
Julien Loboda: from short-term employee to investment property

julien loboda interview

In this interview with Julien Loboda we discuss together:
– why the pandemic is far from having killed short-term rentals
– why it is even now that you need to get started
– what you need to think about making a living from your rentals short duration
– the unstoppable tip if your key boxes crash

To find Julien Loboda:
– free ebook https://bit.ly/2HL01aY
– https://www.immobilier-meuble.fr/
– Youtube channel: https://bit.ly/3Aoonxb
– Instagram: https:// bit.ly/3zq3znI

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Hello and welcome to the J'poster Complet channel, the channel which helps seasonal rental companies, professional sub-renters and seasonal rental concierge services to increase their turnover.

Today I have an exceptional guest. I'm going to talk to you about three points that will be crucial on his journey. The first thing is that he started by investing in short-term rentals, and he realized that it was possible to have quite impressive income with short-term rentals. For the little anecdote, he was in a meeting, he had just put his seasonal rental online, and there he realized that his first reservation corresponded to the amount of his salary as an employee. And then it was an electric shock to say: “But it’s crazy, it’s possible and above all it works. » After that, for two years, he exploited his property, and the second important point is that the seasonal rental concierge who was responsible for managing his property on the operational side, told him: “Listen, please please, teach me to do like you, I really want to do that. » This is how he began to accompany people to have the same extraordinary results that he had with his own possessions. It was a second trigger, and that's what made him say: "I really have to continue to help people, also continue to disprove prejudices", because this lady who helped him, He was someone who was not at all, but not at all in the standard profile of the person who will easily obtain his loan: he is someone who helped him to have a well-crafted project, which allowed him to obtain, despite prejudices, an LCD that was a hit. And then in his career, subsequently, he said to himself: “Come on, we have to go faster, I’m going to have an investment property”. As he doesn't do things by halves, in three months, he had two investment properties at the same time to increase his assets. Today I am delighted to welcome Julien Loboda with me.

– Hello Julien!

– Hello Elise!

- How are you ?

– It’s going very well, thank you, and you?

– It’s going very well! For people who don't know you, what I suggest to you, if you want, is firstly, I have already introduced you a little, but to tell us about your journey, which is frankly interesting.

– Ok, so my name is Julien Loboda, I have been an investor since 2012, so it’s starting to be a little old now. I'll do it quickly, I'm a former executive. I worked in a company that sold equipment for the catering trade and catering. I managed salespeople and points of sale, and so I started investing in real estate alongside my job, which was a bit stressful for me and then on which, or in any case, at the very beginning of my professional career, I didn't I didn't necessarily get the raises I wanted. I found in real estate a way to increase my income. I started with a first seasonal rental property that we talked about, then a second. I saw, as you said very well, that it worked very, very well. And then I said to myself, you spoke of a trigger, indeed, which is, when I received my first seasonal rental reservation which was the equivalent of a month's salary at the time, I said: “Okay, actually why do I keep exchanging amount for money every month, especially since I was in a meeting at that time – very, very exciting – and it’s true I said: “ok, it’s possible it works”, as you said, “We’re going to work harder”. And so I went after the investment property which really allows you to increase your assets much more quickly and which allowed me, ultimately, in a few years to replace the equivalent, well even more than my old salary , and so that's when I said to myself: "Okay, I'm leaving my salaried job, I no longer have any reason to stay anyway." And at the same time, yes, I had…when I was bored at work I created the blogimmobiliermeublé.fr; that I host today, in which I shared a little bit of my experience with young investors at the time. And at the same time, you see, I have more and more people who have approached me, asking me for advice, coaching, training, and as you said, I had already supported my concierge service with the time to buy his first property, and I really appreciated it. That’s how today – at least in general terms – I came to have a dual activity; both as a real estate investor and then, on the side, as a real estate investment coach trainer.

– You really specialize in IMMO investment; It’s true that it’s your expertise, really very strong. What place do you think seasonal rentals should have in an investors' portfolio? Is it possible, and is it a good idea to really have 100% of your portfolio in LCD? Or conversely, do you think we need to mix? Is there no rule at all, in fact, about this? What do you think?

– That’s an excellent question. I think it depends on your strategy, your objectives at a given moment, and what is very important in my opinion is that it is scalable, that things are not fixed. For example, I'm telling you this because, you see, there are... well, I have a flagship strategy which is to buy one or two investment properties, operate them mainly as short-term rentals; not necessarily the entirety, but in fact, if you do that with the two purchases if you want to have peace of mind, you can replace an average French salary, so approximately 1,800 euros. And in fact, it's extremely powerful. So it really depends on your goals at any given time. I want to tell you that if you're starting out and you really want to have cash flow and quickly create an income, in any case you're going to be 100% short-term, good seasonal worker, we're going to say that it's the same thing, to move forward. Afterwards I think that in the long term, when you start to have, when you have achieved your objectives and you start to have a little more significant wealth, if your objective is to stop working or doing something else thing, but to have rental income to live on, it is also good to secure on the side and make additional acquisitions with more traditional rental methods. It really depends on the moment. Today I have both: I have short-term properties, I have bare properties, everything that is more classic, I have long-term furnished properties, I I also have a commercial space, so you see, I have a lot of different things. You still have to be aware that the short term, even if you automate everything, you delegate everything, you're still going to be, it still requires a little more time - it's not huge - but a little more time and management than a year-round property managed by the agency. Afterwards, despite everything, there is one piece of advice that I always tell my clients: even if you want to have everything in a short term, never forget the basic rule which is that a property must above all be profitable in rental. year, before considering exploiting it for a short period of time. You shouldn't mix the two either.

– Yes, you are right, and it is true that there are many people who find themselves having unprofitable assets and when we say to them: “But then, what were the calculation methods initially”, it’s is that who were actually fishing? This is because people invest in projects saying to themselves: “It will do it, in LCD it will do it. ". But we must not forget that, depending on what may happen, it must be profitable in the long term.

– That’s it! And hey, that's something that, you see, I've been telling people since I started supporting clients, so it's not new. But it's true that in 2020, so last year, we had the first lockdown which was the strictest. And indeed the short-term activity, already contrary to popular belief, it did not drop to zero, it slowed down significantly and there were still people who continued to move. There are people who are also confined to apartments or houses that they have rented so there has still been a little activity. But there are people, there are many who…of course there are evil tongues who said: “The people who recommended doing short-term or seasonal work, you are less smart now. ". I say no, we're not being less smart! It's one of the vagaries of life that can happen, but look at the number of companies that also find themselves in delicate situations. This is not specific to the short term, it is specific to everything. There were people who said: “Now – excuse me for the expression – we are in a bit of trouble, because we can no longer pay the credit etc.” » But rent it out for the year for 3 – 6 months – 1 year furnished, since it is already equipped. “But it’s not possible, we can’t pay the loan, we can’t do it. » Indeed, the error is where I said: “That’s typically the kind of thing you shouldn’t do.” Because here, we are in a textbook case, a great example in the field where you are no longer able to rent short term as you should and you are in a complicated situation.

– Yes, that’s it. What there is also is that during this period of pandemic, ok it may have reduced the expectations and turnover performance of certain seasonal rental companies, but I think that it has rarely been more lower than what the long term would have given. So it's true that there was this period when everyone who was hesitant about going to LCD said to themselves: "Ah well see, hahaha, the pandemic really put you in trouble", but in reality it was is that, as you say, there were still a lot of trips. We had to reinvent ourselves. Besides, we will perhaps have the opportunity to talk about it, but we had to reinvent ourselves, take an interest in medium duration, make sure we are attractive for longer stays to capture this new demand. that there was still during the pandemic. So, what is your opinion on this? Do you think that short-term rental, you answered a little, but still, do you think that short-term rental is completely dead following the pandemic? Or to extend this question a little, what is going to mean that demand could perhaps change tomorrow? Do you have any convictions about this?

– Yeah, I have convictions! I still operate properties on a short-term basis so I still have a certain return. Now it's been a year since the pandemic started, and then I was also able to interview and survey quite a few clients, and even investor friends who are short-term investors. We are quite unanimous on the observation that what happened. So if we do a little retrospective: first confinement, indeed, it's new, it's brutal, it's violent, we adapt, we see how things go. But if you have a security fund, which is also one of the bases: you cash in, it's not very serious, frankly, one month - two months - three months. You also have to have a long-term vision, it’s important. Summer 2020, an exceptional record summer for everyone. We couldn't go abroad, it was not recommended, we were still really in psychosis because we had just come out of confinement. And what's more, I noticed that, the little icing on the cake, is that you have a lot of people who usually went to the hotel or campsite, who said to themselves: "I didn't want to meet other people, we will rent an apartment or a house. At least we're among ourselves and we're not taking too many risks. ". So we saw, we did summers, I did… months of July, month of August, I had 100% occupancy rate. I even had more than 100%, since there were people who reserved, who canceled, but as I had put conditions, so there it was...And the question, indeed, the big unknown it was: “And after the summer vacation, what will happen? » I noticed, we noticed that you always have trips, in addition to the people who were not able to leave in June with the confinement, who visited, who left in certain… well, in short, we move on . And the second test was the second confinement, in fact, the November confinement which was eased. In the end, we can say in the media that we are promoting teleworking, that there is no more travel, no more tourists, etc. I can say from experience that this is false. The people who say that are people, I think, who either don't do short-term work, or who don't have the right strategy, because there are still a lot of professionals on the move, there are all professions manuals that you cannot, in any case, dematerialize: they have to be housed; salespeople, they continue to travel, etc. Perhaps in the very big companies, as they are somewhat under surveillance, they have implemented teleworking on a more massive scale, but in the VSEs – SMEs, I can say that they still travel a lot and that the Tourists continue to travel on weekends. Even when you go to visit your family, you say to yourself: "I'm going to get an AIRBNB, because I don't want to be at risk and stay with them", etc. To get to the subject, my conviction regarding this is that it is far from being dead. On the contrary, I think it allowed people who weren't necessarily familiar with it to discover the short duration. Right now, when we're shooting the video, we're on a 6 p.m. curfew. I can say that salespeople on the move, they a thousand times prefer to be in an AIRBNB with a separate room, with a kitchen, because at 6 p.m., you can no longer go out, you don't have a restaurant anyway, so you I can't even go and take my mind off things. A hotel room, as long as it's a slightly old-fashioned model, it's gloomy. So my point of view is that I think it's an excellent time to enter in a short term, because there are inevitably owners who are going to throw in the towel. There are people who will be disgusted. There were some who did not have strong enough backs, who had not, for example, planned for the security fund, or who had not respected the rules that we spoke about. And then it's the classic saying, it's when everyone is afraid that you have to position yourself and I think that if you enter today, it will cream the market a little, give a second wind so I think that if you come in today, there will be less competition than there was a year ago. You have that much more chance of standing out from the crowd.

– In your opinion, doing work is different for a short-term rental than for a roommate or for a long term? I know that you also have quite strong expertise on this, you know a lot of things - that reassures all that - about the work and everything, and it's something that can be scary, we can say to ourselves: "Be careful" . Besides, I don't know if you have...this week I did one – the sound wasn't very good, it's a shame – but I did an interview. I interviewed my sister, in fact, who is getting into short-term rental, precisely, so that we can clear up all the questions we ask ourselves when we are about to launch...the myriad of questions we ask ourselves. poses, and it is true that the work is one of the points which also crystallizes a little expectations and concerns. Is it different? Doing work for an LCD, a roommate or long-term? And why could it be? What do you think?

– From my experience, I don’t feel like it’s any different. In any case, we're going to talk about...we're going to stay in the furnished world, because if you do work for a long time naked, it will necessarily be different, because you're not necessarily going to put in the equipment. Let it be different because today, in fact, maybe it was different five or ten years ago when AIRBNB arrived, if you like. Airbnb has upscaled, a little, the equipment, the quality of the renovations and the equipment by offering very, very well equipped things, which had the consequence over a few years later of raising people's expectations on housing in general I have the impression. That is to say that when AIRBNB or Abritel started, there were perhaps 8 – 10 years; you had little accommodation available, so at the limit, you had furnished accommodation. I call it “old-fashioned furnished accommodation”, you know, where people collected furniture from their grandfather's cellar and then rented it out. It could have worked ten years ago, because there wasn't much in the end. But today, it is unacceptable to see this. It's not conceivable, in any case. And you have a generation – I am 35 years old so, I am between two, I knew the before and I know the world today – but you have a generation which is the one which is 10 years old younger than me, roughly, 10 – 15 years younger because let’s say; who has always known AIRBNBs, who has always known this mode of consumption, and who has, therefore, been accustomed to having hyper-equipped accommodation. It has become a standard. To answer your question, I think that today the work is no different, because I put the same level of equipment in a year-round furnished apartment as in a short-term furnished apartment. It's more on the sidelines where you'll perhaps put more towels, more things when you're doing short-term work. But for me, you put the same thing in fact. And then, I always tend to think about my investments so that they are resilient. When I provide short-term accommodation, I always have in mind that perhaps, one day, I will switch it to long-term furnished accommodation, and therefore, I want that the day I do it, it will requires as little effort as possible. It's funny that you talk about it, because, you see yesterday I was on one of my apartments, which I switch to long term and you see I bit my fingers a little, because I don't hadn't put a washing machine in it, for example.

- Oh yes !

– And for the year-round rental, I said to myself: “well, I have to put it in”. So, it wasn't very complicated, but we had to pull out a water drain and do the trick. So the only difference, I would say perhaps, is if people had to choose, is that on a short-term furnished apartment, I noticed that the oven is not an essential thing. It's not necessarily necessary to plan it, since people don't stay too long, and generally, they don't cook too much. On the other hand, you can perhaps no longer provide a dishwasher, or choose, in fact, the washing machine that I had not installed.

- Yeah. No, but you see, it's a good lesson to say to yourself: "You have to think about all of this in order to go from one to the other if necessary."

- Yeah. But just to complete, I would say that in general, whatever the mode of operation chosen, the more beautiful you are going to do a renovation... that does not mean that you have to fall into luxury, it is not not what I say; but you have to find what we call good value for money, that is to say a renovation, a beautiful quality renovation, without necessarily putting brand names everywhere or using extremely expensive materials. But today we still do very good things in the mid-range, so you stay on a contained budget. I don't just think about the renta either, I also think about the...because the renta is a whole, you have the price at which you are going to rent your apartment, but you also have your rate of rent. occupation if you are short-term or your rental vacancy if you are long-term. And quality housing, you will generally have the best tenants. It can happen that we screw up, but hey, generally you still attract good tenants. You will position yourself at the top of the market. And there is a tenant who is happy, he will have no reason, unless there is a change in his life, to change apartments or change accommodation.

– Yes, it gives a loyalty, which moreover, as you say, we can find ourselves both over the long term, therefore on long-term furnished accommodation, but also even over the short term, because a professional who is extremely happy with his stay, it is perhaps someone... Take the example of the salesperson just now, it is someone who would be very happy to come back every time and who we can build loyalty like that.

– I actually have people who say: “I'm struggling, I change every time because I'm never satisfied with the apartments I rent. » I've had lots of people tell me: “There, frankly, the location is great. You have thought of everything, nothing is missing, it's perfect; there are even Nespresso capsules in the morning. » They say: “I'm happy, because I don't eat in the morning, I have a coffee, and then I go to work. » And in fact it's great, because you have loyalty, because you go live so you still switch the 15 or 17% commission from the platforms. And then he is happy, because it costs him a little less. And then he doesn't have to ask himself the question: "I have to look for accommodation." He knows that he has accommodation that suits him well, and that's it.

– Can you tell us about your best project? Besides, “beautiful” is not necessarily “beautiful”. It could be your biggest project in LCD, or the one which was precisely the opposite, the most atypical, I don't know, but which meant that it was... a bit that remained in your mind, that it was a little different from the others.

– They're all different, it's crazy, because we could talk about them for hours. But the most unusual thing, I think, I'm still working on it, is that I have an entire building for short-term rental. It's the craziest, the most beautiful, the most atypical, because I bought this building from a slumlord, so the apartments were... not in a rotten state, that's not it, but there was a lot of hiding. It's old-fashioned renovations where you tinker here and there, and so on, there was paneling and carpet on the walls, there were...you know the kind of thing. Furniture recovered, either from grandparents or purchased from second-hand dealers. I say that it's the biggest because I already had in mind when I bought it this thing to make it full short term, to make it a bit of a mini apart-hotel, and I pushed the extreme thing by managing a commercial premises by recovering part of the premises and I made a laundry room so that my concierge was autonomous on site; then automate everything: the heaters are connected, I have global internet for the entire building, I have surveillance cameras, I can see everything that is happening remotely. So it's completely automated. And I say that's the craziest part, because there are actually three apartments in it. We are in the process of finishing the renovation; we are in the middle of renovating the third, the other two are rented on purpose. And in fact, we realized that there was gold in this apartment in this building; not literally: figuratively, but in the sense that when we removed the paneling; it was always fear, you say to yourself: “Whoa, what am I going to find behind this hidden misery? ". And in fact, in one apartment, we removed the paneling, we saw that there was a great stone wall that we could salvage. They tried to hide the stone, but I highlighted it. We found a magnificent original parquet floor, so we recovered it, which allowed us to do something great. In another apartment, I don't know how we realized this, but we realized that in the bedroom they had partitioned off an original fireplace. And so, in fact, we had three square meters wasted in the room which was small, you see, so we burst the chimney, we broke down the partitions, and then finally we have a room which is now much brighter , much larger. And in the end, this building, which was not necessarily… which was even scary, when I bought it, you see, which was not necessarily desirable, I know that in the long term, there will be a lot of character: magnificent cut stone, and that we are already going to have apartments, in fact the existing ones are very good, and the clients are delighted. But there you go, this one is the most atypical, because it's the one that required the most work, the most reflection, the most questioning, change of plan. You adapt, you discover, that's it. That’s still the craziest thing.

– And looking back, you see, looking back on this journey you had on this building, what would you have done differently? Would you have done everything the same again, or do you say, in hindsight: “Hey, well, to do it again, I wouldn't do it like that. »

– No, there is no…

– Well, here’s Julien, listen, it’s perfect. Too expert, listen! What do you want me to tell you? Everything is perfect!

– The big mistakes I made were on my first vacation rentals, so on apartments. Frankly, there are always little things that you can improve, but there are no big things where I said to myself: “Oh dear, this is a disaster” or anything. Yes, the mistake I may have made, but that's okay, I found a solution quickly, is that, as I automated everything up to check in check out, so no key boxes for apartments and obviously as it’s technology it doesn’t always work.

- Oh yes !

– The mistake I made was, I don't remember, someone arriving at 2 a.m., no, the two mistakes I made, sorry. One, it is indeed people who arrive late at night and the key box does not work; you say to yourself: “damn”, there you go. Fortunately I had my concierge who is super... who is a gem, you see, who says: "well, it doesn't matter I'll open it for them", that's a double. So I corrected the error by hiding another place in the building with emergency key boxes which are mechanical in fact, which are not electronic, with duplicate keys, like that I say to myself less: “Okay, there’s a plan B.

– Ah, great tip!

– Yeah, that’s important because it can happen. If it happens at 4 a.m., I'm not going to call my concierge at 4 a.m., that's it. And what other error did I get? That's a mistake too, it can be intimate for people when you make autonomous arrivals like that. I had…I send the access codes an hour or two before the official check-in time; so it's 4 p.m., you see, but at the time when I started, the autonomous access I sent that at the time of booking by a unique code which is generated so, you see, as soon as the payment was confirmed, the customer received his code. It happened to me once, fortunately for me there was no one there the night before, that since I have cameras, I wake up one morning and I see that there was movement, you know I have a notification...I watch the recording of the video and I see a guy arriving and entering the apartment at 3 a.m. and in fact it wasn't in bad faith it's just that the guy … There are people, it’s incredible, they don’t understand. The guy had reserved...I don't know, I'm telling you random numbers...from 10 to 12, you see; except that it arrived on the 10th at 3 a.m. instead of arriving on the 10th from 4 p.m. In fact, the guy believed that…and it's crazy, I didn't think it was possible, but you have people who are completely Western about that. I could have said to myself: “That’s it, he’s still a weird guy and everything.” Actually no, the guy was doing very well, he left the apartment in good condition, a good comment and everything. It's just that the guy was convinced he had booked…

– From midnight to midnight.

– He had a free night. It's not a big deal, ultimately I don't care, the apartment was ready. But you see you say to yourself: “Damn, if there had been people in the apartment, they might have been afraid. » The guy, he tried to open the key box and everything. So. Afterwards we learn from our mistakes and so now I send the code an hour before the official check-in time, you see, to avoid this kind of problem.

– That’s a great nugget too. It's great. I wanted to end with that, but then maybe you like me, well there aren't necessarily any more ideas. Do you have any advice for seasonal renters? What are your three best tips for seasonal rental companies, for people like my sister, for example, who are just starting out? Or maybe more experienced renters, I don't know, on how to do it right so that it works the way it works for you.

– Already the first piece of advice in my opinion, the most important, is… we don’t really realize it I think, but there is a big part that depends on the first reservations. Because when we arrive, especially today, in a world where there are still a lot of announcements. When you put a new ad online, there are no comments, no history. We have for us the fact that the algorithm will highlight the fact that it is new, and it is rather in the interest of doing so to position it, to see if the accommodation is good so that it quickly stands out in the results. . So my advice is: 1- get a discounted price, and the platforms generally recommend it on the first three or four reservations, because it will be a way to stand out and it will be to ensure that your first customers live an extraordinary experience, that means being very attentive to them, being sure that nothing is missing, limiting yourself to welcoming the first ones yourself, if it is possible of course. This allows you, this will be my second piece of advice, to welcome you yourself, to be frank, to tell them: “There you go, I have just put the property up, you are the first customers, you are one of the first, I made sure that...there you go...I tried to think of everything, now if you're missing something, don't hesitate to tell me. » Generally, people like it, because, unless they're complete idiots, it can happen. Generally, people appreciate it, because the frankness: “ok, no worries and everything. » It's true that at the beginning I did it systematically and I got good feedback. People say, “Well, I had a great time.” And they are, in fact, more lenient, because they have been told, in fact. Whereas if we don't say anything, they might say to themselves: “Oh yeah, this is missing, that's missing. » And when we warn them, they say to themselves: “Well ok, the person told us so so no problem. »

So that’s the first tip. As a result, the comments will logically only be good, and this will allow us to move forward on the algorithm. The second piece of advice I could say is to do the first check in, check out or even housekeeping yourself, to realize what work it is. Because afterwards, when you delegate to a concierge service, it allows you to be objective in fact, you see, over the duration of the work, both good and bad. If your concierge tells you: “I cleaned the apartment in 15 minutes”, I don't believe it, it's not possible. Even if people didn't mess too much, it still took more than 15 minutes of work to meet the standards. And then even after to have interviews, whether it is an official concierge or whether it is a micro-entrepreneur or a person in micro-entrepreneurship that you are going to recruit, it is also good to know what you want to expect from this person. person and to have done so to speak the same language.

The third piece of advice that I can give is not to hesitate, in fact I would even give 4, but it is… In the second with the person I would say, to finish on the recruitment of a concierge service to do cleaning yourself it would be to pay attention to customer feedback and regularly check that she is doing her job well, because it can quickly deviate when she starts to have a large volume of customers. I have had to call my concierge to order several times, because ultimately, after a while, she gains a little confidence or she doesn't have the time, then the oven is not cleaned, or it's not perfect. And that for me is unacceptable. And so the third piece of advice would be to not be afraid to rent expensively. In fact, it’s… people often say to themselves: “We start at 50 euros”. It depends on the apartment; if it's a studio, we can start at 35, a T2 we start at 45 – 50. And I often, when I tell people that in high season, on the seaside, I'm at 200 euros per night . People are hallucinating, they say: “No, but I would never put 200 euros into an apartment. » And you see, that's the advice I can give. When I say to people, “But why wouldn’t you do it?” ". “Well because for 200 euros, I go elsewhere. » Yes you! Or: “Because it seems expensive for an apartment. » Yes to you, it seems expensive for an apartment, but that doesn't mean there aren't people for whom it's not expensive or for whom it's normal or for them, they want to put 200 balls in an apartment. And only the market will tell you that. You do a test, and you'll see if it's worth renting. Of course, at this price, you have to ensure the service behind it, but ultimately, what's stopping you from doing it? And in fact, I often notice that people, me first, when I started...put up barriers which are just their own perception of the thing.

– I would like to point out that I did not give Julien any money to talk about Revenue management. I promise you, it's his free will. Because what you are saying there is one of the pillars of Revenue management, not letting ourselves be influenced by our own prisms, and saying to ourselves: “It is the market which will tell me what is the price at which I can set and I actually test”, the Test and learn.

– That’s exactly it. You have to do your regular study, you have to check competitors' prices, and competitors, that includes hotels. Me, if you like, the day I went to 200 euros, well there's definitely a T-3, so 6 beds, but the argument I give to people is: "You know, a family, as long as there are…there are 4 of them, but if there are 5 of them, it’s generally three hotel rooms. » Apart from a few hotels which offer rooms of three or four, otherwise, you are in rooms of 2. If I look at the competition with equivalent services, a hotel in high season, it will cost 120,130,140 euros per night , maybe, even 150. So a family who wants accommodation, if they have to take one or two rooms, it will cost 250 – 300 euros, and then they still have to go to a restaurant, because she can't make food for herself. Brought back like this, in fact, I'm not expensive. You have to have this ability to have a vision, I think global, of your market, to position your prices.

– You are preaching a conviction. Tell us, where can we find you, Julien? Can you talk in more detail about your activity, what you do? If we want to write to you, if we want to see your activity, where do we go? Tell us about it.

– You can find me on several channels, so my site is www.immobilier-meuble.fr . There you will find, that's where there are the most things, you will find my articles, you will find my videos, you will find my support or training programs. I share a bit of everything in there, whether it's free videos or articles or training or support. You can find me on my Youtube channel Julien Loboda on which I am quite active, and you can also find me on Instagram, same Julien Loboda, I am active on Insta. On Insta, I mostly show behind the scenes, when I'm on a renovation site, I do stories, things like that. These are things that...it's a lot less fussed about...it's the rough stuff but a bit behind the scenes. These are the three channels on which you can find me.

– Great. We'll put the links just below, I'll put the links just below so you can just click to be able to find it. So what do you do? Can you tell us what your company does or what we can…the help we can get from you.

- Yes. I have two main pillars, in fact, in this activity, therefore support: a pure training activity, where you will be able to train yourself, whether it is short-term, whether it is my flagship strategy. My flagship training, in fact, is a training called “invest and succeed”, and in fact, I support people step by step in the training. The ultimate goal is to buy an investment property and use all or part of it for short-term rental. This is truly the most powerful strategy. I do it, I talked about it earlier, but it's really super powerful, and then it's super resilient because you can have an apartment or two all year round or a roommate, something to the year, then two in short duration. In fact, what's good is that you can really mix the security of an income that is fixed, fixed over the long term, with, for people who are a little more afraid of the short term, you can have fun with one or two apartments, see how it works. It’s a super safe strategy. So that’s my flagship training. I have a more or less important training activity. Afterwards I have training on small modules here and there, such as: real estate taxation, such as how to make your appointment at the bank. I have training, since I am also a stock market investor, on the dividend strategy, which for me is similar to completely passive rent. There you go, little things like that. And then on the side I have another activity which is pure and simple support. I offer coaching, either one-off, so one-hour type coaching like you can do by video to work on a very specific problem. I also take on, I take on a little, per year, because it requires a lot of work, so I really take on applications, clients with full support. That is to say that over a year, the goal is not property hunting, it is support. I accompany people. What I did, in fact, what I talked about with my concierge at the time, I accompanied them step by step in their real estate investment projects. The objective is that in a maximum of one year, it's really a limit that we set ourselves, they will have found a profitable property, that the thing will be paid for, the work finished, if possible, then put into operation.

– Okay. Great.

– That’s just for people, if you like, who need someone. I'm going to be a little cash, but that kicks their regular ass. And people who procrastinate a lot, people who are convinced, who want to act, perhaps even who have already followed training, but who cannot find the energy and motivation to go through or who have need to be structured and have stages, because in complete support, we really do a weekly one-hour review. It's a bit like the teacher who gives homework for the following week. For the week, for example, for example, you identify, you start looking for a city with this or that criterion and then in a week, we found the city where you are going to invest. It sets little time checkpoints for people.

– Great. Great. Well listen, thank you very much! Thank you Julien for this exchange, for everything you shared with us, it was super interesting. So don't hesitate to click on all the links. I think that people have a lot to learn from you and to be able to subscribe either to the training or to the coaching that you offer, it will really help them, and we see that your results for yourself already speak for themselves. themselves so it really makes you want to. Thank you very much Julien.

– If you want, I will post a link. The strategy that I was talking about, the strategy of “invest and succeed”, I have condensed it, in fact, into an e-book which is a little less than 100 pages, so it is a very quick read. I could post the link for people to grab if they're interested.

- Downright. We do it like this. Great. Thank you very much.


– If you have not yet subscribed to the Youtube channel I am displaying Complete, do not hesitate to do so, click on subscribe and click on the bell right next to it which will allow you to see when I arrive in live every day from Sunday to Thursday. This is an opportunity to be together, to ask me your questions and so that I can answer them directly. If you are not yet in the private seasonal rental price and turnover maximization group, join us. It's a private group. There are a little more than 900 of us. By registering, you will receive the free bonus of the six mistakes not to make when determining your sales prices, so join us, we talk about all these subjects, maximizing turnover in seasonal rentals. I'll see you soon for the next video. Thanks again Julien. Chao.

- Bye.   

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