
Champions League final: hotels at €1000 per night scandal or genius?

Here is the transcript of the video:

Hello everyone and welcome to the Jacky Jeu Complet , the channel which helps seasonal rental companies and seasonal accommodation managers to become serene and ultra-profitable . Today, we're talking about a subject that has caused a lot of noise recently: these Champions League Cup finals (I think, I hope I'm not wrong in the way I say it). In any case, this final which took place in Paris gave rise to an enormous increase in prices in the city of Paris and in the Île-de-France region, with prices which could go up to 1000 euros per night . It caused a lot of noise. We're going to talk about it together, because obviously, for you as seasonal rental companies , the question always arises: regarding events that have a lot of impact in your city, should we say to ourselves that the limit is is heaven for the price? Can we go to the maximum possible, or conversely, should we set limits ? To what extent? Where are the good limits? There we go, let's talk about it together. It's really interesting to me that you can also write to me as you go along what you think about it. It's really going to be a debate , and I think that's the whole point of this live .

If you want to support this work, support the lives and videos that I do on the YouTube channel, the best way to do it is to put a like , a thumbs up on the medium on which you watch this video. It helps support the channel , the work, and society, so that I can continue to make one video a day like this, to continue to help you. So, I'm also going to go live on Instagram . I already did this to you last week, friends, I'm sorry. I already did a double take yesterday and today, I forget. So, boom, it's going to be extremely fast, you'll see. I'm going live on Instagram at lightning speed. Here we go, and there I am, I'm live on Instagram . Maxime is there with me. Hello Maxime, welcome. There are already a number of you on the live stream . I didn't know if this topic would attract you or not in terms of theme .

So, I am obviously not going to pretend to say to you: “Hello, welcome! » I can't pretend to tell you, "Wait, I have the absolute truth about this, and I'm going to share with you the divine truth about this." » Obviously not. On the other hand, I find it interesting to break down together all the points which may be against going for extremely high prices during events, and all those which may be in favor of going extremely high on prices during events. Obviously my return is linked to seasonal rental . I am not going to position myself in agreement or in Airbnb France . I remain in the field of seasonal rental , and then I also share with you, obviously, over time, my position on all that. But the idea is really to give you a fairly broad range of the ins and outs of these situations.

What inspired this video? To be honest, it's an exchange on LinkedIn between fellow revenue managers (revenue and pricing professionals) with precisely these two positions confronting each other. Some said: “It's a scandal to set such high prices , even if it's a Champions League final . must be reasonable , etc. » And conversely, others said more: “No, it's not necessarily a scandal. »

I'll give you a spoiler alert : I'm more on the side of saying that it's not necessarily a scandal. And I will explain to you why, and I would be delighted if, therefore, we could discuss it. They also said to me: “Why do you potentially think the opposite? » Virginie, welcome. Welcome everyone. So, I'm going to start with the points that are against setting such high prices during events. There are really many of these points. The first, the one that I find the most interesting, is the fact that we can get bad grades .

It's true that there are situations (and I have cases like that in mind that have been reported to me), situations in which, when we have an event and we set a market price at that moment (because all prices skyrocket), but if we set an extremely high price , we take the risk that, subsequently, the traveler's rating will be low. For what ? Because travelers are not always fair play . That is to say, they saw a price, they bought, then in the end, they found that it was extremely expensive compared to the service. There was no mention that the performance was going to be super high-end . The photos were as usual, the description was as usual. But it's true that we can come across disappointed travelers who will subsequently put prohibitive ratings , which will almost permanently damage our position in the algorithm . Unless you have a lot of ratings, but otherwise, as soon as you have a 1/10 on Booking , it's clear that it still taints your position in the algorithm . So, in these cases, this point is a point of vigilance . This is an important point: ensuring good traveler satisfaction .

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