
NEW: Rules system in AIRBNB how to use it

airbnb rules

NEW: Rules system in AIRBNB how to use it
How can this system help you even if you have a channel manager

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Hello and welcome to the J'poster Complet channel, the channel that helps seasonal rental companies, professional sub-renters and seasonal rental concierge services to become serene and ultra-profitable seasonal entrepreneurs. 

Today we are going to talk about a new feature coming to the AIRBNB extranet. It's something quite practical which solves a problem that we had raised for a long time. So I'm not saying that AIRBNB developed it because we raised awareness about it, but in any case it solves something that was quite missing, I think, in the AIRBNB extranet, so I'm going to talk to you about it again. straight away: how to use this system of rules in the AIRBNB extranet? What will it do for you, and how will it increase your turnover?

I see you live today like twice a month in fact, twice a week, I say anything today [laughs]. I was going to say every day, that's not it; twice a month is not that either: twice a week at noon on Tuesday and Thursday. So don't hesitate to subscribe to the Youtube channel I'm posting Complete to be alerted as soon as I go Live. And then, don't hesitate to subscribe to our Facebook group, the link is just below and in fact upon registration you will receive the six mistakes not to make when you make your prices for your seasonal rental. 

So welcome! Don't hesitate to say hello when you arrive. Welcome to you! Hello, I don't see your name. I also put in the Live comments, I put a link that you have to click so that I can see your names, because there is an authorization system between Facebook and Stream Yard that I use it for Live, and so don't hesitate to click so I can see your names. Welcome to you! Welcome to everyone who is already joining us in the Live! Today, I'm not standing, I'm not next to my window, I'm at my desk, because we're going to get down to business: we're going to go to the AIRBNB extranet. Just beforehand, I shot a short video from an AIRBNB extranet, hiding, in fact, the part of the apartments to maintain the confidentiality, obviously, of the apartments, or of the calendar that I am about to present. This is a client's calendar, so on that I'm going to hide that part, but I'm going to show you the rules part: what's the point? How to use it? You'll see, it's quite simple and I think it will help you a lot. Oh Mamadou! Welcome Mamadou! So thank you for writing your first name because in fact when I didn't see it. Welcome Virginia! Virginie watching us from Youtube: “Thank you for your videos”. Well listen, I thank you! It's always a pleasure, especially if I know it helps, that's really why I do it so it's really nice. 

Regarding the AIRBNB rules: I will show you technically how we go about putting them in place. Now, let's talk about the benefit of having these rules. Historically, I am going to talk to you in particular about the problem that has been raised for a long time. In fact, historically and particularly during the pandemic period, during periods of confinement, it was this year, more than ever, really important to have a good association between the short-term strategy and the medium-term strategy in the trading grids. price. The medium duration still made it possible to provide relatively significant filling, particularly during periods of confinement, and it is today an aspect of your financial management strategy which is completely essential. So that doesn't mean that you have to make percentages for stays of 7 nights, 14 nights and 28 nights constantly; in any case for us it’s because we do it at J’poster Complet. It's a lever like any other that must be activated when performance is not there, when we have a more difficult period, when we arrive at a period of low demand... It's really something that is part of of the range of tools available to you. Now, this average duration, as I told you, as it must be used surgically over certain periods, on certain apartments, we do not want the “minus 20%” over a month, for example, to be available all year round. And before these rules existed, this was the disadvantage of AIRBNB. That is to say that we either had the possibility of putting a percentage which was spread over the whole year, or we had to choose, in fact this has been happening for a few months, we could choose just one month or just one week, you had to write the price in hard. It's still quite time-consuming, you had to do it week by week so if you want to do it for four months, you have to work every week. You have to calculate your prices for each week: what will my price be if I make my reduction or at least they are accepted or not, it was a bit of hell, you have to say that. So AIRBNB has created a fairly agile system of rules, which will allow you to configure, on the one hand, your rule: “I want, for example, prices to drop by 10% from tonight, etc. » Step number one and step number 2, you have the possibility to say during which period and on which apartment. And so it's really super agile and it allows you to be completely decision-making at the smallest unit, that is to say, part by day, on the application or not of the rule. So you can be ultra precise, and that is really important for the performance of your apartments.

Hello Marie-Jo, welcome! Welcome to this Live. I'm going to share the screen with you and I'm going to share with you the little video I made. I'm going to take breaks as I go along, so there you are in the AIRBNB extranet, in an AIRBNB extranet, with, I think you will recognize: it's the calendar part with all the lines, the dates, etc. . Prices, reservations, and now you have a window that opens, I think, automatically. When we arrive at this part, you have a window that opens with “define your prices and availability for the season”. So this is where we will be able to put the rules in place. I don't know if we can see it very well, but in fact, here you have created a new set of rules at the bottom of the window, and this will allow you to set up these rules. So, we'll click them together, and you'll see, there are really several possible options. I will take this opportunity in complete transparency to share my analytical perspective with you. That is to say, are they really – because sometimes there are systems that are possible – but hey, from a financial performance point of view, that’s not necessarily what helps us gain the most money. I will share with you my point of view on the options offered by AIRBNB. 

I remind you, it's a video that I shot earlier, just to take only the part...so there we arrive in the rules interface, there you put a title, and you must choose a color. The color, as trivial as it may seem, is not that trivial, since when you apply the rule on your calendar, the box of the day concerned for the apartment concerned, will come out with the color that you you selected. So it's pretty smart if you choose colors that you'll remember, if you put purple every time you put – I don't know – I'll keep my example of -20% for a stay of one month ; if you remember, in fact, that -20% for a one-month stay is purple, it's much easier, and by viewing the calendar you will immediately be struck by it so it's still quite interesting to choose this wisely. 

On this interface, you have several options which are linked to the price, there are other options later. The first option is a rule that allows you to apply a price reduction over an entire period and several apartments at the same time. This rule will allow you to make a percentage reduction or a percentage increase in your prices. You can apply and “unapply” it. So it can be quite practical if you are used to always doing the same actions or implementing them. Now on that, if you have a Channel Manager today, a priori you will not need this rule, because these price modifications, they will rather be made inside the Channel Manager [anodible] used if you do not 'haven't been. But you have to know that it exists. So there: how does it work? You put a percentage, and you can say if you want this percentage to increase your prices or if you want it to reduce your prices... There I put a title, I put my yellow color back and therefore I move on to the rule 'After. The next rule is the one I prefer and it's the one that made me say that I need to make a video on this: it's the fact of having the reduction according to the length of stay . It's true that it still allows you to very quickly implement a medium-term strategy, something that was not possible in the past on the AIRBNB extranet, and moreover which is often very difficult to implement. on channel managers. To date, I do not see a channel manager that allows you to implement reduction percentages in a chosen way over a medium term and quickly. Often, it's a system where it spreads over the entire calendar except that...I'll give you a basic example: currently, in a few months people will start booking their 2022 summer vacations in the most popular places in France. If there, to support the period of low demand, we accept “minus 20%” over a month, and that spreads over the entire calendar, we take the risk of really having people who, in the middle of August, benefit from less 20% over one month. And that’s not at all what we want! Because in the month of August, we don't want to miss twenty cents of the turnover! We know we're going to be sold out. So we don't want to at all. This is why it is very dangerous, in fact, all these systems which allow us to put something which is spread over the whole year. So with that, with this new system of rules whether or not you have a channel manager, it will help you quickly implement a medium-term strategy on your apartments. 

So how does it work? You can choose the length of stay here. You choose the duration from which you wish to make your reduction. Overall, the durations that we do, in general, are a week, fifteen days and a month. But then you can decline. There, for example, we will do one week, two weeks, three weeks, four weeks. So it's still quite detailed. You choose the length of stay that interests you and, here I haven't shown it but I will show it later: when we choose the length of stay that interests us, we are asked for the percentage, and our rule is set for medium durations. 

Small point also is that here I am showing you, in fact, all the elements that can be put in place in a rule. You can combine the rules! That is to say, you can have different rules together that will apply. You're going to tell me: “ok, we're going crazy here, what good is it going to do for me to have multiple periods?” In fact, accumulating rules can make sense if you really have – and this is what I recommend 1000% – a logic per type of period. You could absolutely say to yourself: “well ok, during my weak periods, – I give an example for my months of January-February – it is so difficult for me that I will not only accept reduction percentages according to the duration, so 7 nights, 14 nights, 28 nights, but also I will make reduction percentages in advance to encourage people who would be very anticipatory by having a more attractive price.”. That's it, you can combine two elements together and the advantage for you – once again it's only one time – because like that you have a period that you know is very weak, clack! You apply your combination of rules and everything falls into place: you don't have to do ten thousand manipulations etc. 

So this is for reductions based on the length of stay, after which you have the possibility of making reductions for last minute reservations. I've had the opportunity to talk about it plenty of times on this channel, but I'm not really in favor of doing that. As I say every time, it would be a lie to say that I have never done it, obviously. But these are not methods that we encourage people to apply on J'poster Complet. For what ? Because in reality, if we are not sold and at the last minute, we are forced to slash prices, it is probably because we were too expensive up front. Which means that it is probably above all necessary to reset the initial price, to ensure that it is in line with the marketing potential on the market from the start rather than holding prices too high and then seeing prices drop. last minute. The thing about this is that if you are too much during all this time and at the last minute you cut your prices, that means that you were only at the right price for the three or four days that separate you from arrival. So in fact you are significantly reducing your chances of marketing. So that's why it's better, if you see that really constantly, last minute, you have to go and cut prices, there are two options: either you have to be patient because it's possible that there is a last minute request and you are afraid so you do not pick it up; or conversely, you may need to review the price lists initially to ensure you are at the right price from the start. So there: How does the system work? We put the number of days that separate us from the arrival, we associate a percentage of reduction, so there, the logic, if you ever want to put that in place, the logic is that upstream the percentage of reduction is lower, and the further we separate ourselves from the date, the reduction percentage increases with this approach to the date.

That's it for this part, after which you have the opposite fact of making a percentage reduction for early reservations. That's something I'm more comfortable with. There are also large groups that do this, which, we will say, pay for anticipation. It's true that ensuring that we give our travelers good reasons to book earlier also allows us to have good visibility of activity and reservations, knowing that obviously this is the percentage reduction: they should only be done during periods – once again – in which we have doubts about our ability to achieve 100%, therefore rather periods of low demand. When we have a period of high demand where we know that we are going to be full, we are not going to offer this type of system at all. But if we have a difficult period coming up, at that point, it’s true that, why not? I am more comfortable with discounts for early booking than with last minute price reductions. The mechanism is exactly the same, you must have seen in the video, we put a number of days... No, sorry! There is a very small difference: we put the number of months which separate us from arrival. I'm just going to take a “pause”…ah no, we lost the thing, but in fact we put a number of months which separates us from the arrival, and there, the logic is different, that is to say that the greater the number of months that separate us from arrival, the greater the percentage of reduction will be; so at six months, I say anything, – 10%; at 4 months – 5% etc. 

So this is the price block which allows you to create rules, to create a rule that you will be able to apply like this on your calendar, on the apartments and the good dates. So that’s the [anodible] part. Now, the system allows you to also set up other devices, and that is also a big innovation of the AIRBNB extranet; it allows you to have the possibility of adapting the length of stay rules according to the calendar dates and according to the apartments. What was it like before on the AIRBNB extranet? Before, we only chose one length of stay. It was extremely succinct actually. It's not at all a system that allowed us to have a real strategy. What we recommend at J'poster Complet is to have a price scale, according to the type of period: low, high, medium, event period, associated with a length of stay scale. That is to say that our required minimum length of stay will not be the same in weak periods as they will be in strong periods or even events. And that wasn't possible to do, actually, in AIRBNB. It was absolutely necessary to have a channel manager to be able to do something more precise and change the length of stay required depending on the period. Thanks to this, it’s now possible! Now, you can create your rule: length of stay 3 nights minimum; a second rule: length of stay 4 nights minimum; a third rule: 5 nights minimum etc. You got it. And only apply this to the periods that actually correspond. And that’s really, really super precious. Small disclaimer obviously if you have a channel manager – in fact it is something that will be managed in the channel manager – so on that, it will not be of absolute added value for you, but if ever, and I know that some of you are in fact exclusively AIRBNB and only work with the AIRBNB extranet, in which case, there you can really have a nice tool that really allows you to optimize the minimum lengths of stay that you require for your travelers.

How does it work in practice? There you have the possibility to put the minimum length of stay, so if for example it is – I don't remember what I wrote in the video – here are two nights minimum, and then you can also put a length of stay maximum. It is extremely rare that we need to set a maximum length of stay. This can sometimes happen when we also want to give work to the people who help us with housekeeping, etc. That's for you to judge. You can obviously only fill in the “minimum length of stay” part and leave the “maximum length of stay” part blank. And also, another subtlety is that you can do it depending on the type of day. So that’s if ever – I’ll give you a concrete example – here we arrive at something a little more precise, but you’ll see it’s very simple. In fact, if you ever say to yourself: "During periods of low demand, I would like the week to be a minimum of two nights and the weekend, for example, to be a minimum of 3 nights, because I want them to take at least a Thursday evening with or whatever. ". Rather than having to do a period in two nights, a period in three nights, and having to put your week back together; weekend – week – weekend – week – weekend, you can make a rule, indicated here, you put, at night, from Monday to Thursday, Sunday inclusive and three nights Friday, three nights Saturday. Like this, you apply it to the entire month in question and it separates you well: week – weekend – week – weekend. This is to save time.

And the last thing will concern those of you who have apartments or houses which are for periods much more – we are going to say, I was going to say – summer, seaside, but that is not exactly that, because that this can also be the case in the mountains if you have an entity that is extremely concerned by school holidays. And you have an apartment that is sold during certain periods, during the most popular periods, really, on Saturday-Saturday or Sunday-Sunday, but in any case it is really 7 days minimum with an imposed arrival date. It's extremely common, as I told you on chalets in the mountains when it's the season, on seaside houses when it's the season. If you're concerned, this is something that will really speak to you. In this case, AIRBNB went so far as to allow us to do it, so that's really cool. Here for once, this tool on lengths of stay and management of lengths of stay, now, it is completely exhaustive and it is really very good if you do not have a channel manager. So, here, just to show you you can choose the day of arrival and departure and you can therefore only allow Saturdays if it's Saturday, or Sundays if it's Sunday. In fact, you have to click everything except Saturday. And in the same way, here, click everything, except Saturday, so as to only authorize arrivals on Saturday and departures only on Saturday.

So ! So here we have seen all the possibilities of rules that you can create: we will say your rule capsule. There I see that, yes, I had a little regret, there I still went to show you how it works for the minimum length of stay, so you saw, I chose the duration, I put a percentage.

The last step to share with you on this is that see, that's it, I created my rule, and I have my “rule test” which is here. I called it "rules test" and it's in yellow, you see, so here's the next step, so my rule now it's here, besides it reminds me a little of everything I I put, so obviously as I clicked it's a bit long, but here it will remind me of my rule and you have to click on "apply" and that's exactly where we're going to come, I don't know how explain, but in fact we are going to come and stamp this rule on the apartments and dates that interest us, on which we wish to apply this rule. When you apply, the first thing that opens is a calendar on which you will be able to select the dates, you can scroll down your entire calendar and you can select the dates on which – you see, selection is super easy, it's is a selection like AIRBNB does all the time - now I didn't click on "select" because the next step is to choose the apartments on which it will apply so I didn't want, for for reasons of confidentiality, I did not want us to see the apartments, however, it is just on the steps after you have selected 1: the dates and 2: the apartments.

And after that, what I wanted to show you, there is one last thing that I wanted to show you so here after I selected an apartment to show you a second way to apply your rule if you are in your calendar so you …your apartment and you are in the calendar. You will be able to apply the rule you want to put in place directly on the calendar. So here I have selected periods and see in “rule set” here, you can go and completely select the rule that you created. I didn't make the selection, it's a shame, but when you make the selection, in fact, it will suddenly make the boxes the color you chose for your rule. So if you have the rules in yellow, that will allow us to have the boxes, but really they are all filled: that's great because we can't miss the thing, you will have all yellow boxes on the application of this rule.

Here, listen, I shared with you all about this new feature in AIRBNB: the possibility of creating the rules and – Hello Nadia, “Hello Elise, sorry I’m coming to the end”; no worries, welcome – do you have any questions about that? Was this something you had seen? Is this something you already knew? Is this something that you think will be useful to you? For those, like Nadia, who have the time to ask your questions, for those like Nadia, who were perhaps able to arrive during the Live session, know that you will be able to watch the video again on the YouTube channel of I display Complet, the Youtube channel, it's simply called I display Complet so there's no catch, you can't miss it, and so if you missed the beginning you will be able to find the video. I think it takes a little time for the system to let the video appear on the channel, but overall at the end of the day, it will be available online on our Youtube channel I'm showing Complete, don't hesitate to subscribe.

At this stage I believe that I have been precise on this presentation of the system of rules, listen, in any case I remain contactable if you have – subsequently, by watching – any questions, by looking at all of this, do not hesitate don't ask them, I always look at the comments that will be posted under the videos so I will respond to them with great pleasure. Until then, I'll see you Thursday for the next Live at noon. Ah, I see Virginie asking me a question: “Elise, you mentioned the possibility of selecting several apartments, but I have never managed to register my 2 houses on the same profile. How do we do it? ". In fact, on AIRBNB, you have to be a co-host. There I think you are talking about your houses, they must be your own houses, what the concierge services do, for example, is that they become co-hosts, but I think that even if they are your own houses and so your own listings, you probably need to be able to make yourself co-host, choose one account out of both, and make yourself co-host of the other account to have them both together on AIRBNB. “Sorry for any mistakes”, no worries, I’m not very good at spelling, I’m not the type of person who’s going to hold that sort of thing against you. The co-host system will be able to help you, it's in the ad settings and you can, deep down in the ad settings, you have "different systems", and it's towards the end, and there you can make your announcements co-host with each other.

Listen, I wish you a very good day, and I'll see you Thursday for the next Live, at noon. Take care of yourself !

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