
Seasonal rental companies: how to delegate painlessly

delegating not easy

Delegating is easier said than done! I give you all the resources to make the exercise a success for you.

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Hello and welcome to the channel I'm displaying full, the channel which helps seasonal rental companies, professional sub-renters and seasonal rental concierge services to become serene and ultra-profitable seasonal entrepreneurs.

I'm delighted to see you again today for this new live. We're going to talk about a subject that is really complicated when we are seasonal rental companies: it's delegating. So it doesn't necessarily seem so; but it can cover a whole bunch of complexity. We can find ourselves in really difficult situations, to the point of saying “My God, why did I invest in seasonal rentals?” “Why did I want to have these apartments, this lodging” because this delegation is complicated; so we're going to talk about it today. I will give you the best tips to ensure that things go as smoothly as possible for you, and that you can therefore have this role of entrepreneur who manages your apartment or your gîte with complete peace of mind. When you join me live, don't hesitate to write to me, to say hello, it's always a pleasure. I'm not asking for greetings, but in any case it's a pleasure to be with you, to meet you again, so don't hesitate to write when you arrive, it's always a pleasure. It's obviously a discussion together, that's why we're live, otherwise I'll shoot the videos alone at my desk and then I'll post them online and that's it. The interest in doing live is to find yourself asking me your questions live, so that you can also share your own experience with me, what happened for you, is that worked or not worked. What do you also think of the ideas that I share, does it seem to make sense to you or not, we discuss it together so don't hesitate. If you are not currently subscribed to our Facebook group, do not hesitate to do so. It's called "seasonal rental: price and maximization of turnover". By subscribing to this group, indicating your email, you will receive our free bonus of “six mistakes not to make when you make your prices”. I think it will help you a lot, especially if you are starting out with seasonal rentals. There are even tips that can help the most experienced among you, so don't hesitate to register and join us in the “seasonal rental prices and turnover maximization” group. You have the link just below this video!

  • Hi, Mélanie, how are you? Welcome to this live, I hope you are well.

So, on this subject of delegation, there are two things to distinguish which are really important in my opinion. The first thing is automation and delegation. There is often a mix that is actually made between the two. We tend to want to automate. Why do we want to automate? But because we don't want 100% of things to pass through us, and that's normal. We did not invest in this seasonal rental project, gîtes or other short-term rentals to create a second salaried job, to create something that still takes us a lot of time, which will mean that in the end we see even less our families, we have less time for leisure, etc. That wasn't the original project, so it's normal that we want to build a system that works without us, that's normal in seasonal rentals. Now, what is sometimes, and confusing, is that I see a lot of seasonal rental companies who are extremely obsessed with automation. Now, not everything can be automated! There are things today that cannot be automated, in any case it is a conviction that we share at j'annonce complet.

The first and most obvious thing is cleaning. We cannot automate cleaning, we cannot install a robot. Well, apart from the little vacuum cleaners there, that could be it, but otherwise overall we can't automate the cleaning. The second thing: we cannot also automate, in any case to date the algorithms are not powerful enough to automate 100% without ever looking at them again: pricing. So there are a number of things like that that actually need to be delegated. And that's where it becomes important to know how to delegate as a business manager, as a seasonal entrepreneur that you are, because delegation well there is the human factor in fact. And every time there is a human factor, it is the start of problems. Now I say it like that because... don't hesitate to share with me in comments: do you find that... that's where it's difficult, but that's where it's magical too. Because from the moment we have succeeded in creating something of quality with our partners, a bond of trust, an operation that is positive and winning for both sides; in fact the thing becomes completely magical, that's what's great. This is where I intentionally say this is the start of the problems. It could also be the start of a very nice collaboration that really gives you complete satisfaction. So, how do you go from a situation where in fact it's just the beginning of hell for you, to a situation where it's precisely the beginning of a great business relationship with a partner and you're going to actually have the seasonal entrepreneur life you wanted. You will be able to have more time with your family, with your children; more time for your leisure, more time to actually live. For me, the most important thing, I gave you three steps to be able to access this situation which is going well.

The first step is to ask yourself the question: what do I actually want? This is a step that we too often neglect. We really neglect this question of saying to ourselves what do I want, what is the way I want things to be executed. To be able to get the answer to this question, you often have to go through the task. This is why many of my online colleagues, as you will probably have seen, recommend doing the cleaning yourself at the start, for example. That's really super important, even if you think you're not necessarily super competent, but do it yourself at least once to also realize the things that you can't think about when you think about things. things virtually like that. It's impossible to confront, to imagine, no matter how brilliant you are, but it's impossible to imagine confronting 100% of the situations that you will encounter when you do things yourself. Since also, your travelers will have unexpected behaviors, your travelers will leave you things in a certain way, you will not even have thought that some can do that. So, confront the task and sit down and ask yourself the question: what am I expecting when I delegate? What would I like the person to actually do on a daily basis to ensure this task is done well? Feel free to actually list! There is something that I often notice when dealing, either with partners or with your team, it is the side that is a bit… how could I express it? The desire not to be angry, the desire not to be too fussy. The only thing is that anything that is not said is deemed non-existent. That is to say, if you did not say or if you did not write certain things, you cannot subsequently blame the person for not doing it. The side, well it is unfortunately obvious in human relationships, we have to start from the postulate. And I'm not saying that I'm a reference. Every day I try to improve on these subjects. Anyway, I keep that in mind. That is to say that in human relationships, there is never anything that is obvious. If we start from the obvious, we are completely wrong and that is the breeding ground for everything to go wrong in fact. So there is never anything that is obvious. You have to express as much as possible, and make sure to write it down if possible. So that's the transition from a good point number 2.

Point number two is that once you are clear on what you expect, once you say OK, so I would like me to take the example of cleaning because it is the most intuitive, but there are plenty of them, it can be for all the tasks that you have to delegate: on laundry, on the delegation of arrivals and departures, on the delegation obviously of pricing it's the same thing, the delegation also for sending responses to travelers upstream. It's all exactly the same thing. So step number one, tell you that there you go, I would like it to be done like this. If we encounter such a situation, good management for me is that; such another situation, the right question for me is this. And step number 2, don't be afraid to formalize. Formalize, why? Because it already allows the person in front of you to learn in detail, to read and say to themselves OK, that I can respond favorably to, yes that I am used to doing and then Conversely, there is a point that I do not do in that way. “Oh well, how do you do it? » Well we're talking about it, it's interesting. And in fact, it also allows you to value the other in their expertise, that is to say that obviously everything depends on the way of presenting it, but if you present in a truly benevolent way and in a positive collaboration, the person does not feel attacked by this since they will be able to share their way of doing things. Often people are right, they are proud of their ways of doing things because for them it is an expertise, it is a profession that they have worked on. This gives rise to exchanges which are much more interesting. In fact, it raises your level of collaboration right away and is a complete game changer. You also communicate the message to the person in front of you: I respect your work, I think it has value and let's talk about it.

So point number one: what are you waiting for? What points are important to you and how would you like your travelers to be treated, for example? Point number two: formalize it and use it as a basis for discussion with your partner or future partner to be able to actually agree factually on the different elements that will ensure that things will be carried out in the way that is most appropriate for you. That's step number 2. Step number 3, I think it's almost always forgotten and yet it's one of the most important. Step number 3 will be to say together: what are the success indicators? That is to say, when are we going to say to ourselves that the mission is well accomplished or the mission is not well accomplished? If you don't give success indicators to the people who work with you, the problem is that you could get into a kind of super unhealthy policing, that is to say that you are always in the audit because you say: is it done the way I want, here you are afraid, you wonder if each step you asked for is put in place. This super unhealthy policing will not create a relationship of trust and virtuous partnership with the person with whom you work. Conversely, having indicators of common success together gives you peace of mind because these are a few indicators that you can follow, it is agreed with the person and the person can also follow these indicators and know That's it, all the signals are green, I'm doing my work and I don't have someone on my back who is constantly hovering over each of the micro tasks that I'm doing. So these indicators of success can be continuous on my cleaning example, for example: as long as the cleaning rating on the apartment is greater than 4.5 for example, we are sure of success. As one, I know that it is possible to use, for example, applications which will ensure that we ask the person in charge of carrying out the household to actually take photos of the different stages when they are carried out . As long as all the photos are taken in the manner agreed upon together, then we are a success. Do you see? Find together the elements that will ensure that we can jointly agree that the mission is accomplished. And in fact, if you don't necessarily have any ideas as to what the indicator is that will ensure that the mission is accomplished, I recommend that you say, but why am I actually asking that? Cleaning for example, why am I asking that? Why do I ask for a well-done cleaning? Well, because I want travelers to be happy and because if they are happy, they give good ratings. So there, when we pull the thread of the ball a little, we say to ourselves ah so OK my indicator of success is that my grades are good on housekeeping. Do you see? Having this somewhat extreme thinking to ask yourself, but what is the logic ultimately behind all of this? This is what will give you the indicator of success. And what's more, for the people you work with it's much more motivating because in the end it gives meaning. We are all people who want to work every day for something that is meaningful. We all do tasks that are sometimes more or less fulfilling in our daily lives, but what motivates us is to say: ah OK I have that's why. If I'm cleaning an apartment, well, I know why! So that the travelers are happy and then they give a good rating and as a result, my business continues to develop. That’s actually what it means! This is what will make us want to go there, we want to work properly. So all this means that with these three elements, you create a virtuous collaborative relationship. You can delegate calmly, because you knew how to express what you expected, you mentioned it.

So point number one: know what you expect. Point number two: formalize it and talk about it with the person with whom you will work and point number 3: determine success KPIs together. KPI, excuse me, it's an anglicism, these are the indicators of success which will mean that you do not enter into a relationship of copage, you enter into a relationship of virtuous partnerships of two people who are chasing the same objective which is for example having good ratings on the advertised Airbnb, booking, etc.

There you have it, all these elements will ensure that you switch from a time-consuming and anxiety-provoking negative relationship for you, to a great super virtuous partnership relationship that you will be able to keep since both parties feel good. You will be able to maintain this for a very long time, and you finally have your desired position as a seasonal entrepreneur and not as someone who is drowned in workloads because you always have to check if something has been done. Here are the three elements that I think will help you.

I'll look...so thank you Mélanie for your messages. You say: “before delegating, I think we must first master what we delegate”. Look, I pretty much agree with you. So, it’s true that in reality unfortunately this is not always possible. In my experience, sometimes I have to delegate tasks that I find I don't do very well. Moreover, and therefore in this case I also cling a lot to point number 3 that I actually mentioned, which is: what will the indicators of success be? That is to say, if you really say: in fact I see that I am rubbish on this subject, honestly there are plenty of subjects on which I am rubbish, and I say to myself in fact I see that I am zero on this subject. So I need expert help and in those cases what I do is I stick to step three. I say transparently to the person: listen, I'm not going to learn your job, you do it better than me. Now, these are the indicators of success for me, and this is also what allows us to build step by step. And what I notice is that in the end with experience, I manage to reconstruct step number one as we work together, I realize: Ah yes, hold on to that, I would really like that 'we manage it like that, we manage it like that and in the end steps one and two are actually co-constructed together with the fact that I see the person working and we actually discuss it. I agree with you, it's better to master, that's ideal.  

  • I just saw your comment: OK, you said it right after. So, we agree.

Question : I have set up a detailed checklist for each room.

  • Yes, that's really interesting. As I shared, there are applications that allow you to do this. Ask to also take a photo at a given moment, when you complete the task. So it can indeed be things like that, ultra-clear lists that can really help to have this virtuous collaboration. For the household delegation. Top, great!

So, do you have any other questions? I see we have connections from YouTube, connections from Facebook. If you are not yet, in fact I would like to take this opportunity to remind you, if you are not yet subscribed to our YouTube channel, do not hesitate to do so, it is simply Complete. Click 'subscribe' and you will be alerted when I go live. This will be an opportunity to talk together, answer your questions and discuss all these subjects.

  • Hello Anissa, welcome!

Listen, what I'm offering you is, I thank you for this time together. Please, thank you very much, Anissa, for this feedback. I thank you for being numerous, quite numerous, with me. Thank you so much ! I will meet you if you wish, on Thursday at the same time: Thursday at noon, either on our YouTube channel or on our Facebook group seasonal rental prices and maximization of turnover. We will talk about a completely different subject like every time. If you have ideas for topics or thorns in your side at the moment, don't hesitate to write them in the comments. I will read this with great pleasure and I will answer in other Lives. There you go, thank you very much, thank you very much to you too, Mélanie. I say see you Thursday, take care of yourself!

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