
LCD owner: +30% turnover and more time for yourself!

Here is the transcript of the video:

Hello, my name is Didier Duigou, I am the manager of a company that does short-term rentals called angersjour.com . At the age of 22 I created a company with my brother and a few partners and we specialized in computer imaging, we were pioneers at that time and we actually installed screens at the checkouts of hypermarkets. and we passed advertising messages. Then we sold our company and I had a period as a trainer in IT and graphics and then I had the opportunity to create a signage and signage company for administrations, communities and businesses. because I also had knowledge of computer images and graphics. So I launched into this activity that I learned on the job, it was in 1992 and I developed this business over the years. In the 2000s I bought a second company which was located in Nantes which was a complementary activity which was this company specialized in signage for airport hospitals inside and outside the buildings so these two companies were very complementary which allowed us to develop in this activity that we did not know and to acquire know-how. The two companies brought together around twenty employees at its peak in 2018. I grouped all my activities in Angers to have only one production workshop, so we expanded our premises in Angers which was located in an industrial zone and we continued to develop the company and in 2014 I created another company which has nothing to do with it which is called the company angersjours.com where we bought a first building to make furnished tourist and business apartments for short and medium term and in 2017 we bought a second building still in Angers city center we continued to develop our activity. It was still a lot of things to manage at the same time, I had looked around my business a bit, I had been doing advertising and signage for almost 30 years so it was time for me to move on to something else and this activity of furnishing and tourism appealed to me and so I wanted to deepen and develop this activity. Initially we wanted to do long-term rental in vacuum, we already had an activity like that and we said to ourselves no, we are in a tourist town, a commercial town, a business town would perhaps be more judicious for we decided to launch into short-term business, especially since at that time it was the beginning of the tools that allowed us to do this activity; it is much more profitable and fiscally interesting to do short-term furnished rentals, we does not have the constraints of long-term rental which requires us to have a tenant. So I sold my two companies to devote myself solely to this tourism furniture business. competent people to be able to carry out maintenance, price optimization , all our reservations are centralized on what we call a channel manager, we collect all the reservations which are made on the platforms and which instantly updates the other platforms at the time of a reservation so it allows you to block the calendars so that you don't have overbooking or duplicate reservations. So this channel manager also allows us to have direct communication with the customer, it automatically sends the day of the customer's arrival at a time that we have determined: so we have determined 3 p.m. the entries are from 4 p.m. so he receives 1 hour before his arrival the access codes to access the apartment we also automatically sent information at the time of booking to explain checking checkout… when we have a reservation and to make an entry and an exit there is no interaction we do not need to travel as the owner or no one comes on site, customers receive their code can enter freely at the time they want from the check-in time and they can leave at the time they want but not after the check-out time which with us is at 11 a.m., if they have a specific question they can contact us by messaging and therefore there we give him a specific response, this is the only intervention we have to do with the customer, that is if he really has a particular request, everything else in fact is automated and we have also set up a system automated cleaning and an automated laundry so to put it simply we have a laundry with whom we work who comes to collect the dirty laundry and who drops off the clean laundry once a week in each building, we have a cleaning lady per building which in fact receives new reservations by email as well as cleaning reminders by email and also by SMS the day before the travelers' departure we can also and I have them send a daily schedule of reservations so that they have an overall visual for the month to come from all reservations that are taken by the channel manager . I don't live in Angers so it was important for me to be able to manage rentals and tenants remotely without me having to travel, if there is any problem I have the Chanel manager who is on my smartphone and I can manage all reservations from my smartphone, I can manage my apartments anywhere in the world, it's done instantly and I also don't manage collections, collections are managed automatically by the channel manager. The strong points of our company first of all are that I think we have made two good investments which are buildings in the city center but not in the city center so we do not have the nuisances of the city center we can park nearby, our accommodation is rather well rated on the platforms , we have completely renovated our buildings with the new environmental energy standards , our accommodation is very well energy classified. If you want to get started in furnished tourist accommodation, the best advice I have to give you is to know how to surround yourself with people who will provide you with quality cleaning, quality laundry, and not want to do absolutely everything yourself. -even, I think you need to know how to delegate, to put tools in place which will allow you to keep free time as much as possible to be able to develop your activity if you wish to continue to develop it and also leave yourself free time to do what you you want to do , sport, travel... We are not in the same position as hotels, in fact people who come in furnished tourist accommodation are looking to have a certain autonomy , to be able to make their own meals... The The challenges today are to give them comfort as if they were at home and above all to offer a quality service at competitive prices . If you want to get started in this activity you really have to do it like professionals . Take the example of hotels how they are organized, how they behave with their customers, you really have to put all the chances and all the advantages of your side so as not to leave anything to chance, to be picky about the smallest detail so that the client does not in fact see that there has been another tenant before, he must arrive as if he were the first in fact to arrive in the accommodation . Working with I'm fully booked , it allowed me to free myself from the mental burden of the price and it also freed me from the worry or anxiety that we can have when our apartments are not rented and I have to say that today it's been almost a year, we have significantly increased our occupancy rate , we have increased our turnover by 30% in a linear and sustainable manner, before we had a turnover which was in decline saw, and thanks to J'affi e complet we were able to adapt our prices according to these periods, which we did not do before because our prices were fixed throughout the year and we absolutely did not take into account off-peak periods and strong periods. Today I have completely delegated the price part to I display complete , I have complete trust in them, they are professionals and it is up to them to adapt the prices according to the prices charged in our city. I recommend I display full to all people who do short-term rentals, whether they have 5, 10 or 30 or 50 apartments I display full will allow them to optimize prices depending on the geographical location in the city where they are, the region where they have activities, high times, low times. The advantage of working with I'm showing full is that your prices will be optimized compared to the competition to allow you to be better placed in terms of price depending on the time of year to be able to actually fill your advertising slots. rental apartment… If you are still hesitant to work with I am fully booked this may be understandable because you might also want to keep control of your rates but the best advice I have to give you is to ' try and try it will be adopted !

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