
Pauline Ancel – Seasonal rental: How not to make a leboncoin apartment!

interview paulin ancel seasonal rental

** Seasonal rental: How not to make a leboncoin apartment! **

All the references to find PAULINE ANCEL and GOOD FATHER
• Their website https://www.goodfather.fr/ and the page of their references https://www.goodfather.fr/references/
• Youtube: good father SAS
• The site of the online application J’esteem Mes Travaux https://www.jesteemmestravaux.fr/

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Seasonal rental : How not to make a leboncoin apartment!

Elise Ripoche: hello and welcome to the channel, I'm full. The channel that helps seasonal rental companies, seasonal rental concierge services and professional sub-renters increase their turnover with revenue management methods. Today, I am delighted to welcome a guest who is truly different from any guest I have welcomed to my microphone in the past. Pauline has been a business manager as an architect since the beginning of her professional life and she encountered the path to real estate through interesting investors and things that made her change her perspective. For three years, she has been at the head of a company called Good Father, which she co-founded with her partner. It's a company which, in three years, has helped raise nearly 15 million euros for a real estate investment, 140 properties in 30 different cities, so you understand why I'm delighted to welcome it this morning.

Hello Pauline Ansel.

Pauline Good Father : hello Elise.

Elise Ripoche : Listen, I'm really happy that you can tell us about your career, the company and what you do.

Perhaps the first question for those who don’t know you would be: what is your background? What did you do?

Pauline Good Father : indeed, you just clarified it a little bit beforehand, I am an architect by training, that's where I come from, I was more likely to have a well-defined career in a consulting firm. architecture, build high energy performance houses. We called it BDC. I don't know if you've ever heard that, it was all the rage. Today, it is the construction standard and I was actually more from that horizon, in domestic architecture we call that houses, apartments, everything that makes up people's homes. I've always been passionate about it. And then things happened, life meant that I quickly found myself being made redundant even though I wanted to start. I hadn't quite finished my studies yet and I was already hired in a firm, but there was a small crisis, let's say the construction crisis and they told me listen, there's more work, so I'm parting ways with you. And it was really very, very good because it was the moment when I had already gone through the way I had been taught the profession and I felt that I needed a lot more. And it was the opportunity to finally set up my first business, which is an interior architecture firm. And then things grew and grew until finally forming another which is actually called Good Father with my partner (Mr du Creuse). Pretty much a very quick journey, with a big specialization for real estate investors because I had to meet him at the very beginning of my first company and he told me, that's cool, in fact your skills can be used really up to us who invest. We're always wondering how we're going to put a new bathroom somewhere, how we can rework the layouts to make some sort of extra arrangement, etc. And I don't know yes in fact there, I can have a real use, a real sense of contribution so let's go there and that's what it is today.

Elise Ripoche : and you have real estate yourself too, it seems to me?

Pauline Good Father : yes, yes, yes. So much less than some. I always like to say it because we come across many, many investors. We work with a lot of investors. We are used to giving each other news as we go along and we always have a lot of people who are looking to have a lot, to have a lot of property or to have a lot of outstanding debts, etc. I don't necessarily have that desire. I'm rather very slow. I'm in turtle mode, but in fact I did everything very carefully, right down to the decor, right down to the finishing touches, and so yes, I have some goods but nothing more than some.

Elise Ripoche : Okay, which is already very good. There are a lot of people who don't have it at all, you see.

Pauline Good Father : yes, afterwards, it's always better. And then it allows you to realize the operation, the implementation, the difficulties that investors go through, we go through them too and the advice we give is much easier also because we have experienced things .

Elise Ripoche: yes completely. And what's interesting about your career as an interior designer is that, as you say, you've helped a lot of people who are getting into real estate. I know that you help with different long-term, short-term operating modes, but also co-location, etc. Do you have any advice to share on what you recommend specifically on this interior design aspect when you want to do short-term work?

Pauline Good Father : yes, this may come as a surprise, I'm not going to talk to you about color. I'm not going to talk to you about the patterns and decorating trends of each approach because frankly, above all, in investing, you should not stick to a particular fashion since we are supposed to put money in so that it lasts. No, I will rather talk to you generally about what we mainly do, we will say our support, it is the reflection upstream of the project and these are the first questions that I ask myself when I intervene as a project manager. interior with investors. Is that what the target is? Is that what good you want to do?

What are its objective(s)? How will it be used? What city are we in? What neighborhood are we in? Who will you seek out and accept as a rental candidate and how do we use this? In fact, this is what will give substance to the architectural project. These are all questions that will ultimately go into detail very, very quickly. Typically, that's what we are, I don't know, I have a double jacket that comes to me, I think back to Stéphane cladier, it's in fact, that's it, that's how we imagine the people's journey. In the morning when you get up, for example, do you make sure to find several bathrooms? do we do multiple bathrooms and if we do it. Do we put showers, bathtubs, etc.? In fact, it's really this link between the target, the needs of the target, the one who will live there and the project, what will come out of it, which will ensure that it will be in addition to the well-made decor. Of course, it's going to be a great project because it will completely meet the need, it will be functional, in fact, that's it.

Elise Ripoche : so do you make a difference between business customers and leisure customers? You see an apartment that is intended more for families, even if for a short period of time, and an apartment that is intended more for a business clientele.

Pauline Good Father : so, that's all that's interesting, is that we don't close any doors. I would like to say that... And typically at LCD when I see myself for example, in Nancy we necessarily have, in a very mixed way, people who come for the weekends, tourists, but we also have people who come to work and which I can't break down too much by saying this good, I do it for the professional and then the good next door I do it for the tourists, it rarely happens like that so it's good not to close, to be conscious of these two targets there and indeed afterwards, inside the property you will find special little things which will ultimately respond to the most demanding clientele which is that of tourism, I say exactly the opposite from what I wanted to say, professional, pro business customers who will have needs which are almost urgent, typically being able to iron their shirts, being able to dry them properly to be clean on themselves in the morning, these are things that The tourists have absolutely no need, they put on the T-shirt and then it's over. We go out in sandals to walk in the street. And so, it really comes down to the very small details, down to the list of furniture, down to the list of references so that these two targets can find what they're looking for without necessarily being prioritized over each other. We really think in detail, about each of the targets, to find the right needs. So

Elise Ripoche : this is the office question every time. Should we set up an office so that business customers can work or not?

Pauline Good Father : I go to the sockets myself. That is to say, at some point, you have the office, that's for sure. Business customers sit with their computer, their Mac, or I don't know, their phone next to them, as they often do. And then OK, now I'll have to charge the phone. What am I doing here? I will perhaps also think about (inaudible) connecting the electricity to a socket with the USB port, for example right in front of the desk, at table height, you see, it's in these little details that 'you have to think. It doesn't seem like much and yet it's just a thought at some point in the design that makes you say that yes, ok, he found his little socket for his little phone well that's going to bring him joy and he will be happy. That's it and it's really, that is to say you enter the needs and what you give to make your project come to fruition which I really like.

Elise Ripoche : that’s interesting. So, conversely, have you seen errors or things or are you really saying to yourself, these are things you shouldn't do? Like… yes.

Pauline Good Father : yes, yes, so now, we're switching to decor. There are two things. Or the people who are really in favor of the LCD who force the line too much on the decoration and who, as a result, close off a whole part of the target who does not have these expectations, who rather wants something neutral and relaxing , or those who, on the contrary, the complete opposite, will buy or are satisfied with what they can find in their garage or in grandma's garage to furnish, you see, and you end up with an apartment that I call the apartment the good place or you say that everything is old because they did not want to put money on ultimately the atmosphere there. The needs, you end up with... there is nothing that matches, the colors are years I don't know what 80 but hey it doesn't matter they furnished it and we still find people like those who are not our age who are a little advanced in age we will say who suddenly no longer have this entrepreneurial vision of the short term and medium term and who are satisfied with more than any furniture or even bad taste and in fact the error is there it is that people want to live an experience neither too much nor too little it's always the same you have to be open to all potential targets but you shouldn't force too many lines on the decor or themes you know, a very specific theme and then in fact that you distribute it throughout the apartment it talks about the same thing in all the rooms, you know I don't know a theme on cars for example you tell you, you're next to the circuit of I don't know what, so you're going to have a car theme and in fact you're going to put everywhere else on the cushions, on the frames, on the cups, you see too much you see see too much and conversely see nothing at all I took all the furniture on Lebon coin at 20 euros each and I put it like that we'll see what. And there you have it… It’s always in the middle.

Elise Ripoche : It's quite difficult, you see, I tell myself because for me it's decoration, you see, I'm learning it more and more, particularly thanks to people like you who teach me a lot of things, but I remain 1800 times less expert than you and I put myself in people's place and I say to myself it's hard to find this moment you see do you have a clue or an idea, a point to tell people well there you go, For example. So it's certain that when we say that we put cars everywhere in the game. There, I realize that it's not good, you see, but beyond that, beyond this example, what is it that you intentionally gave a little extreme, you see when did we know we used too many colors? I see. For example, in the performance of my duties, I see that we sometimes have apartments whose sales are decreasing because there are too many colors. I have an apartment in mind where I know we've discussed it with the owner. It's an excess of colors, so it's hard to sell. It's more difficult. But you see, are there any clues to find this gauge or perhaps to question your apartment?

Pauline Good Father : yes, there is a clue then in relation to the number of colors or the excess of colors, what I often give them is always a maximum of 4 max. That is to say that in each room, an eye scanning 360° of the room must be able to identify a maximum of 4 colors. In the colors I already have the colors of the walls, so white is one of them. The colors of the ground. If you have laminate flooring, so a wood look, that already makes a color for me the eye perceives a brown or you see a light oak, that's already a shade so I don't count the color of the plants, we asks me: and if I have a plant, it's green, it counts as... No, plants, if you don't make a jungle around you, they don't count as a color, but otherwise, so , that is to say that there are finally only two left and that's it. And then you have the prioritization of the colors that, where you are going, spread it out the most. Instead, you will need a fairly neutral color that is not very reactive to your eye. And the last, the fourth, you will perhaps use it, as what we call the accent color if it is a yellow, for example you know that yellow, it will immediately catch your eye you will rather plan ahead, we're going to say yellow on very small accessories, I don't know, on a vase, in a frame, there will be a reminder of the same yellow. It's also full, full of yellow. I know there are plenty of people who aren't able to vary it. The color variations because that's not part of their primary skills but it's developing and it's true that for us, a fern green is not like a jungle green or a pine green or a green, but ideally it would be 3-4 shades max in a room or set of rooms. If you want to make a continuation by taking into account the color of your materials first, by looking at what you have left, there you clarify everything, you make the space homogeneous, you allow the eye to say much better than if there were some everywhere and some lost. There are too many details. There are too many different things.

Elise Ripoche : Interesting, I think of another point too. I don't know if you have a conviction on that, but we see a lot of decoration in the Scandinavian spirit that I, personally, appreciate a lot, perhaps because it's a bit of a generational thing too, I don't know. not. Do you recommend saying to yourself we must now stop the Scandinavian spirit, we have found it, we are fed up with it or you have no unfavorable elements in relation to that.

Pauline Good Father : Again, I'll give you the middle answer, but I think I'm a girl who has byline answers, even a hybrid limp. In short, we are using Scandinavian style for the entire furniture section. That’s what we find very, very good about it, is that it’s extremely neutral. You look at the tables, chairs or even sofas, armchairs, etc. It's extremely neutral, so it's ultimately a great base, very timeless, very soft too, since the woods are not strong you see it's very light wood, very good, double white. So I would say that. You can use it as a very good decorative base for furnishing and that's where you stand out. It's when you then get away from the Scandinavian aspect, as we know it all. remains, i.e. cushions, wallpaper, curtains, textiles, etc. You're not going to look at all in this (inaudible), you're going to have a little fun, you're going to put up wallpaper that has nothing to do with Scandinavia. You see who is the complete opposite. And it's marriages in fact of these two aspects.

That you're doing something very unique and enjoyable, you can go for roses and go for very, very intense blues at times. And you see, it's a kind of mix, a hybrid once again, but which means that you create the atmosphere that goes well. It's less hard because the base is there. The basis is Scandinavian, it's simple, it's simple and can be found everywhere. In addition to that, 

Elise Ripoche : It’s true, it’s interesting. This subject of decoration binds us, it binds us to the subject which is often a big thorn in the side. When you want to invest in seasonal rentals, it's the work. I know that on this, you are doing something that I loved. It's a calculator. Do you want to tell us about it? What did I find it was? for me it was a revelation. I loved what you did.

Pauline Good Father : Well with pleasure. Indeed, it was born from a certain number of years of feedback, of discussions with investors. It's not something that scares me, particularly because I'm in the business. On the other hand, we realized that this was really not the case for everyone, far from it, and that there was a real desire to invest, except for the work part where we said oula, I I don't know who to call, I don't know how much it costs, I'm not even sure I can make an offer because by the time my plasterer mason arrives and gives me a quote, I'm going to lose, I'm going to lose the good in fact the little nugget that I just found on Lebon coin. I would have to say yes straight away, while behind it, I don't know how much I'm going to get out of it and how much will even be profitable and in fact that part we said to ourselves OK, we're going to make a tool which will be easily accessible with your phone, or your computer in the evening while looking for good deals and we know that when you start by seeing a little bit of the tool in hand in 5 to 15 minutes you are able to estimate the amount of these work knowing that you have no building skills and then you know that you will have to paint, you will have to change a floor, etc. If you have a minimum of information that are large or large widths large lengths that you can guess from photos in particular then you have enough. And you can transmit that and then it serves as a document for all the lots, all the parts. And then you can send that to your broker, for example, or to your banker to say can I have an agreement in principle on that basis. Do you lend yes or no? You move forward, you don't need to wait, I don't know, 3 weeks for your favorite craftsman to come, because in the meantime, he doesn't have the time and that's it. It’s really just that, it’s that aim. It will never replace the final quote from the craftsman who will come, who will look at everything and who will have this technical opinion. But it really allows you to globalize an envelope, which means go no go in fact!

Elise Ripoche : That's it, that's exactly what I found good, it's that it allows you to have autonomy, when you have difficulty having it, otherwise because when you don't have the Expertise is still quite nebulous. We can be afraid of forgetting things, and this is a calculator which was also designed by an architect, an interior designer. That really reassures me. I tell myself well, no it's true.

Pauline Good Father : And the good thing is that it wasn't just designed by an interior designer. Because there, for once, my big flaw, it would have been and it was. We reworked that, it was about eliminating too many details, too much technical jargon, too much... You see I was into the profession right away, but it's simple, right? And this is where, indeed, Mathieu had his interest as a pure and hard investor, it was to say, listen to me, frankly, I prefer to be talked to me about a wall rather than you to talk to me about doubling of I don't know what, of... Me if it's on the walls that I have to paint something, I want to select the walls, select what I'm doing, if it's glass cloth, paper, a , and then it gives me the price based on the surface area. OK, we're going to stay at this level of detail because in fact, there is more than enough for an estimate. Even if there are certain, certain other parameters, we can go quite precisely. You can change everything, you can change your bathroom by the piece or package, you can furnish the kitchen. Same per piece or package so that everyone can find their way around, especially those who know nothing about it.

Elise Ripoche : That's the point of the calculator. Yes, it's great. If you want to find this calculator, I put the link right in the info bar. You will be able to find the Good Father calculator. Honestly, go take a look, it's really, really well done. It's a small revolution. I think it should be in every real estate investor’s starter kit. There you go, we should have a kit with the calculator inside.

Pauline Good Father : That's it, if only there are already ideas that go a little bit in that order. And we listen a lot to people's suggestions because it's a collaborative tool which is based on the analysis of quotes that we have everywhere in France. And in fact, every time users use it, do their projects, we ask them if they are OK to send us the quotes which they then had made and which they signed. We filter them, we recover maybe I don't know 5% of everything that is sent, but we actually add data to the calculator. And it is ultimately because there is an exchange that the tool is more and more efficient. So there are tutorials on the YouTube channel too, if you want to see a little before, before getting into the monster, we made some little video tutorials to show how super simple it actually is; we have all the real estate agents, also quite a few agents who use it. It can help a lot of people, even people who are buying their primary residence. It's the same thing.

Elise Ripoche : great! What I also liked about Good Father's activity is that you are also in contact with the pros. You have a network of partners that is really extensive and it's true that in the community, we also have a whole group of people who are professionals in seasonal rental. And so, there was a question I wanted to ask you. What are for you, because I know that you are also a partner with certain seasonal rental concierge services, what are the quality elements of a good concierge service for you? I'm taking for example a concierge service that would launch, do you have the quality elements of a seasonal rental concierge service?

Pauline Good Father : For me, the main quality can be summed up in two words All inclusive. In any case, here, I place myself as an investor. It’s this notion of know-how. My expertise is knowing how to look for the right deal. It's about getting closer to the sellers, it's about negotiating, it's about buying by finding the right financing conditions. So afterward, I have an expectation of profitability from the property I found. It's up to me to do good work that ultimately doesn't cost too much and is well optimized. A good decor, but afterwards, and once the operation, the management, what I expect is good if I pay a service provider, it is ultimately that he takes care of everything and he takes care everything, very good down to the smallest details, it necessarily goes down to the response, welcoming travelers on WhatsApp or other when you need to talk to them etc, resolving problems. But it also goes as far as, we are in a COVID period, laundry management, cleanliness in the toilets, etc. And this notion of security which will ultimately offer travelers in my property, that is of real importance to me and it comes out afterwards anyway in the comments just like that; when people have stays, yes that's really it, I think all inclusive, it's the kind of overall management and then responsiveness when there are problems. In my opinion, that's the key, it's the hardest because you have to manage everything but it exists because indeed the partners that I have today as concierges do it easily and over the dozens of goods, it works.

Elise Ripoche : Yes. The idea is really to say to myself, I no longer have to hear about my property except when I receive the payments,

Pauline Good Father : The bill of the month. You see, that's it too, because my renta is made because I actually expect a certain management of the calendar, a management of the nights, a management of the traveler who will find himself well within it. And for me, what I want is ultimately not to think about it at all and to have the pleasure, the joy of paying the concierge every month when she sends me her invoice and I assure you, I have a real joy every month when I send them a thank you, you know, with the transfer, because thank you for your work because ultimately without them, I would have nothing. With difficulty, I'm not even on site to manage my property, so I really have this satisfaction of knowing that I can count on someone who is super reliable, a whole team that will always be clean as the People will always be welcomed and I just have to pay at the end.

Elise Ripoche: Everything is fine.

Pauline Good Father : And when things don't go well, we know how to manage too, you see, because there are little things sometimes I talk about it often, I laugh about it now. A traveler who stole my shower hose. I didn't understand. I'm still looking for why. Maybe he was missing one at home, so he said to himself, this one isn't bad, I'll take it, but...

Elise Ripoche : Yes, it’s still incredible.

Pauline Good Father : There you go.

Elise Ripoche : I think this is the first time I've heard of a shower hose being stolen.

Pauline Good Father : It’s terrible. That's it but, and it happens and that's part of the thing. And that's it. You take it, you take it as it comes. It’s actually part of the journey, huh.

Elise Ripoche: Yes.

Pauline Good Father : but to know that it is well managed, that everything will get back in order easily. That's it, that's all. All inclusive.

Elise Ripoche : Top, top, that’s well understood. Great, so can you tell us about what you do for Good Father? I was going to ask you a question that might be a transition too, so that you could tell us a little about what you do and also where we can find you if we want to contact you, etc. But perhaps a question of transition that I thought of when you were speaking is that when you support someone who goes with it, you will talk to us about it much better than me but someone who wants to invest, Do you also anticipate the month of operation afterwards? In the calculations, do you anticipate the fact that for it to be profitable by considering the costs of a concierge service, well.

Pauline Good Father : Yes, that’s almost the goal. Before, there are lots of steps. And the first is to know who the person is because it's not rare, it's really not rare, that people contact us to start their support projects, people who have assets who have not yet, who are really beginners, first-time investors and who have watched a lot, a lot of YouTube, among other things, who are extensively documented on many things and who are ultimately in a sort of ambient paralysis. Well, OK, well? I have so much, I have gorged myself so much on information from everywhere, on lots of different strategies, that I don't know where to start. Or then, who have taken this or that training, who start well in the head on a basis, which they will typically exploit in LCD and in fact, when we take things over, when we get to know each other, when we ask the right questions questions, what are you? Who are you? Where are you going with this? And why are you in real estate? Where do you live in relation to the area where you want to invest? We realize that sometimes there are, you know, there are alignment problems.

Elise Ripoche : Yes.

Pauline Good Father : It’s not clear. There is, you see the profitability at the end, but behind it, you didn't see the time you had to spend on that.

Elise Ripoche : Yes

Pauline Good Father : Your ability to move when there is a problem. And even sometimes, the financing which is completely crazy. Financing capacities which are also sometimes overvalued or undervalued. And so we take all that back, we realign the planets a little. And finally, there, we say to ourselves OK well there you go, we are going to define together the sourcing area of ​​the goods, the level of income that we can expect. It's mainly Mathieu who takes care of it. What is your roadmap as an investor? What is your... What do you have to go through? And what is the sequence of goods that you must buy? What surface? What profitability? What amount? So that, put end to end, you arrive at your final objective which is, for example, to leave your job in 3 or 4 years and to have this balance of salary which shifts back to investment? These are really typically the kinds of questions we are asked, which is what we start the support with. And that leads to yes, this construction of a Roadmap where people know exactly what they should look for or how much? That she is back. And if not, he doesn't buy. Save time, crazy in fact, by not spreading yourself out over lots, yes lots of research everywhere and making you want to every week because you find lots of interesting things in the end, you don't have a direct line, so no of red thread. So yes, we do that. And then, the strategy comes with it, the choice of the strategy according to the abilities of the person, the rent too, which can be offered by the place, neighborhood, sometimes it is through shared accommodation, for example to certain places, you can't have roommates, it's not profitable enough. You are immediately outside of self-financing. It's still the minimum. You can't buy below self-financing in my opinion. So that's it, we match all that, we cross all that and then it results in a project that is tailor-made in fact. And no one is the same, there is no one who looks like the one next to them. Everyone is different.

Elise Ripoche: And so, so that people understand concretely, someone will come, and they will register on the Good Father site. So I would like to be accompanied, or what is expected of the person who will be accompanied by Good Father?

Pauline Good Father : What is he waiting for? Well, it’s collaboration, that is, not hiding things. Sometimes, we are always a little reluctant to open up. Except that here, the good thing is that we are between us, essentially between him and Mathieu, it is rather with him that it begins. I then take care of the rest when it comes to estimating the work in a building, etc. It's more after. It's my part, but at least the start is done between two people, via sessions in the evening or during the day, depending on availability. And it’s like a kind of friendship that is created. So, the idea is indeed to collaborate, yes, by engaging in a certain way, and then we will look far enough to build something personalized. It has to fit the person, by definition. And that’s the main collaboration. Then, afterwards, it's more of an investment or a motivation, that is to say that afterward we don't look for the goods ourselves, we teach the person to look for them. And if afterward, she doesn't set up some sort of little routine, I don't know, 5 minutes a day where she makes announcements, she makes her alerts, etc. We can no longer help him because the source is not coming. But we react, we are immediately present as soon as there is something, a good, a good opportunity that emerges. We are here to give our opinion and possibly come to the site to check something that matches their profile and then tell them OK. There, frankly, you were going to do without. Come on, let's go. And then, we then have all the partners to streamline all that, up to the 360 ​​video at the end or the rental management, that's it, that's it actually. If you were like in a bubble, I would go inside and then we would accompany you until the end, knowing that it is rather you who learns, who does things, because the idea is not necessarily need to remind ourselves for the next one that you know that you can do it, that you have gained experience. More trainers than providers, in fact, in reality.

Elise Ripoche : Yes, it’s high-level individual coaching.

Pauline Good Father : Yes, we have, we have collective coaching sessions which are during COVID, a little suspended, unfortunately, but we have had, we have already done quite a few sessions, typically immo Inside, which are ultimately a building, a day, a visit from top to bottom to the cellar, with a spider's web even in the attic, with lots of little creatures in the wood. We will look at everything by looking at the details of things to teach them to look at furniture, to know what we are paying attention to. What are the things that we must identify very carefully until the end of the day, we have small theoretical workshops on profitability, calculation, management, works, town planning. And this is mostly done in groups. We can't wait to get back to all that, because, yes, we really miss it, that's it, it's individual and collective, and events too. Like, we're waiting to be able to do aperitifs again in bars, that kind of thing, seminars, masterminds you see, we did that a lot, it slowed us down a little throughout this, this whole period, a little little special.

Elise Ripoche : yes.

Pauline Good Father : we're going to start again.

Elise Ripoche : that’s it, soon. So, if we want to find you, where do we go? What do we do?

Pauline Good Father : so if anyone wants to watch us, it's on YouTube. So, you have to find us because as I told you last time, we got trapped by Google's keyword management. If you want to find us on YouTube, you have to type Good Father SAS Otherwise you will have difficulty finding us, you will come across the godfather, the film, so it will be a little complicated, but otherwise, there is the site goodfather.fr. And then from there where you shine on almost everything, there is also a Facebook page. In any case, everything, everything is more or less connected, so we would easily find; and the calculator, you can also access it via, via Good Father, otherwise, it's jesteemmestravaux.fr.

Elise Ripoche : I will put all these links at the bottom so that everyone only has to click to be able to find you.

Pauline Good Father : thank you.

Elise Ripoche : Well listen. Thank you very much Pauline for everything you shared and taught us. It was really really interesting.

Pauline Good Father : with great, great pleasure. I really like this little passionate exchange about it, I can talk about it for hours and hours. Again, it's so interesting to see the dynamics that have to do with all of this. In any case, thank you for your welcome. Looking forward to informing all those who follow you.

Elise Ripoche : great, looking forward to it. THANKS.

Pauline Good Father : thank you.

Elise Ripoche : if you are still not subscribed to our Facebook group on: I display Complete and well listened to, do not hesitate to join it. This is like my usual end-of-video ritual. I remind you of our Facebook group, it is: seasonal rentals prices and maximization of turnover, do not hesitate to join us. And then anyway, you'll find all the links that we talked about during this video just below. To also be able to go and see what Pauline is doing. I wish you a very good day. Take care of yourself and the next video.

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