
The worst marketing method for seasonal rentals

Here is the transcript of the video:

Hello and welcome to the J4 Poster Complet , the channel which helps seasonal rental companies and seasonal accommodation managers to become serene and ultra-profitable entrepreneurs . Today, we are going to talk about the worst marketing technique when you are a seasonal rental owner to increase sales of your seasonal rental. This is something that I see everywhere on the internet and which makes my hackles rise, it so discredits the seasonal rental company who does this. I'm telling you about it to avoid this pitfall and allow you to look for real marketing methods.

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So, there is something that I see and that I wanted to tell you, friends, I can't take it anymore. I have a lot of rants at the moment, but this technique of posting on Facebook, in seasonal rental , I don't understand. So I tell you, we often have, but you must have seen it like me, we often have people on Facebook who go into groups to say, so there are the worst, the team of the worst, that is -say those who post a message just with the link to their ads, that's all, there is nothing else than that. Those are his katas and they don't respect us. But for us, a little message, a little thing anyway, I mean, make a little effort, give yourself a little bit of trouble anyway. That's the worst. And the other side is the person who will detail their arrangements, still arrangements from March 15 to 25, still arrangements for the month of April. But friends, we are all seasonal renters , that is to say that beyond the fact that yes, we can have vacation plans, but we are still not here to look for a seasonal rental. And all this to talk about the business of our profession, marketing methods, but not to look for seasonal rentals. So in the end, that's what I find ridiculous for seasonal renters , because it shows how helpless the person is when they do this to find rentals and throw it like a bottle into the sea of ​​despair.

I have the impression, finally for me, that it is the work of despair, to say to oneself: “But I am in anguish and I think that I will not be able to fulfill, in the end I will give to anyone who will lay your eyes on my ad. » And then, the pomp of the pomp is when the ad that is communicated is an Airbnb ad. This means that you are doing a sales job, so not very good in my opinion, but you are doing a sales job to be able to make sales on Airbnb, even though you are paying Airbnb to They're giving you this sales job. I'm eating my hat, so to speak. That's a disaster, that's a disaster.

Vicious circle of spending time on something for which you pay people to do it, it's complicated. So if you ever want to do that, I beg you, put your direct site, that's the first thing. And the second thing, it is ultimately better to train yourself, and train yourself in net income obviously, because when you have a good price, when you take care of the visibility of your ads on a daily basis, normally you don't have to. be there. We must not come to this. And then if not, train yourself in marketing, create a real account for your activity, Facebook account, Instagram account that you will be able to promote. But for me, really, the crux of the matter is if we get to this point, questioning all the elements on the platforms, on Hervé, Yembi, on Booking. Is my title correct? Are my photos the right ones? Is my ad well written? Are my prices well positioned? Is my length of stay optimal? Aren't my cancellation policies making it so that travelers don't want to book with me? How have I positioned my cleaning costs? All these elements, have I tried to activate the boosters on Booking? All of these elements are a higher priority than throwing out whoever wants to read an ad on Facebook. It's as ridiculous to me, quote, as if you took to the streets at home, in your town, with a door-to-door campaign. You know, the stuff for the demonstrations, and on which they tend to go behind the scenes again with a megaphone in your street saying: “I do seasonal rentals, I do seasonal rentals, and I have a 20th time available this April 8th. »No one would do that, it's ridiculous.

So it's a bit the same thing. Let's stop with this method, but get to the root of the problem. Why do we have difficulty making it a seasonal rental? And shouldn't we professionalize our methods, when exactly we shouldn't end up going to the point of using a loudspeaker to shout that we have availability from April 25 to 28? So, I hope this video was useful to you. If you ever use this method, don't feel offended, it was obviously without any disdain that I presented this method, with a spirit perhaps a little humorous, but without any of the deer, and then with perhaps also aims to raise awareness, maybe even an electric shock on this thing, in order to help you move on to the next stage and professionalize the methods you have for your seasonal rental, all in the service of your financial profitability. And that’s the crux of the matter. So I hope this could have helped you. I wish you an excellent day, take care of yourself, and I'll see you tomorrow for the next video.

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