
Concierge & real estate agency: FINALLY an ethical and French platform

Here is the transcription of the video: “Hello and welcome to the J'poster Complet channel, the channel that helps seasonal rental owners and seasonal accommodation managers become serene and ultra-profitable entrepreneurs. Today, friends, I am happy to welcome you for a video with a distinguished guest. I am delighted to welcome Martin Kraemer, who is the founder and director of the Clédici and the founder and director of the Vak-Vak . Hello Martin, hello Elise, thank you for your invitation. Well thank you, it's a pleasure to have you with us today, and I know that we're going to share lots of things that will help the people who listen to us. So listen, thank you for giving us this time, no problem, with pleasure. So, to begin with, perhaps for those who don’t know you, can you share your journey with us? He's super interesting because he's quite diverse. I don't know if you will agree with this word, so can you tell us more? No worries. So, I actually have a background, how would I say, rather self-taught. I started out as a berry grower and processor, so I made fruit wine, plant wines, etc. Afterwards, I was also 15 years in the association, in the promotion of the local economy in my territory, so very active in that. And then, I ran a café-concert in the Vosges. There you go, I'm from Vosges. So, café-concert, following Covid, well, it was a bit complex. And at the same time, I had started to develop a concierge , so Clédici that you mentioned earlier. So, I have touched a little on these three environments because they are really different environments: the producer side, the merchant side, and today, the concierge side, therefore property manager. So, when we say concierge, indeed, concierge, real estate agency, there are similarities in any case, the short-term rental . short-term rental sector . Awesome. And so, as you have this experience of creating a concierge service or a simot agency, it's true that there are a lot of similarities between the two. What would you say, what makes the difference today when we create a structure like this? What makes the difference when you set up a concierge service, for me, is customer relations, it's using the right tools. Today, there are a lot of solutions on the market that really allow you to manage your concierge service as well as possible and provide confidence to the customer. And of course, well, there is a very important point, which is to surround yourself with the right staff, the right service providers, whether at the household level or otherwise, and to always try to offer tools, or in all case of the supports during interviews which allow you to have a head start, we will say, on the competition. In particular, today, we see that there are a lot of concierge services developing in the sector, which is very good, but we must always try to be a little bit ahead of the game. Yeah, I understand. What you're saying is also not saying to yourself 'I'm going to do everything on my own', you have to realize that you need to be, like any profession, you need to be equipped and being surrounded by the right people. Exactly. In fact, delegating is extremely important, it is still, I think, difficult for many of us to succeed in delegating tasks, for example, time-consuming tasks, or anything that prevents us from developing our business , In fact. Quite simply. But that is a crucial point, which can either bury us or make us grow more quickly, in any case. Yeah, and you know, we hear a lot about points that would threaten the field of activity, seasonal rental, all the tax, legal aspects, etc. Do you think that seasonal rental is dead, as we hear, I think, almost every year? So I don't believe that at all. For me, this is just the beginning. Afterwards, that there are actually regulations which will operate in certain sectors, it is normal, it is even desirable. That seasonal rental is dead, no, that is clearly impossible. We see rental rates going up every year, accommodation rates on the market changing every year. I mean, we can't imagine that vacation rentals are dead, that's clearly not possible. Yeah, I'm also of your opinion, in fact, we play in a court with the rules of the game, that is. That's it, it's that we play in the court with the rules of the game, and we have to navigate with these rules of the game which can sometimes evolve, but in fact, this is the case in all areas of activity, you see, even in commerce, for example, you spoke about your experience in commerce, it's the same, there are hygiene rules, safety rules, etc. In fact, we always navigate with rules, but the idea is to adapt, and above all, you mentioned the fact that it evolves, so, a person who is in the seasonal rental sector, it must precisely be capable of adapting to market developments, changes in regulations, etc. And so, would you have any advice to give to someone who wants to get into seasonal rental today, what would be the first advice you would give them? The first piece of advice I would give is to really train yourself. Today, there are a lot of training courses on the market that allow you to really get started and understand all the ins and outs of seasonal rental. This is already a very important point. Then, of course, make the right investments at the start, whether in the quality of the decoration, of course, but also in digital tools, for example, which can allow you to save a lot of time and concentrate on the 'essential. And of course, be on permanent standby. You must always be on the lookout for the market, new regulations and market developments. This is very important to be able, again, to be one step ahead, as we said earlier. Yeah, it's super important, and besides, to come back to the training, you are one of the people who offer training on seasonal rental. Can you tell us a little more about what you offer, and is it aimed more at beginners, at people who are already in the profession, how does it work? So, I offer training that is really aimed at beginners, but not only that. In fact, beginners, of course, it's an introduction, it's really to allow them to get started in the best possible way, but also, I have a lot of people who are already in the profession, who are already seasonal renters, who have rental properties, and who are looking to improve their skills. For example, on reservations, on digital marketing, on writing ads, all that, everything that is administrative too. So, I really support everyone, whether beginners, but also people who are already experienced. Awesome. Thank you very much for this information. We're going to put the links in the description so people can find you and find all this information, but thank you very much for this advice, it's super interesting, and I hope it can help a lot of people who are listening to us. Thank you Martin for your participation in this video. Thank you. Thank you, friends, for following this video. I hope you liked it, that it brought you value. If so, don't forget to give a thumbs up, share the video, subscribe to the channel, and of course, find Martin on his social networks, on his website, all the information will be at the bottom, in the description. Thank you, and we'll see you again very soon for a new video. Bye bye. »

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