to find you a traveler before the end of the stay, it is only then that they will cover the cancellation costs. So what bothers me about this is that basically it assumes that if we had a traveler who was supposed to stay for seven days, I feel maybe I'm wrong but in my understanding of what is written if for example we find a traveler two days before the end of the stay they will not take charge of the cancellation costs whereas we will still have lost five days of reservation which will end up empty so do I do I understand this booking program well, in any case that's what makes me doubt for the moment, that's what is mentioned, I read it clearly to you it is: if we do not manage to find a new reservation before the end of the planned stay we will take care of the payment of the cancellation fees before the end of the planned stay. So, listen if you want to try or if someone has experience with this program, I would really be delighted to talk about it with you, don't hesitate to write it in the comments, frankly it would be a pleasure because that this risk-free booking program remains a bit of a mystery to me.

And then there is a last program that I have only seen once and that I have not yet had the opportunity to test, it is the program on objects which actually helps us to make degrees . So what are degrees, it is the fact of offering a room in a better priced apartment to a client who would have reserved a cheaper or less qualitative room. Why would we have to do that then you have to look in my videos on the YouTube channel I'm showing it full I had already made a video on this which explained that in fact if the rooms are cheaper we know that we won't have no difficulty in reselling them whereas the more expensive room we have difficulty selling which honestly when we have several, I say room but these apartment rooms when we have several apartments it is often the case in fact it is really often the case of having my larger areas of property with a terrace which are more difficult to sell because more expensive in these cases it can make sense to say, on the property which is less expensive I will offer it the fact of staying in the property with a terrace and as a result this property will be filled whereas it would have remained empty otherwise and the property which does not have a terrace means I will be able to re-rent it without a doubt and I find myself overall with a higher turnover. Booking makes a program to help you move in this direction so it is obviously in situations where it is much more advanced you have to have several apartments in the same booking ad for booking to offer it but it is always good namely that this type of program exists and that it can always help to set up this type of system which can sometimes, depending on your challenger, not always be very simple to set up.

So tell me if you have any questions about all that, it's true that usually I tend to cut the live shows a little quickly so as not to make videos that last around 45 minutes or an hour and a half, here we are Sunday it's the weekend what do you think, do you have any questions, tell me if you have any questions I'll just remind you that by the time the questions potentially arrive if you want download the free bonus, there is the link which is just at the bottom to know what mistake not to make when you make your prices it is the link in fact of the Facebook group and when registering on Facebook, you will automatically receive your bonus and what's more, you are part of a community of people who are extremely interested in these subjects of increasing your turnover through prices and optimization. So here you are in good hands among us in the community it's really a good group in which we find and I think. There you go listen I don't see any questions for today maybe you're looking at me while I'm managing the kids at the same time or doing something else and you're right it's still a good way to watch videos I am available to continue answering questions under the video whether on Facebook or on YouTube if you have once again I will end with this, if you have ideas for future videos, if at the moment you have a problem really what's blocking you, don't hesitate to write to me, I'll be delighted to make a video on that, that's it, I'll finish like that, I wish you a very happy Sunday and I'll see you soon for a next video.

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