
Revenue Integrity: For or against its implementation?

Here is the transcript of the video:

Hello everyone, welcome to the J’poster Complet Youtube channel. I am Guillaume, responsible for revenue management at J'poster Complet. Today I wanted to talk to you about a term that may seem scary, but is actually much simpler than its name suggests: the term revenue integrity .

So, we're going to talk about that. This is not necessarily a subject that is often discussed, yet it is of great importance. It can be scary because of the complexity of implementing it for your revenue management , but it is still something important. I will try to popularize it, because there is nothing insurmountable. It's very easily understandable, it's especially the initial term which is not necessarily very intuitive or very meaningful.

So, what is income integrity ? This concerns our pricing strategy, the implementation of prices, but it is also essential to verify that everything we put in place sells at these prices, that the goods or rentals are actually sold at these prices. prices. You may think you have set something for €100, but in the end, realize that on our platform, it comes out at a different price. It is crucial to ensure that the expected money after deducting commissions is what ends up in our pocket.

There are several levels to check: connectivity, checking that the configured prices are correctly sent to the sales platforms. It is essential to ensure that what is configured is actually available for sale. Sometimes an inventory may not be closed for various reasons: a listing blocked for bad reviews, incomplete information, etc.

Setting up alerts is essential. But how can you check all of this without spending every day checking all the online ads? There is a need to set up alerts, which may require an investment, but this is where data is crucial. Being able to retrieve all the information from the platforms, compare with our channel manager and detect inconsistencies is essential. Then, for larger volumes, automation is necessary, whether through BI, alerts or scraping.

Once the goods are sold, it is equally important to check the invoicing part, to ensure that what comes back to us at the end is as expected. This is where the objective of revenue integrity in this part: to secure invoicing.

In large structures where there is a revenue management , the implementation of revenue integrity is not intended to punish in the event of poor configuration, because we are all human and errors can occur, sometimes linked to computer bugs. The objective is rather to alert, anticipate errors, measure and alert in time.

In no case is the objective to punish someone who has incorrect settings, but to detect errors before they occur, thus avoiding problems on the day customers arrive.

There you go, I have covered the main points of this subject. This video doesn't cover all the details, but it provides an overview of income integrity , emphasizing that there's no reason to be afraid. This is something important to put in place once a good pricing strategy is established, in order to verify that what is put in place is actually visible and sellable.

I wish you a great day! Do not hesitate to ask your questions in the comments, I will be happy to answer them. Have a nice day! 😊

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