
Seasonal rental which sales sites or platforms should you choose?

seasonal rental platforms

There are a lot of different platforms for renting your apartment for short-term rental: I detail their advantages and disadvantages in this video.

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Hello and welcome to the channel I display complete, the channel which helps seasonal rental owners to become serene and ultra profitable seasonal entrepreneurs. Today we are talking about all the distribution sites, marketing sites which will allow you to rent your seasonal rental, your apartment or your house on a short-term basis. There are lots of possible sites, I often read questions on this subject on social networks: should you only be on Airbnb? Do you have to have Booking too, but you should know that booking is more complicated and what about Gilles de France? Is this a good idea, and besides, is shelterel really a business for shelterel? Here are all these questions, we will talk about them together. We will also obviously talk about the good place, we will talk about morningcroissant, I will answer all your questions. What I suggest to you when you arrive if you want is to say hello, it always makes me happy to see you arrive live with me and to tell me if you are seasonal rentals today, what are the sites on which you rent out your apartments. Are you only on Airbnb? Are you on Airbnb, booking and other sites? Are you angry with one of its sites for different reasons. Explain that to me, it will make me really happy to read you during the live and if you have any, answer your questions already. 

Hi Jérémy, welcome, welcome to the live. Jérémy watching us from YouTube. If you haven't subscribed to our YouTube channel, don't hesitate to do so, it's Full. By clicking on subscribe, you will be alerted when I go live and it's true that it's quite practical and it allows you to join me and ask your questions live. So Jérémy, by the way, if you want, don't hesitate to tell me: do you already have an apartment for seasonal rental, on which site do you put your apartment for seasonal rental? 

Hello Axel, welcome! I hope you're well. So, we will start with the two sites I would say the most heavyweight. We will say that they capture all the largest market shares in seasonal rental in France today: it is Airbnb and booking. What I notice is that many seasonal rental companies will start with a presence on Airbnb. The Airbnb site is more ergonomic in general, it is easier to get to grips with and as a result we tend to turn to this site first. It’s true that Airbnb has a lot of advantages. It already has the advantage of protecting you quite effectively from unwanted parties, since they have put in place, I was going to say for a year, but yes it must have been almost a year now, they have put in place rules to prevent people under 25 who book in a city in which they live from being unable to book. Basically: I'm under 25, I live in Le Mans, I want to book an Airbnb in Le Mans, at some point, it's not going to work. So this is really something quite effective which has meant that we have seen a decrease in the number of parties on Airbnb compared to what could happen on other sites. This is a big strong point of Airbnb. The other big strong point of Airbnb is its ergonomics. That's what I said at the beginning, it's easy to handle and it's quite ergonomic for everyday use. Perhaps the flaw behind Airbnb compared to booking, since they are the two heavyweights, is that there are a certain number of tools that we have in booking and I will talk about them later. hour which are today not present at all in Airbnb. Levers, tools to help us boost the performance of an ad, for example, are things that very rarely exist in Airbnb today. Now, Airbnb is improving its tools more and more. You may have noticed that we now have a page called “performance” which gives us a list of items to help us improve our ads and improve our financial performance. So these are also positive things that Airbnb is working towards on a daily basis to ensure that the power of the tool and the extranet is improved. So, you have already answered, thank you. So Jérémy told me: “AirBnb only, I tried in vain to book my apartments but I never succeeded.” Ok, but I think booking offers a slightly better business. So yes, we're going to talk about booking right now. It's true that booking also has a lot of positive points compared to Airbnb. We will be able to describe them. Hello, Maya, welcome to you. Axel you tell me: “I’m on Airbnb and booking for six apartments. Quite angry with Airbnb, because it is impossible to get a last apartment, because the owner cannot validate her identity between passports and identification photos”. It's true that these are things that can happen, namely if you are a seasonal rental concierge, it is very likely that you have a certain number of apartments, but I no longer know the number unfortunately , it seems to me that it is from ten apartments, you have a professional contact at Airbnb who allows you to have a direct link to be able to ask your questions. So don't hesitate to ask if you are eligible and you don't have this contact information. Welcome Vincent, welcome to the live. So, we took a quick look at Airbnb on the strengths that this platform can present for your seasonal rentals. Now there is also booking which in this clash of the titans we will say. Booking is in fact, as you rightly said earlier Jérémy, it can be more difficult to access. Firstly it is a more technical approach, more complex in fact. It's true that booking originally worked with hoteliers, so it's a really very professional tool, a little more advanced, but in a more complex sense. Now, we still have support that is quite specialized at booking. You can, this is one of its strengths, you can always call the support service by telephone for help, both technical and setup. Honestly, I've always found the support to be quite engaged at Booking. We always try to help us, we try to provide a response as quickly as possible. That's really important. This is perhaps a point on which Airbnb is perhaps more difficult, even if they are also very committed to this. At booking, we get extremely fast responses on the phone straight away, and we get unblocked when we hang up. So that’s a very positive point of booking. Another very positive point of booking is, as I told you, you have levers that do not exist in Airbnb. You have programs that you can join that will help you improve your ad position and your revenue. I am thinking in particular of one of the best-known programs, it is the genius program. There's also the preferred program, which are things that allow you to actually have the power to improve your position in the search results and not constantly be in a thing of "I lower my prices, I raise my prices what”; because if we don't have these levers, the temptation that I can understand is to say to ourselves: well, it's not going well, I'm going down. Whereas with slightly more peripheral levers around all that, it helps you not to give in to the sirens of lowering prices when the situation arises and that's really good. 

If we now talk about the clientele that we have between Airbnb and booking, because sometimes the question also arises: is the booking clientele a clientele that I will want to attract or not? What we have noticed from experience is that we have a business clientele who are still more present on booking. So that's quite interesting because the business clientele is a clientele that will most of the time in most cities be present throughout the year, so it's a clientele that will stabilize performance financial of your activity, so extremely important to capture it when there is one in the city. And other points on booking, we still observe that the average prices are a little higher. It's true that we are compared with hoteliers, unlike Airbnb which can also have offers that tend to drive prices down. For example, having a room with a local. A room in a homestay is a solution that suits many travelers, but it is a solution that is often very inexpensive because it is a room in someone's home. There you have it, these are ads that are at very low prices and this can tend to generally cause that on Airbnb, the prices are lower than what you can observe on booking. So there you have it for these two platforms, the two titans that are possible for your seasonal rental. In my opinion, it is… Hello Nadia, welcome to the live. In my opinion, it is complicated today to do without one or the other of these two titans of platform marketing. Besides, this is also an opportunity to make a digression because people often say to me: Oh yeah, but the platforms take a huge percentage from us, etc. I don't agree with that at all. I think it's a perspective, typically, we come back to it, it's a perspective of beginner seasonal rental companies, it's not a perspective of seasonal entrepreneurs. For what ? Because what does the seasonal entrepreneur say to himself? He says to himself Ok, I have an Airbnb, I have a booking which costs me money yes, but why do they cost me money? They cost me money because these people actually do a sales job. These people, they will give a showcase and visibility to my ad and they save me from going to prospect markets myself, present my apartment and make sure to find me in the place where people want to book . So it’s still a service that ultimately has value. Anyone who has their own direct site will tell you that getting traffic to a direct site is not easy, it takes time, it takes energy and it often also requires money to get support. experts who will position us well on SEO, etc. So when we start to touch on all these subjects, we begin to understand that yes in fact, visibility and this sales job, it has value and in fact it's normal, we pay someone for a job . 

So with that, keep in mind this perspective of seasonal entrepreneurs. Yes, we grant a percentage to all the players, to all the platforms we are going to talk about. Yes, we give them a percentage, but in fact for a job that they do. They're not here trying to extort money from us, not at all. They are carrying out a sales job, presenting your seasonal rental, and it is simply worth money. So Airbnb Booking for me, the two essentials that we can't do without today when we do seasonal rentals. These are two completely essential platforms. Now there are many other solutions, many other platforms which are mentioned a little on both sides which also have other advantages, other disadvantages. I will mention a few of them. We won't be able to be exhaustive because otherwise, unless you have the night to give me, unless you have three, four hours to give me together live, but I tell myself that you can -also want to do something else with your day. Here is a quick summary, what are the other platforms? For example, we have the Gîtes de France platform. The Gîtes de France platform, I do not attach a certain affection to this platform, and the Gîtes de France clientele, the Gîtes de France clientele, is a clientele who will greatly anticipate these reservations, it is the clientele who will be respectful of the premises and who will probably not organize unwanted parties. This is not a clientele that will bring you prostitution, this type of thing which is quite problematic as we know today in seasonal rentals, and which can sometimes happen in other platforms. So on the Gîtes de France platform, you have this serenity of having travelers who are the travelers you like to have, that's it. The fact also that reservations are made very well in advance is very positive because it gives you enormous visibility on your activity, it also allows you to very calmly do revenue management, that is to say fluctuate your prices to increase your turnover. So it's really very positive in my opinion. Now, where there may be a downside, is that it will be more complicated to connect the Gîtes de France platform with certain channel managers, and this is where it becomes less automated. So it is also to be evaluated based on the number of apartments you have and to see if you have the possibility of at least connecting the calendars to avoid having double reservations. So much for the Gîtes de France platform.

There is also another platform that we talk about a lot, it is leboncoin. Should we put these apartments on leboncoin? Big question, big question! On leboncoin for me, the presence of seasonal rental apartments can make sense because it once again gives another visibility. Now, depending on the city, it's true that you have to be careful when choosing the travelers who will stay in your apartment. Do not hesitate to set up a verification beam that may be more arduous than what you would usually do to ensure that these are travelers who will respect the premises, who will not put you in a criminal risk linked to prostitution . So check this part carefully and the positive point is that it is a platform that costs almost nothing, unless you want to promote your ad and in which case there is a small amount, but overall it's true that it will cost you less than the 17% of platforms like booking or airbnb. Now the negative point, and it's always a bit like that in life, when it doesn't cost us very much, and very often it costs us something else. And this is the case, it costs us time because you will have a lot of back and forth to do with travelers. Availability, is this and that. There are a lot of questions in fact for travelers who are sometimes, often just going through the ads without really having the intention of booking right away. I know some people just make sure they have communication. For leboncoin messages, some have communication that goes directly to the direct site so as to avoid having to respond, etc., this can be a tip to prevent you from having to waste time on questions like: is- are you available the night of the 15th? That could be part of the solutions. So here are the strengths and weaknesses that this platform can have for leboncoin. 

So we talked about Airbnb, Booking, Gîtes de France, leboncoin. Another platform that is also getting people talking: Abritel. So what you need to know is when we say VRBO Homeaway and shelterel, it’s the same group. There have been buyouts and it's all put together under the VRBO name. So Abritel is a platform that has a roughly similar commission rate, it seems to me a little lower than Airbnb and Bookinge. On the extranet, you will not have a lot of tools to promote your ad or increase the performance of your ad. Let's say that at this stage, as soon as I am going to talk about personal experiences, today we still work for a lot of cities and a lot of different goods, I have never had situations on which Abritel had a really major impact on the financial performance of the apartment or house. Now, it can bring business, that’s true. So in fact, it's a balancing act on your part as a business manager. Do you say: well there you go, I have the time so I put it in and then whatever I harvest, even if it's just two annual resas, that suits me. Or conversely you say: “Well actually I don't have time, so it's not worth committing to this for the potentially relatively small number of reservations that it could bring me. So there you have it, afterward, that’s an arbitration on your part. We say that Abritel means perhaps larger areas that can function, houses, etc. Honestly, I haven't yet had formal proof that there really was a type of property that was a hit on shelterel. At this stage I think that for the French market, Abritel does not have a really huge market share which means that you can put the ad if you see that you have the time and that it does not cost you much in terms of time. You can do it, but it's not going to be a massive provider of bookings for your apartment or house.

Another completely different booking site: morningcroissant. Morningcroissant is a site that will bring you long-term reservations, reservations for several months, that's very very very interesting. I really recommend if you want to have this logic to position your ad on Morningcroissant. For what ? Because you are really going to target a clientele who is looking for this type of stay. So, you can also obviously collect from the average duration of seven, one month on Airbnb and on Booking. But Morningcroissant is really specialized for that and therefore gives you additional visibility. This makes it possible to collect reservations which are in fact very long straight away, so it's quite interesting, that's it. I also like Morningcroissant and am I forgetting a reservation site? I don't think I'm forgetting a booking site. I will look at your messages, don't hesitate to tell me if I forgot to mention a site. 

Axel, you say: “I just noticed that if I want to put a promotion on Airbnb, and they raise the prices before applying my promotion”. So you're saying they raise prices before applying your promotion? But that's illegal! So I would like you to tell me a little more, because I am a little surprised if Airbnb raises the prices before applying the promotion. So in the end, it would result in, I imagine, the same amounts. It's totally illegal, so it's interesting what you say. Axel you say: “Booking is actually easier to access for the concierge services, because it is possible to have a hat account which includes all the apartments”. Yes, it’s true for a seasonal rental concierge, possibility of having a tip of the hat. Otherwise on Airbnb, you are required to be a co-host and there is a limited number of co-hosts too. So if you have a team, at some point it can be a little limiting if everyone needs to have access to the extranet. It’s true that that’s also a point in Booking’s favor. But here we also see the fact that booking is used to working with hoteliers who need to give several people access to the extranet. 

Jérémy you say: “I regularly have customers who would absolutely not mind going live, but who want an invoice to be reimbursed. I have never worked on the subject”. Yes, so it's true that we're talking about external platforms here, but it remains essential to have a direct site, you're right to talk about it again, it's part of the platforms. Having a direct site is not necessarily complicated. It can be scary, but it doesn't have to be complicated. I could do a Live on that if you want on do you need to have a direct site? What can it be used for, etc., and how do I get one? Don't hesitate to tell me in the comments if this is a subject that interests you. With great pleasure to talk about it in a future video. Is it easy to produce a proper invoice? So yes, I think it's quite simple to produce a proper invoice. I couldn't send you any models because I don't have any, I simply don't have any, but don't hesitate to ask the question on our Facebook group: Seasonal rental, prices and maximizing the figure business. I'm sure someone will have a template they can share with you or maybe a little software they use to be able to do invoices.

If you are not in our Facebook group, do not hesitate to join us. I put the link just below and in fact upon registration, you receive your free bonus of “six mistakes not to make when pricing your seasonal rental”. So there you have it, don't hesitate to register, the link is just below. Axel you say: “maybe an idea from another Live: how to check the reliability of a traveler on the boncoin? ”. Yes, it's a very good idea, you're right. Very very good idea. I'll note that at the end of this live. Nadia, do you say: “Morning croissant, do you write it like that”? Exactly, like, exactly like that morningcroissant, that's totally it. It seems to me that when you Google Morningcroissant, it comes directly to the site. Anissa, welcome Anissa. “Yes, I'm interested in direct sites”. Ok, great. Well, well noted. Axel, you also say: “live on the direct site is also interesting”. But listen, I'm taking note. So we're talking about an upcoming live on the direct site, an upcoming live on how to select these travelers in the right place, that's noted too!

Listen, thank you very much for being with me once again in such large numbers this afternoon to talk about the different platforms for your seasonal rentals. Once again, if you are not subscribed to the YouTube channel, don't hesitate. Go ahead, go ahead! What are you waiting for, what are you waiting for to do it? And if you haven't yet received the free bonus of 6 mistakes not to make, then it's the same, don't hesitate to click on the link to download it. There you go, I wish you a very good day, thank you Anissa. Ah, and Axel offers, super nice, thank you very much Axel, offers to send an invoice model. Well listen, thank you. It’s super nice! I wish you a very good day, I'll see you next Tuesday at noon to pick up another book on a totally different subject. Until then, take care of yourself and I'll see you soon.  

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