
How (WELL) to manage reviews and comments on seasonal rental ads

Here is the transcript of the video:

Hello everyone and welcome to the Gaffich Complet Youtube channel. I'm Guillaume, revenue integrity and quality manager within the team, and today I wanted to discuss with you the somewhat tedious subject of comments and reviews that travelers can leave on your ads. Whether they are positive or negative, we are going to focus on the negative opinions because I think that is what is most interesting. But we will still start with the positive reviews.

You have to manage all opinions, whether positive or negative. For positive reviews, this means thanking the traveler for leaving a review. This is also a good time to encourage them to come back and, if possible, to book directly for next time. Encourage him to talk about the good experience he had in your accommodation or establishment around him. Responding to a positive review is easier , but generally rental companies tend to respond to negative reviews to give their version of the facts. However, they don't always take the time to respond to positive reviews, even though it is important to do so.

Even within a positive review, where 95% of the content is positive, there may be suggestions or recommendations worth taking. All opinions, positive or negative, are a source of improvement. The goal is to take them into account to always increase the quality of your goods and your service, in order to move towards excellence. Improving quality leads to better ratings, which increases the average price and therefore, ultimately, the income of your home.

Now let's focus on the negative comments. They can be difficult to receive and we don't always know how to respond to them. First tip: When you receive a negative comment, don't respond immediately . Take a step back to analyze it. Even if sometimes the traveler may seem in bad faith, he remains a customer and the customer is king. Respond in a polite manner, without getting upset. Take the time to respond quickly, but not in the heat of the moment.

action when you are upset, so as not to let the problem drag on.

Take the comments made into account and provide a solution if a problem has been reported. Express your side of the story if you disagree, but without getting into conflict. This will allow the traveler who reads the comment and your response to have both points of view and form their own opinion. Responding to negative comments gives the impression that you take the feedback seriously and are working to resolve the issues.

If a guest sees a recent negative review and response from you, they may think that this is an isolated case and that you have found a solution. This will not harm your reputation and the traveler will be more likely to book anyway.

To make feedback management easier, you can prepare automated messages for positive reviews, but they should remain personalized. Avoid generic messages and change the frame from time to time. For negative opinions, do not hesitate to ask the opinion of those around you before responding, to avoid being too direct or harsh. Asking for an external opinion is a good solution .

In any case, don't bury your head in the sand and don't leave negative comments unanswered. Not responding is the worst thing to do as it can deter future travelers. A negative comment without a response may suggest that there is a real unresolved problem.

I hope you enjoyed this video and that it gave you some advice. Perhaps you have already had the opportunity to put some of them into practice? I hope I was able to provide you with new ideas and advice to better manage this type of situation. Don't hesitate to comment to share your experiences and to give a like if you liked the video. See you soon for the next video.

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