
Promotions: Stop making these mistakes!!!

Here is the transcript of the video:

Hello and welcome to the Jaffich Complet . My name is Clémentine and I am a pricing and revenue manager at Jaffich Complet . I take care of the entire pricing strategy of the business. Today, I'm going to talk to you about a subject that's close to my heart: promotions and the mistakes you shouldn't make when implementing them.

Me, when I see the client settings, sometimes I say to myself: “Oh dear, that’s not possible, we’ll have to review that. » A promotion must be something rare. It's like when you go shopping; if there are sales every day, it no longer works. We no longer want to say to ourselves: “I'm going to go now because it's the sales. » So a promotion must be rare and done thoughtfully.

The first mistake I often see is “spreading” promotions all over the calendar. Promotions should be done thoughtfully and sparingly. We need to put restrictions on promotions. We clearly forget the mobile promotion on Booking which is put on all year round. I'm not saying you shouldn't use it, but you have to do it thoughtfully and put restrictions, like on Booking's Genius . There is the possibility of putting 30 rolling nights on the calendar where the sale promotion is withdrawn.

You have to follow this because, of course, you will set up this promotion and say to yourself: “On event X, in high season, I will remove the dates where I do not want the promotion to apply. » But when the period is over, the sliding days will have passed and the days to be blocked will have to be put back on the calendar. For example, after summer, there may be another event in September, and Christmas and December 24-25 may also need to be blocked. These periods must be followed, otherwise, you will end up with the same promotion spread all over the calendar.

Promotions come in many types and should be used in different situations. A promotion can be used if we have a last minute or even in the longer term if we are unable to sell. For example, if the gap has been there for several weeks and we see that we are a little expensive compared to the competition, we can put on a promotion to encourage sales.

Then it can be a weak period, like January or February, where the trend is sluggish. We can put on a promotion to get some filling. Another case: if I have a long reservation, for example 20 to 30 nights, and it is canceled at the last minute during a period that is not conducive to the last minute, I can set up a promotion to boost the request.

These promotions can be of several types. We have the very classic promotion of -10% over a defined period. You have to put a start date and an end date so as not to spread it all over the calendar. last minute and early booking promotions . For example, if you have a very last minute property or area, we can try an early booking promotion to offer a promotion to those who book in advance, with 10-15% discount, to fill the calendar earlier.

On the contrary, if you are filling very early, look for last minute with a -10% promotion on D-2 to boost your last minute sales, especially if they have difficulty leaving and you are a a little too expensive compared to the competition.

A promotion must be timely and thoughtfully done to be of interest. I hope these little tips on promotions have helped you. Don't hesitate to ask questions in the comments. See you soon !

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