
Seasonal renters how to take photos of your apartment that make you want to rent.

seasonal rental apartment photo

In this clear video from the J'poster Complet team shares with us, due to his experience as a professional photographer, his best tips for knowing how to take photos alone for your seasonal rental

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Hello and welcome to the J'poster Complet channel, the channel which helps seasonal rental companies, professional sub-renters and concierge services to become serene and ultra-profitable entrepreneurs. Today I would like to talk to you about photos. It goes without saying that photos are extremely important for your property to be selected by people looking for a rental. Indeed, when customers are looking for a rental on the different platforms, they will scroll through numerous ads, and most certainly select the ad for which the photo attracts them. The whole point is that your photo is attractive and faithful. And the reason why I want to talk to you about photos today is because I have many years of experience in event photography, and I have had the opportunity to photograph real estate on several occasions. So, I'm sharing a little tip with you to ensure you produce quality photos that are attractive to the client.

To do this, use the technical legal means of who, what, where, when, how. Let’s start with the “who”. Of course, our recommendation is to call a professional photographer. Now, in reality, this is not always possible. It's an expensive budget that we can't necessarily afford when we start the activity. So the “who” could absolutely be you. The idea is to have the right tools. The ideal is to work with a reflex. Now, if that is not possible, you can use a compact or even a portable camera. Cell phones are certainly not to be neglected. Today, their performance is completely competitive with entry-level SLRs. 

Now, onto the “what”. Taking photos of your property is absolutely not something you dream of. So be ultra exhaustive. Take photos of all the rooms from multiple angles. Remember that the viewing angle is very important. We are often attracted by a photo whose viewing angle is different from the human eye. If you take a low-angle photo, for example, make sure it sells well. She can really attract. Don't neglect certain parts either. Practical pieces can definitely attract customers. Of course, we will not leave them at first glance, but it may be interesting when viewing your accommodation to know, for example, that there is a nicely furnished laundry room with a dryer and a washing machine. 

Now regarding the “where”, I would say that this is certainly the most important point. Light has a major impact on the quality of your photo and can really highlight your property. Regarding the “where”, you position yourself with the sun to your right or to your left, ideally at 45 degrees. Likewise, your position in the room has a major impact. Position yourself in a corner of the room, potentially on a chair to have a global view of the room. It can also be very interesting to have a key object in the room in your photo frame. If you have a very pretty, atypical and interesting decoration, highlight it in your photo; don't center it, that's what we tend to do, and yet it's not the prettiest, instead put it on the right or left side without touching the edges of the photo. 

The “when” is also extremely important. Take your photo when the light is strongest. Be careful, for properties that are extremely bright, in this case, choose a time of day when the light is perhaps a little less intense. 

For the “how”, it goes without saying that you will be able to modify your photos in terms of light, in terms of rotation, but you will never be able to modify the content of the image, so make sure that the content of the The image is of quality. Don't leave objects lying around, put things away properly, highlight your property.

A big thank you to you for following this video, do not hesitate to ask me questions in the comments so that we can provide additional information, it will be with great pleasure. And above all, don't hesitate to subscribe to the Youtube channel or download the bonus of the six mistakes not to make when you define your prices by subscribing to the Facebook page. 

Good day !

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