
Laura Wignolle: managing a group gîte and hosting a podcast on gîtes

Laura Wignolle the keys to the cottage podcast

Laura Wignolle: managing a group gîte and hosting a podcast on gîtes

In this video Laura shares with us:
– what makes her gîte particularly efficient
– ​​how she markets it and organizes the work
– why she created the podcast the keys to the gîte and what it brings
– her new project for a totally innovative platform to destination of the gîtes
– its Ullule campaign which ends in a few days not to be missed!

The website of his gîte: https://lemoulindebernard.fr/
The podcast the keys to the gîte: https://lesclesdugite.fr/
His Ullule campaign: https://fr.ulule.com/les-cles-du-gite /

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Hello and welcome to the J'poster Complet channel, the channel which helps seasonal rental companies, professional sub-renters, and seasonal rental concierge services to become serene and ultra-profitable entrepreneurs. Today, I welcome a guest who has an extremely rich background. She worked in the hotel industry in the past, and then she had the courage to leave her salaried position to become self-employed on January 9, 2019. She bought her gîte which she now operates. Besides, what I didn't specify is that her lodge is more than 80% full, so she already has really quality work on her lodge. And as that's not enough, she created a podcast in December 2020 which helps all people in her profession, the seasonal rental profession, to have good ideas, to share good practices in our profession, and to make kind of feeling like you're in a community of people doing this same work. And as I said, she has a hectic life with lots of projects. Today, she comes to talk again about a new project of an even greater scale, which will definitively implement the help she wants to provide to people who, like her, are at the head of a lodge. I am delighted to welcome Laura Wignolle with us today.

– Hello Laura.

– Hello, Elise. Thank you very much for having me. It's a pleasure to be here, and hello everyone.

– Thank you Laura. I'm really delighted to interview you today, because I think that your journey, not only is it a life journey, and I'm really very happy to be able to interview you, because we haven't had a lot of people who are running their B&B on the channel I'm showing Full, so that's good. You come to show off the colors of our lodges, so that’s cool. As a result, your journey is interspersed with many other things too: the podcast, your new project. So I think it's really very interesting to talk about it. Do you want to tell us about your career for people who don't know you?

– Yes, with pleasure. Very young, I had a lot of pleasure and taste in cooking. And so naturally, I turned to a hotel and catering high school. Because what's more, I wasn't a big fan of studying, and that was a revelation. So from second grade, I joined what's called a hotel and catering technology baccalaureate and it was great. I really flourished, and then as the years went by and the journey progressed, I finally abandoned cooking a little. It may not be any worse, but to concentrate more on marketing and business management, I continued with a BTS and business school. In fact, I always continued to work in this field, in the hotel industry. I think I've had to do every job possible in a hotel, and it's always really been a passion. I also worked in catering, and there you have it, really in the field since a very young age.

– Great. So after that, what made you say to yourself: “Come on, I'm going to buy a cottage, I'm changing my life, I'm buying a cottage. »

– It was an opportunity, really. It wasn't a project, really not. Even in the depths of my brain, I wasn't thinking about it. But with my husband, we wanted to settle in the countryside, in the Lot, and the opportunity presented itself to visit this gîte, therefore Bernard's mill, and we fell in love, and we said to himself: “Ah, but why not? ". I was no longer very fulfilled in the position I was working in at that time. I was no longer very in agreement with the company's values, and this was the way to escape and renew myself, to launch a new challenge. And at the same time, it ticked off a lot of criteria that we liked, being in the countryside, being self-employed, changing a lot of things.

– I think that there are many people, in fact, who turn to running a gîte to also have better personal balance, to be more fulfilled. Sometimes it can also be scary to say to yourself: “Am I really going to win this? » Looking back, do you say to yourself that in fact, by making this switch, we are really gaining in quality of life, or is this aspect a false friend?

– It can be. It can be a false friend, quite honestly. As for me, I have gained freedom, and that, for nothing in the world, I will not return to paid employment. Because I feel that in any case, my personality means that I fully flourish by being my own boss and by being able to create and nourish myself and invent my own profession. On the other hand, it's been three years since we took over the gîte, and for 3 years, there's been no vacation, no free time, no family life. So we also need to know the return of the medal. It's quite a challenge, it's a real upheaval, and for me, it really changed my life, really. We imagined that I would be in the Lot for a bit, and then that I would continue to go to Toulouse at the same time, and then no. From the moment I got the keys to the gîte, I never set foot in Toulouse again, because we hadn't properly considered, estimated the time it would take and the investment, etc. And so indeed, it is entirely possible to find a balance in life, to have more time for yourself, to be able to do activities that you enjoy on a daily basis, and I am the first to say it, but we must also be aware that it is an issue, and that there are also constraints, and that the balance, in any case, must be built: it will not come naturally.

- Yes. Interesting. We have to build it. This is true for all business leaders. It's true, you're right. This is true for all business leaders. Your lodge, as I said in the introduction, is really efficient. You are more than 80% full year-round, it's really a great performance. Can you tell us what, in your opinion, makes your lodge so efficient?

– I think there are two things. I think the first is that from the start, I took this position by saying to myself: “OK, is everything being done so that I enjoy my stay? Is this going to happen in the best possible conditions? » And that's how I was able to see areas for improvement. So it can be both technical; for example, quite simply, we bought a professional dishwasher like we have in restaurants where you do your program in two minutes, rather than the traditional dishwasher which takes three hours to program that we all have at home . I also reviewed the layout. I modified an emergency exit, I reinforced everything relating to technical points and electricity, fire, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and the arrangement of circulation rooms. I really projected myself by saying to myself: “OK, if it makes sense for me to rent for the weekend, do I feel good about myself? Does it meet all my expectations? » The second point, I think, is that we have made available a multitude of activities, leisure activities, equipment, games. And even the tenants who left yesterday told us again: "We don't have time to be bored, and we don't have to worry about how we're going to occupy the children, or how We're going to take care of ourselves as adults. We switch from one activity to another, there is something for everyone, whether it is games for collective groups or moments when we want to have some peace and quiet. » And I think that's what appeals to: it's a lodge in which you can both experience very friendly and very festive moments, but at the same time, find yourself with rooms and not dormitories, the calm of the countryside.

– Okay. Great. So, you manage the 80% filling, are you the one who manages it alone on a daily basis?

- Yes.

– That is to say, you take care of the marketing part, you take care of the cleaning, arrivals, departures, everything?

– I do everything. This summer, we were lucky enough to be able to spare a little bit of money to hire a cleaning lady to help us on Saturdays, and a service provider, too, for the swimming pool – sauna – jacuzzi, who came for two hours on Saturdays, but that , I could perhaps detail a little more, it's just the organization for the household. But otherwise, the activity is really my main activity and I am the only one working on it. So it's me who does all the cleaning, I'm the one who updates the announcements, who follows up with reservations, planning.

– Okay. And I also have a question to ask you. Besides, yes you are right to talk about households, if you want to give us an update on that too, yes, with great pleasure. You were talking about booking sites. I have a question to ask you about that today. On which site do you sell?

– I am present on the prince's gîte, grain de gîte and group gîte and on the directory and Ekipotel. I didn't choose to be on AIRBNB, Booking for example or TripAdvisor, because I consider that these are not my customers. Afterwards, this is my strategy. In fact, I'm a lodger, but it's even more special when you have a group lodge model. I need to make sure I have contact with my future tenants. I need to filter, I need to be sure that we are on the same wavelength, that they are not imagining doing a remake of project x, or something like that. So I don't want to take the risk that there will be overflows, and in fact, they have so many questions to be sure to organize, because once again, there are so many of them that there are lots of points to block on their side too, that they need us to be in contact all the time and I provide them with a lot of information so I don't want to be booked directly. Besides, my clientele ultimately isn't really looking for this service, and that's why I'm only really present on sites that are immediately on my target and recognized as "large capacity lodging".

– And another question too. Because perhaps lodges which are being established will ask themselves the question. There is the hesitation that can occur between Gîte de France and Key Holidays. Did you have this hesitation? Have you had any rumors about this?

– I didn't think about it at all, because during the holidays, I didn't even think about it, quite honestly, it didn't come up in my head. Gîte de France yes, because it is the first thing we think of, when we imagine preserving a gîte or at least looking for one. But very sincerely, I'm not entirely happy with the Gîte de France. I find that their model is a little outdated, and in any case that there is no support at all. This is my case. Maybe it's different depending on the region, but in any case, in my case, I didn't have good contact and I was really neglected from the start. The slightest piece of information I ask for takes days and days to get an answer, and then the answer is often not the question I asked. I don't have a very good opinion of Gîtes de France. Afterwards, I made the choice to get started with it from the start, because it remains a reference despite everything and because I wanted to be classified and approved. But I'm really thinking about renewing for next year, sincerely, because I'm not really enjoying it. It remains dear to me, and as I am lucky enough to be able to rent almost 90% directly, and even 99% directly, I think there will come a time when I will perhaps say goodbye to them because at the moment I'm not finding what I'm looking for.

– That’s crazy! How do you manage to have 90% direct sales on a very large lodge? Have you worked on the SEO of your website? How do you do that?

– No, I think my SEO is very bad. No. Because apart from Gîtes de France, on large group gîtes, you only have access to the advert and the schedule, but you cannot book, so they have to contact me, and that's This way, we go through the entire sales process afterwards. I make sure of all the sales directly, because I am only present on the other sites as a planner. Gîtes de France now offers online sales, which was not the case last year, but when I renewed, ultimately, you have no choice not to accept it, so I I had, I believe, in the 2021 season, I had two rentals thanks to Gîtes de France, and which were well timed, they were during periods which were little in demand. But for all that, I don't know if that justifies the membership that I pay for year-round.

– Okay, okay. After that, it remains cheaper than AIRBNB or Booking, which will immediately take 10%.

– I think I will never go to AIRBNB or Booking, because I don't think that is where my customers do their research when they are planning a weekend or a week with such a large capacity.

– And how do you take care of the field part? You rightly told me: “I could talk about the cleaning part, all that. » I can't wait to hear that from you. Tell us about your best practices.

– I thought about this last week, I think, that I am doing more than 20 hours of cleaning between two rentals. So it's quite sporty, indeed, and there shouldn't be a problem, because it shakes things up a bit. In a very concrete way, we are open all year round and we rent mainly on weekends. I don't really have a demand for the week, even during holiday periods, apart from July - August when we increase to the week from Saturday to Saturday. But as a result, we really have two different ways of operating. When it's the weekend, I do my cleaning during the week, and I tend to do it in the morning. I work a lot of half-days, let's say, because now the keys to the lodge take up more and more of my time, so I also have to free up time for the keys to the lodge, for my marketing, for my followed up with my future tenants, t for cleaning.

– The keys to the gîte is your podcast, just for those who don’t know. It’s your podcast that we’re going to talk about right after.

– Yes, and so, in fact, what I do is mostly in the morning. Every morning, every second of every day, during the week, from Monday to Friday, I devote myself to cleaning or setting up the lodging. I chose to completely delegate ESAT management, because already, just at the start, I did not have the financial means to invest in professional machines, and then very quickly, finally, found an ESAT which is located a few kilometers away. of the gîte which has quite attractive prices, in addition, which has values ​​which speak to me, and the operation is very pleasant and very comfortable for me. I have a linen rental contract, so they come and collect the dirty linen, they deliver the clean linen to me. Me, in fact, since I provide the linen in my service, I just have to put each set on each bed, and people make their beds, because that too, just making the beds, it takes me more of two hours, so it is an additional service. I struggle with the quilts otherwise. And afterwards, Cédric, my husband, who kept his main activity, helps me a little in his free time, so in the morning from 7 to 8, between noon and two, or after 7 p.m. after his work day. you have to mow or pass the thighs. So everything is super timed, we attack on Sunday evening. Once we have collected the keys to the gîte, we start cleaning, and then until Friday I have the last details to finalize. On Saturday, it's always quite sporty, because in fact, the customers leave at 10 a.m., the new ones arrive at 5 p.m., so we just have this little latitude to do everything, so we requisition Cédric's parents, his aunt, and there, as I told you, I was lucky enough to be able to have a cleaning lady for four hours, and a service provider for the swimming pool, sauna and jacuzzi for two hours. So there were seven of us and we finished around 3 p.m. - 3:30 p.m., starting at 10:30 a.m. We didn't stop, we didn't eat, nothing. We're all in. A summer like this year is even more difficult, because because of the weather, for example, you have to mow. Usually, in July - August, we don't need to mow, but here, we had to mow every Saturday and it takes more than an hour to mow the garden. So there you have it, we must not let ourselves be overwhelmed and there, it was more pleasant having a little help of labor, because we still had room for maneuver for DIY or small repairs which could have been occur during the rental week. But it's intense, it's very sporty and fortunately I can call on family, but I'm not sure I'll find the labor either just on Saturdays in July August to help me if it was extras or things like that.

– Yes, that’s it. Or maybe young people looking for a summer job, but it’s true that maybe they’re looking…

– Yes, but it's rare, either they go to the seaside, because even if it means doing this work, they do it by the sea full time, I only really need Saturdays, because all week, I don't have cleaning services, so it's quite specific. And this is the somewhat difficult part of the activity, it is this change from Saturday to high season.

– Okay. Great. Interesting. For next year, for example, do you tell yourself that you are going to change the organization, or do you leave it as it is, because it works very well?

– I think I’ll… I don’t know. No, sincerely, I can't answer, because it will depend on the keys to the lodge, which we'll talk about later, on the time it's going to take, but it's taking up more and more of me, so It’s not going to make it easier! In fact, it's very vague at the moment. I'm making progress visibly.

– Okay. I understand, I understand. That's often what we do when we start a business, it's often like that. So, can you tell us about the quays of lodging, your podcast? Why did you create it, the podcast on the quays of the gîte?

– The podcast, there are several reasons. First of all because I listen to a lot of it. Because, as I say, I spend a lot of time cleaning, and at first I was very frustrated to see my day go by. I had done some housework, certainly, but I hadn't nourished myself intellectually, and that irritated me. I was like, “But I can do more than just cleaning.” » The podcast was the perfect answer, because I can listen to it while doing lots of other things. I don't need my hands, I don't need to look, and depending on my mood, I either listen to something more entertaining, or I discover a personality, an inspiring journey, or downright very technical things or that meet a need. If, for example, I want to set up newsletters, I listen to a podcast that explains to me how to set up email sequences or things like that. The first point is this. I listen to a lot of it and I really like this format, and I find that it corresponds perfectly to our profession. Then, because I was quite alone. It wasn't painful, it's not that at all, but I found it a shame not to be able to share my daily life a little more, and especially to know a little bit about the habits of others who work like me, etc. And because there are times when Cédric had COVID, unfortunately or fortunately. He wasn't teleworking, so we could go entire weeks without seeing each other, and I didn't talk to anyone for a week, really. Because I was in the lodge and I had no contact with you. Finally, because, as I said at the start of the interview, it was a real upheaval for us. We had a blast with this new activity. We didn't anticipate a lot of things. There are also things that fell on us by bad luck or I don't know. In fact, I said to myself: “But I'm not the only one struggling like this, I need to talk to others about my teachings, so that I can pass them on to someone other, so that he does not experience the same thing. » So there you have it, these three points accumulated, I said to myself: “Go ahead, do your podcast. » And then I had the idea of ​​making my own podcast, and going to interview other owners of gîtes and guest houses so that we could retrace their journey together: how did the project come about? How did they manage to get the funding? How did they find the property? And then how do they implement their daily activities? How are they doing with the laundry? Very technical aspects, really, on the entire continuity of the project from the business plan to today. Where are they? Development projects? So that we can each learn from their journey, from their experience, and then because there are always advice and good practices to take on all of that.

– Wow! It's a very beautiful story. And you see, it's true that I had never thought about the fact that cleaning takes time, and podcasting is a format that is unstoppable. That's great, I never thought of that and I think it's a brilliant idea, I really do.

- THANKS. It was because I myself was first a consumer that it happened. Because you see, at first I was thinking about YouTube channel, because that's nice: there's interaction, etc. And then finally, there was a moment where I sat down and said to myself: “Laura, the first thing you do in the morning is put in your headphones and then pick up your vacuum cleaner. » And so in fact, that's it. If you want to talk to people who are in the same field and the same activity as you, this is the podcast that corresponds, because they don't have more time than you to look at a screen, to sit down and accumulate the tasks and the pleasure of being able to listen to something.

- Excellent. So, here, you shared with us who the podcast is aimed at. So if I understood correctly, the podcast is really for people who have a lodge, a guest house, I imagine, too, it's a bit the same thing.

– Who already have a gîte or a guest house, but I think it can really inspire and guide people who are in transition, are changing their lives, retraining or who are perhaps already purchasing a new well and who say to themselves: “Why not develop a lodging activity, even if it’s just in the summers or things like that. » Because really, I try to interview lots of different profiles, and then by nature, we are all unique. So each time, a person has a different background, a different experience and a different approach to the profession. So it can inspire a lot of people. What I didn't say is that I also interview professionals, so professionals I always say from all fields combined, because our profession touches on particularities: accounting, law, taxation , operational, commercialization, marketing, communication, and as a result I also interview what I call experts. It’s a word that goes well with a community manager, a lawyer, a notary, etc. Each time, we go over a little with them the issues we face with our profession, and the advice they can give us to better manage it all. And I know that people who are not in the B&B business at all and who don't plan to have one either, sometimes also take away certain lessons from interviews, because it's applicable to other fields of activity, and because there are also those who dream of going to a certain gîte or a certain guest house. It gives them pleasure to discover the person who owns this property, and to discover the story behind the place. Or, they have already been there, they are so happy to be able to rediscover a little piece of this stay through the testimony. So, indeed, it is more targeted for people who are already in the business of gîtes, guest houses or who plan to become one, but it can also be pleasant for anyone to discover these life paths.

– Can we also have your expertise in podcasting? Are there times when it's you who speaks and explains, because I find it fascinating, when you talk about your activity, how you manage, if only, perhaps, organizing a day and everything. These may seem like details, but in fact, these things make up the life of an entrepreneur. So, are you sometimes the one who speaks?

- Not yet. I'm doing a little teaser... because as you know, the podcast hasn't been around for a year yet, but I'm still thinking about season 2, and so far no. And even in my interviews, some gave me feedback on that. They find it a bit of a shame, because indeed, I give a lot of personalities and I don't participate much in relation to my own experience. But that is my will, because until now, I want to give full space to my guest, whether he is an expert or a hotelier, because imposter syndrome, lack of legitimacy, All of this means that I prefer not to say too much about myself for the moment. But I try to do it through content on Instagram, in particular. It's easier per post to give a little more of my tips, etc. But it's true that I'm thinking, for season 2, of modifying the format a little, of making it evolve and why not doing certain episodes where it's just me on a very specific subject and I bring either my look, either the feedback I was able to collect, or my own experience, but nothing is really decided yet.

- All right. We will put the link to both your podcast, but also Instagram. If we can see the content that you produce, when you express your expertise. I don't know if you have imposter syndrome or not, in any case it doesn't stop you from moving forward, that's for sure because there you want to give an even greater dimension to this podcast and to this mission that you accomplish every day to “help your peers” with a platform. Can you tell us about it?

– Yes, indeed. Today an encore of a podcast: I want “the keys to the lodge” to become a collaborative digital platform. So in fact, it's a website in which we can all really find ourselves, whether we are project leaders, so even if we are just vaguely having an idea of ​​one day planning on the profession , or that we have already been established for around fifteen years. My desire is that we can... already the values ​​that I wanted to achieve with the podcast, is to go even further, and really play on transmission, because there is nothing more important , create a federated community and create synergies too. Because in fact, one person's experience will be another person's success. That's really what matters to me. This is because we don't all have to struggle, in fact, we have the right to share good plans and good tips to make it easier for others. And so there you have it, it's really a website, so you access it through a subscription. It is a one-year subscription, the price of which differs depending on the profile you have, because effectively, either you are a project leader, or you are an activity host, but also, you can be a training organization or we can be partners. It's true that when you have a gîte or a guest house, whatever the capacity, you have a lot of things to buy. So we often place orders, whether for bedding, household linen which we renew very regularly, or any small equipment such as household appliances: it's very recurring. And it's true that when we go to a supplier or a service provider, we are not really considered as professionals, but we are not really an individual either. So it's a very special relationship, and I want to facilitate all that by putting everyone in the same place thanks to the platform and facilitating exchanges, facilitating partnerships, the transmission of knowledge, etc.

– So that means that, for me, you are going to tell me if I have understood correctly, I am registered, I am registering, I am taking out my subscription for the year, and in fact, I will be able to have access to modes easier purchasing, perhaps, even more attractive prices. Is that it? For my supplies?

– In fact, the subscription will give you access to several features. If you want, I can just describe them quickly. First, you have the resource center, so that was really the most important for me. It was to be able to provide access to lots of tools. As I said, when you are a project leader, you often have to find a property, you also have to put together your entire business plan to go see the banks, etc. Or when we are in business, perhaps we want to do an extension or we want to develop. Or we want to switch back to guest rooms while we were bed and breakfast, or things like that. And in fact, there are all these tools that I wanted to make available to future members. They will be able to draw according to their needs, so they will be able to draw an example of a business plan, they will be able to draw an Excel table to build their forecast, they will be able to draw a contract model, good practices drawn up by a notary to be sure to buy a good one according to the rules of the art, I don't know how to say it, but that's it. All content that is made available through this resource center is written by professionals, by experts. It's not me who provides a model of general conditions of sale, for example: it's the lawyer. So everything is hyper certified, validated, sorted and guaranteed by experts. Then, you have a discussion forum, quite simply so that everyone can solicit the community, ask a question: if I value x euros of budget for laundry, is that consistent in your opinion? How did you do it? Which bank did you approach, or which linen supplier did you contact? And so that we can each pass on our good tips. And then you have a catalog of suppliers. Indeed, it is the partners, so they too are members of the platform. In fact, they can offer their products or services at preferential prices exclusive to the platform. And finally, you have a directory, therefore the directory of training organizations, because there are a lot of project leaders who still want to either train, or do an immersion internship, or have remote or face-to-face support. So there you have it, I hope that each training organization will really want to be represented on the platform to be able to best support project leaders in their journey. I think it's all... all these things which will be accessible, as we said, thanks to an annual subscription.

– It’s already very complete. It's true that we see clearly, that in fact, it makes sense to join the platform: upstream, when you are a project leader, particularly for the training part, you are right, on the forum part, the same . It's super interesting to see everyone who's been there before us, what the questions are, what the answers are, etc. And then, even afterwards, for the partner part and everything, when we have a lodge, already in operation... We clearly see the interest for the two stages of development. There's something that made... it's been a long time, Laura, that I've been saying to you: "I'd like to interview him on the channel I'm showing Full." » We are two very busy women, we got lost, we tried, we didn't succeed, time passed, and then, suddenly, I said to you: "Laura, we have to absolutely that I interview him”, because at the moment something incredible is happening on this project, it is that you are doing a magnificent Ulule campaign which is having enormous success. As we're going to post this video, it's going to close in a few days, so now is definitely the time for you to take action if you want to join the project. So, if you want, I'll let you talk about this Ulule campaign, because I loved it.

– Thank you, thank you very much. It was a lot of work, so I happily take the compliments. Indeed, for the platform to see the light of day in October, we need a final helping hand to fix up the website a little more, and to call on a few more experts. And this boost is a financial boost. So I did a campaign on Ulule, a crowdfunding campaign where I really present the whole project in detail: the benefits that the platform will bring you, who it is aimed at, what it will look like, etc. There is even, if you don't want to read, a little video which really explains everything in a very nice way, I think. I send flowers to myself.  

– You’re right, it’s true. It's justified.

- THANKS. I was very lucky, because I was supported from the start by other partners. As I said, there is a notary who offers in return individual calls so that he can help you with an issue on which you may be stuck. There is also Maison Séraphine which offers a night in the guest house with breakfast, then an aperitif evening where Pierre and Claire, the owners, offer to support you in the construction of your project. There is also a strategic expert that you received, Jérôme, who offers training, so an online training subscription or individual remote support over several hours to respond to a very specific problem. And unusual trend, Anne-Laure who will also be an expert on the platform, which is really targeted at unusual accommodations and who can provide you with all her advice and knowledge of the field. So here are all the rewards. Some are in limited edition, so you don't have to waste time to grab them, but if you just prefer to join, there is also simply a membership as a project leader, or as a host in activity, at introductory prices so they are more interesting than once the platform is open. And finally, you can also make a free donation, there is no minimum. Everything is welcome, because it just tells us that you support us and it warms our hearts, so it's also very important.

- Awesome ! We will put the link to find the Ulule campaign. Is there an idea of ​​timing in the project? It may be hard to say at this point, but from launch prospects. Have you given yourself a date to say to yourself: “On this date, the platform will be launched. » ?

– I can't launch it until the fundraising campaign is over, so that's why. The Ulule campaign ends on October 15, so you have until October 15 to support us. And after that, I haven't yet determined a fixed date, because we are in the beta testing phase with my web designers to be sure that the platform is perfect, and it will be, but indeed, we are still in the process of to wonder if we are not leaving ourselves a few days to breathe after the campaign before starting the launch, but, normally, this will be in the second half of October. It will finally open its doors publicly, and you will all be able to experience the platform.

– So you see, we are talking about a project which is not at all a virtual thing, because it happens, there are Ulule campaigns where in fact, we give something which is perhaps not going to see the day, or else, which will see the light of day, but in three years, etc. There are promises that are not sincere, but this is not the case at all. There, you contribute to an adventure, so you will very quickly see the immediate practical application. Honestly, don't hesitate. I find the project incredible and that's why I absolutely wanted us to talk about it, and for Laura to be able to talk about it. So if we want to find you, Laura, the lodge, the podcast, Instagram, the ulule campaign, can you give us the information? Everything you're going to share, obviously, I'll link them. How do we find you?

– Very simple, the gîte is on lemoulindeberbard.fr; it couldn't be simpler. Then, for the keys to the gîte, there is an Instagram account, which for the moment has been dedicated to podcasts, but which is also evolving to become the platform account: it is At The keys to the gîte. You can also take advantage of the website lesclesdugite.fr, and when the platform is created, it will be the same link, but you will discover the new website which is magnificent. We are doing it for you, and so here it is. The link to the ulule campaign, it's in my Instagram bio, but I'll give it to you too, but you can type in the ulule search engine: The keys to the gîte, and you'll find it very easily.

– Great, great. Thank you, Laura, for everything you shared today. It was super interesting and super inspiring. Thank you so much.

– Thank you, it was very pleasant.

– If you are not yet subscribed to the J’poster Complet YouTube channel, don’t hesitate. See, we do super interesting interviews with very inspiring people. You just have to click on “subscribe” just below. You will be alerted in particular when I arrive live every week, Tuesday and Thursday at noon. You will be able to find me, ask your questions live. We always have a nice time together. So, don't hesitate to do it, and then if you wish, you can subscribe to our Facebook group which is called seasonal rental prices and maximization of turnover. You will receive your bonus of the six mistakes not to make when you make your sales prices. You can find the link just below. I'll see you soon for the next video.

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