
The hidden trap in the BOOKING.COM Genius program

Trap on booking

Good morning ! Today we are going to talk about the Genius booking program. So if you are hesitant about participating in this program, if it seems a little nebulous to you and you don't really see what it's about, stay in this video; it will really help you. And above all, at the end, I'm going to share this pitfall, this typo, this thing that we found, this trap in the Genius program into which we must absolutely not fall. I'm going to share with you what it is and how to avoid it so that you don't lose money with the Genius program when it's a program that could be really super virtuous.

I will be making a video every day from Sunday to Thursday each week. So if you really want to not miss any of these videos, I can only strongly encourage you to subscribe to the channel and also to follow the page I'm displaying Complete which will allow you to have the different elements and information and the videos that we release very frequently. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I'll answer all the questions at the end so don't hesitate.

So the subject we are talking about today is the famous Genius program. So what does this Genius program consist of and what are the interests that booking sells to us? So the first thing I would like to share on this and it is important to keep in mind, is that in fact it is booking which sells us something, which sells us a service. You really have to see it that way. You really have to see it that way because, for example, if you have a booking advisor on the phone who insists on one of the programs: the Genius program, the mobile program, etc. Keep in mind that it is also a salesperson who has an interest in selling you this type of program.

So you really have to look at them with a critical but interested eye in my opinion, to see which programs could really help you and which ones are better to pass on. I open a parenthesis: when we say booking programs, we include the famous Genius program, there is the preferred program, there is a program linked to cancellations and at the moment which also offers to have cancellations until last minute but booking supports us in finding business. There is the ideal program for working, for properties for which it is ideal to telework if you are looking for a property in this style.

There are discounts that are offered for users who come via mobile, there is also the possibility of having discounts depending on the country. There you have it, that's a whole bunch of opportunities that booking offers us to be more attractive in exchange for a payment. So if I take the example of Genius more precisely, what are we offered on Genius? We are told that if you agree to participate in the Genius program, Genius is the loyalty program for Booking travelers, you will therefore be much better positioned in the search results and in exchange, you agree to grant our customers Genius 10% off the prices you exercise.

What you need to keep in mind is that booking at a level of preference in the results that appear for the traveler. What is the level of preference that booking has on the results? Booking will first prioritize listings that are both Preferred and Genius, then it will prioritize listings that are exclusively Preferred, then listings that are exclusively Genius, then listings that are neither but who used the visibility accelerator. Besides, I'm opening a digression, if you're interested in the visibility accelerator, I can definitely talk about it in a video. Do not hesitate to tell me in the comments with great pleasure.

So joining the Genius program will actually have a huge benefit on your position in the algorithm. Your position in the algorithm but in exchange what we realize is that you must grant a 10% reduction; which is no easy feat. So in my opinion, using the Genius program can be a good idea to either temporarily boost the performance of a property which is a little behind, on which you see for example that your ranking statistics in booking are not good in the Opportunity Center. You actually have what your ranking is and what the ranking of similar ads is. So if you see that you are indeed a little behind, you perhaps need to improve your image a little in relation to the booking algorithm and in these cases using this program potentially occasionally can be a good thing ; This is the first scenario.

And the second scenario is when we have an asset that is really in difficulty, so we are generally going to boost it anyway and otherwise when we have an asset that we launch. At the beginning, the same, it's important. Algorithms are computers; so in fact very quickly, you have to show them when you have an announcement that is brand new, you have to show them that there is attraction as they say in entrepreneurship. There is attraction, people are interested when they see the ad, but they want to click and when they click, they want to book. This is what we need to show to the booking algorithm.

So immediately agree at the beginning to give up 10% of the price to have this position which is better, this gives us every chance of showing booking that our work is quality work that travelers like. So here is the somewhat broad description of what this Genius program offers and why it seems to me that in certain situations, it is a relevant tool for your activity.

Now, we found something that surprised us a lot at J'poster Complet. We saw this on one of the goods and we said to ourselves, this is crazy. You really have to be very careful. Why am I telling you this? Because today, the Genius program when you join, you join at 10% off. So far so good, so far there is no catch. Afterwards, booking will offer you access to 5% more and in fact what we realized is where the curds come from for me, the huge point of vigilance. And I really encourage you to look at them in booking.

What we realized is that on certain accounts, certain advertisements, there we took over an advertisement which was historically managed by the owner, it was validated the fact that the pricing could be dynamic of the Genius reduction. What do we mean by that? That is to say, we agreed that this percentage of reduction on Genius should be dynamic according to what Booking thinks is necessary to convert customers. And in this context, on this ok for dynamic Genius pricing, booking was entitled to grant less 10% to Genius customers, up to -20%. And that’s where the problem lies! It's that -20% is still enormous and the fact of not having visibility on how the decision is made by booking to grant this -20% is something that seems extremely detrimental to your business.

So in my opinion, I summarize what I share: firstly Genius is not for everyone, it is not for all the time. You have to use it, it's a tool like any other, it's an expensive tool but it's a tool which, if used well, can bring in money. So why not study it according to your own case. Afterwards be careful! 10% is already good, you have to do the calculations. You can potentially add five more points but that's the same depending on the specific situation you encounter and the last point really, my conviction is to not fall into the pitfall of saying to booking ok so that this percentage Genius varied. So I remind you of the mention that is made so that you can check in your booking interface, it is dynamic pricing. And that doesn't mean that booking decides your sale or rental price, it really means that this Genius percentage can be made dynamic with the booking decision.

So for me, it's really something that needs to be removed because it can be totally detrimental to have a -20% that falls like that over a period in which you are not necessarily in a perspective of grant up to 20%. That's it, I hope it's clear to you. I hope this has helped you, so I'm taking this opportunity to share: if you don't know where to go in booking, you have to go to the top in the toolbar on the opportunity center, click on the program Genius and there on the Genius program, you actually have an interface with items at the top specialized on Genius which will allow you to navigate the offer that you have with booking on this Genius program; if you are registered with Genius and which will allow you to verify that you are not on this dynamic pricing system.

So, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me in the comments. I will answer it with great pleasure. If you also have ideas for topics, the thorn in your side at the moment is on a subject that is bothering you a little, what are the subjects that are preventing you from sleeping at the moment? Tell me about it, tell me about it in the comments. What keeps you from sleeping? What frustrates you? To which you say: ah it doesn't work as I would like, I would like Elise to tell me a little about how they do it at J'poster Complet. So don't hesitate to tell me in the comments, it will give me ideas for videos that will help you and not videos that are useless. It's still much more interesting, so write me that in the comments.

Until then, don't hesitate to subscribe to our private group, the Facebook group. You will receive the free bonus of the six mistakes to avoid to make your prize so as not to lose money when registering for the group. As soon as your registration is validated, you will receive your free bonus by email, so don't miss out on that. I can't wait to read you in the comments and then I'll obviously see you tomorrow. Take care of yourself !

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6 Answers

  1. Diaz Maïté says:

    At what point is the 10% discount calculated because my reservation yesterday ultimately cost me the price displayed before I connected, therefore the price of any customer. I read during check out?
    I am waiting for your help before making a second reservation this evening because my hotel reservation amounts to more than €2,500, hence the importance of ensuring that I will have the 10% as displayed on the chosen hotel.

  2. Jeanne Wolny says:

    Good evening,
    You have written too long….long…long until we no longer want to read and do not address anything at all, we are waiting for a brief explanation, all course, that's all and better

  3. Sebastien says:

    Good morning,

    Excellent video, thank you for this insight.
    I am Genius, but on the other hand I often see hotels that are not Genius in front of me in booking searches, so I pay to appear in priority to those that are not Genius, but I realize that this does not work, Is it still interesting in this case to remain genius? Isn't it better to simply use the visibility accelerator, with the freedom that this offers, not being a prisoner to a program.

    • Elise says:

      Hello Sébastien, yes if you see that in your market you are not obtaining the expected result it is better to change but be careful you will have a waiting period before you can become genius again. Beyond ranking, genius also helps with conversion (purchase and click rate). Elise

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