
Seasonal accommodation manager: I'm swamped with work, how do I get out of it?

⭐ Seasonal accommodation manager: I'm swamped with work, how do I get out of it?

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Hello and welcome to the “J’poster Complet” channel, the channel that helps seasonal rental owners and seasonal accommodation managers become serene and ultra-profitable entrepreneurs. Today, we are going to talk about something that I have heard a lot: an overload of work, the fact of being drowned in work as a seasonal accommodation manager, therefore either a concierge service or a professional sub-let , or a real estate agency which manages a certain number of properties. The common point is that we actually have a lot of things to do, and that's really important. Today I am going to share with you some keys to being able to survive in this situation. Being a business manager myself, I feel quite close to this type of problem. I'm going to share with you what I do to avoid burnout — I think you have to tell yourself the words as they are — and really succeed in having a professional life that satisfies you. Because the problem, when we have too many things to do, is that there comes a stage where we are frustrated, because we have the impression of not mastering anything, of not being able to do anything on time. , and it's extremely frustrating. 

We're live, as always, as you know, on Tuesday at noon and Thursday at noon. If you join me Live, don't hesitate to say hello. It's always a pleasure to be together, to answer your questions, to be able to discuss all these subjects. So, feel free to say hello. You can follow the Lives, either from the YouTube channel I'm displaying Complet, by clicking on "subscribe" with the bell to be alerted when I arrive Live, or on our Facebook group. It is a group that brings together seasonal rental companies who want to be serene and ultra-profitable. It's called seasonal rental pricing and turnover maximization. When you join, you receive a free bonus: the six mistakes not to make when you make your prices. So, don't hesitate to register. The link is in the comments. And now, I also do Lives from Instagram, Instagram's Facebook account. So the same, don't hesitate to follow us on Instagram.

I see that Mélanie is already there with us.

– Hello Melanie. Welcome.

Mary follows us too.

– Thank you, Marie, from Facebook.

Maxime too.

- Good morning. How are you ?

I hope you are all well. We have a lot of people who also join us from Instagram: Loast, family holiday gîte, Sabrina immo, Guillaume. Welcome everyone.

– Welcome Nicolas. I hope you're well.

– Little brown prince, welcome to you too.

On this subject of having too much to do, firstly, what I would like to tell you is that in fact, you are not alone. You're not the problem. It's not that you're poorly organized, it's not that you don't know how to run a business, it's not that things aren't going well for you, because it's you. We already forget all that. You're not the problem. At J'poster Complet, we work with a lot of concierge managers, professional sub-letters, and I can tell you that this is one of the ultra-common points between all the managers with whom we work, or with whom we exchange, who are prospects for us, for example, who are interested in what we do. It's a huge common point, this overload of work.

And concretely, what is it about? This is because we have to respond to travelers on the one hand, and on the other hand to respond to owners who obviously have questions to ask us about the apartments. So that’s not the case for sub-renters. For concierge services, this is the case. So, answering travelers' questions in advance, answering travelers' questions once they are present in the apartment, responding to owners who have questions, requirements, expectations, taking care of the land part, it that is to say arrivals and departures, or in any case, ensuring that there is a key box, taking care of the cleaning yourself, or coordinating the team to ensure that everything the world is here, in the right place, at the right time. And that's just part of the job. Because there is also the whole marketing part: ensuring that we have good ads that work, a channel manager who does the work, monitoring sales, fluctuating prices to be able to do revenue management, and maximizing performance for all owners. So. Everything piles up, and at some point, we find ourselves having to do the prices at 11:30 p.m. on Friday evening, because we didn't have time: we dealt with a water leak, a problem in the shower, a disgruntled traveler, and last month's owner who doesn't understand that this or that thing isn't what he wants. It's a huge set of things to manage.

So, in relation to that, I asked myself the question, to keep nothing from you. Because it's true that this year, for J'poster Complet, it was — knock on wood, I prefer this kind of problem — very sporty. I was lucky to be supported by a brilliant, super committed team. Truly, I love them all. I really had this chance. At J'poster Complet, in terms of service provision, we went from five clients at the start of the year, and now we are going to close the year with around thirty clients. So the outcome was positive. We are happy, and we are lucky that you trust us. We really feel very lucky. But it's true that it's been hardcore in terms of workload, to be able to satisfy all the demand. And I was like, “Aren't there some tricks that I've done to try to survive through all of this? » It's true that I have an enormous workload capacity, like all of you. We've all had that. When you become an entrepreneur, there is a certain point where your work capacity develops. It's undeniable. But I still found some tips, and I said to myself: “Hey, it might be interesting to share them”.

The first thing that I found interesting to think about, precisely, in the darkest moments of the activity, not because things were going badly, but because really, I was working a lot, and I really wasn't sleeping a lot. Frankly, it would be a lie to say that I did this with my fingers in my nose. In terms of energy, there were some very tough moments. And so, what helped me get my head above water a little, beyond the support of my team? What also helped me to say to myself: “I see more clearly in all of this. » ?

The first thing I found interesting was having a precise vision of my organization. In fact, to realize: “What would be the organization in the long term” in a perspective where the company develops. I tell myself that in a perspective where the company is developing, we have a person in charge of finance, marketing, the commercial part, a person in charge of the business part, so for us, it is revenue management . For a concierge service, it can be totally different. Concierge services are sometimes organized with city managers on the ground, and then there are one or two people in support service. There are other concierge services which will, for example, outsource the communication-traveler part, and who want to maintain a little more support. All organizations are possible and valid. But what makes the difference is knowing where you want to go. If you say to yourself: “If tomorrow, I multiply by ten the number of companies, the number of apartments that I manage, what will the organization be like? Today I have ten. Tomorrow, I have 100. The next day, I have 200. What is organization? ". If ever, obviously, these are your ambitions. It’s obviously up to each person’s project. If your project is to have a concierge service which has around forty apartments, the point is the same: today, I have five; tomorrow I want 40, what is the organization, so that 40 is possible? Is 40 possible, if I'm the only one who continues to do the passenger messaging, the entire household on my own, and the online optimization? It's possible not. And not because you are not functioning well, but simply because you are human. At some point you need sleep. And that’s still a pretty healthy perspective. So, having a vision of the internal organization, for me, allows me to have a kind of road map. And that will lead to step number 3 that I'm going to share with you, which is also important.

Concretely, at J'poster Complet, I said to myself: “Today, I take charge of the management of the company, but also, I am a bit like the sales manager. I'm the one who takes care of making the sales meetings. I'm a bit like the marketing manager: I'm the one who takes care of the social media part. And then, I am also responsible for revenue management, because I am the one who manages the revenue management team. And then, moreover, there is Claire, in the company, who arrived as project manager, and who is now HR manager, finance manager, and data business intelligence manager.

So, having a very clear vision like that, it’s immediately super clear. We say to ourselves: “I see where I’m going. » And we understand the perspectives to put in place: where I should be, where I should not be. In fact, once we have squared things like that, we also say to ourselves: “What do I want to do? Sales manager, is this something that excites me? Am I on this mission, or not? Otherwise, if it's not my thing, and what's more, I'm perhaps not very good at it, I'll perhaps find someone who will support me on this, who will integrate my team into in this regard, as an employee or independent. » In all professions, we do not necessarily have the means to recruit employees at the start.

So, there you have it. Firstly, facing adversity is even better, because it gives hope, and hope is what keeps us going. So, ask yourself, and say to yourself: “What is my long-term organization? And what role do I play today within my company? » The advantage is that it has the merit of putting you back in the position of a business manager. It's not bad to execute. I do a million things, and I love it. I love doing revenue management, I love doing all that. But at some point you can't do everything right. So you have to know where you think your place is, and it's up to you to decide that. That's the first thing.

The second thing that was a major key to my way of perceiving things. I'm getting to a point where I have a workload that is sometimes impossible to contain in a single day. But I think this is the case for you too. We're all here. And I'm not even talking about all the creative ideas you have when you're a business owner, where you say to yourself: “I should do that. » I'm really talking to you about emergencies, the basis of what must be delivered. And recently, in fact — and I was talking about it with the team during a morning meeting, because we have a morning meeting every morning — I realized that suddenly, I was making the arbitrations and I regretted. I said to myself: “What’s the priority? » There are several areas of things that take up my time: firstly, carrying out all the work and what is expected for our current clients. Second, make appointments and work to welcome new clients to our service. Third, everything related to social networks: online presence, newsletters, presence on LinkedIn, and lots of other stuff. But suddenly, I thought about that, when I have to choose between carrying out a task for a long-standing client who has been with us for several weeks, or working for the rapid integration of a new client, or doing the newsletter for the following week, what do I do? What is the priority? And the problem is that if you don't know what your priorities are in the company, you will make choices in a hurry. And emergency choices are the worst, because they are the choices that we are not comfortable with, and on which we create mental load. Because as we are not at peace with the choice we have made, we say to ourselves: “I didn’t do that. » In fact, it is a choice of: “You prefer. » Do you know the game: “would you rather”? It's a horrible game! “Would you rather have foam teeth or a wooden leg” Well, that’s a bit like it. Play the game: “you prefer”, with all of your issues. Would I rather have a guest who waits a little, or an owner who waits a little? Would I rather have the management of a water leak take a little longer, or have my online presence take a little longer? Try doing this exercise. In fact, it will bring out your vision as a business leader. This will let your priorities shine through. Again, there is no value judgment. That is to say, it is you who sees your priorities for the management of your business, what seems to you to be best. And in fact, after that, you will be able to determine priorities.

So when I did this exercise, I said to myself: “Élise, what is your number one priority? » Well for me, my number one priority is that our clients, who trust us, who have signed with us, and who have worked with us sometimes for many months, they are the priority at J'poster Complet . It's really about caring for them, pampering them, continuing to produce the best quality of service, the best responsiveness, the best commitment on a daily basis. So. That's my number one priority. And actually, from the moment I told myself that, well, I was much more comfortable with what I had to give up. I said to myself: “Yes, there may be a new client who will join our service, but I will ask him if we can postpone the appointment. » And in fact, it didn't create any mental burden for me, because suddenly, I was comfortable with it. It still pissed me off a bit, I admit, when I had to say: "I'm sorry, we're going to have to postpone the meeting", but I felt confident, because I knew that if ever It was a little annoying, I could explain it to him. And I would be able to explain to him with something that is close to my heart, which is in line with our values, and which also shows him that when he joins our services, he will be our priority. So for me, at J'poster Complet, our number one priority is our current customers. Our number two priority is onboarding new customers. Our number three priority is online presence. For example, this month I haven't posted on LinkedIn for several weeks. Likewise, you may have noticed if you follow I Post Complete regularly, I haven't been able to publish any newsletters for I think almost a month. And I accept it. I regret it, I think it's not ideal, but I accept it. Because I say to myself: “We take care of our current customers with us. » And if there is a trade-off to be made, we do it with the values ​​that seem important. So. So that’s the second point I wanted to share with you. Do the exercise if you want. Tell me what it was like for you. What are the priorities to be determined in your company? And has that made you more confident in making the daily decisions of: “what am I going to do?” » ; “Here, I have an hour. I have this, this, and this that I have to do. What do I put first? » ? Do the exercise, and tell me. I'm really looking forward to reading your feedback on this.

And the last element which is a bit odd, but in fact, it changes so much life: delegate, but delegate before being imprisoned, in fact. Because I had, at one point, this thing, and I would like to prevent you from having it. And it's not even because we take charge of revenue management, because obviously, you see that on the channel all the time anyway. But here, I'm really talking to you with the things that I really experienced, that is to say that when we have an overload of work, for me, that was the case, in fact, at the beginning of 2021, where I didn't had not yet recruited, notably Jules, who is now on a permanent contract in the team, and Edwina too. We worked with other people before, but Jules is now on a permanent contract. Brief. What I want to tell you by this is that at the beginning of 2021, I found myself, at one point, being almost alone, in fact, to work. And it was extremely hard. It was really extremely hard. And as a result, the workload increases, and increases, and increases. The pressure increases, and if you don't have the ability to say to yourself: "There, I feel like I'm going into something hellish", there is a stage where it becomes extremely difficult to delegate. In fact, you have to delegate before you reach the end of your rope. You have to delegate before you have water over your head. Why am I telling you this? Because actually, there's a point where even spending the time to pass on even a small task to someone is going to seem so insurmountable, because you're so exhausted. You're going to be really bored if you let yourself go in that direction. There comes a point where in fact, we are so overworked that the little mental and physical energy required to delegate a part will seem insurmountable, because you have zero time. You don't even have time to do everything, and you leave things lying around. And above all, you no longer have juice. At some point the juice runs out. So, there you have it. This point, knowing how to delegate when you feel like it's going to happen, but you're not yet at the end of your rope, is really important. This is really, really, really super important.

So the three things I wanted to say to you is really looking at your organization ultimately, saying, “What do I do in the company? » The second point, and you put yourself in the position of business manager, is to ask yourself: “What is the priority? » And the third point is to make sure that you delegate quickly enough to avoid taking yourself to the end of your rope. And besides, as I told you, the number one point is knowing: “I am marketing manager, sales manager, revenue management manager, and company manager. » It helps you to sort things out, to say to yourself: “I hate marketing, and what’s more, I don’t think I do it very well. Hey, what if I went to surf the internet to look for a Community Manager? » By having squared, it is much easier to ask yourself the question: “Where is my kif? Where am I good? Where do I belong? Where am I good at? »

What I wanted to end this video with is going to be a little bit: “Do as I say, not as I do.” » But I still wanted to tell you, because I always speak from the heart in my videos. Friends, take care of yourselves. Honestly, if my team is watching, they'll laugh, because they know I don't do it much. But honestly, it's really important. Take care of yourself. It's true that we are all entrepreneurs, we are passionate, we do what we do, we want it to work, we want to give of ourselves, we want to help people, we want to make a difference in the world we live in. And it's hard, sometimes, to say to yourself, "Actually, I'm going to stop and take care of myself." » Why is it hard? Because it still leads to giving up something: “Perhaps I’m not going to send this message to prospects as quickly as planned. I may not deliver the study that I have to deliver on Sunday. Unfortunately, I will deliver it on Monday. But in fact, the point that we must — I include myself in this — is that we understand that at a given moment, especially when the company is small, if we no longer have a conductor for the The orchestra is not the same thing. So take care of yourself. You represent your company, and you are one of the most important assets of your company. Take care of yourself.

I hope this will help you get out of the confusion that I sometimes hear, and that I understand so much. I hope these beads will help you see things more clearly. If you have others, obviously, very humbly, I am interested, in all friendship. I think entrepreneurship is an everyday learning process, really. And that's why I love it. And then, it's true that a company that makes a certain turnover gives us certain practices. And then, we want to change our practices as soon as turnover increases, and the team increases, and change again when we change size. So, that’s also what makes it exciting. So, there you have it. I wish you lots of good things.

I'll see if you've left me any comments. Above all, don't hesitate to tell me what you think about it. Do you think I'm completely exaggerating, and that I'm drawing the line in an exaggerated way? Does this speak to you? Do you think these are ideas that can help you in times of overwork or not? Tell me what you think.

– Hello Véronique. Welcome. Véronique, who is watching us from Facebook: “And you do it very well.” That's super nice. I don't know what it was about at the time of the message, but it's super nice, because I feel like it's positive feedback. So, thank you very much.

– Maxime tells me: “I hope you will always have time to do your Lives for us.” You noticed that I said that I no longer send newsletters, and that I haven't posted on LinkedIn in a very long time, but I'm still Live. So yes, I still maintained the Lives. Already, it's true that I really enjoy doing these Lives, on the one hand, and I know that a lot of people say to me: “Thank you Élise for your videos, it helps me a lot, I watch them, it gives me ideas.” So, that’s what allows me to tell myself that it’s important, and we continue. Obviously, I give up other things to be able to do the Lives.

– Véronique said to me: “Very good.” Great !

– “Your conception… we already know each other.” Ah, my idea of ​​things. Okay. Great. Great.

– Maxime tells me: “We like your Lives too.” Ah, that's really nice. Thank you so much. It gives you faith to read this kind of message, and it's true that many of you share them with me on different Lives. Honestly, thank you friends. It really gives me faith to read that, and it encourages me to continue the commitment in whatever time it takes, so thank you.

There are also many of you on Instagram.

– There is I like to praise who tells me: “Having been overworked, knowing our priorities, and knowing how to delegate, in fact, is the key. And question yourself.” Yes, absolutely. You summarized the video really well, thank you. That's exactly it. You mention an additional point, which is knowing how to question yourself. It’s true that that’s quite the key. There are always extremes. Personally, I tend to sometimes have a bit of extreme questioning, where I am capable of questioning a lot of things all the time. It's true that it's quite valuable, because it means that we never rest on our achievements, and we are always open to telling ourselves that there, we are not good at something, that it need to improve. At the same time, sometimes I see entrepreneurs who are paralyzed by this questioning, paralyzed, perhaps, by imposter syndrome. So that's the same. It's like everything: finding the right balance to say to yourself “I know how to have good insight into what I do well, what I do less well, on the other hand, that doesn't stop me from moving forward. I keep moving forward, I keep telling myself that I’m doing.” Being in action really helps a lot. We do it, and then we mess up, and then we start again, then we correct it. I don't know if you know Osama Ammar's interviews, but I really like them, because in one of his interventions, he shared an interesting point. He said that between someone who makes the right decision, who thinks for a long time, and who always makes excellent decisions, and someone who makes decisions without thinking much, and who as a result will make a mistake once upon a time. two, he said, in your opinion, who is the most successful in entrepreneurship? And in fact, his conclusion was to say that it is the one who will not think too much, make a lot of decisions, even if they are wrong half the time, but who will really be in the action. For what ? Because even someone who matures for 1000 years weighs down his decisions, the truth is that in entrepreneurship, we often can't really know. We may make millions of thoughts and strategies, each one more intelligent than the last, but often, it is the confrontation with reality, the proposal to our clients that actually means that we are able to know if it works. or not. But suddenly, a lot has to be done. And that was the conclusion he said: you have to do a lot, make a lot of mistakes, and that's what allows you to move forward in entrepreneurship.

Listen, I hope you enjoyed this video. I hope it gave you some ideas. It's always a pleasure to read your comments afterwards, so don't hesitate to write to me in comments, either on YouTube or on Facebook to tell me are these things you had thought of, is Do you have any other ideas? It will really be a pleasure to read you. I'll see you Thursday. We'll meet again Thursday at noon for a totally different subject, still on seasonal rentals. Take care of yourself, and then see you Thursday.

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