
Violaine Richard: Decoration and work in seasonal rental, worst mistakes and best ideas

violaine richard interview

In this video I interview Violaine Richard from Rénoveuse Astucieuse

We talk about:
– her best decorating tips so that your apartment rents better than others
– her tips for taking photos of your apartment
– ​​her decorating nuggets and techniques to stand out from the crowd
– the worst mistakes she has seen subject of work

Article 17 AIRBNB decorating ideas: https://bit.ly/3i9vrqp
Violaine's website: https://renoveuse-astucieuse.com/
Her email: violaine@renoveuse-astucieuse.com

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Hello and welcome to the channel I am full, the channel which owes seasonal rentals, professional sub-rentals and seasonal rental concierges to increase their turnover. Today, I have an exceptional guest who talks about a subject that has never been talked about on the “I'm showing full” channel. So fortunately she is here to fill this void with us. You will see, if you are in seasonal rental, it will really help you enormously, so stay with us. My guest, she worked for eight years for Leroy Merlin and she developed an enormous knowledge of materials, something extremely specialized which helped her make her first real estate investment a financial success with phenomenal resale for a well of 240,000 euros, she made more than 50 thousand euros of capital gain on resale in two weeks, she sold at 10% more than the market price. It's truly phenomenal! In her job today, she works on many large-scale projects. There are two in particular that caught my attention the most. The first is a 12-room shared apartment, it’s really crazy. And the second is a 220 square meter office space that it is transforming into two T5s. I am delighted to welcome Violaine Richard with me today.

Élise : Hello Violaine!

Violaine Richard : Hello Élise!

Élise : So, what I suggest to you, if you want, for people who don't know you, is to start by telling us about your background.

Violaine Richard : Yes, of course! So my name is Violaine, I am 37 years old. So I worked for eight years at Leroy Merlin. It was my first job out of school and I enjoyed this DIY world since I stayed. So I spent four years in store management and then four years in store layout. I started to dabble in scripting, optimizing spaces since setting up a store, there are obviously many constraints. And then, I continued in this branch of space planning for another brand for two years. After ten years of professional life, I got a little fed up and decided to go around the world for a year. And during this world tour, I reconsidered what I loved most, and I realized that I loved real estate investing. That in real estate investment, what I liked most was being able to completely transform homes and really see nuggets come to life. It's great to see a before and after. And since I already had a bit of a foot in that, I decided to train in interior design with a specialization in housing. And for two years, I created the astute renovation agency, which is also a blog where I help real estate investors renovate their homes, create unique decoration that helps them stand out on the market to be able to optimize their profitability and rent quickly and expensive.

Élise : That’s what’s very interesting about what you do and your career path. You really specialize in real estate investment, that’s what makes all the difference in what you offer. I also noticed recently on your site that I follow assiduously, and I encourage you to go there because I will put the link in the info bar, do not hesitate to go there not only in addition to being interesting, you go see, it’s really very aesthetic. We see that this is your job. It's super beautiful it must be said, much more beautiful than the full site I'm displaying. I would like to say this because I am the one who created my site I display Complete. I'm not blaming someone who did it for me, not at all. But no, it was really beautiful and I noticed that you recently published an article about the photos. It’s true that for us in seasonal rentals, photos are essential! How to take photos correctly? Do you have any advice on how to take good photos?

Violaine Richard : So yes, of course! I just take two seconds to take my notes. In fact, to take the photos, I'm not going to go into detail about how to take the photos yourself because then for those who are watching us, you can go to my site renoverastucieuse.com, to see different tips for take the photos yourself. But where I draw your attention more is how to prepare for the shoot, whether you take the photos yourself or call on a professional so that the apartment is alive, that it makes you want to and really , so that the photos are as attractive as possible. Personally, I advise all my clients to go through a professional as I find that the result is still much higher quality when you do shoots yourself. So, the different tips like, this is really important for a successful shoot, it will first be to ensure that of course the work and the decoration are completely finalized. And I see photos too often on the good corner or on Airbnb. So, less on Airbnb, more on leboncoin. There are often photos of furnished rentals where you can still see the cardboard of the coffee table lying in a corner because the layout has barely been completed and the photos have already been taken. It doesn't look professional at all! The second thing is to clean well when you take the photos you can see a lot of marks on the mirror, on the windows, etc. It's really very important to be spot on from this point of view because a window that looks okay to the naked eye will look disgusting in a photo. It really shows a lot. So we have to anticipate that. Another important thing in particular, when it is the very first rental, it is good to take the time to iron the sheets otherwise there are brands which are not very aesthetic. And if you have ever chosen a sheet with a part that overflows, the part that slips under the mattress, do not hesitate to put the duvet in the other direction, so that it is more aesthetic, which we avoid to have this little flap, not necessarily very beautiful. And if you want to make something that's really the quilt from the magazines, for something that's really cool, well don't hesitate to go and get an extra quilt, there you go, get it from home, just long enough to take a photo. Fold the duvet in four and put it under the main duvet which will be visible in the photo. It will give it some lift and the techniques that are used by brands like la redoute, Ikea or others, when they take life photos to give this very voluptuous side which makes you want to spend time under the duvet.

Élise : Wait, I don't think I understood the quilt technique. Certainly I have my duvet and it is in its duvet thing.

Violaine Richard : And in fact, you bring a second duvet. You keep your first duvet, you go get a second duvet which you fold in four and you put it under your main duvet. So basically, between the mattress and the duvet, there is a second duvet folded in four, which will provide a good plan.

Élise : Ah, to make it like a hotel bed in fact where you know, it's always very… Ah! Top tip, ok, top!

Violaine Richard : In fact, these are techniques that we used in store. After Leroy Merlin, I worked for Mondial Tissu. We sold household linen in particular and that's what we come to the store to give the bed a little ambiance, a little more, with some good deals in fact.

Élise : Great!

Violaine Richard : Then, something else that is important is to give myself everyday accessories to give a lively side in fact. Often when we go to take the photos, we take them at the very start, the work has just been finished, we have just finished the furniture, and it will lack life in fact. Don't hesitate to add a basket of bread and fruit, a few plants, magazines, care products, pretty care products in the bathroom. For example brands like body shop with beautiful packaging. Things that are a bit qualitative! It will really bring a second plus, both it is aesthetic and on top of that, it will really give a lively side to the place. It will be much more attractive than just a photo, ultimately very sober and which will lack souls.

Elise : Yes!

Violaine Richard : then, it's really important to identify before the photographer visits, what are the points of view that we are going to highlight in the ad because, there are, there are going to be angles of view which will be more aesthetic than others. So, we will talk about it a little later, but normally it is something that we have identified before the work since we already know in advance what we want. I don't know... a very beautiful, very beautiful living room with a sofa, with a beautiful atmosphere above, well... a beautiful wall decoration. All this normally, before the work we will talk about it later, but it is really important to know what will be the most striking, which in a living room. Generally in the living room, you only need to see the sofa. So it's true that you'll want to make sure that the sofa is well oriented to have a very beautiful decoration, and not just a sofa on a white wall where nothing happens.

Elise : Yes!

Violaine Richard : It’s less sexy! Another little tip, it’s important! It is very nice to turn on all the lights because it will highlight secondary lighting in particular. Not necessarily the main lights, the ceiling, but in any case all the secondary lighting, it provides a slightly softer light and it can highlight certain details of the decoration, especially if these lights have been well positioned. So it's important, and even more important when it's dark on the day you take the photos. In any case, it's quite complicated to retouch in terms of brightness when the outside light is gray. As a result, these lamps will bring in a little more yellow light and give a warmer appearance. Then, that's apart from what I just said before: it's to check the weather before taking photos. Ideally, if you can avoid photos with very gray light, that's better. Well sometimes, we don't necessarily always have the choice, but when we are in a period where within two days, we know that there will not be much sunshine, it can be interesting to change the situation a little. time of the appointment and the same, to agree with the photographer on better times during the day when we are on the light from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the zenith which is a very very aggressive light. It's not necessarily easy to take beautiful photos in summer, for example between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m., we generally use the light which is a little softer and which is much more pleasant for taking very beautiful photos.

That's it, and then the last point is to not hesitate to ask for a few more photos than necessary, even if you have gone through a photographer and who charges for the number of photos, it's still nice I think to have a choice, a few additional photos to be able to choose the best point of view because, then as on Airbnb, we will be able to put a lot of photos, but in any case the photos which will be the most interesting. Whether on Airbnb or on leboncoin, it's the first photo or at least the first two or three photos that's often what appeals the most. This one has to be really very, very striking and the more photos we have to choose from, the more we will be able to find the right angle of view or brightness for something really sexy that makes you want to rent it.

Elise : I also have a question: do you have a conviction about the way of the angle you see? Because sometimes we see people taking, it looks like they really got on a chair to take photos from above. Sometimes there are even people who take photos from lower than eye level or there are people who take photos at normal eye level. Are you convinced of this? Is there really one thing that is better than the others?

Violaine Richard : I don’t have any personally. Having tested it, I find that a little lower is quite nice. It generally looks pretty good. The only thing you really need to keep in mind is to avoid taking front-on photos, that is to say, if I take a photo of my living room, I'm not going to put it right in the facing the sofa. It is better to stand on an angle and come and take an angle that opens like that the side of the sofa for example earlier perhaps a few times the child. It will always be more, it will highlight the space, the decor, etc. much more. to not necessarily have just the wall in front, but at an angle, something that looks much better.

Élise : ok! where you are also very strong in your expertise, it is in the favorite decoration part. It’s true that you do some really great things on this. Decorations that will also help to stand out. It's true that in seasonal rentals, it's the crux of the matter to be able to stand out, to be able to immediately catch the eye of the traveler as soon as they already see us in the search results by compared to others, it's really the crux of the matter to encourage people to click. Do you have any ideas to give on this subject to help people who do seasonal rentals?

Violaine Richard : For me, to be able to stand out, you also have to create a favorite. The favorite often, well I am more contacted by people who do long-term furnished rentals and often there in the specifications, they say I want a favorite decoration that appeals to the greatest number of people. And I'm going to be here saying: in fact, what I'm being asked doesn't exist. A crush doesn't please everyone by default because a crush is something and a super strong wave of emotions where all of a sudden: aaah, I I really want this thing, but it's not the same thing for everyone otherwise there's everything in the same people's restaurants. The film at the cinema is when there are some who find that the last Tarantino is a masterpiece and others will say that it is the worst. So… And yet, they saw the same film in the same theater at the same time. We can't do that, already forget the universal crush, it doesn't exist. So, from there I find that what is important is not to hesitate to have strong biases, it can be colors, it can be patterns, it can be many things, but there are two things in fact that will help create this famous crush. First thing first, we forget the crush that pleases everyone. We're going to be OK with the fact that we're going to please fewer people, but on the other hand those who we're going to please, they're going to be such fans who won't hesitate for two seconds, they're going to take our apartment. That's the first thing! And the second thing is that there are two tools that make it easy to create a crush. It’s one, differentiation! so it's there like on Airbnb, well it's easy to see an ok what's the stuff that everyone does. Well already, I'm going to avoid doing that. Second thing is the colors. In fact, colors there have been quite a few studies on the subject and colors are extremely important for feeling good in general. And in fact, to have a pleasant place to live we need colors and a tone of all colors. When someone says to me: yes, yes, yes, look, I made a gray wall. But gray no, it's not actually a color. In colors, we forget black white gray and possibly brown when it is too close, well too basic. These are colors that have no impact. In fact, you should know that colors have a psychological and physiological impact. Psychological because they will impact our behavior and physiological because we perceive them even with our eyes closed. The skin has the same photosensitive sensors as the retina of the eyes. So in fact, when we say that we can't sleep in a red room for example and that excites us, it's not just when my eyes are open. It’s really, there are people who are going to be impacted by this. This is not true for everyone! We have to stop saying to ourselves: a red room no one will sleep in. On the contrary, in short-term rental, in a love room, a red or purple room, these are colors which will stimulate the sexual appetite. So, we can go, there's no problem. On the other hand, if the idea is to make the corner super zen, super relaxing, we avoid warm colors and go more for cold colors.

And there you have it, in fact, we all need colors, they all have properties that are either soothing or, on the contrary, energizing. There are some which will whet the appetite, which will suppress it, there are some which will give an impression of more cleanliness, others which will go the opposite. So there you have it, and not everyone reacts in the same way to light so there you go, those are things, I'm not going to go into details because it's too long. But these are things that are important to have in mind and in fact, you can put colors in your home it will not please everyone, there are people who will find themselves there because at one point given, they need a certain color in their life and we don't need the same colors at different times in our lives.

Élise : yes and to go in your direction, there is also a point that is important to remember, I think, which is that you have to use colors, but you also have to be accompanied. Finally, it is my conviction, to accompany experts like you who are able to use them correctly, to ensure that it is trendy too, because it is certain that you see, I will obviously act as the advocate of devil, but someone who says to themselves: well I love bright green you see and who makes their entire apartment in bright green because we say to ourselves that colors are important, so it will be a little little counterproductive. That is to say that there is a profession behind it, there is an expertise and when it is well mastered, when it is done correctly in keeping with the times, even the color I think that can please a lot of people you see, because it's pretty, because it's pleasant and it's in the spirit of the times you see. I've seen things that you present on your site, sometimes there are things that are even yellow in color and all that, frankly I love it, you see, whereas if you had told me Élise, I made you a little decoration with yellow, I would have said no. There is an error there, you see? When in fact no, I find it super nice because it's done with taste, because it's a job that you master, it's crazy stuff.

Violaine Richard : In fact there are colors that are easy. The simplest color is blue. Regardless of the shade of blue, it is by far the favorite color of people all over the world.

Élise : oh yes!

Violaine Richard : on blue, we don't take many risks. For yellow just for the record, yellow is when you ask people what their favorite color is, it's rarely yellow that comes out and yet happy people, people who feel good, that's the color they put first.

Élise : oh yes, Ok!

Violaine Richard : It’s really a sparkling color and we can use a little of these colors. Often when you type on the internet just the meaning of colors, it's more the brands, when you write their logo, etc., who often look at that. But the information that is indicated is not real. So we can also use it in accommodation if we want to offer a particular atmosphere, a particular reaction, especially for short-term rentals for really a few days or weeks. If we want to create a very specific atmosphere, we can also use this symbolism of colors. It's not just symbolism in fact, it's really an impact.

Élise : So, I also know that you have several arrows to your bow, and that you even have some ideas that are a little offbeat to improve the visibility that you can have on your Airbnb, on your seasonal rental. Can you give us one or two of your favorites?

Violaine Richard : So in general, the main point of differentiation I do is with painting. I love using paint because it doesn't cost a lot to do something different. So here, I'm not at home, usually I can show my living room directly, but here I am, I'll still be able to show an example because it's someone who followed my advice. I should point out, we are in Brittany, that's why it's in navy blue at the back. But here we are, the way it was painted, I don't know if we see, wait.

Élise : Yes, we can see quite a bit around the furniture. We see that there is a painted space.

Violaine Richard : Yes, we see that there is a space which is painted behind the furniture on the side of the furniture, which is not painted all the way to the top. This is all voluntary. On tall furniture, I find that we lose a little impact, but these painting techniques where I never want to paint the wall that is to say that when we look at the majority of investors what- what they do? They have four walls so there are 3 that are going to be white and one is going to be gray or blue because usually that's what everyone does.

Élise : It’s true!

Violaine Richard : So already point of differentiation, we are going to choose our color. Often it's the fourth wall and they all say: which one do I take? But why necessarily paint the fourth wall? We have the right to take less than the wall and we can very well paint there as is the case with just a frame of a piece of furniture, we can paint more than the wall. We can very well paint up to the ceiling, we are entitled to a total look in toilets for example. Dark green toilets with wallpaper above a base in the same green and black holes like that to make something very chic.

Élise : Thank you very much Violet for everything you shared with us. It was super interesting, thank you very much, it was so cool. I tell you, click on the links they will all be in the info bar, if today you are not yet part of the community I am full, do not also hesitate to join our private Facebook group which is calls for: seasonal rental, prices and maximization of turnover. The link will also be in the info bar and upon registration you will receive the free bonus of the six mistakes not to make when determining your sales prices. I say now see you tomorrow for the next video, take care of yourself, thank you, Violaine!

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2 Answers

  1. Off Pure says:

    It is true that decor in seasonal rentals is very important! For my part, it's trumeau, woven rug, wall paintings and plants for each of my possessions, they please me every time!

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