
What does Atout France tell us about the tourism situation in 2022?

What does Atout France tell us about the tourism situation in 2022?

⭐ What does Atout France tell us about the tourism situation in 2022?

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Hello and welcome to the J'poster Complet channel, the channel that helps seasonal rental owners and seasonal accommodation managers become serene and ultra-profitable entrepreneurs. We're going to talk about statistics today, because obviously the question we're asking ourselves as we close out this year 2021 is: what will happen to us next year? This is the question we are all asking ourselves for 2022. Today we will see what information Atout France gives us on this subject, which will allow us to have more precise measurements regarding all of this, know a little about exactly what the end-of-year trends were. You will see, Atout France gives us a certain amount of very important information which will really confirm, I think, certain feelings that you may have. In any case, it confirms a certain number of feelings that we had at J'poster Complet, so I think that it is really important when you are a seasonal rental company to be very sharp on this data, on this information - there, to stay on top of all that. So, that’s why I wanted to talk to you about it today. A good entrepreneur cannot manage without data, and that's why it's important. I will tell you what the interest of Atout France is, what this data that I am going to share with you can be used for. And then I'm also going to share, at the end of this video, what will happen to these Lives in 2022. I'm going to make a small change that I would like to talk to you about. So. I know that you are quite attached to these Lives, and I am too, but I am still going to make a change that I wanted to talk to you about on the YouTube channel, in particular, and on the existence of these Lives for 2022. It will be today the last live of the year. After that, I'm just going to publish one last video on Sunday, an interview with a partner, you'll see, it's super interesting, and after that, I'll devote myself to preparing for 2022. So, there you go. I tell you all about it at the end of the video.

We are going to start, already, on the Atout France part. If you join me live, feel free to say hello. It's always a pleasure to see you again. Obviously, you can follow us on the YouTube channel, by clicking on “subscribe” with the bell to be alerted when I go live. You can also follow us on the Facebook group seasonal rental prices and maximization of turnover, and you can also follow us on Instagram. I see many of you are already there.

− Hello Maxime. Welcome.

− Hello Laetitia. Welcome to you.

− Hello Mélanie.

− Hello Anna.

− Hello Sylia. Welcome.

− Hi Julien. It's going really well. I hope you do too.

I see that there are many of you on Instagram too: Marilyn, Christelle, petit toit dormant, and Stéphane. I see someone follows us on Facebook too.

− Welcome to you, hello.

So, Atout France, what is it about? What is this entity, Atout France? For those who do not know Atout France, I will simply share with you how Atout France describes itself. Because I admit that even I wondered how I would be able to define Atout France. So, what is indicated is that it is an economic interest group, it is an operator of the French state in tourism. He specializes – and this was my perception from my small window – in communicating statistics on tourism in France. It is a player monitoring tourism data around the world. When we really read the objective of Atout France, its objective is the promotion of tourism in France, the carrying out of tourism engineering operations, and the implementation of a policy of competitiveness and quality of companies in the sector. So, I think it's much broader than the view I had from my small window of stat providers. It's much broader, but it's true that it's one of the sources of information for us, as professionals in the field of short-term rental, because we, obviously, are immersed in this profession tourism, and as a result, we need to be knowledgeable and up-to-date with all these trends. So, Atout France communicates free statistics. I will put the link to the economic situation note that I am going to share with you today, but I will share it on the screen so that we can talk about it together.

Overall, I will first give you a summary of the lessons, and we will go into more detail. You will see, the detail is super interesting. But overall, what is the general image that Atout France shares with us on the state of tourism at the end of the year, and on what awaits us at the start of 2022? First, a small disclaimer, obviously, and this is what Atout France tells us: we have all the variants that come to our noses every time, so there is always a huge doubt about that. Are we going to be able to have trends that remain strictly the same or not? So, obviously, we speak to ourselves in the light of what we see in the figures, always with this little uncertainty about the impact that the different variants that arrive each time can have on the trends, and on the confidence of the French. . In the Atout France study, we will talk about both: do the French travel; but we will also talk about: do foreigners come to France, and we will also say: short-term rentals versus hotels.

Overall, what we see is that we have a decline, still compared to a period without covid, that's for sure, but we still have the first prospects of recovery. I'm going to show you this, you'll see to what extent. It's quite mild, but it's present, and it's positive. And I must tell you that it’s nice to see. It's really cool. Afterwards, the trends always remain better than 2020. And that has been the case for a large part of the year. It doesn't change, but it's still there, so it's always good to know. What we also see, and you will see the details of why and how: in the short term, the trend is confirmed over a short period of time which is much better at succeeding in the game. So, Atout France calls it particular rental, particular in relation to the hotel industry. The hotel industry is always suffering more than the short-term, the hotel industry which currently attracts more an international clientele or a business clientele, even if in the short-term, we obviously have a strong business clientele, but in any case, it is their way of explaining why the hotel industry may have more difficulty doing well in this difficult period, and why short-term accommodation is, one might say, eating away at market shares on people looking for accommodation in relation to hotels. We also see that travel intentions are rather good. So that's positive, with always the word of the lot of variants, and we see good confidence in the future.

So, I'll show you this right now, the study. Unfortunately, I apologize in advance, it could only be for people who watch me from YouTube and from Facebook, because on Instagram, I wouldn't be able to share the screen. So. Listen, I'm going to share with you the economic situation report. To go into more detail, but I'm giving you a summary, I reassure you, it's not going to last 45 minutes, but I still wanted to show you the graph, because I found it interesting. I'll give you a selection of things that are cool. The first interesting graph is this one. I will provide you with the link to the economic situation note. Besides, I'm going to put it right away, because that way, I'm sure I won't forget. Hop, I'll put that in the comments. So. So there, you will have it on the different Facebook and YouTube networks.

So, what do we see here on this graph? I find it quite interesting, we see the air capacity, that is to say the flights planned for 2019. So there, it is the yellow line; in 2020, the blue line; and in 2021, the red line. And there, you see that 2019 is a year without covid. In 2020, we see the catastrophic loss of the number of airline capacities, because obviously, all flights have been completely cut off. There is just a slight recovery for the summer, we see it here. And so, what is quite positive, it is a first signal which, as seasonal rental companies, gives us comfort, is that we see that the curve is rather ahead of the year last, and that despite the reduction in demands, in any case the arrival of a weaker period as the holidays approach, it is true that October, November, it is not as strong, and well , air capacities were maintained, airlines continued to keep their positions to be able to ensure a certain amount of air traffic. And that’s really a good signal for the recovery. It's a good signal to also allow us to attract a clientele that is not only French, but also a clientele from other countries, and I found that to be a very good point.

Another graph that is quite interesting that I'm going to show you here, and that I'm also going to explain to make it as super digestible as possible, is this table. On this table, you have, in fact, for each country, the weight of international tourism in France, that is to say the people who come to stay in France. So you have France, and then you have other countries here. And in fact, here, we have the amount, in billions of euros, of international tourism in France. So, what do we see? We see that we made 4 billion in the first quarter, 5.9 in the second quarter, and July, August, September: 5.1; 5.6; and 4.4. And there, these are the comparisons compared to 2020. And there, you have the comparison compared to 2019. That's what's nice, is that we see that in fact, obviously, compared to 2020 , we are always super positive, but I want to tell you that doing less than 2021 would still have been worthy of a Guinness World Record, clearly. So, yes, it is positive compared to 2020. On the other hand, what we see is that compared to 2019, we are less and less behind. This is where we see that the delay percentages were very high at the start of the year, and there, in the third quarter, it is decreasing, in fact. We can clearly see, in August, it is 23% versus 34% in July, 23% in September; So, it's really, really positive on the fact that we're going to be able to get back to normal more and more. Obviously, I am not telling you that tomorrow, you will have a massive American, European, or Asian clientele who will descend into your short-term rental, that is obviously not my point, now, here, we are studying economic statistical trends, and what is positive is to see that from a statistical point of view, economically speaking, and I would even say geopolitically speaking, it is not politics, but you understood what I meant, overall, we see that the trends are improving, even if we are still behind, but we are on an increase, we are on a reduction in the delay. So that is very positive for a certain number of areas, in France, and even in the French Overseas Territories, which have a significant proportion of international customers.

Another point that I wanted to share with you, which I found quite cool, is to see the evolution. For now, we have seen the international development in France. Now, we will look together at the evolution of the French in France. And so here you have, in fact, the number of nights sold. So, here, these are the market nights sold, and then here, this is the number of non-market nights. We don't really care about non-commercial nights, it's just everyone who goes to sleep at their daughter's or a friend's house. What interests us are commercial nights. And in fact, what we see is that in September, the French customers who travel to France have also evolved significantly, and even compared to 2019. It's quite astonishing. I admit to you that I looked twice at the thing and said to myself: “But I’m wrong, it’s not possible! » I told myself that. I told myself that I was wrong, that I must not understand the picture. By looking at it, I think I have understood it well, that is to say that here, we see that from January to September, we had a French clientele traveling to France which was 14% lower compared to to what we had in 2019. And there, excellent news, for the third quarter, we see that overall, we have + 7%, that is to say that compared to 2019 without pandemic, in the third quarter of 2021 , the French traveled 7% more. We sold more commercial nights by 7%. And there, you will tell me: “Yes, but Élise, in the summer, we know very well, no one could go abroad, so it’s normal that it boosted. " I agree with you. On the other hand, when we look at the detail of September, there we no longer have any story of school holidays, it is really only people who travel for work or for other reasons, but that is not not just summer vacations, well, we also have this excellent trend with +11 8% compared to n-2, that is to say compared to 2019. So, really, I have also found it super interesting to watch to say: “We have a huge trend”, I think that the word “huge” is not excessive, of increase, in the volume of travel by French people to France. And that's also a very good perspective, because that's what the study says, French customers traveling to France have a particularly affinity for short stays. And that obviously helps us a lot.

Another fascinating table that I wanted to show you was to look at what types of locations the French appreciate, what types of locations the French will want, or have reserved more. So here, we see, over the whole year, it's a little different September, but I'm going to suggest that we look at the whole year, we see that we have the mountain zone, excluding resorts, rather countryside , which is growing. This is perhaps an epiphenomenon, but if we look more generally, we see that in fact, it is the mountain resort areas which have suffered the most with a 32% shrinkage for the urban part, therefore, a reduction. compared to 2019 in terms of sales volume, and the part outside the resort, but rather rural, also -30%. Now, those who suffered the least from this decline over the year compared to 2019, it will really be the coastal zone, so everything that is by the sea. We only have in quotes -5 7% and - 5 4%, so it's not bad, in addition to a second type of zone, it's all the urban cities outside Paris and neighboring municipalities, which, too, have resisted quite a bit with trends that are are relatively maintained, we only have -6% reduction in sales volumes. Moreover, in passing, we can see that Paris is really the area which has suffered the most, for obvious reasons linked to both business customers and international customers. Paris, obviously, is enormously boosted by the international clientele which represents an enormous weight of travelers who travel to Paris, so there, if we come back to air traffic, we understand straight away. Without traffic, no travelers, and what's more, we all know all the travel arrangements, so this obviously caused Paris to suffer enormously. That's why.

Another point that is interesting is to see how the short duration fared. That, moreover, if you don't know, is AIRDNA ​​data which is used by Atout France. So, it's quite interesting. What we see is that as a first nice indicator, we are told, in France, what the evolution of the volume of offers has been; Were there really a lot more Airbnb ads posted this year compared to 2020, and compared to 2019? So I found this first information very interesting. Across France, what we see is that overall, compared to 2020, there are +10% announcements or nights available. So that’s interesting. This means that after a period of withdrawal, in 2020, where everyone disengaged from the short term, we have a real trend of recovery. We see it, it's true, in certain cities, recovery trends like that on the volume of competitors in the short term. On the other hand, we have still not returned to the level of announcements that there was in 2019. We are still, compared to 2019, at -3% in relation to the volume of announcements.

Now, in terms of demand, this is where it's also nice, the volume of overnight reservations, it is therefore 38% higher, but it is also 9% higher compared to 2019. And if we look at the occupancy rate is +5.5% for the whole of France compared to 2019, therefore a plus 5.5% occupancy rate for the short term compared to 2019. And where what I tell you What's interesting is that we're going to put it into perspective with hoteliers. It's true that we see that for our hotelier friends, unfortunately, the picture is not as rosy. We have the correct statistics here, and in fact, we see that for hoteliers, in the mainland France part, compared to n-2, well, for them, in terms of occupancy rate, it was more like -10 % occupancy, when we are minus +5.5%. So, -10.6% for hoteliers, and we are rather at +5.5% occupancy. And this is where we see very clearly, the figures do not lie, today, in fact, in a short period of time, this corroborates with the recent announcements, I don't know if you have seen my video on this subject, the recent announcements from Airbnb which show that the ways of traveling are different, that the pandemic has changed us profoundly, in fact, in particular in the way we envisage the place of life, the place of work, the place of vacation. And there, we see it very clearly, in fact. We see very clearly that in fact, the new uses will consist of being in a perhaps larger space, which allows us to recreate a sort of new home, which allows us to work peacefully with our family, potentially, a space which also allows you to cook, and also to remain in privacy with all the fears that these notions of a virus may have created in people. So, really, I found it magical, because people say so, but it was the first time that I could really confirm that in the figures, to say: “We see, the short duration, in occupancy rate, there is a 15% gap in filling, between hoteliers who have less than 10% filling, and us who have more than 5% filling. » So there, it’s obvious. We don't wish misfortune on hoteliers, but it's true that for us, it's obviously extremely comfortable to be in line with the new needs of travelers, and to say to ourselves that we will more than ever be able to respond to their desires, and provide them with the solution they will need tomorrow. So that's great.

Another thing, to finish with that, that I wanted to share with you, it concerns the air. Feel free to watch, if you wish. The last thing I wanted to share with you, which I found super interesting on this economic situation note, is the travel intentions in France. In fact, they are doing a quantitative survey that allows people to answer a questionnaire. They did this at the beginning of November with the French market, but also other European countries to ask them: “Do you have any travel intentions in the near future?” If so, is it in France? » And so, there, we see that on the different countries, so there, you have the United Kingdom, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, and the United States, you already see that the Travel intentions are quite important. We see that there is a significant percentage of people who say they are considering a leisure trip. Moreover, we see it, and this is where we sense people's optimism, in fact, about our ability to resume a perhaps somewhat normal life, even if the word could be open to debate. In any case, here, we feel people's optimism, because we can clearly see that travel intention has increased for all countries compared to the same date in 2020. So, there we are, we are all in this perspective of saying: “That’s it, we’re on the right track. Maybe we'll end up being able to travel somewhat normally again, maybe we'll end up finding all that again. »And you can feel that in the questionnaire, so for us, it's also very important to know that, to prepare for that, too. And we see that travel intentions in France are not trivial either. In Belgium, there are still 40% of people who plan, among those who want to travel, to come to France. So, it's really, really important. If you are also close to a neighboring country, if you are also close to an area bordering other countries, or if you are used to having customers from certain origins, for example, there In cities like Bayeux where we have a lot of customers from the United States, this is good news for you, because obviously, there, for example, we see that in the United States, there are 84% of people who intend to travel, and there are 31% who would not be against coming to France. So, it’s really super positive.

I would still end with my little disclaimer, that is to say that all that I have shared with you are studies which took place in November, so obviously, we have here the risk of the latest variant which arrived , and which can allow us to question certain aspects. Now, as you see, the government is taking care – I hope it lasts – not to shake things up too much, it really seems like it, not to impose too much confinement or that sort of thing. Nothing happens over Christmas and New Year, and let's hope nothing happens early next year either. And besides, I didn't want to show it, but there is also an economic index that I could have shown on the very last page, which is called the synthetic indicator of the business climate in services. And in fact, we see that after a huge fall, we have already returned to a business climate indicator similar to 2019. So, I think that the government, even if I do not do politics, and I am not no longer an economist, but from my little window, I want to say that the government obviously sees all these trends of economic recovery, and wishes to protect that. So, it can be an avenue of confidence for us to say that with these statistics which are provided to us by Atout France, and take the bet that the government will try to protect economic activity, well, we can 'expect 2022 which will probably be a year of recovery. To say that we will have exactly the same trends as in 2019, I think that would be a little ambitious, but we can still say, in my opinion, that the trend of improvement will continue, and that , it's still super positive to hear, and it's nice. So I wanted to share it with you today, I think it's great news.

Don't hesitate to tell me if you have any questions about all of this. It was perhaps a little technical today, it's true. It was perhaps a little technical, with graphs, but I am convinced that, as entrepreneurs, we must have this information, that we must consider it. So, I hope you enjoyed talking about all these things, perhaps a little different from the subjects we usually discuss. I'm going to get back to the message thread. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me, even if it does not necessarily concern Atout France statistics.

− Hello Marie-Jo. Welcome.

− Hello to you. Welcome.

Wait, I can't display the questions anymore.

− Hello, Alan, welcome.

We have someone posting a weird message.

− Julien tells me: “I'm empty in LCD in Saint-Cloud this week. It's hot. There are 247 properties available in my city at this time. »

So, that means that you are right to be interested in these revenue management topics, that is to say that more than ever, you need to be offensive about your revenue management strategy. There are two options: either there is really no request, and in which case, it is AIRDNA ​​which will be able to answer you on that, or there is no request, and in which case, you must position yourself relatively attractive way, but without going to sell the prices lower than the others, it is of no use, now, if there is still a demand to capture, try to understand why you are not don't catch it. Is it a question of price? Is it a question of length of stay? Is it a question of cancellation conditions which are prohibitive for travelers, and which form a sort of inconvenience to your announcement? Did you use the boosters correctly on booking? There are plenty of things to look at to make sure your strategy is as sharp as possible, and make sure you get all the possible reservations, even if there are few requests. Let at least, the few requests that there are, she come to your house.

− “Very interesting. Thank you, Elise.”

I thank you. Thank you. I really enjoyed reading about it, actually, and I said to myself that I really need to tell you about it. I have read this economic situation note. I spoke to you about the event which took place a few weeks ago, and as a result, I had the chance to speak in a round table organized by AIRDNA, and in this context, I had the chance to meet Alain Desprez, who is an economist, I hope not to undermine his profession, economist at Atout France, who spoke to me about these economic notes. And I said to myself: “But it’s super interesting!” "I absolutely have to talk about it", because I think it's the duty of all of us to look at that, in fact, to keep a vigilant and sharp eye on it, because really, it can bring us lots of macro perspectives. In fact, it really allows us to get out of the mini microphone of our own apartments, and to have a sharp vision of the economic climate in which we operate, and of the optimism of travelers, to know a little about what will happen to us on the months or year to come. That's why it really seems very interesting to me. It also helps us all to move up a level in our expertise, our knowledge of our field of activity.

− Jordan Alice tells me: “Very interesting and very encouraging for 2022. Thank you, Élise”.

Great. Listen, with pleasure.

− Julien said to me: “Thank you for your content”.

With great pleasure.

So, I told you that I would talk to you about what will happen in 2022. What is happening in 2022? Look, I thought about it, guys, and I said to myself that I actually want to start a challenge. I will give everything to succeed. I don't know if I will succeed. Honestly, I'll give it my all, friends, I promise. It's true that I have a lot of positive feedback on the YouTube channel. I have a lot of people who come to me and say: “Thank you for your content, it teaches me a lot of things. I love learning stuff.” And so, I said to myself: “OK, at some point, if we do something that pleases the people we want to help on a daily basis, then we have to give it our all. » It gives me pleasure to put my energy, or even to duplicate the energy that I put into something if I know that in fact, it will help you, because that's what motivates me to say to myself: “Okay. There, we put energy into something that changes people’s lives.” I'm not saying that J'poster Complet's YouTube videos will change your life, but at least that they give you something extra, that they help you become the entrepreneur you want to become. So, I said to myself: “Élise, we should challenge ourselves to make a video a day. " Yes yes ! One video a day, I said that. So, I'm challenging myself in 2022 to make one video a day, guys. I say it jokingly, because I say to myself: “Damn, what trouble have I gotten myself into? » But honestly, I find it really cool. I really want to challenge myself, and I really want to do it. So, that means that it changes things a little for the live part. I don't want to stop the Lives, because honestly, I'm going to miss you guys; The truth is, I'm going to miss you. Frankly, I like this moment when we get together, when I answer your questions, etc. Now, what I'm going to suggest to you, because it's already going to be an absolutely colossal job to make one video a day, that's why I'm going to start working on it at the end of December. that, because I have to be ready to face it. So, I still want to maintain a Live, and it will be, I think, the Tuesday live at noon. I noticed that it was easier for you to join me live on Tuesday at noon, rather than on Thursday at noon; I don't know why, but I noticed that. So, what I'm offering you is in 2022... So, today, it's going to be the last video, apart from Sunday, but it's going to be the last video of the year. In 2022, we meet for a video every day, these are recorded videos. There will also, always, be my interview videos with clients or partners, obviously, plus a live broadcast on Tuesday at noon. We will meet like this once a week all together to talk about a current subject, and above all to debate together, that you ask me your questions, that we stay in touch, that we do not lose sight of each other , and that we can keep these small spaces of communication that I find really valuable.

I'm taking this opportunity, without being ultra corny, but it's close to my heart, to thank you for your loyalty throughout this year 2021. The year 2021 was a really huge upheaval for J'poster Complet. We started with a very small team, we finished the year with six of us. Regarding our service provision, we started with five clients, we ended the year with 30 clients. It was a colorful year, it was a tough year, physically, I must say; a year where I didn't sleep much, but frankly, I don't regret anything, and above all I have so much gratitude, in fact, towards the team I'm showing Full. I'm so lucky to work with all of them, they're amazing. Besides, in 2022, I'm going to try to make more videos with them so that you can also meet them, and so that it's not just the face of Élise Ripoche on the YouTube channel. So, I really have infinite gratitude for them, and I also have infinite gratitude for our clients who trust us, and who frankly very frequently give us positive feedback on our work. It's extremely satisfying to realize that we are, in fact, changing the situation in their business as business leaders, or as owners, seasonal rental companies; and then infinite gratitude for you, too, who follow us every day on the YouTube channel, watching Lives with us, participating. Just the fact of being there, even if you didn't subscribe to anything with J'poster Complet, even if you didn't buy anything from us, just being there with us on the Lives, we exchange together, we talk about this profession that fascinates us, we talk about the best tips, we talk about all that, my God, but what luck! How lucky we are to have you!

So, listen, this is what I wanted to share with you to close out this year 2021. Once again, thank you. I say it on purpose at the end of the video, because I tell myself that at the end of the video, it will only affect those who are still there at this stage of the live, or even those who will watch the video until the end . And I know that it will reach the right people. It will be aimed at the people who are the most diligent, the most loyal to our content, and I find that really great. So, there you have it. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart to all of you, and I will be really happy to see you again in 2022. So there you have it, until then, I say take care of yourself. I wish you to be able to spend the end of year holidays with the people who are dear to you, to be able to enjoy them, and we will definitely see each other at the beginning of 2022 with this challenge. Support me, friends, with this one video a day challenge, so that I can really try to continue to help you even more, to bring you even more value, more content, and to be with you in everything That. So. Lots of good things, and I'm telling you, see you in 2022. See you.

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