
Seasonal rental company: on which sites can you find a cleaning service provider?

⭐ Seasonal host: on which sites can you find a cleaning service provider?

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Hello, and welcome to the “J’poster Complet” channel, the channel that helps seasonal rental owners and seasonal rental managers become serene and ultra-profitable entrepreneurs. Today, we are going to talk about a point which is quite difficult, I notice, for a lot of seasonal rental companies, and also for many seasonal rental managers. We have difficulty, in the majority of cities in France, and even in the West Indies, to find people to help us with the cleaning part, with the management of arrivals, and departure management. It's always the crux of the matter. And when we find someone who works well, we really take very good care of that person. So, I said to myself that since it's difficult to find, we're going to do a summary of the sites that can help you find your rare gem, to find the person who will help you, support you in the daily management of your seasonal rental or your apartment portfolio. As you know, we go live every Tuesday and Thursday at noon. It's really a pleasure to meet you, so don't hesitate to say hello when you arrive. You can follow us from YouTube, by subscribing with the bell, or from our Facebook group which is called “seasonal rental prices and maximization of turnover”. You have the link just below in the comments if you want to register. And what's more, we receive a gift when we arrive. And that’s cool. We receive the bonus of the six mistakes not to make when determining your rental prices. 

I see many of you have already arrived. Welcome to you.

− Hello Maxime. “Hello, Élise, how are you? " I'm doing very well. I thank you. Thank you very much for this question. 

− Hello Charles. Welcome.

− Hello Romain. Welcome. You are watching us from the YouTube channel. 

− Hello Philippe. Philippe Alexandre, you tell us: “This subject interests me particularly, because I work with a cleaning company in Nîmes, and I am looking for how to advertise it. » Listen, I'm going to give you one, two, three, four, five, six, seven ways to advertise. I think it will really help you, it will really meet the needs that you have right now. 

− Hello Victoire. Welcome. 

− Hello to you. Welcome to you. This isn't the first time I've seen you. Welcome. I think you told me your first name at the time, but I don't remember. Hello to you. 

On Facebook, unfortunately, I don't see the first names, and I wonder if that doesn't have an impact, because I see fewer and fewer people following us on Facebook, and more and more of people who follow us on YouTube. Would that be it? I don't know. It's true that it's not very pleasant to write comments anonymously. So maybe that's it. 

− Hello Mélanie. Welcome. I'm fine, thank you very much. 

It's funny that everyone asks me how I'm doing today, because I was like, "I'm not wearing makeup, but that's okay, I don't look so tired when I don't wear makeup. »And there, I see that you are asking me how I am. Thanks guys. I didn't wear makeup. I look small, it's just that I didn't wear mascara. Clearly, that's just it. 

− Victoire told me: “I bought a property in Valfréjus. It's a ski resort in Savoie, and there is no cleaning lady on site, and it's a real misery. » I hope that among the seven options that I am going to propose, it will help you find a good solution. 

− Philippe Alexandre says: “Great, thank you. » 

Listen, I'm really pleased to have you back. It's always a pleasure. 

Today I'm going to give you, in effect, a list of possible options. To refine, to sharpen a little what I am presenting to you today, I published the list of these possible options on our Facebook group, precisely so that the members of our community can tell me where they find the more quality contacts on these sites. 

So, we're going to have a little suspense: I'm going to start this in descending order, that is to say we're going to start with the sites which have not been mentioned as being sites on which people have habit of finding people to do the cleaning. I mention them anyway, because I saw that it was possible to find them on these sites. I've had some feedback from people who have found something on these sites, so even if across the entire community, no one has said to me: "That's great", I'll mention it to you when even, it’s one of the possibilities. And then, we'll go back to the solution that was recommended the most, which was really the site on which people found the most people for cleaning. Here we go. I suggest you start with the first site. There are certain sites on which I am not going to make a fuss, you know them by heart, much better than me. Now, there are others about which it may be worth saying a few words about what they are. 

The first site that wasn't mentioned to me when I did the community survey as a site where people find someone to clean is Vivastreet. Vivastreet is still a number 2 classified ads site, particularly in France. So, it’s still a heavyweight in the classifieds. It's true that I admit, I don't know why, I've always had a bad image of Vivastreet. I always had the impression that these were not very serious classified ads. Now, this is certainly a prejudice that makes no sense, because I have heard from people who have found serious people on Vivastreet. So, prejudices are useless. So, there you have it. This is one of the possible options. It is number 2 in classified ads, particularly in France. These are free classified ads, and you really have a category, inside Vivastreet, on the personal services part. So this will help you with that. 

The second option was not mentioned in the survey, in any case, no one clicked saying that it is an option that people use to find, but I find it very regrettable. I really wanted to talk to you about it today. It's Yooppies. It was someone who told me about it, telling me that Yooppies was good. And when I looked at the site, I was like, “Actually, yes. It's not bad. » I see the service from the outside. I didn't go inside to see what it was like. But in any case, to save you time, so that you know if you want to take an interest in it or not, it's home service, especially for cleaning. And what they promise is a cleaning service without a middleman. There is an Airbnb housekeeping category on their site. So, that means that there are really people who find cleaning contacts thanks to the help of this site. On the other hand, it seems to only be in big cities. So it's true that if we are in a smaller town, it will probably be difficult to find someone, unless you manage to convince the person who is used to working in Nantes or Lyon to push a little further. 'at home, but otherwise it's more in the big cities. They say you can find a trustworthy cleaning lady from 8 euros per hour. So, it’s true that it’s still very interesting. Now, from the outside, there is a little vagueness about their method of remuneration. We can see very clearly from the outside, especially when we look at the FAQ, that there is a premium subscription model. So, there is a certain point where they get paid, these people. They need to pay their rent like everyone else. But from the outside, in any case, it's quite vague on the method of remuneration. Do they take a percentage of the person's salary? Are there any processing fees at any given time? They say it's no middleman, so I imagine it might be more of a bit of a paperwork fee. To be confirmed. In any case, they do have an Airbnb cleaning category on their site, so I think it's an option worth looking into a little. What also tells me that this is a potentially serious option is that they are insured by Axa, and that they also offer automation of the procedures. To be honest, I particularly dug this site, Yooppies. Because as no one told me about it, by clicking on it, saying: “Ah yes, it's a good option”, I looked further to see if it was worth me telling you about it today or not. And I still concluded that it was interesting. 

I didn't spell Vivastreet, the very first one. I think everyone knows it, but if ever, it's VIVASTREET. The Yoopies website is YOOPIES.fr. 

The third site I wanted to talk to you about today is a site that was mentioned by 3% by the community as being a site that allows you to find a nugget for the cleaning part. This is the site aladom.fr. I pronounce it wrong. Because there, it doesn’t make “aldom”, it makes “aladom”. The little punchline that they put for us on their site is that it is a connection between families and candidates, and professional structures for personal services. It's an announcement site, in reality. A classified ads site which is free, but which has the specificity of being focused on personal service. Which is not the case in Vivastreet, for example. So the ads are free. And what I noticed, what I found interesting, is that in fact, we can even offer student jobs. So, I said to myself that if we are in a bit of a bind, temporarily, on this subject of housekeeping, perhaps, obviously, do it in an official and declared way after everyone does what they want, but I won't tell you. does not encourage people to do undeclared work. In any case, I tell myself that finding a student who occasionally also needs to work a little, putting butter in the spinach, can help to bridge a period of difficulty or a period of temporary overload. It is obviously necessary to train students on this part of cleaning which must be done professionally, respecting the standards that you expect. So the training part may be longer, but it will allow you to have someone, temporarily, without the person telling you: “If it's for three weeks, no. I'm sorry, I can't. I'm looking for long-term contracts. » So I found that interesting for Aladom. 

The fourth site to share with you today is a site that was mentioned 10% by the community. This is the Jemepropose site. Jemepropose is a free classified ads site and local networks in employment services and jobbing. Jobbing is doing small jobs. There is a category, I saw, on this site. There is a accommodation and real estate category in which you already find a lot of concierge services. This is widely used to find someone to do housework. So, I'm not surprised that 10% of the community tells me that this site is good for finding someone to clean. It's the same, it's free classified ads, nothing more surprising. 

There is a site that is perhaps a little better known than Jemepropose. Maybe not, you'll tell me. It’s AlloNeighbors. AlloVoisins was mentioned by 22% of the community as being a site that allows us to find someone to help us with cleaning. The concept of AlloVoisins, basically, is something very localized. It’s really: “find someone in my neighborhood? » It’s on a neighborhood scale. In my neighborhood to help me with small tasks in exchange for things. So, it's interesting to see that it makes it possible to find a person on this subject. From AlloVoisins and the last two sites, I haven't noticed much more, because I tell myself that these are sites that we all generally know, and I'm not going to explain to you what is HelloNeighbors. 

Now, we're even closer to the top 2. So AlloVoisins is the bronze medal. The silver medal is awarded to – you will not be surprised – Leboncoin, obviously. Leboncoin has 22%. This is the site where people tell me they find the most favorable someone for housekeeping. And the gold medal goes to Facebook, with 40% of people telling me it's a site to find someone about the household. If we stop at Leboncoin and all the other ad sites, what is interesting is also to see that you can both search existing ads, and even post an ad yourself. It may seem obvious, but it's better. That still leaves two options for finding someone. And on Facebook there are also several options. There is the possibility of leaving ads on the marketplace, but also of searching and posting messages on all the groups linked to short-term rental, or also on Facebook groups which are linked to your city . You can post small messages on groups related to cities. This will probably make it possible to find and contact people who usually work in the cleaning sector, perhaps more favorably for individuals, but who are looking for work, and will not, in fact, be present on the sites. short-term rental, because these are people who work with a defined schedule, with families, as usual, in the classic sense for individuals. 

I hope this can give you some ideas. Don't hesitate to tell me in the comments if you use other sites that I haven't seen, that I haven't found, to find people who do cleaning. Have you, in the past, used sites that worked for you, and that allowed you to recruit a serious person to help you with this? If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments. I will look at the questions you sent. I'm resuming the thread of messages. 

− Mélanie said to me: “No, it has nothing to do with makeup. Just to get some news. »

Super nice. And you see, I told myself that it's because I look bad. Thank you so much.

− Maxime says: “I didn’t even notice the makeup. » 

Listen, thank you, friends. That's nice. Super nice. 

− Philippe Alexandre says: “I’m certainly anticipating, but do you also recommend these sites for posting an ad as a concierge service in order to make yourself known? » 

Yes. Why not ? It could be an idea, in fact, to make yourself known. Then redirect private messages to the direct site. So yes, completely. It's one of the many ideas, you're right, to make yourself known about this. Exactly. 

− Our colleague on Facebook told me: “I tested Yoopies, and I found a cleaning lady, from memory, quite expensive subscription, but not only present in big cities. »

Ah, great! It opens up perspectives. If you tell us that, I imagine that he was a person who did quality work. Otherwise, I imagine you would say: “I don’t recommend. » And as a result, the subscription was quite expensive. Which means that it can still be used in an emergency if we really haven't found anyone. If it's not just in big cities, that's good to know. It's a service that is a little expensive, but allows you to find someone. Great. 

− Hello, Yann, welcome. You tell me: “With an individual found on these sites, is it possible to have an invoice for our company? ". 

Yes. In fact, the individual must have business status. The simplest thing is to ask him to create a micro-enterprise so that it is legal, and so that he can produce a micro-enterprise invoice. It's the simplest. A micro-enterprise really doesn't cost much to create. It can be done in one evening, and the case is closed. So this is definitely the easiest. And then he issues his invoice. It will issue an invoice without VAT, so I don't know if you need to have VAT or not. You just need to know that in micro-enterprises, there is no VAT. 

− Charles said to me: “What is the average cost? » 

If you're talking about the average household cost, it's really almost impossible to tell you that. This is a field of activity in which prices really vary, I think I could say double, without exaggerating. Because there is a huge disparity between supply and demand. It's normal. When you're in a city where you're the only person doing Airbnb cleaning, it's normal that you raise your prices, because we're in high demand. We are overwhelmed, and we are forced to recruit to cope with the load. So sometimes prices may be higher. And sometimes, the prices can be lower when you also work with someone who is just starting out, who will perhaps offer more accessible prices to get started. So, it's really very difficult to determine an overall cost. I would be saying something stupid if I said an amount. It wouldn't make any sense. 

− Hello, welcome. Thank you for being with us, for joining us. It's great. 

− Mélanie said to me: “Are there any in the West Indies and Martinique? » 

A majority of sites are also present in the Antilles and Martinique. Now, what I also know, you probably know better than me, is that in the West Indies — at least what I know about Guadeloupe — we also have Facebook groups that are hyperactive. I found a concierge like that. I had written a message, I was offered, without lying, between 5 and 10 concierge services when I asked a question about the group. The group was Gwada connection. It's for Guadeloupe, but it's a group that really brings together a lot of topics about Guadeloupe, and which really brings together a lot of people. And in fact, as soon as we ask a question about this group, there are lots of people who are super nice to come and help us, and give us answers. Frankly, without lying, when I wrote that message, I really had between 5 and 10 responses from people who offered me either their concierge service or someone else's concierge service. So, I tell myself that a solution, even additional, in relation to everything we said to each other, is also this type of group. I imagine it also exists in Martinique. In Guadeloupe, the Gwada connection group worked really well for me.

− Charles said to me: “Is it the same person for the cleaning and the laundry? » 

That's a very good question. It depends. In fact, there will be people who will offer to take care of both, cleaning and laundry, and who will price accordingly. Laundry management is done differently, too, depending on the person. There are people who will manage this at home, there are people who will manage this in a laundromat. So it's very different. Each business leader makes his proposal, his offer based on what he wants to do or not, and at what price? So, the same: a little difficult. I'm sorry to give you the absolute truth about this. 

− On Facebook: “Yes, it did, but in fact, registration on site cost around 50 euros. » 

Great. You confirm to us, in relation to Yooppies, that the person was serious, with quality work, but you had a registration on the site which was around 50 euros. Afterwards, it's true that 50 euros, if it's 50 euros over the year to find someone serious, when we know that it's so difficult to find, I tell myself that it could be worth it. It could really be worth it. 

− “Do you know how to find someone to promote our ads, decor, photography, ad reviews, and marketing? Like a city manager, but one-off services. Thank you Elise. » 

I have a doubt about “promote”, and at the same time, you tell me “decor, photos and advertisements”. Because in fact, for decoration – I think my answer will be a little frustrating – there are people who specialize in that. I am thinking, for example, of Violaine Richard, whom I interviewed on the channel, who is responsible for helping people to create good decorations. For the photo part, I can only recommend that you contact a professional photographer who really takes apartment photos, because there are lots of different expertise in photography. To create ads, you can contact people like Yoann Brault, who specializes in creating ads, and who does it for you. And the marketing part, there are people like Grégory Cordero, who helps people with this marketing part. So. They have such different expertise that it's hard to have one person who will do the whole combo, and who will help with all of that. This is where I was a little confused on your message. Because you're talking about a city manager, but the city manager will rather have a role in the concierge services which is totally different, which will be to manage operational matters. That is to say that the city manager, when we have a certain number of apartments, will take care of ensuring that we have sufficient supplies, that laundry management goes well, that the cleaning teams are present in the right place, at the right time, who we know how to recruit when we have someone who is sick, or whatever. In short, the city manager will really be on the ground to ensure that all of this, from an operational point of view, goes well. I still hope that this answers your question. 

− “When you find a cleaning lady, how can you help her become self-employed if she wishes? » 

It's very simple, because in fact, on the internet, I don't have the site in mind, but if you type micro-enterprise and creation of micro-enterprise, in fact, there are all the sites, and all the procedures to follow to create the micro-enterprise. I created it at least a little less than 10 years ago. But it's true that I don't remember the site on which I did that. These are government or CCI sites, I don't know anymore. But it's very well explained on the internet, with the links, and all that. It's very easy. 

− Mélanie said to me: “Thank you. Yes, that's it. » 

Okay. Great. 

Listen, thank you very much for your questions. Thank you all for always being there with me. It's really a pleasure to be together. So, thank you. I tell you, if you agree, see you Thursday at noon. It's already Thursday. [Laughs]. I'm sorry. That’s the pleasure of live. It's a bit of a sign of fatigue at the end of the week, I must admit. So, it's already Thursday. So in fact, what I'm suggesting is to meet again next Tuesday at noon for a live performance again. And this Sunday, I am publishing, like every Sunday, a recorded video of the interview with a client or partner. So, stay tuned to the YouTube channel on Sunday. I wish you an excellent weekend, and I'll see you next week. 

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