
Data available: 3 essential points for a fair analysis

Here is the transcript of the video:

👋 Hello, welcome to the I'm displaying Complete ! My name is Claire and today we are going to meet to talk about the data that is available in Channel Managers . All Channel Managers offer a lot of data, but ultimately, this data will only be usable and relevant if it is of quality. And for that, I would like to talk to you about three points, the three points which for me are the pillars for properly exploiting the data that is available in the Channel Managers .

The first point is separability . So you're going to tell me, ok, I understand more what she's talking about. Separability means that you will have to divide your reservations according to their months of assignment. I'll give you a very simple example: a traveler who is going to check in on September 15 and check out in November. If the Channel Manager assigns financial data to the check-out month instead of the check-in month, it will completely skew your data. For example, an allocation to check-out will lead to outperformance in November increased by this reservation which is ultimately allocated to several months and underperformance in October. When we have only one good, at the limit, we can find our way and say to ourselves “ah yes, well I know, I have control”, but when we start to have several goods, things get drowned out and in fact that does not allow you to make good decisions. So, in relation to that, for me the major point is to make separable , to divide the data for each month. You can configure it in the Channel, not all Channels necessarily offer this option. If that's not possible, uh, we can also do it in one tool by exporting the data from the Channel Manager to do it in another tool. And know that, there you go, we also do it at J’poster Complet . In our work tools, all data is assigned to their month of reservation, in any case, the month of stay.

The second point that seems important to me is having exhaustive data . Sometimes, Channels can also report a single figure, talk about turnover, but if we don't have exhaustive data, we will quickly be stuck in the analysis. Ultimately, we will have to stop at a figure which will have a limited content and we will not be able to go any further. So, the exhaustive data for me is to recover the amount paid by the traveler, the amount of cleaning invoiced, also recover the stay alone, recover the commission, with a subtlety for the goods which are at a commission of 3 % on Airbnb. So there, it will be important to also try to recover the commission invoiced to the buyer and the commission invoiced to the traveler. In relation to this, the lever is clear, it is connectivity . Creating quality connectivity between your Channel and the platforms is really the key to having qualitative data recovery. It takes time, but it's really worth it in the long run, to have quality data, to make good choices, to do good analyses.

The next point is the quality of the data . Precisely, in relation to that, I would like to focus quite specifically on cleaning, laundry, all these costs. When we do the cleaning ourselves, it's not really an issue, we affect the cleaning according to the time we spent there, well, in any case within the rule that we wish. But when you outsource the cleaning, it's really important that the cleaning billed is equal to the cleaning cost, well, at least the cost that it represents. Why am I telling you this? Because when we do the analysis, it will really simplify things to be able to use the data that goes back from the platforms to the Channel to then analyze things. If you have a disparity, you will retrieve your information by telling yourself that the stay alone saved you time, which will be totally false. Since potentially, if you charged €30 for cleaning but it cost you €50, you will have a loss of €20 which will be reallocated to the stay alone and impact your data a little. So, having good consistency between the actual cost and the invoiced cost really allows you to have a healthy database to analyze all of that. revenue management point of view , it is entirely relevant to consider this operation.

Now, I talked to you about these three points which are key to properly analyzing this information in Channel Manager . Once we have the clean data, then we can analyze it. And for me, there are two levels of analysis regarding this. The first level is to analyze your turnover . And here, I insist on this term turnover, I am almost going to tell you that there is a bit to eat and drink. That is to say, we all talk about turnover, but it all depends on what we ultimately mean. The turnover is different for each actor. We can look at the turnover of the owner, look at the turnover of the manager. So, that's why it seems important to me to ensure how the turnover calculation that is proposed in the Channel Manager and to ensure that this calculation corresponds to your own activity. Overall, the turnover is the amount paid by the traveler minus the commissions, since they are never ultimately paid back to the person who receives the amount and tourist taxes which are in most of the time never paid back or then they are received and then returned to the city. So that is a very important pillar for monitoring performance.

And the second point where we can look more at profitability , go into more detail and there, we will be able to deduct the charges, deduct the charges which are direct. I'm talking once again about linen, cleaning and that's precisely where it makes sense to have costs that are perfectly similar between what I charge the traveler and what it actually costs me. Because when we do the analysis in Channel Manager , it will be the true mirror of the situation.

There you go, I hope this gave you a lot of information. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them in comments, we remain available.

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