
Concierge services: do you have to be a rental management real estate agent (G card)?

G card concierge

** Concierge services: do you have to be a rental management real estate agent (G card)? **

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Hello, and welcome to the “I display Complete” channel. The “J’poster Complet” channel is a channel that helps seasonal rental companies, professional sub-renters, and seasonal rental concierge services to increase their turnover. I hope you're doing well.

Today we're talking about an issue that I see a lot on social media. This can underlie several aspects. So if you are a seasonal rental concierge, you want to create a seasonal rental concierge activity, and you don't know if you can charge by percentage or not without having a G card, if you don't know what is the G card, if you are wondering if you have the right to make sales directly to travelers on your own site, or if you think you need to be a real estate agent authorized to do rental management to have your rental concierge service seasonal, stay with me. I will answer this question, and I will give you as much information as possible to know what you have the right to do, and what you cannot do with or without this famous G card.

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  • Hello to you. Welcome.
  • Hello Axelle. I hope you're well. I'm doing very well. I thank you. In great shape, like every day.
  • Hello to you. Welcome. Thank you for greeting me.

So, these famous G cards are a subject that has caused a lot of ink to flow, and obviously, rightly so, since it is not a question of creating your activity in a completely illegal way, and realizing, at a given moment, that we did things that we had no right to do.

First, a quick recap on this G card. I do not intend to be a lawyer. I'm going to share with you some information that I know, that I was able to find in my research, but it is important, on the one hand, that you do your own research, because the information that I share here will be perhaps false tomorrow, because everything that is legal evolves and changes. And then, it’s also very important that you get support from experts. What I'm sharing today is a sort of little starter kit to help you in the right direction, to give you the first steps, but obviously you need to be accompanied by a lawyer, or a lawyer who will have the word of the law with him. Which is not my case, obviously.

What is the G card? You should know that when you want to be a real estate agent, when you want to have the right to practice this profession, there are several authorization aspects. This is how I translate it. The advantage is that, as I am not a lawyer, I will translate it for you in intelligible words. So to be a real estate agent and be able to do what we call rental management, you must have this famous G card, which authorizes, in fact, to do rental management. And what does rental management allow, more precisely? In fact, it allows you to collect the sums of money that must fluctuate between the tenant and the owner when you rent, that is to say the rent, charges, deposit, etc. So, if we do not have this G card, we do not have the right to collect rent, we do not have the right to collect charges, to collect a deposit, etc. This is not allowed.

How do you get this G card? There are several things, depending on your personal situation. Likewise, I'll give you a few tickets, but you shouldn't hesitate to look more precisely according to your personal situation, because I can't cover all cases exhaustively. You should know that roughly speaking, in broad terms, if you have a three-year diploma after the baccalaureate, or if you have a DUT or BTS in real estate, you are directly eligible for this G card. If you have the baccalaureate, you can also claim three years of full-time experience with someone who has this G card themselves. And if today, you do not have the baccalaureate, you can claim ten years of experience at full time with someone who himself has the G card. These are all elements which allow you to claim to apply, in fact, for this G card. Now, we will ask you for other additional documents. We will ask you for an extract from your criminal record, we will ask you for a professional civil liability insurance certificate, we will also ask you for a certificate of financial guarantees, and a Kbis extract of less than one month for your company. You should know that it costs a little money. It costs 120 euros. This is the information I found, but don't hesitate to check. In any case, it costs a small amount like that. It generally takes 2 to 3 months. And since 2015, these G cards are no longer valid for ten years, they are now valid for three years. This is to give you a general description of what the G card is, what it allows you to do, and how to obtain it.

Now, therefore, the question that we can legitimately ask ourselves is that when I want to carry out the activity of seasonal rental concierge, we could say to ourselves that it is rental management, is it Do you absolutely have to have this G card to be able to practice your profession? The answer, of all the concierge services with whom I have had the opportunity to discuss for several months, and even almost a year, there are, in reality, very few seasonal rental concierge services which have this famous card G. Many concierge services practice their profession completely legally without having the G card. So already, the first thing is that it is possible to have this job without having the G card.

Now, there are still differences in the things we are allowed to do with or without a G card. The first thing is that if you don't have a G card, you cannot have flow of money that passes through you. So, it underlies lots of different aspects. On the advertisements that you will have on online sites, it is imperative that the advertisements are in the name of the owner of the property, that the advertisements are not in your name. And it is also necessary that the money flows, that is to say the bank card on which, concretely, the amounts paid by the traveler, are not those of your company, but those of the owner. That is to say that there is no flow of money that will pass through you. Another very important impact, if you do not have the G card, you can exercise, but you cannot normally – many do it, but you should know that it is not authorized – take reservations on your own site. If you are a concierge service x, and you have a concierge service . Some find solutions by making it so that the flow of money actually goes directly into the pocket of the owner. Afterwards, it depends on what your site and your channel manager allow you. So much for what you can do, and what you can't do.

The question that may arise is: “But if no money flows through me, how do I get paid?” » Actually, it's very simple. We will invoice owners for the provision of services in a completely traditional manner. It is a service provision whose method of calculation will very often be based on the income obtained from the activity, but this income is not passed through you. You just know the amount, because most of the time you are co-hosting the announcements. And it is on this amount that you will calculate your percentage of remuneration, but you only bill the owner an amount per month. So, to answer the initial questions that I had identified that I often see on the networks, because certain people, and more serious than that, certain business incubators say that we cannot invoice percentages, because we don't have a G card. So no, that's not true. We can't retain a percentage of the money and pay back the rest, because we don't have a G card. That's true. But on the other hand, we can absolutely, on the amount we know to have been paid to the owners that month, charge a percentage of this amount. Can we take direct sales when we don't have a G card? No, that's not possible. You must have a G card to be able to do this. Do you have to be a real estate agent to have a rental concierge business? Obviously, you can absolutely not have a real estate card, and work as a concierge. And this is, in fact, the case for many seasonal rental concierge services who do not have this famous G card.

  • Hello Jean. Welcome.

If you have any questions about this, don't hesitate to ask me. I do not claim to have the answer to everything, especially if you have very specific questions from a legal point of view, but sometimes, from experience, I have seen a certain number of situations.

  • Hello Gladys. Welcome. I hope you're well.
  • Hello Delphine. Welcome too. I hope you're well.
  • Hello Romain. Welcome.

I see a lot of faithful. Thank you for being here. It's always a pleasure to be able to be with you during these Lives. As I said yesterday, that's the whole point of doing it live, so it's very cool.

  • Romain: “And for the deposit, can we take a credit card imprint? »

So that's a good question. I think the imprint may not be considered a flow of money, because typically taking an imprint is not debiting money. But I know that a certain number of concierge services take the deposit. That's my opinion. To be checked. But I think this is one of the somewhat tendentious subjects. Tendentious is not the right word at all, but I think you know what I mean. I think taking a print is something that wouldn't seem illegal. To check with a lawyer. That's a very good question.

If you don't have any more questions, what I suggest is to see you tomorrow! Tomorrow I'm going to publish an interview, like every Thursday. An interview with a partner. I think Axelle has a question.

  • “With Airbnb, I was able to divide the payment between the owner and me. The only problem is housekeeping. Is it still good? »

I think it's a risk. This is a risk, because it assumes that there is still a payment from the traveler to you. And from an accounting point of view, ultimately, I'm not sure that this is authorized. Normally, this is really an invoiced service, and addressed to the owners. So, it has to come out of the owner's pocket. Because there, even in terms of invoicing, do you still send an invoicing to the owner? I imagine so and so, the fact that the flow of money comes from Airbnb, in my opinion, I'm not sure that it works. Afterwards, can we really be bothered about topics like that? I don't know. But in any case, if we limit ourselves purely to the interpretation of the law, I am not sure that it will work. So, in fact, the cleaning problem no longer exists if you bill the owner. Billing in two parts, that is to say the variable part linked to marketing, and the fixed part of the household linked to the number of stays, and the number of household services that you performed during the month. Axelle, I know that you spoke about this owner, it seems to me, on the private group, some time ago. It seems to me that you were led to do this to respond to a request from an owner who did not want to go through the hassle of having to make transfers. But I have the impression that this puts you at risk. And in addition, on the subject of cleaning, there is a difficulty in obtaining money for cleaning.

  • Romain said to me: “do we have the right to cash the deposit in the event of damage? »

I think it is better that it is the owner who collects the deposit in the event of damage, to respect the letter of the law, it seems to me.

  • " Good morning. What about subletting? Do we need the G card in all cases to be able to collect the rent? »

For subletting, I took Jean-Beaudin's subletting training, which was very interesting. And I don't know anymore. For subletting, that's a great question. I don't think so, but I don't know. In fact, you have to confirm with Jean-Beaudin. I have a doubt. I don't know anymore.

  • You tell me: “For the bank card imprint, we can’t. »

And so, why can't we?

  • You say: “I do it, but when we take the bank card imprint, during collection, in the event of damage, well we are at fault without a G card.”

Yes, that's it. That is to say, we can just take out the loan, but if we collect the money, it must be the owner who collects the money. Yes, that's it. All right.

  • Axelle said to me: “Yes, you have a good memory. Guests pay me directly for cleaning. »

There, I think we are not good. There, you put yourself at risk. Because suddenly, you collect money. Or, you have to make sure you have the G card, that way, it solves everything for you. But in my opinion, it's one or the other. Either you make sure you get the G card, or you make sure that all the money is paid to the owner, and that you re-invoice it afterwards! I think.

  • Romain said to me: “So we create a Stripe account in the name of the owner? »

You mean to take the print? Is it to take the impression, or is it to make the payment? If it is to pay the traveler amount, you must put the owner's banking information in the advertisements. And to make the imprint, I imagine that it is with Stripe that you make your imprints, in which case, yes, it is in the name of the owner, in the same way that we make announcements in the name of the owner. Quite.

  • “No, no G card for subletting, from memory, following training. »

Oh yes. Axelle also trained Jean-Beaudin, and no G card for subletting. Thank you Axelle. You have a better memory than me.

I hope this could have helped you. I hope this live was able to help you clarify this point. Thank you for being there, for asking all these questions. It's nice, because it's much more interactive and interesting. We can respond directly to the issues you have right now, so that's great. If you ever watch this live replay, don't hesitate to ask me your questions in the comments, either on YouTube or on Facebook. There could be so many ideas for video topics that I could reuse to make a video that will help you, that will allow you to resolve the problems you are experiencing at the moment. I'll see you tomorrow for the next video, which will not be a live video, but a recorded interview. I'll see you live on Sunday. Take care of yourself.

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