
Sales platforms: what commissions should you apply to ensure profitability?

Here is the transcript of the video:

Hello everyone, welcome to the J'poster complet Youtube channel, I am Guillaume responsible for revenue management at J'poster complet and today I wanted to discuss with you the subject of the different commissions on the platforms . The more different platforms we have, the more we can have different commissions

If I refer to the two largest platforms, booking and Airbnb , we already have different commissions

We will then see the subject of Airbnb where there can be two types of commissions.

The question is how to manage these commissions , do we need to differentiate given that we can sometimes have higher commissions on one platform than on the other, so what is it? what do we do, do we pay more to compensate, the goal is to give you tips on how to do it.

So a tip that we have already said on this channel is when you have several platforms anyway by force of circumstances you will have to go through a channel manager and what we recommend is the way in which we operate. is in fact on its channel manager to put the net price therefore the price that we wish to receive and and then to operate with increases on the platforms so that is to say I take the basic example eh a night at 100 € we will increase taking the example of booking which is at 17%, we will increase by 21% so that once the withdrawal of the commission is made in the calculation we come back to our 100 €.

I hope I haven't lost too many people with this calculation but the goal is that in the channel manager we configure what we want to recover and we don't have to worry about tying knots in our brains with our calculations to know what money we will get back in our pocket if we put this or that price on such and such a platform and therefore we can with channel manager put a different mark-up depending on the platforms on which we put so we will have a different mark-up on Booking on Airbnb or on other Abritel on others on other platforms. This allows us to be able to better control price parity which is still important, we will avoid having different prices depending on the platforms, it is better for the algorithms often on each platform, it is also logical, unless you really want to focus on one platform for a few reasons but otherwise we recommend price parity .

This is really something that is important

Then, I wanted to raise the subject of Airbnb which for the moment has two different commissions, therefore a 15% commission and a 3% commission. The 15% Commission is the classic, all costs are covered by the host and so it will be a fairly quick calculation but there is the second commission which is the 3% Commission for the host and the rest is paid by the traveler so you should know that the part of the percentage paid by the traveler will not necessarily be fixed, it oscillates between two percentages which can vary and therefore we have even less control over it. We recommend on Airbnb b to go to 15%, we will put an increase of 18% to land on our feet and when we are at 3% well quite simply we will increase to 5% , that's just the calculation which is different but that doesn't change anything.

I wanted to make this little digression on Airbnb where I know that we can have questions about that.

To summarize the management of commissions by a channel manager, the best thing is to know that a channel manager will simplify your life, you will have many fewer questions to ask yourself, you will waste less time with calculations so it is really the recommendation we can make. I hope you liked this little tip, if you can call it that, and I invite you to share your opinions as usual in the comments.

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