
Channel manager: should you subscribe to beds24?

** Channel manager: do you need to subscribe to beds24? **

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Hello, and welcome to the channel I display Complete. I hope you're doing well. You are on the chain of seasonal rental companies, professional sub-renters and seasonal rental concierge services who want to maximize their turnover. On this channel, I give every day, from Sunday to Thursday, sometimes with a few fewer dates, but overall, the idea is that, from Sunday to Thursday, Lives on which you will learn the best methods for increase the turnover of your seasonal rental activity.

Today, I'm going to talk about a subject that was asked of me, because I already made a video on Smoobu, a Channel manager, giving the strong points and the weak points of this Channel manager; I know that many people are at this stage, asking themselves the question: which Channel should I choose? And so, it seemed wise to me as I heard a lot about Smoobu, to alert you to the points which may not yet be developed in the tool so that you have all the marbles to decide. I was asked on this video to do the same thing for Beds24. So I'm making exactly the same video for Beds24 in order to help you make the best decision, with the best Channel you can have for your personal needs. Today I have a mirror behind me. Maybe I'll organize my positioning a little bit for the next Lives of the week, but here we are, today, we're going on a mirror in the frame. Please feel free to say hello when you arrive. It's always a pleasure to have you with me, to read your questions. I have a little cat problem, what did I do today? Ah yes, it's great, I see.

  • Hi Romain, welcome to you.
  • Hi Delphine, welcome too.

You are both loyal to Lives, it's always a pleasure to see you again. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I respond to them when I see them during the video, or at the end of the video. Besides, I also take this opportunity to tell you that if you want to have this kind of videos of strong points and less strong points on another Channel manager, insofar as it is a Channel that I would have already had the opportunity to see from the inside, I will try as much as possible to produce this kind of videos for Channels which could help you if you are hesitant with something other than Smoobu or Beds24.  

  • Hello, Stéphane, welcome to the live. I hope you're well. 

I'm going to start. I think I did the same for Smoobu. I started with the positives and ended with the negatives. I'll start with the negatives this time and end with the positives. It's true that my presentations, and I'm going to say it again, I said the same thing for Smoobu, they are necessarily biased. That is to say, I only share what is my point of view in all its subjectivity. You also need to keep in mind who is speaking to you right now. It's someone who is like me... I'm giving you Jean Claude Van Damme today, I'm sorry, I don't know where that comes from. What I wanted to say is that in any case, me who is speaking to you here on Beds24, in fact, it is an extremely biased opinion, since it is an opinion coming from someone who is an income expert management. So obviously, what I'm going to give you as a perspective is the perspective in a revenue management approach. There are, I think, a lot of other ways to analyze and look at the Channel, and see if it's something that's going to work for you or not. Now, I speak from my perspective and according to my knowledge. I think it's interesting to have this feedback. In any case, it can be one of the different elements that will allow you to make your decision. That's it, I'm done with this completely eternal introduction, and I'm going to start at the heart of the subject to be able to go directly into the things that are the most interesting, that is to say the strong points and Beds24's trouble spots.

If I start with the most difficult points of Beds24, the first point, and it's true that this is feedback that people often give me about Beds24, is that it is a tool that is 100% in English. This is something that can block a number of us. When you're not very comfortable speaking English, obviously, it can be a little impressive. Namely that you have the possibility, it seems to me that it is explorer which does this, you have the possibility of automatically translating the page, in fact, that you are reading. The system will automatically translate all the terms inside. Besides, it even seems to me, because I recently saw Beds24 which were also in French. So I admit that I didn't delve into this point before making this video. In the past, I got a lot of feedback that Beds24 was in English, and that wasn't practical. Now, it is not impossible that today, there is at least part of the interface that can be done in French, that you can look at that option. So, digging. Dig into it yourself if this subject of languages ​​is ever a concern for you. That's the first point.

The second point is that in fact, this is feedback that I was given, it is a Channel that is not necessarily very easy to install. It is a Channel which is extremely complex. It's a Channel, which, it seems to me if I'm not mistaken, originally comes from the hotel world. So, this is also its great strength, that is to say that once you have installed it, you will have something extremely complete. It's powerful that it's complete like that, but it's always a bit of the negative side of things, which is that, at the beginning, it's not necessarily that simple to install it. To take full advantage of it, it is good, in my opinion, that you think a little about the question. And it is necessary that you train yourself. There is some very well done training. At J'poster Complet, we have a partner called Thomas Dardour, who provides quality training. I'll put the link just below if you want, but all that to say that in fact, at first it's not easy to install. You need to look into the matter. That's the second point.

And then the third point is that I find, if you are a seasonal rental concierge, that it is not easy to carry out your invoicing for your owners, unlike other Channels like Guesty, for example. example. Guesty is really extremely simple. I also think that Avantio is pretty well made for that too. But Guesty, I find that they are really the strongest on this subject, that is to say that they will really pre-cut the work for you. On Guesty, you immediately have all the information on what you need to charge per owner. It’s still truly royal when you’re a seasonal rental concierge. Now, that's not at all like that on Beds24. This is really its weak point. When you have a large asset, and you are a seasonal rental concierge, invoicing is something that will require work and steps. This morning, I had a concierge with whom we work, who said that for him, it was two days of work per month. So afterwards, he has extensive assets in his concierge service, so it's normal that it takes him more time. When you're starting out, you don't need to spend as much on it. But when you start to have fifteen apartments, it's true that it can take that long. This is also an important point to keep in mind.

So, the subject of language, which, depending on your level in English, can scare you more or less. Now, I find that it always falls a little bit around the same words. So there you have it, and then if in addition, you can have your explorer which translates for you and potentially opens Beds24 in French on at least some of the interfaces, I think it could work. The second thing, it's difficult to install, so it's true that it will require either serious consideration of the issue or training. The last thing is that if you have a seasonal rental concierge service, anticipate the fact that the invoicing is not pre-prepared, you will have to extract sales and do your calculations separately, before being able to edit your invoices. That's important. 

Now I have three positives about Beds24. In fact, in reality, I even have 4. And there, you will understand what my position will ultimately be on this Channel. For me, he is a Channel manager who I find to be of quality.

There are plenty of others, but I really think it's a Channel that has excellent value for money. So why am I saying that?

The first point is that it still remains one of the least expensive on the market, it must be admitted, and that is my second point, it is also one of those which allows you to implement the most important place for revenue management strategy. It's one of the Channel managers on which we really, frankly, have an almost complete understanding of what we need to be able to work. So that’s still incomparable comfort. And when I say: “The one on which we have the most possibilities to work”, I will give you examples, obviously. The first thing is that we can have strategy blogs that will address both your price and your minimum length of stay. So, you can absolutely create what we call raids in Beds24. And so, on each raid, you have both the price and the length of stay. You can even associate the connection between different apartments, you can directly associate a discount depending on the length of stay, and then you can connect, suddenly, all your sites. So it's really extremely complete on each of the raids. And in fact, it's super fast to just have to duplicate this raid and its strategy. So if it's a raid for periods of low demand, for example, you create it once, and then you just have to duplicate it. It's honestly incredible comfort. And what's more, an important point to clarify is that when you have a revenue management logic, you have to be quite careful about the configuration. Because it’s not about making a typo within 100 euros. It's true all the time, eh, revenue management strategy or not. But you have to be careful. And so, the fact of having a strategy block like that which is all together, and which we only have to duplicate, we drastically reduce the risk of error compared to other Channels on which you have to type everything by hand, like that, constantly, on each of the dates. And that's still very calm about the risk of error.

We can also, moreover, on Beds24, in the comfort category on revenue management, we can manage all online sales sites, and in particular airbnb and booking, with quite a few options which are usually in the extranets. We can directly control from the Channel manager, so that's great, too. It's really convenient and saves time. Rather than having to log out, log in, return to Beds24 or another Channel, etc. And then the last point, which I talked about a little bit, but I find it important to say again. As for comfort, when we have this Channel, from a revenue management point, it is that you will be able to connect the properties together, that is to say that if in your assets, you have a studio and two t2, for example, and the two t2s have generally the same pricing strategy, except that one is increased, for example by 5% and 10%, in fact, you can completely construct the pricing strategy of the 1st t2 and only having to connect the second t2 with the small increasing coefficient over the whole year. And there, it's the same: incredible time savings, reduction of the risk of error. It’s still a comfort that I find extremely valuable. So it's one of the cheapest Channels, from a revenue management point of view, it's one of the most complete. Besides, I also specify one last thing, and then I stop on that. But one last point which is also crucial, is that there are a lot of Channel managers – and that, I am amazed, it is still an incredible thing – but we notice a lot of them, I have several in the lead, who do not have the gap-fill system, and that is nevertheless a phenomenal money gain. It's crazy, and I still don't understand it. The gap-fill system, for those who don't know, is when you have two stays, when you require a minimum number of nights. Let's say you require a four-night minimum, so you have two four-night stays that have been booked. And there, between these two stays, you have a block of two nights which we call orphan dates, and which in fact, therefore, cannot fit into the rule, because the system requires 4 nights minimum, but there , we only have a gap of 2 nights. So if you leave it as is, the computer will remain stuck for the minimum 4 nights, and you will remain empty, in fact until the end on these two nights. So there is something, which in general, the systems call in English "gaps-fill", that is to say filling of holes, and this system allows us to say: "I ask for 4 minimum, but be careful, if I ever have a gap lasting less than 4 nights, that is to say three nights or two nights or one night, at that moment, authorize me to take reservation on this this hole, because obviously, I'm not going to ask for 4 nights if there are only two nights available. There are plenty of Channel managers who don't have it, and Beds24 does. It's a money saver, really.

The third point, which is also important, is less about revenue management, but I think it is important to clarify. Beds24 is a system that will allow you to automate your communication, with emails, in particular, and which will therefore allow you to connect a whole bunch of systems around your Channel, to be able to automate, too, communication with the person in charge of the household, if it is not you on a daily basis.

The fourth point is statistics. What I find in Beds24 is that when we extract the data, it is useful when we follow the performance of a property, even if we only have one, it is useful when we follow the performance of its concierge service is useful when you have to invoice your owners, and well, the quality of the data that comes out is still quite good. That is to say that it can be used in an Excel document, and you will be able to do something with it. You will be able to do calculations on this table. It's not going to be numbers that stick out in your head or stuff like that.

Another point too, there are a whole bunch of reports that are already offered in Beds24, and which can also allow you to have better visibility on the performance of your properties. You have a report in particular that I like to use. It's called the occupancy rate per month, per property. And that's quite interesting, because it allows us to have a precise vision of the occupancy rates per property. So there you have it, there are a whole bunch of reports like that which are already pre-made, which will help you to have better visibility on your activity. And last but not least, there's even a custom Haddock reporting system where you can fetch the fields and build your own report. So it can go from very simple, if you don't want to take the trouble, you want to take reports that already exist, to very advanced, if you want to build, already, by yourself a report that gives you the information you need.

This is a fairly macro panel of what Beds24 can and will not give, this Channel manager who can help you in your seasonal rental activity. If you watch this video and you say to yourself: “Yes, but I only have one asset, and so in fact, Élise, she says this for people who have assets or a substantial portfolio. Either way, I'm not concerned. »I'll stop you right away, it concerns everyone. Even if you only have one property, it's really important to have this logic, especially if you have revenue management logic, and you are keen on your prices. You absolutely need a Channel manager. If you discover all this, I encourage you to go to the YouTube channel I display Complet and watch the Channel manager playlist. You will see, I have already produced lots of content on this subject, it will enlighten you on the reasons why, even with a single property, it is important to have a Channel manager. 

So to recap, the three points that are really relatively against the use of Beds24 is the subject of language. To explore if it is important for you to have something that is 100% French-speaking. Besides, I did not specify on the subject of the language, but the support is also in English. So you can try to translate. I never tried to write to them in French. Maybe they respond in French, but it's the same, it's a point that you need to explore. Or you automatically translate your messages and send them, but I think that even if we manage to get by in French, it's a medium that is probably more agile in English. First thing against Beds24. Second thing: not very easy to install, so I recommend that you train yourself. This is, in my opinion, the best thing to do to also get the full potential of this tool. Besides, as it is not very expensive, so, all in all, training compared to a Channel which costs you an arm and a leg, I think it remains an intelligent option. The third thing is that if you are a concierge, in terms of billing, it is true that it is not your strong point. There are some who are very strong on this, but Beds24, we cannot say that this is the case.

Now on to the strong points, it is one of the cheapest Channels on the market. So it's pretty economical to start with. It is one of the most comprehensive on revenue management strategies. We love working with Beds24 for the properties we optimize and for the concierge services we work for, because we really manage to do our job with this Channel. This is not the case for many others. This allows you to automate communication with guests and communication with the housekeeping team if you have one. And the last thing is that their statistical inserts are not that badly done. It can allow you to have automated reports or to build your own reports, and that can really help you a lot in your daily life. I hope this video was able to help you. I'll go over any questions you might have had.

Oh great! José confirms to me: there are 7 languages ​​in the interface. It's true that I think we have a client who speaks French. The translations, it must be said, are not phenomenal. I don't know if anyone has a Beds24 in French who could tell us. I find it’s not always dazzlingly transparent. It's true that it can help, if really, we are very angry with English, but I have the impression that it still remains a point on which we must be a little informed before starting.

  • Hello, Yaago, welcome. Yaago seems to be the name of a company. Anyway, hello to you, human behind the name of this company.
  • Romain said to me: “So for a concierge service, which Channel do you recommend? »

I still recommend Beds24, clearly. It's the best, in fact. We have several concierge services that have several systems, we have tried others, too, with hoteliers, and Beds24 is one of the best, frankly. When we have a concierge service, I find that it is one of the… once again, I am also speaking from a revenue management point of view. For all the others, for example, with whom we work for our concierge clients, there is no gap-fill, and that makes my hair stand on end, if you only knew! It’s something, I say to myself: “But what world do we live in? » Okay, I'm being a little dramatic, but still! The fact that there is no gap-fill, especially for a seasonal rental concierge service, is not good.

  • “Do you really change your prices every week? »

Yes. Well, yes! What I suggest to you is to ask our customers: do we really change our prices every week? Well yes! I confirm to you! Moreover, we send a detailed report. I don't know if we have one of our clients who will appear in this live, but they will confirm without hesitation. We have a detailed report which is sent to our clients every week, and which includes the risks, opportunities and all the price changes that we had to produce this week for the concierge service. So absolutely.

  • “I am Rémi, co-founder of Yaago”.

Welcome, Rémi. Welcome to you, welcome to this live.

  • "What do you think about superhot?" »

Superhot, I haven't seen much of it from the inside. I've never had the opportunity to use it, which means that to this day, to be completely transparent, I know that we have clients, we have two clients to be great precise, which have superhote in addition to Beds24. Because today, superhote is backed by Beds24. This means that Superhote is used a lot, from what customers tell me, it is used a lot, especially in terms of communication with teams, etc. I know the Superhote tool is very strong on this. This is really one of its positive points. Now, the tool is still backed by beds24, to this day, for these two customers who have Superhote in addition to Beds24, well, in reality, we only use Beds24. So I can't talk about using revenue management within Superhote, because to date, I don't know if it's possible, but in any case, for us, it's done exclusively on Beds24 at the demand of our customers.

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