
How to avoid parties in your apartment?

How to avoid parties in your apartment?

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Hello and welcome to the channel I display Complete. I hope you're doing well. Today we are talking about a subject that has caused a lot of discussion. This topic is the parties in the apartments that we operate or that we operate on behalf of the owners. This is truly an extremely problematic subject that can cause significant financial damage. That's why I thought it would be a great idea to talk about it today. If you haven't yet subscribed to the J'poster Complet YouTube channel, what are you waiting for? I put the link right below so you can subscribe. And then don't hesitate to click on the bell, right next to it, because I arrive live every day from Sunday to Thursday, but at a time which is not always the same depending on the possibilities of my diary . So, the bell will allow you to see directly when we arrive live at J'poster Complet, and you will therefore be able to ask me your questions live if you have any on the topic of the day or on other subjects. Besides, this is an opportunity for me to get ideas for topics and videos to continue to help you on a daily basis. If you're joining me, feel free to say hello. It's always a pleasure to see you again. We're going to talk about the topic of holidays, and on that, I have to tell you that I tried to bring together a lot of ideas. I have gathered the bad ideas to avoid. I've also put together some ideas that will actually help you avoid parties. In fact, the main lesson from this is that there is no magic key that will ensure that you never have a party in your apartment again. It doesn't exist. The reality is a little more subtle than that. And that's the whole point of this video. It is a sum of actions that will ensure that you protect yourself as much as possible from having tenants in your apartment, in your house or your villa who rent for two, three, four, five people, and in reality, they are more than ten times more, because it often happens to rent the apartment for two people, and in fact, there are 70 people in the apartment. These are things that happen and which in fact were drastically reinforced with covid and the confinements, due to the fact that all the party venues were closed. So, there was a huge resurgence of all that in 2020. Moreover, in relation to that, we will have the opportunity to talk about it again later, but Airbnb has taken measures to protect hosts in this context. So, this is also something that will be able to help us.

− Hello. Welcome. Thank you so much. Happy New Year to you.

I'll start with the things that are false good ideas. In general, when we talk about a party, there is a first idea that comes out almost immediately, and I read it everywhere on social networks. In fact, in my opinion, this is what absolutely should not be done. It is about wanting to act, precisely, on the levers of revenue management, that is to say the prices and the minimum length of stay required. In general, we have the reflex to say to ourselves: “Since it’s like that, I’m going to charge twice as much.” Instead of being 50 euros, I'm going to spend 100 euros per night. And instead of requiring a two-night stay, well, I’m going to require four nights.” In a sense, the fact that we require lengths of stay of 4 nights, that is to say the fact of requiring enormous lengths of stay over periods when the demand is not there, obviously, that can save you from having parties. But in fact, this leverage is so excessive that it will also prevent you from having good financial performance in your activity. Yes, it may protect you from a party for a month, but it will prevent you from having a good financial performance, especially for that month in question. So, it's a little excessive, and then it's excessive in a bad way. On the price, for example, whether you go from 50 to 100 euros, yes, it doubles. We could say that the amount is higher, but in reality, when you organize a party for 10 or 20 people, the reality is that 50 or 100 euros remains divided by the number of people. It remains a pittance anyway. It would take completely crazy amounts of money for it to really be a repellent for people who want to organize parties. So, on that note, saying to yourself: “I'm going to double the prices, and I'm going to have enormous lengths of stay”, is in my opinion a way of managing that is much more detrimental than beneficial. The only point I could make on this is that if ever you do indeed have minimum stay lengths of one night, that is to say you do not require a minimum stay for trips in your apartment or in your house, in these cases, indeed, it can make sense. It's not at all the key that will solve everything, but it will be in the bundle of solutions. It could be part of it, in fact, to go from one night minimum to two nights minimum. Why am I telling you two nights, and not three nights? Because in fact, with two nights, the advantage is that you don't deprive yourself of staying for a weekend. You do not deprive yourself of the couple who will just want to travel for a romantic weekend, and who want to find an apartment. This couple are people we want to welcome into our home. So, this may be the one exception that proves the rule. In this case, in fact, it may make sense, but not to go to a minimum of four nights if we are in a period of low demand. This was the case during the periods of confinement and covid. It doesn't help fill the apartment at all. So these are the things you should not do.

Now, there are three keys I'm going to share with you to avoid parties. One of the keys to avoiding parties, I think it's one of the best known, is to choose your tenants, or in any case, to put in place the options to be able to choose them. The first thing is to respect these famous rules given by Airbnb. I sometimes read, on the networks, people who are hesitant to respect them, people who say to themselves: “The traveler who would like to book, in reality, he is blocked. » I don't explain well. I'll explain this properly. The situation is as follows: Airbnb, based on certain criteria, may be required to refuse reservations to certain travelers. The criteria are as follows: being young, therefore under 25 years old, even if you are still extremely young after 25 years old. It is important to me to remember this. But in any case, the fact of being under 25 years old, the fact of not having any opinions, and the last point, is to book at a place which is extremely close to the place of residence. It’s true that these three points seem a little obvious. Obviously, there are always exceptions, but these still seem to be well-chosen criteria to say to ourselves: “This will protect me from the holidays. » I read on social networks people who face travelers blocked for reservations, and who want to accept these reservations anyway, who hesitate, who discuss them: “What do I do? Do I take it? Am I not taking it? » The risk is so great of having damage and damages in the apartment after a party that it would really be too bad, in my opinion, to negotiate these rules. Let's take it as it is, it's one of the things that Airbnb does to help us, in fact, and which is in favor of the hosts. Airbnb's actions are not always in favor of the hosts, it must be admitted, but this one is clearly in favor of the hosts. So, in my opinion, on this, you should not negotiate, you should say to yourself: “I will find other travelers, and prefer that to having a party. ".

The second point is that I also hear a lot of people who say: “I am no longer going to authorize automatic reservations, and I am going to see all the reservations go through so that I can select them. » That can also be part of the solutions, but know that when you make this decision, you must keep in mind the risk you are taking. The Airbnb algorithm is not a big fan of this, meaning that you will mechanically be less well positioned than if you accepted automatic booking. It makes sense, but in the end, we see that it is not in the interest of the host that Airbnb is thinking about this particular point. Why does Airbnb do this? Because the traveler likes immediacy. Today, we are all consumers who like immediacy. When you arrive on a site to take reservations, it must be as quickly as possible, already, to increase conversion, and to be sure that the traveler is satisfied with their experience with the website. If all Airbnb hosts required validation before they could take an interaction, it's possible that guests would be less satisfied with the Airbnb service. This is why Airbnb will favor hosts who accept automatic reservations, and if you do not do so, you may be a little less well positioned in the search results, or have more difficulty moving up in the results. research. So, point number one: choose tenants, follow Airbnb rules, and potentially, knowing the effects, turn off instant bookings, especially if you have a lot of parties, and therefore, it's a real bane for you.

The second point that is important is to put in place technical solutions. There are many solutions that can exist to allow you to both deter and control. We must, obviously, remain legal. It's important. For example, you cannot put a camera that looks into the living room and observes the travelers. That's illegal. On the other hand, what you can put inside the apartment are decibel detectors which allow you to monitor the decibels in the apartment, to be alerted in the event of a problem, and to be able to react. That's the first point. The second thing is the exterior camera, so a camera that does not look into the apartment, a camera that allows you to see the comings and goings, the entrances and exits. This camera also has a big deterrent effect. She tells the travelers: “Be careful. » It is also recommended to say it. It is better to be quite transparent about this, because this could already avoid a certain number of problems. Just by saying that there is this type of device, it will allow you to ensure that you do not see a parade of travelers arriving for your apartment constantly. So, here are the technical solutions. There are many seasonal rental companies who say that these two solutions combined, plus the fact of expressing it to travelers, has already greatly reduced the number of problems linked to noise and parties. If you use these solutions, I think that one of the good ideas could be to express it even upstream, in fact, on the announcements. That's really if you have a big party problem, if it's recurring. I know that there are areas in France where this is really recurrent. In these cases, you can even express it in advance on the announcements to try as much as possible to dissuade people who intend to have parties, to be able to take reservations from people who are going to stay, and who are not won't make any noise.

Now there is a third point. This is the famous subject of bail. The deposit, you know better than me, is the amount that we ask travelers before arrival. On the deposit, you have several solutions. We hear a lot about the Swikly solution. Swikly is a solution that allows you to collect card prints to resolve in particular the fact that there is no possibility of giving a deposit on booking. On Airbnb, it's different. On Airbnb, you can ask for the deposit, and in this case, it will protect you in the event of a problem. Obviously, there is a procedure to follow if there is ever a problem in the apartment. But in any case, the deposit is taken. On booking, it's not the same thing. So, there are solutions that exist, like Swikly. Be careful, I was recently talking about it with a seasonal rental company, I don't know if he's here with us, he told me that in fact, on Swikly, beyond the fact that it's already quite expensive, it's not This is not really the solution, because in reality, there are situations on which there is an imprint that has been taken, but there is a total impossibility of debiting the sum of money afterwards. So, this is not the solution, and given the costs, to see if it is something that is really valid for you.

Afterwards, the last solution which is a bit the least digital and the most “old-fashioned” solution, we could say, is to ask for a deposit at check-in on arrival. And then, I take this opportunity to also share the fact that it is true that it is very comfortable to have autonomous arrivals and departures, it is clear that it is comfortable, now, perhaps only in some situations, maybe for weekends, it might also be a good idea for you to come and do the check-in or ask someone to do the check-in for you so as to communicate all the rules of good manners, make sure that you are not facing people who are obviously already, at check-in, a little too numerous compared to the number of people authorized in the apartment, and that you will be able to keep an eye on the start of this rental, and ensure that you prevent or anticipate potential problems.

So, I'm going to recap the points I'm sharing with you today. The first thing is: there is no point saying that you are going to double your prices or set a minimum stay of four nights. In fact, the only thing it risks doing is completely reducing the performance of your property. And in reality, the price, even if it is doubled, when there are ten or fifteen people, it is not at all dissuasive. So, this is a false solution regarding length of stay. The only thing that could be a solution is if you are staying at least one night, to spend at least two nights to have slightly longer reservations. But it is one solution among all those that must be put in place. The second solution is to choose your tenants better, so potentially, deactivate instant reservations, but be careful, you know that the algorithm is not going to like you very much for having done that; and follow Airbnb rules by which they block certain bookings. It's too bad not to do it, because the rules are intelligent, they have been well determined. The second thing is to put in place technical solutions, therefore authorized cameras facing outwards, and decibel detectors. And then the last point is to take care of the subject of the deposit, and therefore request a deposit on Airbnb if you have not done so yet, and find a way to still request a deposit on the booking and direct reservation part , either through Swikly, but be careful about that, or directly at check-in. If necessary, do the check-ins yourself to really make sure you have an eye on what's going on, and you can share important messages, for example: there is a decibel detector in the apartment, don't forget it.

Now, if there is still a party in the apartment, there are several things. Here, I'm giving you a whole bunch of ideas, but it's obviously a whole bunch of subjects to explore, but it's like giving you a box of ideas. The first thing is, if you have a decibel detector, and you notice the noise, you can go there. Obviously, if there are 70 people, it's not going to be an easy task, but at least you show that you saw the excesses, and that you want to put an end to it. You can obviously call the police, and then file a complaint. And you can obviously also use your insurance depending on the extent of the damage you observe in the apartment. And the last point, I talked about it just before, it's one of the essentials for all apartments which can be victims of parties: putting a deposit is really an essential.

I hope this all helped you.

− Hello to you. Welcome.

− Hello.

− Hello Sandra. Happy New Year to you too.

− “The camera should also discourage sex workers. »

It's true. Prostitution, it’s true that the camera can also discourage that. Speaking specifically about prostitution, some rental companies tell me: “I don't have to judge morals. » We agree. Our subject is not to accuse anyone's morals. Our subject is rather our criminal risk, that is to say that where it is important to still try to avoid prostitution in our apartments as much as possible, is that, like hotels, we could face criminal risk. In any case, in the hotel industry, I don't believe that there is the example in seasonal rental, but in the hotel industry, clearly, a hotelier cannot support the: “I didn't know. » This is not possible. He is necessarily criminally charged. So, extreme vigilance on these subjects. It is not a question of judging anyone's morals, it is above all a question of protecting you from your responsibility in this type of situation.

If you are not subscribed to the YouTube channel I'm displaying Complete, I'm going to end with that, don't hesitate to subscribe, and don't hesitate to join us on the private Facebook group seasonal rental prices and maximization of the turnover to continue sharing on all these topics, and continue to learn other good ideas and best practices. You will also be able to ask your questions, and talk about the problems you are having at the moment to remove these thorns from your side. I'll see you tomorrow for the next video which will be the last video of the week. I'll see you tomorrow. Take care of yourself. 

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