
Fill rate: Watch out for these errors 😱!!!

Here is the transcript of the video:

Here is the transcription of a YouTube video, can you improve the French, put in bold the key words related to the subject of the video, add spaces and emojis: »hello and welcome to the channel I am displaying the full channel which helps seasonal renters and long-term accommodation managers to become serene and ultra-profitable entrepreneurs I am Floriant I am responsible for revenue management at I am fully booked and today I am going to share with you the following subject why fill tropô too early sorry is a problem actually we tend to congratulate ourselves when when when we sell it's good but potentially it's that you may have missed out on a lot of money VO so in fact I had the idea to address this subject today after speaking with a person who does short-term rentals and who told me in 4 to 6 months they would already have occupancy rates above 60%. the first point that I would like to discuss with you is how to know that you are full too early the second point is how to react if I have filled too early so for for for the first point how to know if I have filled too early it is important to go look at these sales and compare them either with a history if you have any if you are if you are if you have been selling for several years see the advance delay you have compared to last year at the same time the second point if you have no history or then add an additional comparison is this comp compare to the market if for example in 4 months you already have an occupancy rate of 60 to 80% while the market is at 20 it is probably that your prices were not high enough so uh the selling price and the and the first lever in fact to optimize your business chi so indeed if you see that the demand is is on the rise don't hesitate to boost your prices that's the first point second point the restrictions if you don't have any well actually during periods of high demand you have to boost your length of stay that's okay that will allow you too to make savings on costs on fixed costs such as cleaning and linen so that's a second lever to optimize its sound its business chi trisème point uh we tend to position promotions over a length of stay long watch carefully that these duration these promotions are deleted if you have a lot of if you have a lot of requests uh another point that I would like to address is that many customers apply promotions for very long stays greater than dnuity that too uh if you see that the demand is strong why deprive yourself uh of income uh not necessarily apply promotions or reductions on long-term requests uh the client if he really likes your accommodation uh he will not the high price and there is no there is no reason to lower the price at any small warning indeed if uh I give you B's to optimize your income uh it is not necessarily wise to apply everything at the same time if you if you increase your price at the same time if you increase the reductions the length of stay uh it can have an effect where it blocks sales so be careful not to do everything at the same time to increase little by little and not uh turn everything upside down suddenly there I have I hope you liked this video don't hesitate if you have any questions I won't hesitate to answer them and uh see you very soon for news » ChatGPT


Hello and welcome to the “J’poster Complet” channel, the channel dedicated to helping seasonal rental companies and short-term accommodation managers become serene and ultra-profitable . I'm Florian, head of revenue management at J'poster Complet. Today I'm going to cover the following topic: why filling too early is a problem. Indeed, we tend to congratulate ourselves when sales are made early, but potentially this means you may have missed out on a lot of money.

In fact, I had the idea to address this subject today after speaking with a person who manages short-term rentals and who told me they had an occupancy rate greater than 60% within a given time frame. from 4 to 6 months.

The first point I would like to discuss with you is: how do you know if you are filling up too early? The second point concerns the reaction to adopt if this is the case.

For the first point, it is important to analyze your sales and compare them either to a history if you have one, or to the previous year at the same period if you have been selling for several years. The second point is to compare your situation to the market. For example, if in 4 months you already have an occupancy rate of 60 to 80% while the market average is 20%, it is likely that your prices were too low. Adjusting prices is therefore the first lever to optimize your income. If demand is increasing, don't hesitate to increase your prices.

The second point concerns restrictions. In times of high demand, it makes sense to increase the minimum length of stay. This can also help you save on fixed costs such as cleaning and laundry. This is a second lever to optimize your income.

Third, we often tend to apply promotions for long stays. Be sure to cancel these promotions if you receive a lot of requests. Another aspect to consider is that many guests ask for discounts for very long stays, but if demand is high, why not maintain your rates? If the customer really likes your accommodation, he or she is willing to pay full price, and there is no reason to lower the price.

Small warning, although I give you tips for optimizing your income, it is not always wise to apply all the changes at the same time. Raising prices, changing discounts and lengths of stay simultaneously can block sales. Be careful not to change everything at once, progress little by little.

I hope you liked this video. Don't hesitate to ask questions, I'll be happy to answer them. See you soon for new videos! 😉🏠

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