
Seasonal rental I don't earn enough what to do: 3 ideas

Here is the transcript of the video:

Hello and welcome to the Poster Complet channel, the channel that helps seasonal renters and seasonal accommodation managers become serene and ultra-profitable entrepreneurs . Today, I'm answering a question that I'm often asked: "What should I do if I don't earn enough from seasonal rentals?" ".

You can be disappointed with your seasonal rental income, and I'm often told: "I'm disappointed, the income isn't there, what can I do?" ". I have three ideas for you, which will perhaps inspire you and provide you with valid solutions for your activity, so that you can be much more satisfied with the profitability and financial performance of your seasonal rental.

The first idea is to move into short-term shared accommodation . If you have a large property with two, three, or four bedrooms, you may consider renting the rooms individually. Most of the time, the sum of the income from each of the rooms will give you better turnover and better profitability than renting the entire property, especially if it is a large property. I am thinking in particular of properties with three or four bedrooms. Sometimes, it can be difficult in certain municipalities to rent them all year round. There may be a tendency to rent quickly on weekends and holidays, while the rest of the time the property remains relatively empty. Short-term shared accommodation can therefore help you. Obviously, it's not all rosy. The flip side is that you have a lot of traffic in the property. For the operational part, especially cleaning, this can be a challenge. You will have to pass very often, in each room and in the common areas, which amounts to almost every day. You can impose minimum lengths of stay to reduce traffic, but it remains true that this type of structure is reserved for very short stays. This first idea can allow you to have greater profitability and better turnover.

The second idea is to theme your property . For example, you can theme it in love room with a whirlpool bathtub or a jacuzzi. However, depending on the location, this can be quite complicated. For example, my husband and I are currently investing in a house that we are going to divide into five apartments. We want to put a love room downstairs, but that makes the work more complicated. The floor must be redone and a screed installed to support the jacuzzi, which is quite heavy. We even wonder how to get the hot tub going. There are therefore technical and operational issues. You can also focus on the decoration, by having a very atypical decoration. Get help from a professional for this, and have a decoration that is out of the ordinary. This idea allows you to question your concept, to differentiate yourself, and to attract additional appeal for your seasonal rental, with a higher price thanks to the atypical appearance of your property.

The third option is to review all the levers of your revenue management strategies . For example, people often tell me that they don't understand why it doesn't work, even though they have lowered their prices. They think they are the cheapest on the market, but when I analyze their situation I see that they perhaps have the lowest prices, but with a minimum stay of four nights, while there is no of demand for this duration. They also have non-refundable cancellation policies, while all competitors offer five-day cancellation policies. Obviously, this deters travelers, who prefer more reassuring announcements. You must therefore question your revenue management strategies to optimize all the levers: adapt your prices to the period and the level of demand, use tools like Revienna if you do not yet know the level of demand in your city, and check if your minimum stay durations are well optimized. Today, it is no longer possible to pay 45 euros per night all year round nor to pay a minimum stay of two nights all year round. Adapt your cancellation policies and cleaning fees accordingly. If you are not yet trained, you can train in revenue management. We offer training, and you can make an appointment with me via the link in the comments. It is essential to know revenue management methodologies. If you are not trained, do some testing. Try changing some levers and see what happens. It will take more time, and sometimes you will have to pick up the pieces, but it is better than doing nothing when faced with a property in difficulty.

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