
How to get AIRDNA ​​in French?

airdna french

** How to have AIRDNA ​​in French? **

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Hello to you and welcome to the I display full channel, the channel which helps you increase the turnover of your seasonal rental, gîte, guest house or seasonal rental concierge service.

We're talking about Airdna today. A question that is often asked is: Airdna, is it in English? Can we have Airdna in French, because it's really really complicated.

So, if you don't know what Airdna is even though you are a seasonal rental company, or if you too have asked yourself this question: can I have Airdna in English? Stay with me because we're going to answer this question today, and it will, I think, help you a lot.

If you have not yet subscribed to the J'annonce complet Youtube channel, I can only encourage you to do so. Click on subscribe as well as on the little bell which will allow you to be informed that we are coming live every day from Sunday to Thursday.

So, the subject of Airdna. Besides, I'm taking this opportunity to share if you arrive with me live currently, don't hesitate to say hello, it will always be a pleasure, to also ask me your questions during the live because that's the point of making Live together. So, don't hesitate!

So, what I'm going to share with you today is: how to have Airdna in French, because many people are not comfortable with English. And so, the idea is to succeed in being able to use this tool which is also extremely valuable, which allows us to have, for those who do not know Airdna, which allows us to have market data. The idea here is not to limit ourselves to our own performance, not to limit ourselves to the vision we have of our own properties in our own city, but also to look at the performance of our competitors. What is the general performance in your city, to be able to put into perspective what you see in your properties and realize whether, on the one hand, you still have prospects for upward development, because you can still continue to gain turnover because others are doing better than you, so in concrete terms that's it: if others are doing better than you, that means that there are still opportunities. Or conversely, if you do better than others, well maybe over certain periods, it's never the same thing all the time, but if over certain periods you have done better than the market for example, well this is the opportunity for you to say to yourself: what worked better and what can I keep and renew later to continue to have these excellent performances.

So I'm going to share my screen so I can show you this, to show you Airdna. So the first thing I'm going to share with you, I think here you need to see my screen. Well, in fact, unfortunately, it's a bit sad information but unfortunately, we can't translate Airdna, we can't have Airdna in French. But, the thought that I had is that it would probably be interesting to have a video in which we bring together the most important vocabulary elements to have in mind so that you can, despite an absence of master's degree in English, if this is your case, so that you can still understand what is there on Airdna and draw all the meaning and all the interest from this data, because it is still crucial , even today essential if you really want to increase the turnover of your seasonal rental. Besides, I would like to take this opportunity to share: if you are seasonal renters and it also works in the case of subletting. It's really the same thing whether it's subletting or more traditional seasonal rental.

So, the words that can cause a little doubt or that are not very simple, there are three main ones that you need to master. The first thing is Occupancy rate. Occupancy rate means: Occupancy rate, so it's not more complicated than that. The second thing is the rats that are right here. The average price in English is average daily rate. So on the other hand, you will forgive my accent in English. Forgive my English accent which, well, which has the merit of existing but which is not perfect, that's clear. So, average daily rate is the average price. And shortened, which is also present on Airdna, it is ADR. So ADR and Average Daily Rate are the same thing, it’s average price. Ah, I have information from Youtube which tells me that I am live. So that’s for the occupancy rate part and the average price part.

Two of the three crucial pieces of information and the last key piece of information is turnover which you find in revenue. So, I would like to take this opportunity to share that on Airdna, there are a certain number of things to know. We can't just take the numbers as is and just use them. As unfortunately I can sometimes see, there are points of vigilance that you need to keep in mind. On this, I can only encourage you to go and see on the Youtube channel I'm showing it all, we only made a video called: what we're hiding from you on Airdna. If you haven't seen it yet, I can only encourage you to go see it, because it summarizes all these points that you shouldn't miss in fact and that you should have in mind when you analyze numbers on airdna.

So, if you already know occupancy rate, average price and income, you already have the concepts that are actually the most important on Airdna. I'll scan to see if there might be any other information. Besides, don't hesitate to those who are with me live currently, don't hesitate to write to me if there are denominations or words on which you would like to have my feedback, to see a bit of what that is. covers. There in occupancy, I see that there is also a terminology that is quite interesting to have in mind, it is booking lead time.

Booking lead time, what is it? This is the reservation time between the time of reservation and the time of actual stay. So booking lead time, you find it it seems to me in another place which is in seasonality. There you go, you find it here, in price seasonality, so the price and seasonality, I won't offend you by translating that but... Booking lead Time so you will find it here. This is the reservation deadline, the time between reservation and arrival.

The RevPar. So, RevPar, if it is a concept that is foreign to you, it is a concept that I really strongly encourage you to study, to understand. This is a concept that begins to be of interest from the moment you have several assets, and you want to compare your financial performance despite fluctuations in assets in the assets that you want to optimize. What are wealth fluctuations? This is because for example last year at the beginning you started with two goods, then you had three and then this year you have 4. So, if you compare with last year, the turnover doesn't mean much. In these cases, it is necessary to study the revpar. I'm not going to give a whole course on revpar here, but it's a concept that's really important, and there's no translation by the way. Revpar in French, revpar in English, it's really the same thing.

So there, you will find it everywhere daily revpar. Daily revpar means daily revpar, per day. And overall I think that with these words you see, we have already talked about very few words, but overall with these words you already master a significant part of what is interesting to master. So, there is perhaps another concept called the percentile, here. So, precisely on the percentile, I also refer you to another video on the channel I display complete, which explains the meaning of the percentile. I think the title of the video is: percentile, kézako? Or something like that. If you haven't had the opportunity to see it, I also encourage you to go see it. She will help you. It is also a notion which does not translate into the percentile. About filters, maybe I can tell you about that. On the filters here, you have the choice of filter between an entire property, a private room and a shared room. There you have the Bedroom filter. That means number of rooms. So the meaning of that is not T1, T2, T3. It's more like one bedroom, two bedrooms and three bedrooms, so T2 T3 T4. And there you have the number of people you can accommodate in the property. And this allows you to filter by type of ad, by property type and by number of possible people in the property. That's why.

Pacing, the meaning of pacing, is actually trends. This is a tab that is quite recent, and which allows you to see future trends. So the same, it’s extremely interesting. So, I try to focus on vocabulary. Otherwise, I risk going into some kind of big presentation of Airdna. Booking trends means booking trends. Rate analysis, price analysis. Look, I think I shared everything. Oh yes ! Perhaps in overview, we can have things that are also additional. So, in overview, in terms of tab. So here, average daily rate means average price. Occupancy rate Occupancy rate. Income, turnover. Then subsequently, I think we have here, rental size means size of the rental. So there, you will actually find the typologies of good. Rental growth is the number of listings available per quarter. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4, this is the equivalent of quarter 1, quarter 2, quarter 3, quarter 4, it means the number of announcements. Amenities are functionalities. Airbnb ratings are the notes. That's it, so I explain that in the video on Airdna. So, don't hesitate to go see her.

And perhaps the last things that I will translate to you are cancellation policy, so cancellation policy and minimum stay are the minimum stay durations. So, there is often a misunderstanding about this indicator. Minimum stay lengths are really the minimum lengths required by hosts. Sometimes it's true that when you don't necessarily speak English, it's normal that you can mix all that. Sometimes we say that here these are the average length of stay of travelers, well no! So, it would be really very, very nice if we had this information, but unfortunately we don't have it yet on Airdna, so, there you go.

Look, I don't know if you have any questions, the words that you saw on Airdna that you might be missing.

  • Hello Elise, I got it in French.
  • Oh great! Well listen, great. Nickel!
  • Will there be a replay of this?
  • Well yes, exactly. You can definitely watch the replay of this video on YouTube. So, I don't have any more questions, so I'll stop there for the live. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask in the comments. I'll see you tomorrow for the next video, don't forget to subscribe to the channel I'm full and take care of yourself.
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