
Concierge, real estate agency: having 37 properties with your spouse

Here is the transcription of the video: Hello my name is Cédric I created a seasonal rental concierge service with my wife in Loire Atlantique I was for 20 years responsible for purchasing in industry and in construction there is a year and a half we started the business but we rented short term already for 5 years we started by renting our personal house in the summers while going on vacation and then we started renting our our rental properties until it became an important and main activity for us. We went up to around fifteen properties that we owned in the company and that we managed through long-term rental and we had some big setbacks, deterioration, unpaid debts to the point of going to court because I had withheld a deposit and being found wrong in court. We had to choose a way to earn money with our property a lot safer, we started the short term to try it like that to see and we realized that it was ultimately not as stressful as the long term. This is how I perceive it today. The combination of the two activities really became more and more time-consuming. I ate sandwiches to go quickly and be able to go clean quickly at noon. In the evening, I didn't necessarily come home early because I was going to do a lick of paint on a new home or installing new furniture, gradually it became more and more busy and even unlivable at the end, I had frustrations because revenue management is not my job. basic, it's not the part that interested me the most in the job. I made mistakes regularly, I missed events like an important fair in a small town where we have accommodation, I was rented very early really cheap even though it was really a weekend where I should have done as much as possible of turnover. As it's not a job that I know, it was really a source of stress for me to be too expensive and to end up with full weeks of empty accommodation, to have to constantly follow what's going on in the city while I really have other things to do when we start a concierge service . The strong points of the company today are our ability to adapt to the market, to travelers, to customers, our responsiveness to the problems that travelers may have and then also a little creativity. We are forced to deploy to deal with problems. So the advice I would give would already be when we start, it must not be financially vital for family life, at the beginning there is really a time to launch, there is inertia before it becomes interesting and the beginnings are hard and don't necessarily bring in much, so you have to plan for this inertia, work with the right people, particularly with Elise from j'poster complet , to get out of the stress of making the prices, of setting the right prices . There are the cleaning teams, for example, there are people who can help us arrange the property, choose our clients and then after all that is accounting, work with a company or have someone who works with you who is really tired of that because it's super important. The last piece of advice would of course be training because it's really important not to start at random. It's better to have people who explain to us how to avoid mistakes so as not to make them ourselves at the start because it there are still errors at the beginning which could be really fatal to the company there are issues which we will not control which will be on the legislation side the taxation side of our activity I always prefer to concentrate on what I can do so today I concentrate mainly on the people with whom I can work for example making procedure sheets so that any person can come and do the cleaning and maintenance of a d 'accommodation even without knowing it, this is our objective, this is the next evolution of the company, so for this job I would say that the qualities required are organization, patience human contact because there will be contact with travelers with customers with the teams then questioning ourselves all the time because either the market evolves or the way of working evolves or we must evolve because we left on a bad path, questioning is really essential. So I knew I'm completely posted by following Élise on her YouTube channel essentially, she was one of the people we follow on the internet of course and that's how I met and then I spent the I called him to see what we could do together. What this has changed in terms of our way of doing things, I would say that it has brought serenity, above all it is one of the subjects which stressed me because I am not trained and in addition it is not necessarily the subject which me interested the most in our profession and what this allowed us above all was to free up time and be able to launch new goods because we were not focused on the income sparing on the minimum durations and as a result that gave us made it possible to increase the number of goods that we offered I think that the direct financial impact must be between 10 and 20% for us so I really think more about the price at the fixed price it is even the opposite when I I have a direct customer a direct traveler who calls me I'm going to see on my combi site what the price is because there are times when I'm not really aware of it anymore and I completely trust the customer. jaffich team complete for for the prices goes a little further than in revenue management it will tell us that be careful on such advert you perhaps have notes that do not correspond or perhaps that the cleaning prices for example are not the ones are not the good ones which helps us [Music] a lot in the time saved it notably allowed me to resume long bike rides which is a real pleasure for [Music] me so what I appreciate in the cycling is being able to discover landscapes to clear my head the saving of time also allowed us to get together a little with my family and in particular with our two teenagers to go on walks together again trips in 3 weeks we are going to go to Portugal to pick olives with our in-laws, these are the moments of pleasure that we had never been able to experience before. Working as a couple is something that scared me a little in fact before before starting and then in the end we realize that we each have our own specialties, each our part of the job in our organization Karine is very focused on the decoration on the restocking of everything consumable on the choice of photos on that's all the visual side and supply on my side I'm more on the organization on the the a little technical side with the channel manager with the with the contacts with the team of I display full yes I will recommend I display full so maybe from 5 to 10 properties depending on the size of the properties I think that at the beginning it's It's good to try to do it yourself, if only to see the gain and then to be able to understand what the Complete Poster are explaining to us. What I would say to a person who would like to start with I'm showing complete yes, hesitating is good, it's that we think but after a while you shouldn't think too much and I think that if there are professionals who do this very well it's good I'm full so we can go there with our eyes closed even if at the start we still have the impression that the cost can be expensive after all the costs are important when you create a business the return on investment is still very fast it's a demanding activity you have to be motivated to do it just for the money I think it's like all professional activities it's perhaps not worth starting out on the other hand, if you are motivated you have to go for it and it is by doing that you really discover the whole point of this life.

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