
** Seasonal rental: should you put your property on leboncoin? **

** Seasonal rental: should you put your property on leboncoin? **

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Hello and welcome to the J'poster Complet channel, the channel which helps seasonal rental companies, professional sub-renters, and seasonal rental concierge services to increase their turnover. Today, we are going to talk about a subject that was asked of me by Mélanie. I will read his message to you. In fact, if you are wondering if you should put your ads on leboncoin, well, we will answer it in this video. Mélanie said to me: “Hello Élise. A question that I ask myself, and which could perhaps be the subject of one of your interventions, is when you start, is it wise to register your property on leboncoin? Opinions are divided, it can be useful to make yourself known, but do all prospects consult this site? This site does not have a very positive reputation; on the contrary, wouldn't that do us a disservice? Is there a special way to post quality goods? Kind regards. Melanie. » Thank you very much, Mélanie, for your question. I'll answer it in this video. In fact, I have brought together the elements which are in favor and against this site, leboncoin, to give everyone an exhaustive vision of the ins and outs of this subject, and to allow you, in the end, to take your own decision about your activity, your assets, and your current situation.

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− Hello Delphine. Welcome to live.

− Hello, Hasna, welcome to you.

− Hello Mélanie. You're good to be here today. I will answer your question precisely.

− Marie-Jo: “Hello, Élise, thank you for this topic. I put my ads on leboncoin. Some reservations. " Oh yes ! Hello Marie-Jo. Great !

So, I'm going to answer the question. As I told you, I have no pretensions, and it would actually be stupidity to have a sort of divine truth that will result in a big yes or a big no for leboncoin. Generally speaking, that's not the way I approach things. I am more convinced that you need to have all the cards in hand to make the best decision for your business. So, that's exactly what I'm about to do. I'll start.

I have three points in favor of boncoin, and I have three points of vigilance rather against the group. I'll start with the negatives on the good side. The first thing you need to know if you want to post your ads, whatever your situation. Once again, everything we are saying here is true for seasonal rental companies and professional sub-renters. This is also true for seasonal rental concierge services, but be careful, if you want to do this as a concierge service, keep in mind that you must have the G card, because you will communicate directly about a property , and therefore, probably, for making a reservation, either you have a trick to prevent the flow of money from going through you, or you must have the G card. If you have not seen this video, do not hesitate to refer to it on the YouTube channel J'poster Complet. In the concierge playlist, you have the video in which I explain: do you need a g card to carry out the concierge activity? I close the parenthesis.

First point which is rather to the disadvantage of boncoin, when we carry out this activity, is that we will not be able to connect your leboncoin ad with our channel manager. Which means what? Which means that if we want to make price changes, we will make them in the channel manager, but we will also be obliged, subsequently, to make changes to our leboncoin ad. That's a little more time-consuming. And on the other hand, you can, if you activate instant reservation on leboncoin, it seems to me that it is possible now, you can, in fact, have double reservations. So that's not ideal. It can also be time-consuming to manage this kind of situation. Including point number one, it's not connected to your channel manager.

Point number two is the reputation of the site. It's true that this is true, but in any case, it must be kept in mind. The reputation of this site is to bring in a clientele who will perhaps be less careful in their stay, who will perhaps be more likely to engage in activities that are either noisy or sometimes illegal. I am thinking in particular of prostitution. Afterwards, in fact, it's the reputation. There are cases, but in fact there are also many opposite cases. So there you have it, take it with a grain of salt. Yes, there are cases of leboncoin reservations which are in fact prostitution, or young people who want to party, but also many cases of leboncoin reservations which are just families who temporarily need, due to work, to relocate to an apartment. So take it with a grain of salt. In any case, what is behind this point, all the same, and this is a real point to raise together, is that in fact, on leboncoin, we are somewhat the only verifiers of the quality and seriousness of the traveler we are about to receive. So, it’s true that there is a point of vigilance on that. In addition, you must be a guarantor yourself, by digging, by questioning the fact that you are going to welcome a traveler who will be respectful of the place, who will not cause you any problems with the co-ownership. So. It's up to you, in fact, to check this, unlike platforms on which there are other means of verification, and in particular Airbnb, which at the moment is filtering reservations for young people which may turn out to be be party reservations.

So point number one, it's not connected to the channel manager. Point number two, it's up to us to check in the reservations if it's going to be a traveler who is careful, who we want to receive.

The third point which is rather to the disadvantage of the site is a way of marketing which will be extremely time-consuming. Why do I say that? Because the first thing to know is that your ads will “stale”. That is to say that you will gradually drop in the search results, because there are new announcements that will arrive. And so, you fall into the depths of the website and the results. So, you have to frequently resubmit your ads to be on top, to have an ad that is always at the top of the page. And then the other point that makes it actively time-consuming is that you're going to have a lot of unqualified requests. That's one of the real big flaws of the site, is that you have a lot of people who will just write to you without having read, without having looked. So, you can spend a lot of time, in fact, answering questions, then taking reservations for sometimes, a result in terms of ratio of time spent versus taking reservations obtained, it's less good, that's clear, than on airbnb, booking. That is undeniable.

So these are the three points against the leboncoin site: not connected to the channel manager, risk of careless population, and in reality, as in all sites, it is we who are in charge of verifying that we have good deal with people who will respect our real estate; and the third point is that it is a method of marketing that is more time-consuming than the others, since we have to constantly put our ads back at the top of the list, or answer a lot of questions.

Now, there are also three points that are in favor of this site, leboncoin. The first point is that you will have the possibility, on leboncoin, to capture longer or recurring stays. By "longer stay", I mean for example the example that I gave you just now, of the family who needs to find rehousing for an average duration, that is to say they do not do not need to find new accommodation for a year, nor do they need to find accommodation for two weeks; They are doing work on their house or apartment, so over three or four months, they need to find a housing solution. It's a somewhat hybrid posture for which people may have the reflex to look on leboncoin. In certain situations, and in the situations we have experienced recently, notably during confinement, these are bookings which were extremely valuable, because it allowed us to have total occupancy over the period. You can also have more recurring stays. You may have stays from business customers, who will be interested in these announcements to have something regular every week. Business customers also use Leboncoin and Airbnb a lot. But as we have recently had cases of people who came via leboncoin, I will clarify, because that means that it can also exist. So, longer or more recurring stays, and that's interesting if you can get the right prices on that. Not prices that will degrade our performance, but the right prices. I am closing the parenthesis, because otherwise, I will move on to another completely different subject.

The second point is that it actually also allows you to increase your online presence. At some point, if you get to a point where you've done well on price, you have a good revenue management strategy, but you're still not satisfied with your financial performance, the other thing is also to be as available for sale as possible. That is to say, if people don't buy, it may also be because they don't often have the opportunity to see you. So if you are currently only available for sale on one site, for example Airbnb, consider other marketing sites, this also gives you the chance to boost your performance, and increase your opportunity to be seen , and therefore to be purchased. For that, obviously, leboncoin is one of the solutions to increase its opportunities to be seen, and therefore to be bought. This is an additional site to be marketed. That's the second positive point in relation to that.

And then the third positive point in relation to the good corner is that it will allow you to bring people and sales to your direct site, because what is the idea? When you are marketed on leboncoin, it is to bring people to your direct site. You cannot put links to your site on the ad itself, however, you can give the information by private message to people who contact you. And as a result, it allows you to make your site known, and it allows you to attract reservations without having to pay the famous commissions of Airbnb and booking sites.

So, in summary, I am still going to share with you my conviction on this, because I think that if Mélanie asked me the question, it was still to have my conviction on this. In summary, I find that it is a solution that makes sense, leboncoin, especially in difficult times, like the current times we have. Now, it is absolutely necessary to check the seriousness of the travelers. That’s crucial. And it all depends on your personal situation. If today, you are a seasonal renter, you have an apartment or two, and you do not particularly intend to have more, leboncoin can be a lasting solution which complements the rest of your distribution sites. Now, if you are a seasonal rental concierge service, and you want to have leboncoin in your marketing methods in the long term, at some point, it could be a little complex to manage, because it will generate, in fact, a lot of working time. So, you will have to expand your team to manage this. In fact, it is necessary to weigh the ratio of gain provided versus costs incurred. But in any case, before having an extremely deployed and developed activity, when you start or when you have an activity with a good, well it is something entirely realistic to have leboncoin to succeed in capturing other types of reservations, especially those that are longer. You can actually, I haven't talked about it, but you can mention, in fact, on your ad that these are reservations for a month or two, things like that. This will prevent you from being asked for just extremely short stays as we usually have with booking or Airbnb. So.

In summary, the points which are rather to the disadvantage of the good corner, the first, is that it is not connected to the channel manager. Also, you have to check the seriousness of the travelers yourself, and you have a lot of time to spend putting the ads back online, and answering the travelers' questions to successfully attract reservations. The three points which are positive, the first, is that you will be able to capture longer stays or recurring stays. You will be able to have an additional marketing method, therefore be more visible, and therefore more purchased. And the third point is that you can make direct sales on your own site, without having to pay commissions to Airbnb or booking. So.

I hope all of these have helped you. Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm going to take up the messages I see in the discussion.

− Mélanie: “It’s great that you can answer our questions. »

Awesome ! It's a pleasure to read. It's always nice. That's why I do this.

Mélanie, you are in Martinique. I don't know why you say that. I don't know what I could have said that could have… Ah, because I was talking about your activity, about going to see your activity, so yes, in fact, you are in Martinique. You are right to point that out.

− Hello to you. Welcome.

− Marie-Jo: “How to establish monthly rates for professionals and temporary accommodation? »

This is a video that was also requested of me recently. Well I'll make it the subject of tomorrow's video. I think it was Mélanie who asked me how to do medium-term prices. I take note of the subject. We will talk about it tomorrow, with great pleasure. I will make a video on that, how to make your mid-term prices for professionals, or even non-professionals.

I hope you enjoyed this video. I don't have any more questions. I would like to take this opportunity to share with you that if you would like to receive the free bonus of the six mistakes not to make when determining your prices, do not hesitate to register on the Facebook group. When you register, you receive this bonus, and in fact, you will also join our private group in which we discuss all these subjects, maximizing your turnover in seasonal rentals. I also share news, exclusive information that I do not put in newsletters or elsewhere, to help you maximize your turnover. Don't hesitate to register, the link is just below on YouTube, and above on Facebook. Wait, I'll resume the thread of questions.

− “How to recover the deposit with people on leboncoin, if possible without traveling? »

So that's all the classic bail methods. Without having to travel, in fact, this involves creating online imprinting systems, in particular, there is Swikly which exists to do this type of thing. Swikly also has flaws, eh! We could talk about it in another video, but that's not necessarily linked to the right place. In fact, it's really linked to needing to give a deposit, even directly. But in fact, the issues are the same, whether it is leboncoin or the direct site, since on leboncoin, we are going to do live.

– Delphine: “I asked the question too”

Ah, was it you, Delphine, for the medium term? Pardon. It was you, Delphine. So, we will talk about it tomorrow with great pleasure.

– “I think that leboncoin is not made for concierge services in general without a professional card. It is useful for real estate agencies, for owners who rent themselves. The benefit/risk is something to think about. »

Yes. That's what I said at the start of the video. In fact, if you do not have the g card, generally speaking, marketing on leboncoin, or even marketing it directly, is not authorized. So, be careful about that. This is not allowed. Afterwards, many concierge services do it anyway, so it's up to everyone to see, but in any case, in fact, whether on the direct site or leboncoin, without a g card, normally, we cannot do that.

– Marie-Jo: “Great, thank you. »

– Mélanie: “Thank you Élise. It's clear. That's great, your answers are clear and clear. »

It's a pleasure. Thank you so much. Thank you all. Well, listen, thank you. I'll see you tomorrow for the next video. And so, you already know in preview what tomorrow's video will be about. We will talk about how to determine your prices for medium duration, for stays of one month for example. So. I'll see you tomorrow. Take care of yourself.

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