
She works at J'annonce complet AND is an owner: her shocking opinion on price management!Interview

Here is the transcript of the video:

Hello and welcome to the J’poster Complet ! Today, we find ourselves in a somewhat particular format, it's an interview format. And today, we have a distinguished guest, Claire Ripoche . So Claire, what are you doing here today?

Claire: Well listen, I come as an employee of J'poster Complet, we know that, I have been working with J'poster Complet for several years, but I am also the owner of apartments which are managed by J'poster Complet on the price . And that's what we're going to talk about today.

Interviewer: Okay, and yes, that's why we're going to do this little interview, because we had the opportunity to also discuss off-site a little bit about your property, about how it's managed, etc. You sometimes had questions and we thought it would be nice to finally give your feelings and share them with owners, whether or not they work with J'poster Complet. I have a short list of questions, here we go, let's go!

Claire: Come on, let's go!

Interviewer: So, the first question is: why did you choose a concierge service that works with J'annonce Complet ?

Claire: Well then, I'll answer you very frankly, in fact that's the objective of this interview, the idea is to be transparent. In fact, I don't think I even asked myself the question. For me, it was obvious: I work at J'poster Complet, I am convinced of what we are doing, I am sure that it is a necessity. So I barely questioned the subject, I told myself that I wanted to work with a concierge service that collaborates with J'poster Complet. Beyond that, honestly, it reassures me. I remain convinced that you cannot be an expert on everything. I also see it when I see you working on the revenue management side, it's such a technical job, so difficult, that in fact, it can't be invented. So I told myself that I needed someone who was an expert in each field. I see it with my concierge: she is liberated in relation to that, she is super picky about many things, and I am very satisfied with her work on the concierge part. J'poster Complet is also focused on its own area of ​​excellence, and that's great!

Interviewer: Great. So my second question: what has changed for you now since you became a client of J'poster Complet et proprietaire?

Claire: This is the moment where I confess… I didn't tell anyone in the team before becoming the owner and working at J'poster Complet, but I had a priori about Booking.com . I said to myself: “I’m not going to know the travelers, it could be everyone, that scares me. If I have an apartment, won't that cause damage to the property? » When I arrived at J'poster Complet and bought my property, I said to myself: “I can't say that to the team, otherwise I'll look like a crazy person. » So, I said to myself: “I’m going to try Booking”. In fact, that’s when I realized it was fear of the unknown. Today, I am convinced that it is essential to sell on all platforms . My property performs very well, and it's not for nothing: it's because all the levers are used.

Interviewer: It’s funny because we have a lot of customers who tell us the same thing! They are reluctant to book at first. Ultimately, it makes all the difference.

Claire: Completely! This was clearly unwarranted apprehension .

Interviewer: And now, what about the prices? When you started with us, did you expect these prices?

Claire: Yes and no. I expected this volume of turnover , good performances, but not in detail. One weekend, I looked at it on a weekday, I said to myself: “Hey, this is expensive. » And actually, no, it was sold for less than expected. I had my knowledge of the region, but travelers do not behave like experts. Their reading grid is different, and fortunately I don't manage the prices myself.

Interviewer: It’s true that sometimes we have very personal criteria. For example, you were talking about a cobbled street that made you dream for your own good, but ultimately, customers are not affected by this kind of detail.

Claire: Exactly. I realized that this was not at all a sales criterion, but rather my personal pleasure.

Interviewer: Do you have the impression of having lost control over your property since working with J'poster Complet ?

Claire: Yes and no. Yes, but that's what I was looking for. I didn't want this responsibility , this mental load. But I know that if I say “no”, I will be listened to. It's a balance . I prefer to give carte blanche to experts, to obtain optimal results. I don't want compromise.

Interviewer: Are you still interested in the figures that are produced?

Claire: Yes, a lot more than I thought. I'm impatiently waiting for the end of the month to receive the summary from my concierge.

Interviewer: Do you know that you would have access to the figures from our internal tools?

Claire: Yes, but I never go there.

Interviewer: Last question: would you recommend I display Complete as an owner?

Claire: Yes, without hesitation! This work cannot be invented, it is an expertise . I am convinced that you cannot be an expert in everything, and you have to let go to obtain the best results. We can't be two pilots in a plane.

Interviewer: Thank you Claire for this sincere testimony! We always learn something, even when we are colleagues. Thank you all for following us, don't hesitate to leave a comment and like. See you soon for a new video!

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