
Boost your BOOKING ad in 5 minutes

⭐ Boost your BOOKING ad in 5 minutes

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Hello, and welcome to the “J’poster Complet” channel, the channel that helps seasonal rental owners and seasonal accommodation managers become serene and ultra-profitable entrepreneurs. Today, we are going to talk about methods that are associated with pricing, the performance of the ad on booking, to boost, precisely, your ad on this site. This is a question that many people ask themselves. I was like, “Let’s make a video about this.” » We are going to talk very concretely. We are going to go inside a booking extranet. To respect confidentiality, I have taken photos which allow confidentiality to be respected. I will show you concretely the clicks and the titles: what to click on, and what does it correspond to? I think this will help you boost your ad. 

When you arrive live, don't hesitate to say hello. As I always tell you, it's a pleasure to be together. So you can watch the live, as you know, from YouTube, on the channel, or also from our Facebook group which is called “seasonal rental prices and maximization of turnover”. By subscribing to this group, you receive the six mistakes not to make when determining your prices. 

I really want to start with a survey before doing today's little explanation. Do you think there are too many advertisements on the YouTube channel? Because I received two feedback along these lines, which told me that there were too many advertisements on the YouTube channel. And so, I didn't really realize that. I have to see if I can get hold of this thing. I imagine so, but I would like you to tell me in the comments if you also find, when you watch the videos in replay, if there are too many ads. Is this super boring? So I can go dig into this thing if you tell me there's a problem. Because it is certain that if there is an excess of advertising on the I display Complete channel, I have to go and change that. 

− Hello, Diaz, welcome. 

− Hello Amélie, welcome.

− Hello to you. I don't see your first name unfortunately, but welcome, and thank you for being here. 

− Hello Philippe Alexandre. Welcome.

− Hello Maxime. 

− “Big kisses from the Paca region. » Yes! Paca region in force. Welcome. 

− “Hi Élise. Are you okay? » Yes, I'm doing great. Thank you so much. I hope you do too. Don't hesitate to share how you are doing. 

− “Yes, too much. » Too many ads. Okay. 

− “Yes, the ad on the replay when you have to watch a video. » 

− Hello to you. Welcome. 

− They told me: “Yes. » 

− Charles Lionel, welcome. 

− “Too many ads. »

Oh yes ! So really, there are too many ads. 

− Hi Jimmy. I hope you're well. 

− “Sometimes, yes. » 

− “Hello from the Paca region. » Are you from the Paca region, or is it someone who is a really fervent defender of the Paca region? If it's the same person, are you going to say to us throughout the live: “Hello from the Paca region”? You're right. You have to be proud of your land. You have to be proud of where you come from. 

− Maxime said to me: “I didn’t really pay attention, but I know you can reduce the ads. »

Nickel. I'm going to go look at that. We are more of a general yes. 

− “Yes from Saint-Tropez. " Welcome. 

− “There are at least five ads each time, but to change that, I think you have to pay; so leave it like that. » 

It's super nice. But listen, I'll dig. It's true that I don't realize it at all, because in fact, I have YouTube premium, and I think that in fact, that biases me. I'm not saying that I re-watch my videos, but sometimes I watch videos with a keen eye to tell me what to improve, and in fact I don't realize that at all.

− “Big kisses from Saint-Tropez. » 

I think I have duplicate messages from Facebook.

− “Especially when you have to watch a video. » 

− “Also in Paca. » There's a Paca gang there, friends. Today, we have a Paca gang. 

− “It would be good if there were fewer ads. » 

Thank you for answering me. I think the message here is generally clear: “Élise, do something about your ads on YouTube. » I'll look at that. Thanks for the alert. I'm told it will cost me money to remove them. I'm going to go see that. I'll find it. At worst, I'll keep you informed if I really see that it's costing me money. It's a bit annoying, but at the same time, the idea is that it's still comfortable to watch the replay, and not the other way around. 

Today, what are we talking about? How to boost your ad on booking? I'm not going to tell you what you already know. I'm not going to tell you that you have to have a great title, that you have to have great photographer's photos. I'm not going to tell you that you have to be as exhaustive in filling out the ad. I think you already know that. It is indeed crucial. I would say that's the basis, actually. But I suggest you go a little further on the more advanced functions on extranet booking. Why is that? Because I noticed that the booking extranet, we either have total support or total aversion. And that's a shame, because there are plenty of features, which, in Booking's defense, exist on the extranet, and don't exist at all on Airbnb. And what I find great with these features which will help you understand why your ad is perhaps a little more at half mast, and which will help you boost the ad, they prevent you from having to go and slash prices . And that’s still pretty cool. This means that we have, among so many things that we share on the YouTube channel, a new arrow to our bow in relation to performance monitoring. And it's not necessarily: "I'm lowering prices, I'm lowering prices, I'm lowering prices." » Sometimes, it can be other ideas which are peripheral to the price, and which allow us to obtain the prices at the level at which we had positioned them. 

I'm going to share the screen, and I'm going to show you. As I told you earlier, I made an image in order to respect confidentiality, so I think that nothing betrays my image. It allows you to see clearly. So I'm not going to be able to click, because it's an image, but it really allows us to talk about it. The place I'm talking to you about is the "opportunity" part. When you click on “opportunity”, I show you here, you have several options: opportunity center, and then, the rest of the options, I will tell you about them right after. 

We will start with “opportunity center”. Opportunity center may seem a little barbaric, but honestly, friends, it's super precious. We love looking at this screen for the ads that we optimize. It still gives a lot of information. Basically, on each of the items, I will go into detail right after, we will tell you what your performance is compared to the performance of similar apartments. So there, if we take the first, conversion, that means that each time someone clicks on your ad, what is the percentage of people who will confirm with a reservation. So that’s what conversion is. This is: what is the rate of people who will confirm for a reservation? So there, for example, on the apartment that I had taken, we see that our apartment, in 3.99% of cases, when the person clicks on our ad, they confirm with a reservation. And conversely, our colleagues who are estimated to be similar by booking, they only confirm in 1.78% of cases. So that’s really super, super positive. This means that we are not bad on this item of conversion. 

You have other indicators. “Page use” is when someone does a search, do you appear in the search results? So, the same, we'll give you a percentage: do you appear in 10% of search results when competitors are at 5%, for example, of search results? Or conversely, do you appear in 10%, when the competitors are at 15%? So that's the very first step. When someone searches, do you appear in the results? No, sorry. Excuse me. I'm giving you bad explanations. I mixed “ranking” and “page use”. So, what I just told you is the ranking: are you well positioned in the results? That's the first step. And the second step is “page use”: are people clicking? Once you are in the results, and the user passes in front of your ad, will they click on the ad? So, basically, if we recapitulate the chronological order, the traveler does his research: this is step number one. Are we in the ranking? Are we in the results when he does his search? Step number two: are we in the “pages use”? Did they click to see what we offer? Step number 3: are we well positioned in the conversion? He's on our page, will he convert into a booking? 

There, you really have the user journey, from research, to potentially a reservation. And where this is very valuable is that it will allow you to understand where the problem is. Is it because I'm not well enough positioned in my results? Is that why it doesn't work well? Or conversely, I am well positioned, but on the other hand I am not clicked. For what ? If we are not clicked, it may be linked to the only information available to the traveler at the time of the results. That is to say the quality of the title, the quality of the photos, the price mentioned, and the quality of the information provided. Because you know, in the results, we clearly display two rooms, three people, etc. And then, the last thing is: are we actually converting? 

Afterwards, you have other indicators that allow you to compare yourself to competitors. You have the cancellation rate: do you have more or fewer cancellations compared to competitors? A high cancellation rate may allow you to question your cancellation policies, for example. You have the average price, length of stay, availability, removing availability. No, sorry. That, I don't know. I swear to you, “reduce workload”, I have no idea what that is. I'm not going to make something up for you, I don't know what it is. So here are the main indicators. I don't spend time from "cancellation" to "availability". I don't spend time on that, because my goal here is really to tell you how to boost the ad. So, that's why it's the first three that are really important. In any case, there, in the list, they are in the first three, because this is where you will understand where your ad is “faulty”, and what you need to work on. 

Now, when you understand that there may be a problem related to the ad, in fact, which could explain that you do not have many reservations on booking, you can consider the tools to boost your ad that are offered by booking. So here, I'm giving you my second little screenshot. When we click on “opportunity”, we have an opportunity center, we have just talked about it, and you often have three possible options. There are always, I have noticed, different functionalities depending on the apartment. In general, we still have “Genius”, “preferred”, and the visibility accelerator, plus, very often, the risk-free reservation program. But sometimes there are other booking programs. So, also look based on what you have if it makes sense on that. But don't be surprised if you see that at a given moment, on an apartment, if you have several, you are offered something that is not at all available on the other. It's because I think they have a little algorithm that allows them to offer the best arrangements, the best opportunities depending on the apartments, the booking behavior. So, the three main ones, we're going to talk about them. 

The first is Genius. Why is it interesting? It is interesting, because it is the flagship booking program. Booking greatly favors customers who are “Genius”. I'm going to share with you the pitfalls not to do when participating in Genius. And when we use booking extranets, we tend to see them often. So, really, I'm sharing them with you to avoid them. Don't put Genius more than 10%. That’s more than enough, 10%. We're going to offer you a bunch of promotions to encourage you to do as much promotion as possible, because that's what they want, to have a lot of promotions. For me, frankly, we stop at 10%. It already does the job more than enough. So that is the first pitfall to avoid. The second pitfall to avoid is forgetting to set a blackout period. That is to say, when you put Genius on, you have the possibility to block 30 days during which Genius will not be available. And that's not bad, because you can put event periods, very strong periods, which will prevent you from having a reduction. Why am I talking about discounts? Because obviously, Genius is a paid device. That is to say that in exchange for this 10% reduction, booking will favor you in the search results. It will boost your rank in search results. It will also increase your conversion, because customers will have access to a more attractive price, so it encourages them to book with you. So there you have it. This is really positive for your ad, to boost the ad and boost the associated turnover. 

At J'poster Complet, just one last thing in relation to that, we tend to use it strategically. That is to say that we are not going, as soon as possible, to put all the apartments in Genius. If we see that we have an apartment that is doing very well, we do not put the apartment in Genius, even if it is possible, in order to preserve performance. And then, we also sometimes put it on, and then take it off when we see that the apartment is better. Knowing that when you withdraw from Genius, I noticed recently that on some apartments, we are given a small alert. It's new. They didn't do that before. I was a little disappointed, because it didn't suit us too much. On certain advertisements, you may be blocked for a certain number of months from returning to Genius. I think they noticed that there are people like us who use it as surgical leverage over certain periods. And so, they locked it all down a bit. And you have to be careful to say to yourself: “I'm going to be blocked from Genius for three months, over the next three months, do I think I'll need it or not? » And as a result, this perhaps allows you to change your decision on the withdrawal of Genius.

The second program is the “preferred” program. That, frankly, no pun intended, is my favorite. Why is it my favorite? Because it's really not expensive. The preferred program is a program that will allow you to have a commission that is almost. Why do I say almost identical? Because some cities on booking have a 15% commission, and others 17%. So if you are at 17%, it costs you zero euros, you stay at 17. It is only if you are at 15% commission that you will go to 17. It is only 2%. At worst, 2% is not much, and above all, it allows you to boost the algorithm, and it also allows you to have social proof. It is, I find, on social proof, even more powerful than Genius. Because “favorite”, really, it appears to everyone, and it’s quite rewarding, the “favorite” label. So for that, I find it to be the best value for money. And for this reason, one of the good practices that we put in place at J'annonce Complet is that, unlike Genius, as soon as possible, our apartment enters the “preferred” program. and we know it’s going to stay there. We really put it as a good practice, like good maintenance of the extranet. As soon as we can be preferred, we start “favorite”. 

And then, the third is the visibility accelerator. The visibility accelerator will allow you to say to booking: “I'll give you a few extra commission points, in exchange, put me in the results. » That's what we say at booking. So, you will see, when you go to “visibility booster”, so visibility accelerator, that’s what is there, right here, you will have a gauge. You choose the dates, you can say: “There, I go from 17% to 22%. » What are the best practices in relation to this? First of all, don't spread it all the time. We use it surgically on periods that are in difficulty. It's something that you can remove, in addition, without there being any harm compared to Genius. So that's the first thing. The second thing, no need to go too far. At J'poster Complet, we never go above 5 points to add this visibility accelerator. And it produces results. I will not hide from you that there are cities in which it is not the most powerful lever, but overall, it is still powerful enough for us to continue to use it on the heritage that we exploit. And then, there are cities where it’s a hit. As soon as you put it in place, it goes super fast. So that will help. Because obviously, “visibility booster”, I have already said it, it increases our place in the algorithm, and therefore in the search results. So, the more you are seen, the more likely you are to be clicked. The more likely you are to be clicked, the more likely you are to be booked. 

So. I hope this sheds light on these aspects. Tell me, do you have any questions? Did you know this interface, “opportunity center”? I hear a lot of people say yes, but we don't see very clearly. Did you know? Do you use it a little? These ad accelerators on booking, have you already used them or not? Does this help you? I would like to read you in the comments. I'm going to remove screen sharing. What do we have? In the answers that I hadn't read: “It would be good if there were less advertising. » 

− Hello little vegetable garden. Welcome.  

− “Kisses and congratulations for your video. " THANKS. Super nice. 

− Diaz tells me: “I use booking in French. My English is not good. » 

Yes. In French, it’s “Genius” and “preferred”, and as I said, “visibility accelerator”. And after; the opportunity center is called an opportunity center. So it's true that it's quite similar.

− François said to me: “Thank you Élise. »Hello Françoise. I hope you're well. 

− Phil said to me: “Thank you, that’s interesting. » 

With great pleasure. I don't see any more questions at the moment. I would like to take this opportunity to share with you that this evening, we are live on the mastermindimmobilier.com group. It's a Facebook group. You need to type in the search: “mastermindimmobilier.com”. It is one of the major French-speaking real estate groups on Facebook. We are going to be live, we are going to do the big live of short-term rental with all the elite of short-term rentals currently. I'm too afraid of forgetting names. I'm not going to give you a list, but there are really a lot of us. We are eight experts in short-term rental, all on different subjects. I can try to make a list: Thomas Dardour on the beds24 part, we have Benjamin Étienne on starting from scratch, we have Nicolas Fatou from automaticbnb on automating, we have Sébastien More on the concierge part and subletting, Dimitri Bougeard on the legal part, Violaine Richard on the decoration part of an LCD, we also have Julien who is, in fact, admin of the mastermind real estate group who will be with us, and myself. So. I managed to think of everyone. So if you want to participate in the live, in fact, there is nothing easier than clicking on “register for the real estate mastermind”. It's at 7 p.m. tonight. Today at 7 p.m. So as soon as you arrive on the group, at 7 p.m., you will see the live, and you will be able to join us. Ask all your questions, grill all the experts who will be present. I think it's going to be really cool. We all get along really well, so I think the atmosphere will be really great. So, feel free to join us this evening at 7 p.m. What did you have planned tonight at 7 p.m.? Is it nicer than this live mastermind? I'm not sure, and allow me a little doubt. 

I see Françoise who says to me: “Very interesting, because I can't take off on a house. I'll be watching this afternoon. Thanks for the help Elise. »I'm super happy. 

− Keep me informed, Françoise, if it worked, and what it resulted. I can't wait for you to tell me what it turned out to be. 

I wish you an excellent day. Take care of yourself. And then for those who can, meet this evening at 7 p.m. on the mastermindimmobilier.com Facebook group. Very good day. See you soon. 

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