
Facebook crash: the essential lessons for your short-term rental

facebook crash

We have just experienced a historic event: no more Facebook, no more Whatsapp, no more Instagram for several hours.

These platforms are not seasonal rental platforms but despite everything this should alert us as a seasonal entrepreneur.

I share with you the 3 lessons, in my opinion essential, to remember from all of this.

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Hello and welcome to the J'poster Complet channel, the channel which helps seasonal rental companies, professional sub-renters and seasonal rental concierge services to become serene and ultra-profitable entrepreneurs.

Today, we just experienced something a bit historic. We did something that has never happened, I think, in the history of social networks. We had Facebook, and therefore the entire Facebook group with Whatsapp and Instagram which literally sputtered from last night until today. This is a fact, which you will tell me, is not directly correlated to seasonal rental. So some seasonal rental companies use Facebook to do seasonal rentals, in particular to find prospects, but it is true that the link is not obvious. On the other hand, if we see, as I recommend to you, and as I talk a lot about it on the various live shows that I do, if you see your activity as an activity of a seasonal entrepreneur, which in my opinion is the guarantee for you to have the life you want in relation to all that, so it gives a completely different perspective at this point. Myself, I must admit, when I saw that everything was crashed yesterday, the first instinct I had was to say to myself: “ah ok so we can no longer find I'm posting Complete on Facebook”, our Facebook group which today brings together just over 1000 members. “Well, he’s crashed too!” Where can we find J’poster Complet, the YouTube channel? We still have our website, but it was something that immediately came to mind. I thought about all that and I said to myself: “But in fact, when you are a seasonal rental company, and therefore a seasonal entrepreneur, there are several impacts and there are lessons which are essential for me in relation to what happened last night. I really wanted to talk to you about it today, so that's going to be the goal of this video. I can't do an intro that lasts forever, but here it is, the objective of this video is to share with you what for me are the three lessons in seasonal rental in relation to this globally new event which was this Facebook crash , WhatsApp and Instagram.

When you arrive, don't hesitate to say hello, it's always a pleasure to be together to be able to share this, answer your questions if you have any. So don't hesitate, it really makes me happy. 

  • Hello Axel, welcome to this Live! I hope you're well ! Hello Romain, welcome to you too. 

Romain is watching us from YouTube. If you are not subscribed to the Youtube channel, do not hesitate to do so, because the advantage is that you will be alerted when I arrive Live and therefore, you can easily join us , ask your questions. I see the questions so it's always nicer.

So when we say to ourselves: “Facebook is spit out, WhatsApp is spit out, Instagram is spit out”, what is happening? Well, the number 1 point that this brought up for me is that I see a lot of seasonal rental companies who are starting out in their business and who start by saying to themselves: “Well, Airbnb is the site that is the most suitable for me. ergonomic, the easiest to assimilate, so here I am going to put my apartment on Airbnb and I stop there and that is more than enough. The thing, when you have a dependence like that on a marketing site, is that if tomorrow Airbnb crashes like it did for Facebook, if tomorrow Airbnb decides that for x or y reason, which is very little probable, but still, decides that for x or y reason, and no longer wishes to provide apartments, for example, from seasonal rental companies; moreover, it is very unlikely for Airbnb, well it was still the case on Expedia, Expedia no longer accepts new registrations from seasonal rental companies and is starting to gradually withdraw registrations from seasonal rental companies in their ad portfolio. In these cases, if Airbnb shuts down overnight, you have your seasonal rental which overnight no longer exists in the world at all! Make everything erased at once! So the first thing that inspires me in major teaching is that you really shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket, limit yourself to a single site. This was already true for reasons of financial performance, because being present on more sites will make you much more financially efficient, but now more than ever, realizing the fallibility, the fact that they are not infallible, you will excuse me for the French, really having that in mind, the fact that none of the sites, even a heavyweight like Facebook is infallible, well that allows us to realize even more so that you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket. You must diversify your marketing, diversify the sites on which your activity, your seasonal rental apartment or your concierge apartments are available in order to reduce the risk in this type of extreme case. So you will tell me: “Yeah, but these extremes”. Yes, but finally the extreme, there are quite a few at the moment, you will notice. We have a pandemic, we have Facebook which is spitting, it's part of everyday life, it's part of the things that can happen, so it's really important to have it in mind and to duplicate the sites on which you are present , don't put all your eggs in one basket. Moreover, if we draw a parallel with the entrepreneur side, it is recognized by all that a company which has only one client, for example, is a risky company, so even us, as as a seasonal entrepreneur, even if we just have an apartment, but it's the same thing in fact: we put ourselves at risk if we are too dependent on a single platform, a single marketing site.

The second point that I wanted to share with you is that realizing that big platforms like that can fail also means realizing that in the end, we own nothing. I give you the example of I display Complete. I'm posting Full, we have a group, as I told you, of a little over 1000 people, 1002 I think. If you're not there, join us. This group is super nice, plus you receive a gift when you sign up. The group is called “seasonal rental prices and turnover maximization”, the link just below. Don't hesitate to do it, you receive the six mistakes not to make when determining your sales prices. All this to tell you that obviously, last night, the remark I made to myself was: “Ok, what is the maximum risk?” Well, the maximum risk is that the platforms do not belong to us, in fact. Even if it is, so here I draw the parallel with seasonal rental, even if it is your apartment, even if it is your customers, your travelers who have come to your home, it remains no less true that it goes through Airbnb and if at any point it should fail, nothing belongs to you. This is all property of Airbnb. 

So my second idea and the second point which in my opinion is essential, which I have already spoken about, but this again highlights the importance of this thing, is that it is absolutely necessary to have a direct site for your activity. In fact, your activity must have an existence beyond the platforms so that if something were to happen, you always have your own site which will bring you a flow of prospects, ensure to be well referenced on Google and to be able to have autonomy. An autonomy, which, in the event of an emergency, is not your seasonal rental that disappears from the face of the world, that you no longer have any online presence and nothing at all.

So for number 1, don't put all your eggs in one basket: typically say I only have Airbnb, it works, I'll stop there. It's very risky, it can be damaging. Point number 2, ensure that you have a method of acquiring prospects that is complementary to that of being present on Airbnb to also guarantee your autonomy in the event of potential problems.

  • Hello John, welcome and thank you very much for saying hello. It's always nice.

So that's for point number 2 which is important. And now, to also share with you point number 3, which really seems so important to me in relation to this, it's still the same idea, but be careful, you must guarantee your autonomy, you must also have full possession of your activity, and that you are not helpless in the event of a problem. Well the last point which is put in place by a certain number of seasonal rental companies, but I still don't find it sufficiently important, so that's also why I wanted to talk about it today, we really have to make sure as much as possible to capture emails from travelers who come to see you. For what ? Because the fact of having a base of travelers who have come to see you, or even people who have surfed your website, is then I don't know if we can say it like that, but for me the image in my head it's as if it were a business, that is to say that you really have something which has a lot of value in the field of companies in the profession. Having a customer base, having a prospect base, that has enormous value and that's also what guarantees your autonomy, that's also what will mean that if tomorrow your Facebook page for your seasonal rental disappears, if Airbnb no longer wants you, you still have this base of people who came to you, who were very satisfied, because you do good quality work, and who, as a result, are able and positive about the idea of be contacted directly by you for a potential next stay. You will potentially tell me...

  • Hello Maxime, welcome. Welcome to the in Live. 

You will potentially say to me: “Elise, ok, but you know that we can't collect emails from people who come etc that easily” So that's completely fair. There are little tips now that exist in the field. I didn't invent them. There are some very common tips. The first tip is to make sure to suggest to travelers, in the automatic emails that you send them before their arrival, to suggest that they download a document so that they really have all the elements before their stay, so a document with the plan, with information on potential schedules, important numbers, etc. To download it by entering your email in a form provided for this purpose, which will allow you to receive it later, by email. It's something that works very well, because obviously people are going to come, so they want to have the information, and they understand that you have to give an email to receive it in exchange. So that's something you can put in place. It's not necessarily technically super complicated, it's true you have to look into it, but once it's in place, it works by itself and it allows you to collect emails from travelers who have come to you and to build this famous base for you. There is also another idea, which is to have the same device for leaving your email, but on your website. That is to say, any traveler who comes may be interested in a document. You can, for example, create a document about your city. A document that can satisfy both leisure and business customers would be a document that could indicate, for example, the major essentials that will help you during your stay. I'm not a marketer either, so you can see how to word it, but how to improve your leisure stay or your business stay. Having the possibility of downloading this document will really be of great interest to people who surf your site, since they are looking for accommodation in the city in which you work, so normally, this is something that works very good and which will allow you to collect emails, also people who are just in affinity with your seasonal rental city, and not just people who have come to your apartment. So here are the nuggets that I wanted to share with you, that I found. I don't talk about this element on Facebook, I don't intend to comment on current events, because I have no legitimacy at all. Now, what I found interesting was to see how I, as an entrepreneur, said to myself: “ah ok, what are the impacts, etc.? and how you too, as a seasonal entrepreneur, can learn lessons from this event?” Get the most out of it, that is to say how it should help us move forward better in our business in the future.

So just to recap, the points that are really essential; the first is really not to put all your eggs in one basket and not, for example, to be caricatured; but I hear very often, not saying: “well, I just have Airbnb, it works very well, I’ll stop there.” It got complicated. The limit on this first point, the element that must be heard, could be to say to yourself: “I sell everything directly, and it works very well.” And there, in which case, you have full control of your marketing. Perhaps ultimately, it is the exception that proves the rule. Otherwise, not putting all your eggs in one basket is extremely important. 

The second point, I have a memory lapse, excuse me, I just talked about it for half an hour. Yes, the second point is to have a direct site. This is also essential to better control your marketing. 

And the third point is to collect emails from travelers or people who are interested in your activity so that you can contact them directly. It’s true that on this third point, I just wanted to add one last element, which is that we could say to ourselves: “Yes, but what do I do with it afterwards? I have a database of 100 emails, what do I do with that?” There are many, many, many really cool things that can be done with an email database. I'll just give you an example. Besides, if you want, I can also make a video for you on that. An example, it could be that if you have, over a future period, too low a fill on which you are not satisfied with the sales, which you have at this stage in the week in question, you can absolutely do a communication with not necessarily a reduced price, but in any case you offer something extra to travelers: a device that makes you want to come and which will therefore allow you to capture direct reservations with this little gift over the period which is more difficult. I'll take the opposite example, because there it's more: “we want to fill a difficult period”. In the opposite situation, you can anticipate events that really have a big impact in your city by sending a message well in advance to travelers who are used to it, who have already come to your place in the past, saying: “For such event, we haven't thought of it for you, if you want to come, here are all the things we have in place, which will help you for the event.” For example, you can say: “Here we are, we are very close to the event location” Or conversely: “We are not necessarily ready, but we have public transport that takes you directly to the event.” Come up with a bundle of reasons why you are the great apartment to be able to participate in this event. Send this communication in advance and as a result, capture reservations from people who already trust us and who, despite this event price that you have set, will want to book with you rather than go surfing on Booking or Airbnb. 

I hope that all of this could have helped you, I'm interested in having your opinion on this crash that we had with Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram. What did you think of it? What did it inspire you in fact, to see this thing completely out of the ordinary, completely incredible. I admit to you that I had not at all perceived that this risk was possible, in fact . I never imagined that it was possible and probable to have a crash like that, even a crash lasting as many hours, in fact, because we say to ourselves: “There it is, it can crash, we have already had in the past, it seems to me, a crash of 30 minutes, but this was still really long and really serious. So there you have it, don't hesitate to tell me what you think. I find it very interesting to read about this from you. If you have any questions, the same, I always welcome any questions you have. If you also have points that are blocking you, at the moment, in your seasonal rental, in the same way, I will be delighted to read them and be able to answer you or to make a video to be able to answer them in a much more clearer way. supported. So that's it for today, and I'm going to wait a little bit if you ever have any questions. In the meantime, I tell you again, don't hesitate to download the free bonus, it gives you the 6 mistakes not to make when you price your seasonal rental. It's in the link just below and I think it might help you a lot. It could be, the wording was a little strange in my sentence.

There you go, listen, I don't think I have any questions today. There were many of you and I thank you for it with me in this Live. I'm saying see you Thursday, since I'm doing a Live Tuesday and Thursday at noon. I was a little late today, I'm sorry, but otherwise it's Tuesday at noon and Thursday at noon. There you go, I wish you a very good day and a very good week. See you Thursday at noon and take care of yourself.

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