
Press review: overbooking, pricing errors and turnover

overbooking, pricing errors and turnover

During the past weeks, J'poster Complet has been the guest of reference sites in tourism on several revenue management topics.

I had the opportunity to write for 4 different sites. And I couldn't not share these articles with you!

Below are 5 articles that can provide you with a lot of information on maximizing turnover.

Certain topics such as overbooking have never before been discussed on the site.

Increase your hotel's turnover: 3 methods

Pierre Grimaud's Com des Hôtels website , you can read three different methods to maximize your hotel's turnover.

You will discover how to increase lengths of stay, better define your group prices and use overbooking.

For each method I detail what it provides, how to implement it as well as the points of vigilance not to be missed.

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How to survive overbooking?

Echo Touristique website , find out why you should overbook, and how to do it. In particular, I detail a method to avoid having to dislodge.

If unfortunately you have to evict I will even detail one of the ways to do it, which helps protect customer satisfaction.

This article is geared towards the hotel industry, but can also be a source of inspiration for short-term rentals.

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Revenue Management mistakes: not giving your customers a voice

Nicolas Alquier's The Blog website :

When you set your prices, your judgment is inevitably biased: if you are not prepared to pay your price plus 10%, there is no indication that customers will not do so.

So how do you know your growth opportunities? By giving your customers a voice and this is what this article explains with 3 concrete ideas to put in place tomorrow.

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Revenue Management mistakes: misusing the competition to set your prices

Nicolas Alquier's The Blog website :

Several mistakes are possible when monitoring the competition: having too narrow a vision of the competitors, deciding for yourself who your main competitors are or following to the letter what the competitor is doing.

In this article, I share how these errors will harm you and above all 3 solutions to avoid this risk.

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12 techniques to optimize sales at the last minute

On the Loukas Stoltz digital hotel

Finally, if you haven't yet read this article already published on the blog. Here are the 12 methods to optimize your turnover at the last minute. Or how to save furniture when nothing is going right, a few days before arrival.

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And you, do you have other methods than those I share, to maximize turnover? Share them in comments!

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