
Best practice events and tips

Here is the transcript of the video:

Hello everyone, welcome to the J'poster Complet YouTube channel. Let me introduce myself, I am Guillaume, responsible for management at J'poster Complet. Today I would like to talk about a topic about events . So, it's true that we often talk to you about how to build your strategy by taking events into account to impact them on your calendar. But the little question is: how to find them?

So, today, we are going to take a look at our best practices, our sites where we can go to find this training. Let me give a quick reminder: when you are going to build your strategy, you will necessarily need to look for events. And one of the first steps is surely to go to rDNA. This is where, thanks to seasonality , thanks to the peak that you will see over the past year, you will know that something must have happened. Either it's a long vacation, especially in seaside resorts, or even in any city. Holidays always attract people. But sometimes, we see small peaks in the middle of January without necessarily a reason, and there must have been an event. So, already, find this event that was there last year, and also see if it is something recurring, because it could be an event that occurs every 2 years, every 4 years, or a concert, for example. If the artist doesn't come back every year to do concerts, it's still quite occasional. So this will help you know when last year there were events. This will still give you a small exhaustive list of what you need to look for. But inevitably, there may be new events in the current year that you are working on.

First site that I use a lot: already, I use it a lot personally, because it allows us to know if the artist we follow plans to do a concert near us or something like that . But in the end, it can be used as a seasonal rental to have information and notifications about concerts. So, there is also that for the shows, this site is Songkick, so Song like a song, because basically it was for the artists, and KiC, in any case, we will give you the links in video description. And what's good is that it allows you to search by location, already by city. So, you can put, for example, alerts on the city where you are, but also by venue, for example concert hall. Because it's true that when we look for events, we can have them in small towns or even in big cities. We will type “event”, we will find ourselves on the tourist office website with everything and anything. There will be the big concert of the big international star mixed with the local market or the pottery workshop. So, it's difficult to know what the impact is. There, at least, we can filter on the most important rooms. So, that will help you know which event will have an impact and maybe we won't look at small concert halls that accommodate 100 people. That's going to be, that's not what's going to attract people.

So, we can set alerts by location. That's it for Songkick, I'll let you see. And anyway, if you have any questions about this, don't hesitate to ask us in the comments and we can answer them. But here it is, the first site, so that's more about artist and show. Afterwards, a little more classic, we have Event. Same, we will put in description. So, this one is more for trade shows and conferences. So, the trade fairs and conferences which will have an impact. Generally, there are still the big shows. There may be smaller ones to decide to see in your opinion if they impact them or not. But at least the big shows will be on this site. Another is france-voyage.com. So, this is going to be a bit of all the events. Compared to what I said a little before, there can be almost all types of events. So be careful. But it's true that when we click on the name of a city, before putting the list of events with the dates, there is also a recap of the whole year with the big events each month. So, it allows you to have a source of information.

Obviously, put alerts on Google alerts, things like that, on the name of your city and everything, but hey, there's the risk of having a bit of everything and anything. So, that's why I find that the first one that I talked about, Songkick, really helps, at least on artists and shows. One thing too is to go directly to the conference sites, the big convention centers, or big performance halls. There, at least, we will have the whole calendar generally rather in advance.

And I wanted to do, there, we talked a lot about conferences or artists, more about spectacle, but there is also the sporting aspect. So, here too, we can know the sports clubs that have an impact. And I think that the presence of a sports club, let's take the example of football and Ligue 1, a city whose club is in Ligue 1 really has an impact. There, we are at the end of the season at the time when I am filming this video, and so we know a little about the outcomes of the clubs which unfortunately will move down from Ligue 2 or the clubs which move up to Ligue 2. Obviously, it is a impact. We have always repeated it, it is a financial impact on the city, and obviously, if it is a financial impact on the city, it will have an impact on your events, on your calendar, quite simply, because Ligue 1 clubs in one of the big cities, like Paris Saint-Germain, Olympique de Marseille, Lyon, who go to a city there, it will necessarily attract more people than Ligue 2 clubs. So, the impact… So, I took the example of football, but obviously, there is not only football in France, there are other clubs, basketball, rugby, well, that’s it. This must clearly be taken into consideration.

So much for the event aspect. So, I hope to have given you lots of little tips to be able to research and facilitate your event search in order to be able to build your pricing strategy. I hope you enjoyed this video. Do not hesitate if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them in the comments, and I wish you a pleasant day. 🌟

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