
Direct seasonal rental site: what you need to know to get started without making a mistake

Direct seasonal rental site

⭐ Direct site for your seasonal rental: what you need to know to get started and not make a mistake

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Hello and welcome to the J'poster Complet channel, the channel which helps seasonal rental companies, professional sub-renters and seasonal rental concierge services to increase their turnover and become serene and ultra-profitable entrepreneurs.

Today, we are going to talk about the direct site. We hear a lot about: “Do we have the right? Don't we have the right? How to do it? What is it for? Is it really a good spend of time for you in a busy schedule to embark on having a direct site? Today, we take stock. I'm going to share with you a whole bunch of marbles on this subject: What are the possible uses of a direct site? Is it really worth going there? How can we do this? and What are the three keys I give you to really make this a success for you? Here we go.

This is the objective of the meeting today, well, of the meeting, excuse me, it's a slip of the tongue. [Laugh]. It's, it can be a form of meeting, because in fact the lives, which we do every week, are a bit like a little meeting between us. So, in the end, maybe this slip of the tongue makes sense. If you are not used to live shows, know that we meet on Tuesday and Thursday at noon live from YouTube and also on Facebook. So, if you come across this video and if you're interested, don't hesitate to subscribe to the YouTube channel by clicking on “subscribe” with the little bell. That way, you will be alerted when I go live. It's always a pleasure to meet again, and that's it. I really like this format, so that's why I'm continuing it, despite, it's true, the time commitment it requires, but it's a real pleasure for me to meet you twice per week like that. If you wish, you can also download our free bonus: “The six mistakes not to make when pricing a seasonal rental”. You have the link just below. It is by subscribing to our Facebook group that you will receive this bonus and therefore also see the lives live.

So, hello Romain. Welcome ! There is Romain watching us from YouTube. Hello Maxime. Welcome ! So, there must be a little emoji, I only see the name of the emoji: “good vibes”. “Good vibes” suits me very well. I find that, I find it great. Jimmy saying “Hello” to me. Hello Jimmy. Welcome to you! “Shared pleasure”. Oh well, that's nice. Thank you very much Romain. So when you arrive the same way, don't hesitate to say hello. Always a pleasure to be there with me. And if you have any questions too, don't hesitate to ask them either about what I'm saying or about other subjects. It can also be the subject of ideas for new videos for me. So, I am always listening to subjects which are, at the moment for you, difficult subjects, or at least questions which we may have at the moment.

So the subject of the direct site. Hello to you. Welcome Diva of the Cannes Film Festival. Great! I don't know what your first name is but your, your, your name is pretty cool. Hello Marie-Jo. Welcome. Hello Anise. Welcome Anis K? Welcome to you. Everyone is watching us from YouTube today, it's very funny. Ok. But, listen, great! Welcome. So on the direct site, today we are going to talk about this subject: Is it worth having a direct site? How can we do it? and What are the keys to making it work for you? The first point that I wanted to see with you about this direct site is that, yes, in my opinion today, it is really worth having a direct site. In fact, what is the point of a direct site? Remember, recently, we had a Facebook Insta crash, which completely blew up for several hours, and in these cases, obviously, it calls into question saying “but wait, if I depend on platforms like that for my seasonal rental activity; that I have an apartment, a house, a lodging; or whatever; or that, even, I am a concierge or a professional sub-let”. In any case, whatever happens, if we depend too much on an external platform for the marketing of our activity, well, that can be a little worrying, because if one day for x or y reason the rules change, if, well, I don't know tomorrow, there's an outage, another server problem, whatever it may be, well, our activity could disappear at least temporarily – I don't want to be dramatic – but, yeah, disappear at the same time. We recently had the case of Expedia, for example, which, as part of its strategy, wanted to remove seasonal rental advertisements on Expedia, and which redirected its players towards Abritel in particular, which are sites in the same group. Well, in these cases, it is the platform that decides, which no longer accepts us, and there is no possible recourse. It’s final. So, this is why it is very important for us to establish an online presence independent of our activity to, well, ensure that we continue to exist, if there were to be a problem with the platforms. And in fact, maintain for these platforms a role – which I like to call in general – “commercial”, that is to say that they will be an additional showcase. But our business does not only reside in the hands of AIRBNB and Booking, we also have an existence. Furthermore, for this, it is very important to also guarantee your independence. It can also allow you to obtain reservations at more attractive prices. For what ? because in general, it's true that we will increase our prices towards AIRBNB and towards booking, but, as a result, on a direct site, we can, well, afford to have a price difference, but not necessarily 17%. You can offer more attractive prices by 5%, 10%. And so, the difference you put directly in your pocket, in fact. So sometimes, we ask the question: “does there need to be what we call in the business “price parity”, that is to say after it is identical between Booking , AIRBNB and the direct site. So, historically, several years ago it was imposed by the platforms, that is to say that if we signed – I'm talking about this as a hotelier, because at the time, I worked for hotels – if as a hotelier signed with Booking, we were obliged to maintain this famous “price parity” between our direct site and the Booking site. Now, from a legal point of view, this possibility of imposing this rule has been abolished. So, we are totally free without doing anything stupid, in fact. We are completely free to put our prices on our direct site a little lower, so as to attract travelers to a booking that is direct and we, well, capture a small difference in the process. So what is it for? it serves to have a real existence of our activity outside of the platforms and to use this lever as a vector of additional turnover. The last point is also that if you put in place the keys, which we will talk about later, you really have a base of people who are in affinity with what you do, and that is also very useful, particularly in periods, perhaps, more difficult. When you need to fill periods that are a little weak, you can re-request this base. You can really animate this base of people who have either traveled to your apartment or are interested in what you do by sending them communications, or even newsletters; keep up to date on the quality of your city, and that's it; animate a small network of people who could potentially think of you the next time they come to your city. So that is also very important. And there, in fact, you see in this aspect, we come back to becoming a seasonal entrepreneur. We are no longer, that's it, we are no longer Mr. Dupont who put his little apartment or his cottage on sites like that, a bit through any agent, no, in fact, we are an entrepreneur. And in fact, we realize that from an apartment, we become like a business manager with precisely, but, this community, there you have it, these clients to whom we can send communications about what we do, etc. So, all of this is a logic that will be much more virtuous for our financial performance, but we can clearly see that there, for example, it is indeed a switch in the way of thinking and the way of thinking about seasonal rental for to be able to obtain the best results. So that’s it for: “what’s the point of having a site, a direct site?”

Hello Philippe from Metz. Welcome! Welcome ! Welcome ! Ah, so you say: “it’s Alan”. Welcome Alan! Welcome Alan! So, that’s great! That's a question on another subject, I'll save it for later. And that’s in relation to what I just said: “if we offer our accommodation on our site cheaper than AIRBNB and Booking, wouldn’t that risk lowering our ranking on AIRBNB and Booking?” Well, no. So that, your question is relevant, because it is true that today AIRBNB and Booking, in particular AIRBNB, do not hide the fact that they will check our pricing on Booking to potentially impact our presence in the algorithm and in search results. In fact, what you need to know is that AIRBNB now has in the performance tab, if you go to your AIRBNB extranet, a search item on which they will compare our price on Booking and the price on AIRBNB; and they consider that our price should be lower on AIRBNB. So yes, what you say makes sense, because it exists, but between platforms. Now, I am not at all aware of any capacity of the platforms to check our prices directly, honestly, for companies like Booking and for very large players, the, in fact, the Booking partner who works, for example example, with Accor checks this kind of thing, but because it's Accor. We are lucky enough to be smaller, and as a result, we are not at all checked on this type of thing. So on that I think there is nothing to worry about. We have no major risk in relation to that. Alan, I haven't forgotten your question, so I'll answer it at the end of, at the end of the video. So, what was that for, what was that for?

Now sometimes people come to me and say: “but how can I create a direct site, I’m not very good at technology or not very good at technique? What can I do about that?” So on the direct site, we have several possible options, either you are already supported by a professional in the field who will create your direct site for you and who will allow you to have, as a result, a service that is immediately professional. That’s not at all what we do at J’poster Complet. But I know there are a lot of partners who do that. You have both sites. You have freelancers doing that. So that, yes, totally, to have you accompanied. There is another solution which also consists of capitalizing on a channel manager, that is to say that when you make your choice of channel manager, there are some who will include either the possibility of creating your site or the possibility of having a booking engine. It's like a small block, in fact, that we are going to put and which is connected directly to the channel, so that, as soon as there is a reservation request that is made on your site, it will fall directly into your channel manager. And the thing, and the thing is done without you, in fact. For me, I think it's a good option to have this. Why am I telling you this? because it allows you to have independent hosting, and the fact of having independent hosting for your site, well, that will also allow you to be well referenced on Google, etc. I think that's a good option. Now, it’s true that, technically, it’s not necessarily the simplest. If you're ever really upset with the computer, this isn't the solution: simplicity. If you are very angry with the computer, well, in general, the best solution is to get help from a professional who will do it for you, who will do it for you. So, that's the technical part: how to set it up. But, it's true that the direct site is really important, don't hesitate to keep an eye on this aspect when choosing your channel manager, because it will really help you to think about that upstream.

The other point I wanted to raise is: who can do it? who can have a direct site for their activity? There is a subtlety to keep in mind, which is that on the direct site part, when you are the owner yourself, you can obviously have a direct site and promote, in quotes, independently, the marketing of his apartments. If ever, today, you work on behalf of someone else, especially if you are a seasonal rental concierge and you do not currently have a G card, that is to say that you have the status of service provider, you are not a real estate agent, in these cases, you are not able to create a direct site. In any case, if you are promoting the marketing of an apartment, it falls within the scope of authorizations for which you need a G card. I had a case recently and I was talking about it with Sébastien Moré on precisely this, because I know that he is quite used to this, a case which was asked to me by, by a client I display Complete: “is it possible if we have the possibility of promoting the ad on a direct site, but the money goes directly to the owner, are we staying within the law? Sébastien told me: “No! It’s rather, it’s rather borderline”. So, with that, there you go. It's really important to remain rigorous on this to avoid problems and ensure that we simply remain legal. That's, that's the important thing. So there you have it, we talked about: what’s the point of having a direct site? We talked about: how can we create a direct site? We talked about: who can create a direct site?

Now, I have three keys to offer you so that it works well for you and that the direct site is efficient. The first key, it comes from a point which is important above all, is that, like any person who launches an activity, a business, well, at the beginning, we press “on” on the site, and well, from suddenly no one comes, [Laughing] that is to say that no one was waiting for us, so, on the site, and at the beginning, there was not much traffic, if at all, and the site exists, but it does not exist for anyone. So you shouldn't get demoralized about that. This is normal, it's part of any site launch. At the beginning, no one is waiting for us. So on that, we must keep in mind that we will have to make this website known, at the beginning. There are several other things that are possible. The first thing which has a little border in relation to the platforms, but which is done, in fact, by a certain number of actors, is to put the name of your activity, if you have put a name, I want say anything, but we're going to say “Easy real estate”, if you put “Easy real estate” as the name of the activity for your seasonal rental apartments, well, try putting it in the title of your ads on the advertising platforms. so that travelers, who are a little seasoned, realize that there is a name, in fact, in the title, and come see you live. All of this is something that is not very recommended as a method, but it is something that exists. And I think that basically the platforms turn a blind eye to that, because it exists in lots, lots, lots of ads; so I think it's something that is tolerated and accepted. Another thing is to be present on directories and other advertising sites such as Leboncoin, for example, on which you can put automatic messages to redirect directly, in response to the questions that need to be asked to your direct site. So that is also an option. You also have a whole bunch of directories, I think, notably Gîtes on which there are sites for gîtes. But even an apartment, if you have an apartment, that also corresponds to a Gîte logic, it's the same thing, on which you can put ads with references and a website to come back to you. So it's really going to drive traffic directly to your direct site. So there you have it, this is the first action to put in place to seek to make your activity and your direct site known. You can also create a page on Facebook, I'm not sure it's very efficient, but it works. And then I also heard in particular an interview that I had done with Valérie who is a, a seasonal rental, seasonal rental, let's say, from the J'poster Complet community, which makes more than 80% of sales directly and who explained to me that she is very aware of what is happening on Facebook costs and she does not hesitate to promote, in fact, in response to questions from travelers looking for apartments, to promote her apartment, when she sees that these are, cities, obviously, and dates on which it has availability, which allows it to generate traffic to its direct site, and therefore, well, to very significantly increase its direct marketing . So that's a nice little job. For now, we are doing our own sales job for our own site. And so, we try to make our site known as much as possible, because at the beginning no one will wait for us. So that's key number one.

Key number two, which is important, is also to reach out to people directly when they are doing their research. So think on Google: “What searches will travelers do? Are they going to put, I invent, I invent, my Melin seasonal rentals, for example? or Should we put “romantic evening Melin”, for example?” So, think about what travelers will search for when they want to stay in your city, and make sure you have content on your site that answers that, or for example, “Melin business travel”. The idea is to have the most content that will be able to capture Google's attention on these searches. So it’s a profession behind that. It's called SEO, SEO. It's a science to write things well so that it can be easily speared by Google, to move you up in the search results. So on that, either you want to look into the subject, or you get support from professionals too, in the same way. It's not the expertise I display Complete, but there are plenty of professionals who do this very well, and you ask that we write SEO articles for you, so that you move up in the results research. And it does, and this, and it really works. It's not, it's not, it's not a chessboard. It really works. When you have put a lot of content on your website, relevant content, you can really go up in the results. Knowing that above all a lot of players are not thinking about doing it for the moment, so we really have to seize the opportunity, because seniority counts. So, it's important for google, seniority counts. And other points of emphasis on this aspect are that if you have a specific, special apartment, it is even more important to do so. If you have a love room with a jacuzzi, if you have a sauna, if you have all of these aspects, you really need to go up in the search results as much as possible. If anyone searches, there it is, “Melin romantic evening”, and you can't help but come up. And, if you have the loveroom with a jacuzzi, you can't not go back to that. Think about the context in which the traveler will find themselves when they want to stay in your city. That's really important. Is he coming for a wedding? Is he coming for training? Is he coming for work? Is he coming for… there you go! Is he just a city guy, but who is going to invite his lady love for a date night? Uh there you go! So that's key number two.

And key number three is to capture the emails of people who take the time to come to your website, that is to say if someone has had, has taken the time to come and see your website, offer him a gift so that in exchange, he gives you his building. For what ? because it is someone who has, directly or indirectly, a need for seasonal rentals in your city. It's too bad that he came to see you and left with nothing, already empty-handed. It's like in a store, he came to your store, offer him a little something, and in exchange he gives you his contact details and we stay in touch, that's it. It's a somewhat human thing, but it's something that will allow you, over time, to accumulate, as I told you, a base of people who form an affinity with what you do, who in addition have a positive contribution, because they came to see you, you offer a small gift. That’s nice. The mind is positive. And so, well, obviously, it has to be IR GPD compatible. So people click that they agree so you can communicate with them afterwards. So it's going to be really, really important. But then, afterwards, you can potentially send them a small newsletter on important information from the city. People are very much in affinity with everything that is diary, so diary of events, things to do, etc. ; keep informed about what's happening, something about the city, or I don't know, if you have a lot of clients to share newsletters with new tips, when we have a client to do. So. All these elements, which will be elements of value for your travelers and which will allow them to remember you fondly episodically when you send the newsletter, that's it.

So there you have it, for the points I wanted to share with you on the live site today. There was: what is the direct site for? how can we do it? who can make a direct site or not? and then there are three famous keys that are important for me to get started, the first is realizing that no one is going to wait for the existence of your direct site, so you have to make it known on the internet and around you. Besides, you can also make it known, I haven't talked about it, but with physical entities, such as tourist offices, etc. Another point, doing SEO is the science of being harpooned by Google on search results. It's really important to look into it or to have someone who knows about it support you. And the third element is to receive emails in exchange for a small gift. Besides, I didn't specify, but the little gift could be, for example, a little leaflet on all the things to do in your city or your best addresses, that's something that will really give want to download. Ask yourself the question: “If I were interested in a seasonal rental in a city that is not mine at all, what would I find nice to download? what will really make me want to download and give my email in exchange. That's why.

So, I'm going to answer your, your questions. So that’s Maxime’s question. Maxi said to me “under lease, can we do it?” Under lease, you can do it, because you have – well, I'm thinking, I'm not talking nonsense – I said yes under lease, we can do it, since, in fact, we have the owner's agreement so, obviously you have to do things right from a legal point of view with the owner. But if things are done well, you have the right as an owner to, in fact, market the apartment. So there are fewer problems with subletting.

So Alan tells me “I use a 'link in the bio' on my social networks which is redirected to my direct site” Yeah, it's a very good one, it's a very good tip too, you're right about be able to promote and make the site present directly on social networks. “But I struggle with the design of the direct site… not very good at it. It’s better to call on a professional indeed…” But, if that, if… it also depends on the method of construction of the site, which is chosen, either we build a site on WordPress, on Wix. So on Wix, it's easier to do, but I'm not sure that the quality of SEO on Google is as good, so check. But, in fact, on, me, I would really like WordPress, we have models inside which allow us to easily create the site. Not to hide anything from you, the J'poster Complet site is a Wordpress site, if you want to go see, that I made myself. So I don't have web designers at all, with models, in fact, that we can buy and that allow us to do that quite easily. So, this is really the method that I recommend or, as you say Alan, “to be accompanied by a professional”, if you have the financial means.

So I wanted to answer the question that you also asked me Alan which was on another subject: “AIRDNA ​​versus PRICELABS: why choose one over the other? Do AirDna offer dynamic pricing with daily price updates?” So basically, AirDna and Pricelabs are completely different tools. In fact, AirDna is more of a mmmh… But I think I'm going to make a video on that, because you're not the only one to ask me this question of AirDna versus Pricelabs. No, well, you see, I'm going to stop there and I'm going to make a video on that. I'm going to make a video on this to answer this question, because even though they are very different tools, in fact, I often get asked this question. So, I think it's worth spending some time, to answer this in detail. So thank you for asking me that question. And we will answer that Tuesday, next Tuesday.

Hello Laurent, welcome to the live. Welcome to live. Well, listen, if there are no more questions for today, what I suggest is that we meet again. So this weekend, like every weekend, I'm going to publish a video on Sunday of an interview which will allow us to discover a new journey, a new person with an interesting journey. And until then, well, I'm telling you on Tuesday noon on the YouTube channel and on the Facebook group and the Facebook page I'm posting Complete for a new live, which, therefore, spoiler alert, risks dealing with the difference between AirDna and Pricelabs. But you who are here with me, you already know that, so here it is. I wish you a very good day, a very good weekend in advance. And I'll see you Tuesday.   

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