
Entrepreneurial life: the fear of making a big expense

Here is the transcript of the video:

“Hello and welcome to the J' Facile Complet , the channel which helps seasonal rental owners and seasonal accommodation managers to become serene and ultra-profitable . Today, we are going to talk about one of the fears of the entrepreneur : making a big expense . The prospects with whom we communicate are often in this situation. J' Poster Complet is often the first expense they make, the first expense that will incur . We don't have a minimum commitment at J' Poster Complet , but in any case it's something recurring, it's something that happens every month, so it can be scary to say: "There you go, I am committing myself for the first time as a business manager . »

I'm going to talk to you about this fear , since I too had it, and I will probably have it for a long time. Because today's big expense will be tomorrow's small expense , and tomorrow, my expenses will be bigger and bigger. In any case, we will be able to access increasingly expensive projects with the development of the company. And so, every time, I will have this fear of the big expense . Let's talk about it today to try to understand why we have this fear , and to unlock the problem , in order to ensure that we have a calm decision , which is not too impregnated by fear.

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So, this fear of big expenses is really justified, I'm not blaming at all. As I told you, I had it yesterday for expenses which, today, seem normal to me. And I will always have it. Today I have fears of big spending after bigger spending, and tomorrow it will be even worse.

In relation to this, the first important point is to say to yourself: “Okay, I consider my fear, but I have identified . » Besides, it's not the expense that's the problem. The problem is not the amount. The problem is that I'm afraid of failing , I'm afraid of jeopardizing my company , or I'm afraid of not succeeding in converting . It's the fear , in fact, the problem, not the expense.

The second point is to say to yourself: “Okay, now that I understand that I am afraid, I take responsibility . » This is important, because it puts you back in your position as a business manager . Being a business leader is a form of choice . We make choices all the time: the choice to do or not to do, the choice to prioritize or not, the choice to spend or not. This is part of business management . So, you have to say to yourself: “Okay, it’s not the expense that’s the problem, it’s my perception , it’s my fear . »

Then you have to make the best decision possible . We will listen to his fear, because the idea is not to go headlong and spend everything and then go bankrupt six months later. What we are going to do is evaluate the situation according to several indicators .

The first point , which we think about most often, is the financial return on investment of this decision. When we incur an expense, most of the time we hope for a financial return on investment . You can evaluate this return: “I will incur an expense, I will subcontract this part of my activity or buy this tool. What will be the return on investment ? »

The second point is the time saving that this will bring you as a business manager. This time saving is important, because it will allow you to develop your business . Sometimes some business owners simply want more time for family or friends , which is invaluable. This additional time can also be used to prospect new customers or develop another aspect of your business that will generate new income.

If you have these two aspects in mind, you already have an important part of the decision-making. If, in the end, there is no return on financial investment or time saved , it is interesting to ask yourself why consider this expense, and perhaps question it .

I'll give you a concrete example. Currently, at Poster Complet , we have had a problem managing vacations and absences in the team. Each Revenue Manager has their portfolio of clients, but as soon as someone goes on vacation, I can't do everything. I was getting three to four hours of sleep a night, and it was no longer sustainable. We therefore created a new position for someone who takes care of integrating new clients , building up their portfolio, and providing backup during absences.

This is a significant expense , but it allows us to operate with peace of mind . It also allows me to focus on my roles as sales manager and marketing manager , and increase the ability to convert our prospects into customers.

There you go, I hope this video has given you ideas or reinforced your thoughts on the fear of spending . Do not hesitate to give me your opinion in the comments and to make an appointment if you would like us to talk about your activity. You can also download our bonus on the six mistakes not to make when determining the prices of your seasonal rentals. I wish you a great day and see you tomorrow! »

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